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Diary Preview Thread

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I sure hope there is interest in this. Or I guess my mini-diary idea is going to be screwed.


Do tell what promotion you are going to use so that I don't end up with the same promotion? :o


I've been thinking of doing the 'Guide' diary with three promotions actually. One which has a popularity biased product, the other performance bias and the third one with equally biased. Is this a good idea or should I just go with one promotion? Or two, one performance biased and one popularity biased..


I thought that if I'm going to do this I should cover all areas of the game such as different products and how to book different promotions with different products :cool:

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Do tell what promotion you are going to use so that I don't end up with the same promotion? :o


I've been thinking of doing the 'Guide' diary with three promotions actually. One which has a popularity biased product, the other performance bias and the third one with equally biased. Is this a good idea or should I just go with one promotion? Or two, one performance biased and one popularity biased..


I thought that if I'm going to do this I should cover all areas of the game such as different products and how to book different promotions with different products :cool:


So far I am starting off with a created 0/0/0 promotion based in Canada, a small "bonus" micro diary in which I cover how to run a one day tournament with MAW, and am currently in the process of running NYCW (though I'm not sure if the end point of that "chapter" is going to be right now). I plan on running a Regional fed that is at the point where they need to expand, a Cult promotion (almost a lock to be HGC since I created updated titles for them), and a National+ promotion.


My diary is going to be a hybrid of a semi-interactive guide and traditional diary, so I don't think our diaries with clash too much in theme. As for doing the same promotion, I don't think that it is a problem. It's always good to see promotions from multiple perspectives.

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Since I'm been beating around the bush for the past day or so...




I hope I'll be seeing you next semester.


A cookie for the first person who can correctly guess where I got the name from.

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Pure example, I recall a situation where a month or two after 08 was released, I sent a PM to TrekkieMonsta and you, FIN, regarding your booking strategies. I was playing a game with PGHW and was getting awful ratings for PGHW. You and Trekkie were getting fantastic ratings with WEXXV and WLW respectively. Based on the advise you both gave me regarding match placement and road agent notes, I saw improvements in my own game. I think somebody putting the "behind the scenes" of how they play the game would be a great help to just about everybody on the boards (well, maybe not Remianen :cool:).


So, out of curiousity, what were their suggestions regarding match placement and road agent notes?:)

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So, out of curiousity, what were their suggestions regarding match placement and road agent notes?:)


Well, here's what TrekkieMonsta had to say:


As far as road agent notes go, I generally use Open match and Work the Crowd for all of my matches bar the main event, where I replace Work the Crowd with All Out Match.


And here's FINisher's take:


Actually the only road agent notes I use are deciding the winner and "all out", and sometimes "work the crowd" It seems to me that you are, in my opinion, focusing too much on the road agent notes. Here's what I do:


1. "Peaks and valleys". You know this thing, right? Good match, average match, good match, average match, good match, average match, great match, good match, awesome match, for example. Even with GCG and PGHW you have to keep the rollercoaster running as it seems to really boost the matches and especially main event.


And, in perfect timing, here's the link to the recently started PGHW Tip Thread, where I offer some more tips. If nobody else chimes in there soon, I may have to try coming up with some more.

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A learners diary would be awesome. I'm still very new to the game and i'd love a nutz and bolts kinda diary that gave good tips and advice for making the game more fun and enjoyable. I know that i second/third/whatever the idea for that FINisher. I got some really nice advice from James Casey's Dynasty when i asked there and it'd be really nice to see a full dynasty of it.



I know my game is better for reading the boards and if you do decided to do it that'd be awesome. I'd like to see abit more of the behind the scenes stuff/. So i'm for it and if you make it you've got a reader here.



hrdcoresidebrnsm I just checked out your posts for tips, nice stuff there.Always good to get something abit more concrete so i can see how things fall into place. I think i'll have to rework my 2 game saves in a few. Very cool.

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I'm going to start the dynasty, infact it's going to start tomorrow morning :) Here's the concept:


I'll be running two separate saves in the same diary: One with GCG, Golden Canvas Grappling (Pure Old School Wrestling) which is heavily biased on performance. The GCG part will concentrate on the match grades, how to read them (and your workers), developing wrestlers and creating your own stars etc..


The other save will be with WEXXV, Warrior Engine (25), (Garbage Wrestling), hardcore n' popularity biased product where the emphasis is on surviving financially, creating your own stars while maintaining a succesfull promotion and concentrating on the popularity bias system :)

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Lol I actually tried to incorparate something like that in my first ill fated TCW diary and I called it a Guide by Hyde if I remember correctly just covering random important topics about the game every so often. As the diary never went very far neither did the segments but still.


BTW Fin what will happen to Sage's Maze or will you incorperate GCG into it?

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Sage's Maze will be it's own diary and nothing's gonna happen to it :) I'll be doing the tutorial diary when I have done all my work for Sage's Maze and right now it's mistaken's part to do his thing actually but as I said in the thread he's been really busy with everything.. So patience! :)
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I've been pondering about starting up a TEW08 diary again, but havn't decided about which promotion to play with.


