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Next WWE Championship contender?

Moe Hunter

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The Brian Kendrick is set to face Triple H at Unforgiven according to the latest SD! results. What do people think about this? I really dig what they've been doing with Kendrick, and have liked him since he first showed up all those years ago... but it feels like he hasn't really built his way up to a title shot yet, and Triple H is pretty bad at making guys like him look good... Actually, the last time they were in the ring together, Triple H was on a squashing rampage. It wasn't enough that he was obliterating Carlito and Umaga every week, but when London & Kendrick came out to help, he pedigreed them too.
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Except Kendrick isn't the only person he's defending against. It'll be Triple H vs. Kendrick vs. MVP vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jeff Hardy in yet another Championship Scramble match. Source: prowrestling.com Still, Kendrick isn't ready yet, in my eyes.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;482835]Kendricks new gimmick pretty much sucks. I don't know who they are trying to make him look/act like, but he reminds me of a very bad Flair wannabe on drugs.[/QUOTE] Much more reminiscent of Brian Pillman IMO.
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I dig the Kendrick. I see a re-incarnation of Diesel and Shawn. PS Kendrick did train under Shawn. I am a bit giddy for this match because I think the title is going to change hand sin one of the two scramble matches and I have a sneaking suspicion it will be the SD! match. I think it may be MVP's time and then he and Hardy feud for the belt. Maybe somebody will cost H the match and that will be his next feud. Orton return?
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[QUOTE=BIGJOSH;482843]Much more reminiscent of Brian Pillman IMO.[/QUOTE] He looks totally lost, and seems to have to "remember" to do certain things (Like Strut, put the jacket off his shoulder a bit)... Just looks forced, uncomfortable, awkward, and he looks totally off balance the whole time he's doing it. Like watching someone that can't dance, dance... you know, they are bouncing all over the floor, but it's a slow song and they aren't even close to being on beat anyways.
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I'm kind of torn. I mean, on the one hand, the fact that [I]The[/I] Kendrick is getting a sniff of the world title is awesome, in my view, especially since he was classified as a tag team wrestler for so long. Which means, in the WWE, that they had nothing for him, and just hoped the team worked out. On the other hand, his biggest match to this point, as this new persona, was Jimmy Wang Yang, I think. It's such a monumental jump, without giving him the time necessary to really develop who he is. Yes, he's a jerk, yes he has an ego ... so? I like Kendrick, a lot, and deep down, I'm glad that someone sees the potential in him to give him the opportunity, I just don't think it should have happened already. Unless he's just the body fodder so everyone else can be world champ for 3 minutes at a clip, after beating him relentlessly.
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I'm totally digging The Brian Kendrick, so.... Pleased. The guy still needs more time to settle into the role, and he needs someone writing better promo's, but all in all he's one of my favourite characters on Smackdown. The finish to the Stevie Richards match, where Stevie kicked him off of the apron, and Big Zeke caught him... I squealed with joy. I love Big Zeke. He just looks [I]blank[/I], as though he's seen horrible, horrible things, and would have no problem murdering you in the ring, because it's childsplay compared to the horrors he's seen. So all in all, cool. I'll agree it's a bit early, considering his opponents have all been on the lower end of the Smackdown card, but I'm looking forward to it. I'll be cheering on Jeff, but in the back of my mind I'll be marking out fanboy style whenever The Brian Kendrick gets some offense in.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;482889]He looks totally lost, and seems to have to "remember" to do certain things (Like Strut, put the jacket off his shoulder a bit)... Just looks forced, uncomfortable, awkward, and he looks totally off balance the whole time he's doing it. Like watching someone that can't dance, dance... you know, they are bouncing all over the floor, but it's a slow song and they aren't even close to being on beat anyways.[/QUOTE] I'm with you on this one too dj- It's like he has to think "Act like I'm arrogant" in his head to try it, and it just seems egregiously bad to me. I dunno though, seems like more people like it than don't.
