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TEW 07/08 Kamchatka's Logo Thread

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Don't mind at all! Just to note, there's still some blue left in it that you might want to re-edit (check the top slice of the WCW lettering) and also the logo extends over the white border on the right by one pixel. Id say just cut that pixel out rather than resize it and lose detail. Also did you shrink with Photoshop or gimp?


Perfectionist... haha.


Thanks S.M! And Kam.....

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Don't mind at all! Just to note, there's still some blue left in it that you might want to re-edit (check the top slice of the WCW lettering) and also the logo extends over the white border on the right by one pixel. Id say just cut that pixel out rather than resize it and lose detail. Also did you shrink with Photoshop or gimp?


Photoshop, and thanks for pointing out that little bit of blue, I've been so focused on prepping my diary that I missed out on something so... Obvious ;)

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Weee, first in line. Edit: Damn, second. :p


I'd love a logo for Rocky Mountain Wrestling. Kind of an Adam Pearce-era RoH product, based either in Montana, Idaho, Alberta or BC (haven't decided yet, but the idea is that it's a Can-Am promotion that promotes on both sides of the border).


My original idea for a logo was to have the letters RMW looking all jagged and 'rocky', forming a mountainscape silhouette (might be a bit hard for the R, maybe slant it so that the rounded bit points upwards slightly?), and behind it have the American and Canadian flags. Not sure if that'd work, though. Have a play and see what you come up with. :D Something... mountain-like. The mountains should definately be prominent. Have I mentioned mountains?


As for colours... black, grey, red, white, blue... I dunno. Black lettering with a 'snow cap' in white at the top would be cool, possibly... Not sure for the background though, red I guess.




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Well, i might treat myself ;)


WWP - World Wrestling Premiership, if you don't mind :D Perhaps even a 'The' to prefix it. Basically, a very professional, Premier League (hey, World Wrestling Premier League sounds pretty good too...)-style promotion and/or logo, "proper sports"-esque if you will.


Hey, you're local, i'm sure you'll know what i mean by that :)


Edit: Wrestling Premier League? Could work...


Have to say.. this might be my new favourite logo..




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Have to say.. this might be my new favourite logo..





Did you draw the bird from scratch? Thats fantastic. Maybe release a logo of just the bird? It could be a very generic logo people could use (Phoenix / Fenix Pro-Wrestling or FLIGHT wrestling, or something) just a bird kinda works. UWA Hardcore used to do that.

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Did you draw the bird from scratch? Thats fantastic. Maybe release a logo of just the bird? It could be a very generic logo people could use (Phoenix / Fenix Pro-Wrestling or FLIGHT wrestling, or something) just a bird kinda works. UWA Hardcore used to do that.


Nay I must admit that it is a stolen graphic. To draw it from scratch would be far too time consuming but I may do as you suggest and upload an alt without the text when im next near my graphic work computer.




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Well, if you don't mind 'repeat requesters', I'd very much appreciate a banner for the WWA logos you've made for me in the past, if it's not too much of a hassle.


Beyond that, I could really use a new logo for 'Pro Wrestling MAX' - a sleek, ultra-modern company in my world, who could use a new sleek, ultra-modern logo. Something cool, with my personal favorite black-on-a-white background motif, MAX emphasized, preferably. While they've kept Pro Wrestling in the name, they tend to go by MAX rather than PWMAX. A High-Cult company looking to break into the national scene.


I already have a couple of MAX logos, but with TEW2010 waiting just around the corner, I thought the time was right for a fresh start and a new beginning.


As always, a thousand apologies if I've requested too much; I always seem to get uber-nervous when I ask for anything. It actually took me over an hour to post this..


:o :o :o



Just to note, requesting a banner for one of the logos that I have previously done does not really count towards the two logo request limit (Of course requesting 30 banners at a go might be a bit excessive). But on the whole they are quick and easy to do as the design work is mostly over. So to all that have requested them as part of the logo limit feel free to edit your posts if you want to have another logo done.


Hate to do it, but since you posted this, I figured I may as well go ahead and slide this one in here as well. OCP - Outlaw Combat Promotions, alternatively known as OCP: Dead or Alive. It's a Gunslinger-styled, (themed doesn't sound right), EXTREMELY hardcore promotion - Cult, Hardcore, and Daredevil all set to Key Feature, with both Intensity and Danger set at the maximum. A true outlaw promotion if ever there was one - Deathmatches (in the vein of Japan's deathmatches) aplenty here. As before, I have a logo for this one already, but I've been hankering for something a little more bloodthirsty, a little more hardcore for it for the new TEW.