I wrote this up as the start for when its ready, but thought i would put it out there first to see what the reaction is


The Near Future


'It's been 6 hours already..' he thought.


The only way that he knew that was the watch slowly ticking away on his wrist. The room that he found himself in seemed to have an uncanny ability to slow time to a crawl. Originally painted white, the walls over time had become a dirty grey colour and the only pieces of furniture were an old desk and the steel chair that he currently sat on. In front of him was a wall to wall mirror and the whole room stank of stale cigarettes and coffee.


Staring into the mirror, he was apalled at how he looked. His usual slicked back hair seemed to have paniced and tried to go every direction at once. His normally pressed and iron suit was torn and soiled with something red.


He rubbed his wrists again and looked down at them, The red chafe marks were just beginning to fade however his head was still throbbing. He reached around the back and it felt wet and sticky and when he looked at his fingers, he saw his own blood.


To the side of him, he heard the sound of metal against metal and he turned to find a door being unlocked and a large man enter.


He looked at the large man to see if he had been one of the men that he had spoken to before but this was someone new. The men he had spoken to before had been well groomed, whereas this guy looked like he had slept in the shirt and trousers that he had been wearing. He stretched his arms above his head and showed off the sweat patches underneith. In his hands was a folder that he threw onto the desk spilling pages and photos out.


'So..' the large man said. 'Lets go through all off this again'


The large man took a selection of the pictures and arranged them on the table.


'Im Detective Wilson . Your Warren Andrews correct.. Living at no fixed abode as currently touring the country with the wrestling promotion {Promotion To Be Decided}'


'Thats right' Warren replied.


'I need you to look at these pictures very carefully.... Now i want you to tell us again, why exactly we found you next to the body of {Promotions Owner}...'


To Be Continued....

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Or my other choice of this


<table><tr> <td>




















</table>New York City Wrestling

<blockquote>Wrestling started becoming a real profession in the US around the 1960s, which is generally known as the "Traditional Era". Prior to this it had been little more than a sideshow attraction, but the 60s saw the emergence of several regional territories, with wrestlers travelling from promotion to promotion. It was hard for wrestlers to become real superstars, as they rarely stayed in one place long enough to really become dominant, but some carved out good reputations for themselves and earned great livings - amongst these were men like Dan Stone and George DeColt, who would later go on to be successful promoters. The major territories at this time included Championship Wrestling from Boston (run by Gene Plumelli), Dick The Devastator's All-American Florida Wrestling, the Tri-State area's American Pro Wrestling Federation, California Pro Wrestling (headed by Preston Holt), and the Texas Wrestling League.


The end of this situation began in around 1978, when a relatively new promotion called Supreme Wrestling Federation, under the leadership of a young promoter called Richard Eisen, began building up an impressive roster by offering long-term contracts to some of the most popular wrestlers, which was unheard of in those days. By 1980, SWF was able to put on wrestling's first pay-per-view event, which marked the beginning of the "Supreme Era". SWF became the national powerhouse, with clever marketing and showmanship making the smaller promotions look amateurish. By the mid 80s, almost all the regional promotions had been put out of business, and SWF was almost entirely dominant, with their headline wrestlers like Sam Strong and Rip Chord being national superstars.

April 1988:




<blockquote>Derek Bradford was not a happy man.


Derek had just come from a roster meeting with Dick The Devastator and Big Al Wallace - Owner and Head Booker of All American Florida Wrestling- and the news wasn't good. For a few years now, Supreme Wrestling Federation had been plundering the ranks of lesser promotions, but the last few months had seen half of AAFW's roster gone, with nobody really able to replace them. After some consideration, Dick had gone to Richard Eisen - Owner of SWF - and came away with a buyout offer.


For some, the offer was a ray of hope. The younger workers knew that SWF was their chance for the big time... A chance to show the world what their could do, and if the rumours were true, a TV deal was on the horizon and a chance to be beamed into the nations livingroom's was too good to pass up.


For the veterans of AAFW it would mark the end of the road. Eisen was known for using monster like wrestlers or young pretty boys who the girls would swoon over. There was no place there for an average looking, slightly balding 39 year old, especially one that had wrestled for the last four years as The Masked Mauler in AAFW.


So he had wished Dick and Al all the best and left AAFW behind him heading back to Poughkeepsie to get ready for life after wrestling.</blockquote>June 1988:




<blockquote>Two months had past since Derek had last wrestled professionally and he was beginning to feel the itch. He did sometimes spar with his friend and former AAFW road agent Adrian Lombardi, but the thought that he would never appear in front of a crowd again saddened him. A few weeks after his departure from AAFW, Derek had taken a job at a gymnasium and it was there when he was sparring with Lombardi that he met Ray 'The Crippler' Kingman.


The Crippler was a icon from the 1970's and 80's and was famous for his submission moves. He was on the lookout for somewhere for his 14 year old son Barry to train at and he wanted Derek to help.