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Surprised they haven't put Koslov in there with the way he's been used. And I wouldn't have minded, at least he has more buildup. Kendrick is talented of course but just looks like an idiot at the moment, and I can't understand why they've put him in this, it's not even like the gimmick's getting over. It's all way too forced, there was no time nor reason for the change beyond "he's always been an *******" in the first place, and it's just really, really bad. I find this dual title match main event **** interesting though...nothing real personal so it opens up the door for HBK/Jericho to main event the show. :cool:
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Hmm. I guess they're going to continue the slow, steady build of Koslov. That's good. I'm loving how he's bulldozing through every face on the roster... and Domino. I'm not a fan of the "[I]He's always been a jerk[/I]." retcon either. I'd have far preferred a natural build. Picture this, it's the first Smackdown after the draft... A crew member runs to the ring, handing Justin Roberts a note, which he reads to the audience. "[I]Ladies & Gentlemen, allow me to introduce the biggest pick in this year's draft, the most anticipated acquisition in Smackdown histroy; [/I]The[I] Brian Kendrick[/I]." Kendrick comes out, no bodyguard, no jacket, smiling and waving while the crowd, expecting Triple H or Jeff, are confused and irritated. Most probably didn't check out the supplemental draft anyway. He gets the microphone, completely marks out about himself, how this is a new era, how he's glad to not be saddled with Paul London, and asking for the audience to please restrain themselves. Look but don't touch. Smiling. Happy. Convinced he's the greatest babyface in the history of everything. Cue Jimmy Wang Yang's music. The Brian Kendrick cheats and hits The Kendrick. Win. Next week, backstage segment. The Brian Kendrick struts his stuff in his fancy new jacket. Cherry accidently knocks into him. "[I]Hey. Back off. I know you want a piece of me, but try to control yourself[/I]." Later on, another match, another circumstantial win. New week, swaggers to the ring. "You [I]fans can't control yourselves. I don't blame you, but I've had to hire someone to watch my back. You get out of hand, you'll have to answer to Big Zeke[/I]." Enter the hollow man, who helps him beat this week's jobber. Then slowly, as the fans turn on The Brian Kendrick, The Brian Kendrick turns on the fans. That being said, I dig The Brian Kendrick as he is now, I just feel the journey could have been better.
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Self, you need to be writing SD! for sure. I agree that he looks a little awkward and the build wasn't great, but really as far as "effort put into Kendrick", it's WAY above anything since that time he out-rapped Cena. I like the concept of the Time Limit Title match, it was always my favourite match in SD:SYM (at its peak - 30 minute max, 6 players). Hopefully Triple H drops to MVP or Jeff. Why is Benjamin in though? Did he lose the US Championship, or do they just not care about it? Either way it's a bizzare match, I mean you've got three solid high flyers, MVP who has a really good sort of all-round style and then Triple H... who's good and all, but I feel like he'll be by far the least exciting guy in the match the whole time.
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From what i understand about Kendrick new gimmicks is actuly a form of one he did in japan. He played Brian DiCaprio because the booker thought he looked like keanardo DiCaprio for some reason and it basicly the same gimmick.
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It feels like The Brian Kendrick is in this match strictly to take the last fall... I hope the 'creative' team plays with this a little bit. Someone gets a fluke pinfall (I'd almost buy Hardy; giving MVP a reason to keep going after him), and as tiem counts down, HHH hits The Pedigree on The Brian Kendrick, goes for the pin... and The Brian Kendrick kicks out at two-point-five. HHH is shocked that this little punk kicked out, and doesn't have enough time to re-pin him (only two seconds left or something), so HHH focuses on him for his title loss. Of course, The Brian Kendrick can't possibly win that feud, but it gives HHH something to do while Hardcy, MVP, and Shelton fight over the title... especially if The Brian Kendrick keeps bringing in more bodyguards.
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[QUOTE=Mtm2k6;482946]Even The Kendrick getting the title for about one second in the match woud be a huge achievement![/QUOTE] The only thing is that this will totally water down things for the future. If the different title wins will count as legitimate reigns as they did with the hardcore title at WM 2000, then that means that we could see multiple first time champions. Granted, that makes for an interesting match in the short term, but it would be stupid to give away Jeff Hardy for instance winning the big one during the match only for him to lose it again in a matter of moments. That's completely undermining a significant possible Wrestlemania moment by giving that away.
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[QUOTE]WWE announced the following rules for the Unforgiven 5-man Scramble match on the WWE Fan Nation site: * The match has a 20-minute time limit. The champion and a randomly selected challenger will start the match, with a new challenger entering the match every five minutes. * If a Superstar scores a pinfall or submission on any other Superstar in the match, he is declared the "temporary" champion for match purposes (and is not officially recognized as champion in the title history). He holds that designation until another Superstar scores a subsequent pinfall or submission on any other Superstar.[/QUOTE] Idea sounds a little less convaluted than the way Adamle explained it.
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