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Diary Writing Tips

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I wouldn't mind. Might make things a little more interesting, although depending on what size promotion you're using, things could get broken. I think you'd be safe though. If the story is good, if the diary itself is interesting, people will read and enjoy.
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[QUOTE=Self;671633]I wouldn't mind. Might make things a little more interesting, although depending on what size promotion you're using, things could get broken. I think you'd be safe though. If the story is good, if the diary itself is interesting, people will read and enjoy.[/QUOTE] I'd be using a regional at best, so it's not as if I'd be stealing megastars from all over the globe.. I'll consider it :)
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I don't generally like dynasties with the restrictions turned off, but it would depend on the dynasty i guess. Someone did an ROF diary a while back with no restrictions, and it was kinda meh. There was nothing wrong with the writing or booking or anything, it just seemed... too easy for him. :p Made it seem like ROF wasn't really ROF any more, it could've been any performance-based company, anywhere. I think it depends on WHY the restrictions are being turned off, really. If it reduces the difficulty (like with a British or European fed), then that'd probably turn me off a bit. But if it was just to add a bit of variety to an otherwise 'normal' game, then I guess that'd be ok. But that's just my opinion obviously.
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/nod at D-lyrium. As it was pointed out with the FCK diary earlier, it's fine as long as you compensate for it. If you're bringing together all these workers who don't normally work together, you have to do something with them. Don't bring in workers from all around the world and then just make them cookie cutter carbon copies of each other (or other workers that DO work in the area). You have to ask yourself while you're envisioning your storylines: Are these people replacable? I.e. say you bring over Keith Adams, the Steve Flash of the UK and throw him into a classic "face chasing heel title" storyline. Is there anything unique about Keith Adams in the storyline, or did you just bring him over because he has higher stats then other locals you could afford? FCK worked because the people Self brought together were unique. Although they stayed true to their own characters, how many times do you get to see the Stones feuding with the DeColts?
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Yeah, I think I remember that ROF diary that just grabbed talent from all over the world. I was going to look at CZCW and bring in some Australian workers that I'm familiar with that would work over there - but am now re-considering. Thanks for the measured advice, it is appreciated.
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[QUOTE=Self;671657]I think there's a USPW diary that's bringing in a DeColt & a Stone for a few matches... He's gonna have a Stone vs DeColt match before I do... Grr.[/QUOTE] If someone else has done it first, Self, you just need to make sure you do it better!
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I know it's been mentioned before, but I don't think it can be emphasised enough. Unless you're an experienced diary writer, make sure you have a TON of stuff written before you post your first write up. It's really easy to get all excited about an idea and do an awesome opening backstory and first couple of shows, but eventually you'll reach the end of your prepared idea, and from what I can tell, that's when most beginning diaries crumble and fail, right after the first major story arc. You have to always be thinking about the big picture, answering the question "where do I go next?" And you know what, there's no reason why you can't have a short-term diary, one only built around one story arc, but if you're going to do that, it helps to know that before hand so you can prepare the reader while wrapping up those loose threads. mistakens' diary "Money to burn" is an example of this. Although not a "short term" diary as it's planned on having a ton of shows, he specified up front the end of the diary, he stated his objective so that when that happens the reader knows it's reaching the end, and the writer has time to prepare the ending. Anyway, even if you don't have stuff prepared, make sure to always be thinking about what happens next. It's very easy to be caught up in the excitement of your current story arc, but you have to keep your eyes on the road ahead and have plans for what to do next. And I wouldn't rely to heavily on "I'll have it figured out when I get there" because if you keep putting it off, eventually you reach that point and realize that you have no idea where to go. That's when diaries die.
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My Tag Team League dynasty was basically no restrictions and seemed to go over pretty well while it lasted. But I got bogged down with the details and the writing started to feel more like work than fun. Still trying to come up with a format that I like that doesn't seem like such a chore to me... maybe a graphics-lite dynasty is in my future.
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[QUOTE=Purple Cowboy;673465]My Tag Team League dynasty was basically no restrictions and seemed to go over pretty well while it lasted. But I got bogged down with the details and the writing started to feel more like work than fun. Still trying to come up with a format that I like that doesn't seem like such a chore to me... maybe a graphics-lite dynasty is in my future.[/QUOTE] Graphics can be fun, however, if they impeed upon the creative process (instead of enhancing) then it's best to just leave them out... or... at least doing it very lightly. That's how it was in my X-WA diary. I was creating too many banners for shows and I found myself becoming boggled down as well with too many images. I say go with your writing... If you feel like an image or two is great. Then go for it. However, in the end, it's more about your booking/writing than what images you use! best of luck!
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  • 5 weeks later...