Derek and The Crippler talked for a while about the state of wrestling at the moment and how smaller promotions were just fading away and giants like SWF were taking only what they wanted. Derek then let slip his dream of one day opening his own promotion, a place where traditional wrestling would be placed above all else, and The Crippler just smiled.


A few days after meeting The Crippler, they met again. This time The Crippler had an offer for him. He would have a word with some friends of his about getting some investors involved to create a local New York promotion.


With Derek Bradford at the helm and Adrian Lombardi helping out with road duties, New York City Wrestling was born...</blockquote>December 1994:

<blockquote>It had been 6 years since NYCW's debut, and while not really growing as large as Derek had envisioned, it was still big enough to draw in some former big names, such as SWF's Corporal Doom and Land Mass.


Around the Tri State area NYCW has beginning to get a reputation as a place where you could go and watch the good ol' days of wrestling, before the commercialisation and 10 minute angles of modern day shows, and a place where older workers could end their days with dignity.


However Derek wasn't that worried about NYCW. It was his friend that worried him. For the last few months, the health of Adrian Lombardi has been declining and Lomardi had been slowly grooming Corporal Doom to take over the book in the event of anything happening.


And happen it would.


Just after Christmas, Adrian Lombardi was rushed into hospital. Years of living on the road, drinking and smoking had taken its toll and the doctors claimed he had mere days to live. Derek spent every moment he could there waiting with his friend.


On the forth day after being admitted Lombardi beckoned Derek over.


'Derek my friend, together we have created something special. A haven for the aging veterans of wrestling. A place where legends go to die. Our own personal Valhalla. I want your word that you will carry on once i've gone. Never let go of your dream.'


'I promise' Derek replied.


Those were the last words Adrian Lombardi said. He died in the early hours of the morning. He was survived by his wife and son.


NYCW went into a period of mourning for one of its founding members, even to the point of changing the logo to a black background with the Empire State Building standing tall.</blockquote>September 1997:

<blockquote>New York was shocked to its core early 1997 with an earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter Scale. Sections of Brooklyn were reduced to rubble, but the biggest loss came when the Empire State Building came crashing down.


In the aftermath of the earthquake, New Yorkers came together in a mass wave of patriotism. Every store window carried an american flag, and almost all shows based in the Big Apple, held a New York special.


NYCW held a free show for the survivors of the earthquake, where the unveiled they new NYCW logo, unashamedly carrying an image of Lady Liberty herself. Derek Bradford, having been now nicknamed The Stomper by NYCW's locker room got back in the ring for his first professional match since Adrian Lombardi's death. Upon entering the ring, he walked over and touched each ringpost as a sign of respect for his friend.


'This ones for you Lombardi' The Stomper thought to himself.


He lost, but aged 40, you cant win them all.</blockquote>December 2007:

<blockquote>The Stomper couldn't believe it. 19 years on and NYCW was still going. Sure the lineup had completely changed but now he had a new lineup of veterans all ending their days with him such as Grandmaster Phunk; formally Danny B Bling from SWF. In place of Crippler Kingman was his son Barry, now 33 years old. While not the massive star that his father was, he had some success in 4C while on leave from NYCW.


While The Stomper made infrequent trips to the ring, his former alter-ego was a regular there. The Masked Mauler had made various debuts over the years and they had now settled upon William Franklyn; the sixth Mauler.


There was also a slowly growing youth movement in NYCW with the introduction of The New York Doll and Sammy The Shark. The youngsters were even making some of the older roster pick up their game a bit.


However the 58 year old Stomper was going tired. He had been managing the book for the last few years until Black Hat Bailey agreed to help out. However the 47 year old Bailey was making noise about heading to a bigger promotion and ending his days there leaving the book to The Stomper again.


It was something he doubted he had the energy for anymore. He headed back to Poughkeepsie to his house and took a stiff drink before his yearly ritual. The drive to the cemetery was always one of his most dreaded moments. He pondered over just what to say. He wanted to tell him that it was time to give up, hand NYCW over to somebody else, and retire. He was tired, and ached almost everyday.


He got out the car and pulled his coat collar up to try drive off the effects of the winter chill and strode towards the grave.


'13 years' he muttered to himself 'I cant believe its been so long'


He spent the next hour cleaning up the grave, before placing some flowers upon it.


'Adrian.. Give me a sign.. What should i do?'


A noise behind made The Stomper turn


'....Uncle Derek????'


