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The Official 'Post What You're Thinking' Thread


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I enjoy setting the piano/keyboard thing-a-ma-jig to the harpischord setting in my piano class. Harpischord's rock, and if I ever actually get around to putting my music together I'm definetly putting more focus on it than any sane man has ever attempted, right along side my bass... my guitar can be third fiddle. Hear that metalheads? I'm not making the focus of my eventual music my guitar!!! So in ten years, remember NOT to buy my album... if it exists by then. How about fifteen years? Don't buy it when its released fifteen years from now. Though I still need some guitar work in there... hell, even Depeche Mode use the occaisonal guitar. I'll definetly have more guitar work than Depeche Mode... as in almost every song. But the bass and harpischord demand true love. But not sexually. Fine, I admit it, I really do love my guitar(s). Depeche Mode rock, even today. They've managed to create their very own sound, which is something 99% of bands/artists fail to do. Not that there's anything wrong with building on a good thing. The Clash didn't invent the punk rock sound... didn't stop them from being beyond great. To deny The Clash's greatness would be as ignorant as believing Ron Paul will win the presidential election. Boobs. I wonder if anyone's ever played a harpischord with their boobs? I'm [I]probably[/I] going to fail at life and end up living under a bridge, frequently holding a sign that reads "Will Jump Infront of Traffic For Food. God Bless." Hey, you wanted to know what I was thinking... there you go, all my thoughts from the last minute summarized and thrown onto the webs.
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[QUOTE=mjdgoldeneye;500999]Here, I'll do it... :p[/QUOTE]Apparently, today is not my day to even attempt to communicate. Meant that to say that [b]I[/b] cut out the irrelevant parts. Some thoughts: -People are just rotten. Had some staff in the company I work for KNOWINGLY write bad checks to a client and cash them (our company provides care for the mentally disabled). I really hate humanity, sometimes. -The Blue Man Group is my new obsession. Saw their special on HDNet a week or so ago and it was awe-inspiring. I've been listening to the cd version of said performance pretty much nonstop. Good stuff. -Am I the only one that types "irrelevant" as "imarevant"? Yes? -Is that weird? -I'm getting paid pretty good money and I tend to just goof off on the internet all day. If I had more work to do, I'd do it! Honest! -Iron Man is out on dvd today. All is right with the world. EDITED THOUGHTS: -Editing on this board is still a foreign concept for me. I blame mafia. -I need to go find my Charlie Brown avatar. The Yahoo icon pleasuring the AOL icon is still funny, but has run its course I think.
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[quote=nZane;501005]-I need to go find my Charlie Brown avatar. The Yahoo icon pleasuring the AOL icon is still funny, but has run its course I think.[/quote] I'm honestly surprised you held onto it this long. The Yahoo-AOL merger rumor didn't have that long a shelf life. It is still a funny graphic though.
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Wow, she's hot! Looking under a microscope in a dark room for hours hurts my eyes! I'm hungry! I hope the write-up for night phase is up soon. I should do a write-up for the Jim Force dynasty. I wonder who the Giants are playing this weekend? Hmmm...if she lost 15...20 pounds of fat, she'd be hot! I hope my premium chocolate ice cream recipe turns out okay.
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Sick I am... Go to school I must tomorrow... Yes, I have the Yoda-speak disease... I'm still trying to get all aspect of Spore to function (the patch, the patcher, etc.) and now the forums won't work... It's almost like they're trying to develop a game where you start as a tiny programming flaw and slowly evolve into a worm or virus capable of destroying an entire network... :rolleyes: Ellipses...
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Kings of Leon are pretty cool...Should check them out Don't have to work :D Eating a kebab Spilled my heart out to a friend I really like and she decided we were fine the way we are...Which is good...I guess... :( Lots of laziness today....and tommorow....probably the next day too.... Wow...I organised my 3500 song itunes library so all songs have album art and have a valid album that they belong to....Jeez, how sad...
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