Ok this was some advise I was asked for in PM mode and it kinda turned into a rant so I thought I would edit it as it might help others. General possible order of writing a diary: 1. What are my goals: who or what do I want to highlight, what do I want to change and/or remain the same etc etc 2. How do I achieve these goals: Who do I hire/fire, who or what gets more screen time and or wins etc Now come the tricky parts: 3. How do I present this storyline wise. Many options here and mainly up to you but you can't just hire people and have them wrestle and get more angle time without rime or reason if you want to make something or someone more prominent. Or have say an unknown but favorite indy wrestler debut with a win over an established star. It's effective but detracts from reading pleasure. 4. How do I do this in a "realistic" way and without compromising show grades. Realistic as in slowly and over time change the focus, step by step as you take people away from what the product is now and towards how you see it. At the same time especially you need results because your mains stars may not resign or be stolen because you can't offer written also without family connections or loyalty they won't resign or stay if offered other contracts. The realistic part of course pertains to real world promotions. But in a sense to C-Verse ones as far as product goes. For a well explained and executed change in the C-Verse check Eisenverse's upping of realism and lowering of comedy in PSW. 5. Presentation. Generally a speed vs. frills argument. Do you want to do pictures, intro's, fully written out angles and/or long match write ups or do you want to get on with the story. Important for this is know your strengths. For instance some can write an angle quite quickly while having a hard time keeping a match short and still be satisfied and they take more time writing one. Others love to write extensive match reports or are very good at writing good but at the same time short ones. So know what comes easier/ is more fun to you can be very important. In general the story one is trying to tell is the most important thing so angles should be more worked out and in matches highlight what pertains to the story. General practice is also less for TV and all out for PPV. 6. Work ahead, take notes of runs ins/chemistry/skill improvement/off night/match type etc, name your angles for what they do as reminders, READ, READ, READ the more experienced/respected writers on the boards. Past winners and nominees for Diary Of The Month both real world and C-Verse and even some rookies can really help you find your style and see what works. Also this thread is great! It will ad to and explain better some of the things I wrote here. 7. Do it for yourself and enjoy! Especially as a new writer and doubly as a Real World writer don't expect many comments, predictions etc especially in the early stages of the diary. As long as it is getting views you will know people are reading. So do it for yourself first and foremost and if you feel it is getting to be a chore first take a breather and step back for a while to recharge and re evaluate. If you still don't like it there is no shame in closing it. Just for the love of Adam don't start multiple diaries one after the other, take some time in between them and analyse what went wrong for you. Dynasty writing isn't for everyone so there is no shame in stopping if you notice it just isn't your cup of tea. Hope this helps and I know there is a lot more to it then this and much of it has already been said but then just treat it like a bump as it needed it hehe.
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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
I was going to post this in Wrestling Century's "Should I start a Diary" thread, but since he actually started said diary, I figured I'd post it here. And this isn't meant to be a slight against him, but more a general thought that comes to me everytime I see a "should I start a diary" or "what promotion should I use" thread... I've never liked those types of threads. The simple reason why is that I think having a story to tell is an important aspect to any diary. It may not be essential to creating a good diary, but I do think it very much helps. Many of the best-regarded diaries on the board here clearly started out with a set story that the writer wanted to tell. I know from experience that its a great help in keeping a diary going throught those rough patches that will inevitably happen. I'm not going to claim that a diary can't be good even if the writer starts it without a story they want to tell. Or that its impossible to find your story as you go. All definitely possible. Having a fantastic, well-considered, and even brilliant story won't necessary mean your diary will be good, well-received, or lengthy. But I do believe it helps. So when I see those threads of writers or potential writers asking readers what they want to see, I can't help but think that they are not starting a new project (or considering doing so) with some story in mind, but moreso just the "hey, I want to do a project!". Its not wrong, but I just don't know that it works that well in most cases... It just seems like its far more difficult to make a successful diary with the pre-work and planning being put in, and having that "story" is part of that... Just a thought...
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[QUOTE=praguepride;759453]But is it time for a.... [FONT="Fixedsys"][B][SIZE="6"]SICK BUMP!!![/SIZE][/B][/FONT] no...not yet? too soon? :([/QUOTE] I hereby declare that all future references to sick bumps use this font and size. And no less than three exclamation marks
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;759912]I was going to post this in Wrestling Century's "Should I start a Diary" thread, but since he actually started said diary, I figured I'd post it here. And this isn't meant to be a slight against him, but more a general thought that comes to me everytime I see a "should I start a diary" or "what promotion should I use" thread... I've never liked those types of threads. The simple reason why is that I think having a story to tell is an important aspect to any diary. It may not be essential to creating a good diary, but I do think it very much helps. Many of the best-regarded diaries on the board here clearly started out with a set story that the writer wanted to tell. I know from experience that its a great help in keeping a diary going throught those rough patches that will inevitably happen. I'm not going to claim that a diary can't be good even if the writer starts it without a story they want to tell. Or that its impossible to find your story as you go. All definitely possible. Having a fantastic, well-considered, and even brilliant story won't necessary mean your diary will be good, well-received, or lengthy. But I do believe it helps. So when I see those threads of writers or potential writers asking readers what they want to see, I can't help but think that they are not starting a new project (or considering doing so) with some story in mind, but moreso just the "hey, I want to do a project!". Its not wrong, but I just don't know that it works that well in most cases... It just seems like its far more difficult to make a successful diary with the pre-work and planning being put in, and having that "story" is part of that... Just a thought...[/QUOTE] Piggybacking... From experience, it's best to start any TEW game with a bit of a direction. Whether its 'get to national' or 'super push Ricky DeColt' something, ANYTHING is better than a 'meh' game.
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[QUOTE=crayon;759974]I hereby declare that all future references to sick bumps use this font and size. And no less than three exclamation marks[/QUOTE] [FONT="Fixedsys"]On another forum I go to, Fixedsys is known as The Font of Hate. [COLOR="Magenta"]Adding magenta turns it into The Font of Sarcasm.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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  • 1 month later...
I'm kinda sad that I left the forum and missed out on this thread, because the advice provided is useful even if a game is just for fun and not a dynasty (back in the day we called them diaries lol). In this thread is the reasoning for why every dynasty, and perhaps even every game of TEW, that I have done has ended. I really look forward to starting off TEWX with this abundence of advice giving wind to my sails. Thank you all who have contributed. Looking back at my old diaries from the last five years, I think I broke every rule of writing on this forum, and as many have suggested, I nominate this thread become stickied in they dynasty area for the new TEW, as a Ten Commandments of dynasty writing of sorts. I know Jim Cornette's blog has been brought up, but this particular article was not posted, and is fairly applicable to booking, and is worth the read for anyone who loves the business of wrestling, be them a smark, a mark, or something between. It can be found here [url]http://www.jimcornette.com/Commentary_04-24-2009.html[/url].
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