Its the intro to my old NYCW diary that never really got going.. Im thinking of revamping the beginning a little (more cannonic) and perhaps restarting it

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{Okay, I've lurked some, I've read some. One thing I personally would like to try is a BSC Diary with a very simple concept. Namely the Player Avatar is a small time actor (or was a small time actor) who gets sucked into booking a card, and from there just gets wrapped up in the thing. I like this idea because it lets me start way at the bottom and fight my way up. If it goes well I plan to eventually leave BSC and strike out on my own.}



7:18pm, Friday, Week 1, January 2008: The Piper Casino


"Okay, calm down Sean. You've pulled stupider sh*t before. All you have to do is tell them the truth, and that you don't know squat about wrestling, let alone booking a wrestling show. I mean, it's not like you even volunteered. You were pretty much just thrown under the bus." I whispered to myself, leaning against the sink. I pulled out my pack and tapped one out. Unfortunately, my lighter also came out, and fell right into a urinal. I just sighed and leaned back.


*Knock* *Knock*


It was one of those bathrooms where there is no door, just a small curved hallway for privacy, so it wasn't a guy waiting for to use the john, and considering that I was the only guy in the bathroom, there was only one person that would bother knocking.


"Yea, Helen?" I called out. "What do you want?"


"I was just wondering if you would be coming out." She stammered slightly. I always found it cute how she got nervous whenever she asked for something, even when I absolutely dreaded what she was about to ask for. "I mean, it's okay if you don't want to, but Honey is locked in one of the back rooms and no one can find Marilyn or any notes. We need someone with some experience running things, and running a movie set can't be all that different from running a movie set, can it?"


The closest thing to running a movie set you've ever come to is that day when the guy who brings lunch didn't show up and you spent five hours running around trying to make sandwiches for a**holes that got pissed if their bread was on crooked! Some part of the back of my mind screamed at me. "What about Honey's friend, what's-her-name? Or doesn't your ref know a bit about wrestling? I mean, there has to be someone more qualified than me. Even one of you guys should know enough to be able to make it work." It wasn't that I didn't want to do it for her. I just knew that if I tried I was going to screw it up royally.


She paused for a moment, then took a deep breath before answering. "Sara is busy trying to get Honey to come out of the closet she locked herself in. Heather, our ref, won't be here for another five minutes. Her car broke down and she's walking here. And none of us really can because there has to be someone running the show, and none of us would trust the others to really run a fair show, 'cause even if we don't say 'Okay, I win everything' we're at least gonna mess it up by trying to give our friends something." There was a long pause before she stepped into the bathroom and leaned against the wall next to me. I really wanted to think of something else to argue with, but the bright pink fishnets she wore over her clingy white top and skin tight black leather pants pretty much blanked out my mind. She took my pack and the cigarette I was still holding with my lips, slid it back in, handed it to me and said "You know that's a nasty habit, right?"


"I know, I know, but I have to look the part if I'm going to book your shows, right?"


"Does that mean that you're going to do it?" Her face brightened up instantly.


"Of course, Helen. Or should I be calling you Coco for now? How could I say no to a face like this?" I asked, pinching her cheek. "Or even if I was that heartless, how could I say no to a body like this?" I moved my hand downward, but she just smacked it away.


"You don't get anything unless we put on a good show." she said turning to walk out of the bathroom.


"So, you guys are trying to get Honey to come out of the closet? I guess she's just like you." I said, tossing the pack into the urinal next to the lighter as I followed her out.



{Okay, as for the nitty gritty, I'm just using the default data, with my avatar added in. The only altering will before the first Friday will be adding a Simmering Tension relationship between Honey Golightly and Marilyn Stardust, a Dating Relation between Coco De La Soleil and my avatar (Sean Wolfe) and a Small 1 1/2 hour show on Friday. I think for a while I'm probably just gonna wing most of it.


Notes on my avatar: "Sean Wolfe is a 18 year old American male. He is an active Middleweight wrestler whose style is that of a entertainer. His popularity is currently rated as 'Virtually Unknown'. (F- Pop across the board).

He has an F/F- in all Rumbling, Flying or Technical skills except Hardcore (E-), He has a Mic skill of C+, Charisma B-, Acting B+, and Announcing E, C+ or above in all Physical skills, F- to F+ in all Performance skills except Consitency (B-), A* Reputation, F Respect, B- Sex Appeal and Star Quality, B- Intensity, and As in Stiffness and Resilience


Any real suggestions? I know, or at least thought, there was a 2007 BSC Dynasty that I read, but that was a lot more comedy. I don't do well with too much comedy, hence why I will probably be tweaking BSC's product. However, I intend to do everything, or at least most things, the legit in game way. As for the options, Relationships Frequency at High is a must, but other than that, I think everything else is standard. I would really like some pointers if I could get any.

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I recently started a BSC game and I love love love it. A truly awesome promotion that has a very different aesthetic than most small time indy promotions. In my game I envision it as a weekly show that goes on in a Casino that mainly targets tourists. You know, you're there to gamble, maybe see a show. David Copperfield. Blue Man Group. Barry Manilow. Or this burlesque 'wrestling' show.


In order to make a BSC dynasty stand out, I would embrace this element. Don't change the product to become a 'real' wrestling show. Just have fun with the wacky Vegas atmosphere. Embrace the glitz. Embrace the sleaze.


Weekly shows can be tricky for such a small company. I seem to remember I didn't start going weekly until 5-6 months into my game, when each show was drawing a profit. Watch your finances.

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As far as tips go, here are my recommendations:


Your best talents are the Neptunes, Dharma, and Britney. Revolve your shows around them (assuming the finances match up). Your backstory is convenient as you can put the tag titles on Sweet as Candy once Jen & Kathy enter the main event (which should happen within the first year).


Do not put the Queen of the Ring title on Sister Beth. DO. NOT. She isn't well rounded enough to produce the kind of ratings you'll need. Remember, your champion should generally be in the main event or semi-main at worst. Thus, your champion should be able to produce the best or second best rated match on every card. Sister Beth doesn't know a bodyslam from a hip toss (look at her Basics) so that's probably not the best place for her. In fact, in every game I've played, the only time BSC rises to Regional is if Jen, Dharma, Miss Sara (Marie York), Wanda Fish, or Raven Robinson (née Nightfall) is holding the title.


Eye candy matches with long setup times are GOOD. Meaning, if the non-wrestling part of the match is say 6 mins and the match minimum is 5 mins, that's an 11 minute match. For most of the girls, you want them in the ring for as little time as possible. If you go out and sign a Raven or Wanda (who might be prohibitively expensive, relatively speaking), you can probably strongarm your way to Regional (assuming the money doesn't run out). but the slow simmer might be better.


Your user character will gobble up overness in bunches given those stats, if you choose to use him on camera. Use that. Put him in entertainment or sex appeal based angles with the girls to elevate and improve them. Maybe on camera Sean isn't a failed actor but an aspiring underwear model who bought the promotion on a whim or is Honey's boytoy and she uses him in her promotion so he doesn't spend all his time spending her money (plus "he's hot so why wouldn't I?").


I would agree that trying to turn the promotion 'legit' would be a bad idea (you don't have enough in-ring talent on the roster), it can be a fun promotion to run in and of itself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I've been reading FIN's tutorial thread, and reviewing my own diary as I prepared it for upload, and a few things occured to me.


1. I did a lot of things wrong in my first year with MAW (still do, but that's beside the point).


2. A lot of people like to play smaller feds.


3. We still get a lot of questions about smaller feds.


So I got to thinking: Would there be any interest in an MAW tutorial? This wouldn't necessarily be a 'How to' by me, so much as me playing the game my way, and encouraging everyone else to point out how I've gone wrong.


For example:


I would set all my shows as the largest possible - Medium over Small, Big over Medium etc.


1. Remianen comes in and tells me I'm all wrong - I need to be bigger to justify bigger shows.


2. D-Lyrium says that a couple of bigger shows can draw, if the prestige is right.


3. NoNeck plugs SOTRIII while laying out the perfect gimmick to get Curtis Jenkins over.


4. Phantom Stranger tells me to sign Chris Morrissette - and, by the way, use Medium shows all the way.


That sort of thing. I obviously can't guarantee people jumping in and saying where I'm going wrong, but certain things should be obvious enough - finance, card structure and so on.


It's just an idea right now, but I'd like people's thoughts on it.

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I wish somebody would start a BSC diary, they are so much fun to read, and yet we've never really had a long running one


I kind of wanted to start one... I think I tried to months ago either with BSC or another fed but what usually happens? I get bored too quick with a promotion or another promotion looks better.


You guys have no idea how many times I've deleted saves and restarted from scratch for multiple promotions.


Now as far as the GDS Verse goes. I've actually thought of doing a different kind of diary with my own creation for the game, Cheno/Mark Sadler:


“So do you think you can help us put some guys over?” Legeux’s voice shattered over the sound of fading police sirens in the Baltimore city lights. I sighed over the phone heavily so he could hear it.


“Yes I can,” I let it linger a little bit by taken a swig of orange juice, “but I also want time to develop my character. I want to be taken seriously as a wrestler. I don’t want you to ask me down the line, ‘Hey, can you put the zebra stripes back on for one more match?’”


I could hear someone in the background then Legeux cleared his throat, “Well yeah, I understand and you do have potential. I mean, you’re 21 and you’ve got a unique flare to your cruiserweight style. But it’ll take some bumps and bruises in order to get there. You see what I’m saying? Ha! Take some bumps! Get it?!”


I couldn’t help but snicker. “Yeah, I get it.” And then I realized I had rent to pay. “So when should I come out there to sign the contract?”


“Um… hold on.” Legeux seemed a bit surprised as I heard some rustling and other voices in the background. “You know, it’s amazing how messy things can get when you’re switching offices around while trying to keep a wrestling business running. Anyways, I got a contract right in front of me now and it will last until the end of September. I’d rather talk money in person so why don’t you fly out this weekend. We’ll accommodate for the travel. In fact, my secretary can fill you in with the details. What do you think?”


My heart fluttered. “That sounds great.” It was my first contract of 2008 with the rising Canadian promotion in DWA: Dominion Wrestling Alliance.


Although, that was written months ago when I took control of DWA and what happened? I got bored with it and didn't think it would be worth the read. Unless anyone else thinks otherwise... ???

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I've been toying with the idea of startning a new dynasty lately, but I fear it might end up like my previous advertures. I'm a bit perfectionnist I think and it takes me ages to write a show 'cause I'm never completly satisfied. Then I give up, because it takes too much.


Anyway I'm putting this out there, since I've written the intro of the diary. Feel free to give any feedbacks, it might give me the extra motivation to do this right this time. Format is pretty bland at the moment, I haven't really looked at it since it's not guarenteed to be a diary.


How Alex DeColt got my phone number is still a mystery to me.


Usually, business talks are conducted by my agent first and foremost. All calls have to go by him first, that’s a personal rule I set years ago. It helped me a lot to keep a relative peace of mind and to create some distance between the job, the coworkers and the bosses. It served me well in the last months, many people tried to contact me for whatever reasons, but my agent did his job and turned them down for me. Until now. This number is for my personal friends, I never gave it to my employers, not even to the all-mighty Richard Eisen. Especially not to Eisen. I called my friends; they all swear they didn’t give this number to DeColt. Either someone is lying, which is doubtful as this is a tiny list of people I trust, or DeColt knows to cover his tracks.


Guts. Self-confidence. Firmly in control. That’s the first impressions I had with Alex. He knows what he wants and how to get it. Since I never met him nor did I ever work for his dad, one could assume he would be hesitant, would spend time presenting himself and his company or scratch my back to get my attention. No, that was not the Alex DeColt I had on the phone. He was straight to the point, well aware I would be pissed the f--- off by his call and that he’d be on borrowed time.


Mr Campbell ? Alex DeColt speaking. I’ll take only a minute from your time don’t worry. I have a business proposal for you, a type you probably never heard before. You won’t need to come here in Vancouver. In fact, I’d even go come to you. It’s an innovative new way of doing business anchored on new technologies. You’d still be a freelancer so to speak, able to work in whatever other adventures you’d like. If you agree, I’ll send the papers to your agent and we can arrange a meeting in your hometown.


It hit its target. I was pissed as hell to be called on my personal phone, especially by someone from the business when I clearly said I would let the world know when and if I’m ready for another challenge, but I was also impressed by Alex. Something in this bold move stroked me. Maybe it was only the surprised effect, I don’t know. You could say I left my guard down for a split second, but I accepted to see the paperwork while making it clear I wasn’t promising anything.


I was impressed once again. Papers were top notch; the proposal was unique and interesting. It had all the details Alex talked about over the phone. I still had a doubt though. Is this really what I want ? Do I really want to get back inside the business already ? DeColt was trying his best to make me feel comfortable, not making pressure on me, but could this really work ? Working from home, that’s highly unusual for an overly traditional business. I had to know more. I had to actually meet Alex to really gauge him.


A few days before our meeting, I received a package from Alex. Joining several DVDs, I found a small note.


You’ll find the last four months of our shows and stories enclosed. I thought you might want to have a look at it if we’re going through our agreement. If for whatever reason we fail to agree, feel free to send the DVDs to your son. I’m sure you taught him well and he’ll know how to make the best of it.


Ash. Maybe I should call him. I’m all for making a name for yourself and paying your dues, but does it really have to be PSW ? It’s not like he’s going to learn anything by wrestling Deadbolt for the next six months...


There’s no way I would let Alex DeColt in my house. I didn’t draw a line between my professional and personal life all this time to screw it up for a sweet talker. That’s all what DeColt is at this point, talk; it’s time to see if he can back it up. I arrange a meeting in the back of a friend’s restaurant, a small place with enough privacy that no one would hear about this meeting. The last thing I want is journalists and so-called-friends to hurry their asses here for a cool story or to try convincing me I should work with them. I’m not ready for this. DeColt proposal is different though and might actually be good thing. Getting paid to watch wrestling from my house with the only obligation to send an e-mail now and then ? I’d be crazy to not listen.


Nemesis : Before we go over the details, I need to know something. Why now ? Your family has run the show successfully without help for more than 15 years with.


Alex : Dad’s retirement is more than a storyline, he’s really leaving the company in our hands. He feels it’s time for him to step down and spend more time with mom. Up until now, he was pretty much overlooking everything. And I mean everything. We didn’t realize how much he was doing for us without asking for our help.


Nemesis : I can imagine your reaction. If his baby didn’t go under, Phil might have lost his mind at some point or at least a portion of his health.


Alex : I’ve been put in charge now and it feels a bit overwhelming. Even with my brothers’ help, I fear I might lose too many key details between the finance sheets, the booking sheets and the ring. That’s why I’m looking for your help on the creative front.


Nemesis : Why not ask your brothers ? Or Garcia ? I heard I’d like to have more input as he feels he’s part of the family.


Alex : Adrian, my brothers, even Farrah, everyone has their nose in the middle of the ring and might lose the bigger picture. That’s why I need an outsider.


Nemesis : I’m not flying with you to Vancouver, Alex. I’m not becoming your new booker, I’ve been pretty clear about it.


Alex : And that’s not what I want from you. I respect you decision about taking some time off. That’s why I flew here and agreed to a maximum of discretion. What I’m looking for is an honest opinion about product and our general direction. You can stay here and watch our shows from the comfort of your home. We’ll arrange a tape delivery system or better yet we’ll use the internet.


Nemesis : I’m not sure how it can work. I’ll miss several key details to understand what’s going on.


Alex : That’s exactly the point. You’ll have no input about what’s going on in our backyard, you’ll see things exactly like our fans. Well, not exactly like them as you’ll be able to see through things, but you get the point. All I want is a complete honest opinion from you. Can I count on you on that ?


Nemesis (grinning) : I never had the reputation of holding any punches.


Alex : Great! E-mails and video chat conferences will be our primary tools; anything to keep you from flying to Canada, anything to make sure the very minimum people knows about it. Not I don’t want people to know, but I understand your position.


Nemesis : That’s appreciated. I’m not sure about the lack of definite length of the contract though.


Alex : We can have our lawyers reword that if needed. Basically, I want both sides to be able to walk out without much issue. I’m confident this will work, but we never know.


Nemesis : Yeah, Eisen could call me tomorrow and offer me millions to take the books over Micheals…



We both laugh at this unlikely scenario, but still the freedom of talking to other companies is quite an asset. Who knows, if this works, I could be a consultant for more than CGC. Yeah, you’re right, I’m definitely hooked now…


As you can see the angle of the diary would be to run a CGC game with Nemesis as the user character, but without actually using him. I know, what a waste. Backstage stuff would be minimal as Nemesis wouldn't be there to witness any events. Anything outside shows would be written from Nemesis point of view with what he could legitimely know from Alex DeColt, contacts and internet. Sounds like a good idea ?

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TEW 108

Overview Of The World Of Total Extreme Wrestling

Course Syllabus

Fall, 2009

Instructor: James Heatly



A. Origins & Concept


Right now you might be wondering what is TEW 108:Overview Of The World Of Total Extreme Wrestling. More or less this diary is a take on J Silver's "C-Verse Explored" diaries. In those diaries, J Silver would play a promotion for a month and then once it was over he would switch to a different promotion. This diary will follow a similar pattern. I will be playing more than one promotion over the course of the diary. The difference comes in how long I will be playing each promotion. Instead of playing for a set period of time, I will be playing for a certain goal. A couple of examples would be: crowning a champion in a tournament, getting the promotion to X size, or even just watching feud from start to finish. And unless otherwise stated each mini-diary or chapter will be played on a different save state to avoid any conflicts.


B. Chapter Layout


As it was stated, the diary will be made up of a number of separate game saves known as chapters. Each chapter will more or less be run in the same fashion. There will be introduction to the promotion and the overall goal of the chapter, while at the end there will be a summary of what happened in throughout the chapter with the promotion in question as well as the rest of the in-game world. In between these bookends of mechanical information is over course the meat and potatoes of the diary, the events and happenings of the promotion. Going with the flavor of the overall theme of the diary, a college classroom, there will be no doubt a lot of "in-game" discussion throughout each chapter, however the lion's share of storytelling will be, well, storytelling. Just because there won't be backstage segments between the booker and the owner doesn't mean that there won't arguments between workers, sadistic beat downs, and feuds based on kayfabe. I might be feuding the top two guys in the company because I know it will get the best ratings, but I'll be damned if there aren't going to be having a real reason doing so.


C. Supplemental Handouts


Throughout the diary, there will also be what I am calling "supplemental handouts" mixed in and in between chapters. These handouts will serve to support the ideas of the chapter in a different light as well to give a small break from the longer, much more in-depth chapters . You could almost call them micro-diaries. While it isn't set in stone, I would be highly surprised if any of these would last longer than an event or two.


D. Additional Reading


In addition to the chapters and handouts I will be "supplying" links to some diaries that are similar to the chapter and/or the supplemental handout(s). This diary is, in part, about getting new players into diary writing and diaries in general. And one of the best ways of doing this is to give them easy access to as much information as possible. In our case that is the other diaries on the board. As an bonus, some of the more veteran readers/writers will have a chance to go down memory lane and re-discover some of the diaries of the past.


E. Assessments


Like all classes this diary will have assessments throughout each chapter. And by assessments, I mean "school" flavored reader interaction that I am going to be calling quizzes, tests, and surveys. These will range from your typical event predictions to "What would you do" questions that could ask which wrestler a person would hire or which feud would be the main event for a particular show. For the assessments that warrant it (namely the ones that concern predictions) there will also be awards to the best and brightest.


F. Course Schedule


Chapter #1:Running a 0/0/0 or How I Learn To Love Dusty Bin

- Event #1: WCCW Wrestling For Shoes

- Event #2: WCCW Wrestling For Socks

- Event #3: WCCW Wrestling For Pants

- Event #4: WCCW Wrestling For Shirts

- Event #5: WCCW Wrestling For Hats

- Event #6: WCCW Wrestling For Gold

- Supplemental Handout #1: Running a Single Event Tournament


Chapter #2:Small Promotions And You! *Coming Soon*


Chapter #3:*Coming Soon*


Chapter #4:*Coming Soon*


Chapter #5:*Coming Soon*

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Gaining an Obsession

Memories from the Wacky Wild World of Professional Wrestling

By John Davies




My name is John Davies. You’ve probably never heard of me, unless you happen to be a North East sports scout or one of the select few “insiders”. I am a Professional Wrestling head booker. Seems weird to type that, as it was an … interesting journey.I'm told a journey worth documenting, and so here we are.


My story starts not in a ring, but in a locker room. The rest of the boys and I are getting pumped, about to head out onto their home court. It’s my senior year of high school. We’re about to face our cross-town rivals. We haven’t beaten them at all in the last three years. Coach says it’s been a good seven since we’ve beaten them. I make a hell of a speech to the team, if I do say so myself.


“Tonight we become legends! Tonight we rock them on there home court. Tonight we stop being boys! Tonight we become men! We worked too hard, too God damn hard to lose! We. Can. Not. Lose! Bring it in. Hawks on three...


The atmosphere was electric. Cheerleaders bouncing about, band playing, crowd hyped even in the pre-game. I spotted a few scouts I had already spoken to; one from St. Johns, one from Vermont. They were there for me. I’m not going to lie I was arrogant back then. I thought for sure I would get into St. Johns. It was what I wanted, to play in the Garden, The true Mecca of basketball. That goal started tonight with a big win over this team that hexed us. The legend of John Davies would begin tonight.


The game itself started great. I played facilitator to start and we jumped up to a quick 28-7 lead after the first quarter. I rested a bit to start the second and came into the game about half way through the quater. We needed a spark, with the lead being dwindled to 30-17.


Our other big man blocked a weak shot and I took off. Our bench knew what was coming. We had a two on one break. I raced ahead and our guard pushed the pace. It was suicide drive time!


I raced as fast as I could, which was faster than anyone on either team. Their center was stuck in between us, but cheated towards the guard. He caught me running and spun. The ball was already coming my way. I jumped, and so did there center.


To be honest, that’s all I remember. They told me we got twisted up and I landed on both my arm and neck. I was lucky to not be paralyzed, I am told. He got away a little sore and got to finish out the game. It wasn't malicious, to be honest, it was just a smart play on the ball gone wrong.


Of course it end my season. The center, Richard Bailey got a scholarship to St. Johns I'm told. I got a call from that kid’s father. He wanted to offer my compensation for “his careless kid ruining my basketball career.” I was to report to an address to an interview if I wanted to.


I really didn't to start. Arrogance stated I didn't need some sympathy job from a kid's dad. Besides if its a job being just thrown at me how desirable could it be? Soon however the money started drying up. Without being able to move much I couldn't do much physically. I was starting to become a monetary strain on my mother. Also, I was unable to attend school for a while because of my injury and the surgeries. I fell so far behind I didn't want to look at the assignments due. I called Mr. Bailey back.


He seemed really excited, and told me I wasn't making a mistake. The company was going in a new, younger direction and I would be in charge of this development if hired. He said he had some real pull with the owner and would sit in on the interview.


I really had little idea what was going to come next. I had a meeting with a Mr. Bradford and Mr. Bailey that went well. They were odd ducks, but the interview went well. Some of the questions were a bit odd. "How would you describe 'Old School'?". How are you supposed to answer that? A few days later I was informed of an message on the home answering machine.


Um, yeah, this is David Bradford for NYCW, this call is for a Mr. Jonathan Davies. We’ve reviewed your application and barring a failed drug test we've decided to bring you on as head booker here at NYCW. You will be provided an apartment and enough pay to comfortably live. It is a three year contract if you join. Please contact me through the means provided during our interview.


Well it seemed as if I had lost one career, only to find another. Professional Wrestling. Let’s see what this is all about…


This is my current project. It's coming along slowly, but I enjoy it. However I'd have to have written at least into June or July to want to post anymore, so this may be a future dynasty. Anyway, any comments would be appreciated.



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This is my current project. It's coming along slowly, but I enjoy it. However I'd have to have written at least into June or July to want to post anymore, so this may be a future dynasty. Anyway, any comments would be appreciated.




It's a NYCW diary. It has to be good! :D

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It's a NYCW diary. It has to be good! :D


Yeah and I followed a fairly strict guideline through most of the dynasty. Only replacing people, not going out and hiring all sort of people, no flippie floppies or psychopaths. It's been different from my usual SWF or CZCW experience, but fun.


EDIT: A thought I had was to do a live reveal of the shows. That is reveal the shows piece by piece over the course of an hour or so at a set time in order to create "the drama". It would also lead to more "in the moment" comments from readers. Thoughts?

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