Like I said, I hate to add yet another request, I'll be fairly close to caught up.


:o :o :o

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Can I get a logo for a US promotion called KANZEN Pro. Umm not sure what really to suggest in terms of design but the company is a bit like CHIKARA so if the logo could be kinda cartoony?


I've spent the last 30 minutes of my illness trying to work out how the logo should look but still have no idea :o



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Yo Kam,

RPW still needs a banner if you're interested. The real logo I'm interested in though is for a 'Promotion' called "Black Canvas Grappling". Evil wrestlers have taken over GCG and have sworn to tear down the promotion and rebuild it as BCG. I'd like it similar to the current GCG set up, but with an evil looking Lion as the center animal and a darker, far more twisted set up all 'round. No rush on this, whenever you get a chance man.


- Sonfaro

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Kam, I have to say you do amazing work. I'm delighted you're now taking requests, as I've been toying with a couple of ideas.


These would be for potential use in a 2010 diary, so there's no rush on them. They're both SWF logos.


The first would be (I hope) a simple one. The TCW logo (this one to pinch one of your own icons :p) but redone with SWF instead of TCW. Hopefully simple enough :)


The other would be for a darker image - SWF in red on a black background. The idea for this one is for the letters to be so bold that it's almost a mass of red, rather than individual letters. The concept would be for an ultra-serious R-rated SWF, with violence ramped up and the kiddies turned away at the doors.


However, if you get an idea for that one and want to run with it, please feel free - I'm all for encouraging creativity as I suspect you'll turn up something cool :D


Thanks, and as I said these would be for the future, so if other people's are more urgent then please deal with them first.

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Comix Wrestling League


Somewhat like a more serious CHIKARA, with all the characters taking superhuman gimmicks, heroic or villainous, and kayfabe chucked out the window.


One day, I'll get enough on this to actually do the diary...




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SW - Summit Wrestling

An elite promotion, one that would be considered top of the line.

Based in Canada, but that doesn't really factor into the promotion itself.

No preference to colors.


LCW - Limestone City Wrestling

A modern indy type promotion, like ROH, again, based in Canada.

Shades of green and silver/grey would be great.

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Dude, those are immense! Far better than I was imagining (I know everyone says that...). Thanks a lot.

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Just great Kam, just great. Now everyone is going to want more titles to go with your awesome logos.


Great, I need a vacation. :D


On a serious note, I do hope you save these in PNG format, since I'm sure I'll need to ask for them in the near future for title requests.


I just wish I had a request for you, but I don't. Oh well, great work as always.



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Alright here's my two requests:


1) Updated RIPW logo (if possible.) I saw your work with NOTBPW and 21CW and figured I'd give it a shot. The RIPW logo isn't bad, it's just kinda...boring, ya know?


2) Awesome Max Wrestling Banner (from the C-verse '97 mod.) I saw your Awesome Max logo and thought a banner to go alongside it would be nice.


Edit: Can I also get the AMW TV show logo?


It's called AMW Awesome to the Max (From the '97 mod). Thanks!

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Tried to keep it cartoon like in feel rather than professional sporty. Also attempted to attach a wizard hat somewhere but it just wasn't to be. Not 100% sure on this one so if youd like something different do say.


I like it Kam. Thanks a bunch.

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Great work Kam keep it up, that being said.


1. Can I get a banner for the the RGE logo you made for me ( the one in my avatar )


2. TNBT a new promotion I have an idea for - The Next Big Thing a promotion that is aspiring to be just that the alpha promtion in the world of pro wrestling, with a logo that makes it look like they already are. Thanks in advance.

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May I vote for this being sticky'd alongside Reapers Title thread?


I second this nomination wholeheartedly.


Nay I must admit that it is a stolen graphic. To draw it from scratch would be far too time consuming but I may do as you suggest and upload an alt without the text when im next near my graphic work computer.





Dang, I really love that logo there A LOT! Not trying to step on anyone's toes here, not trying to overstep my bounds in any way, but I took the liberty of editing the color of that just a little bit in GIMP. Think I'll use it as a sort of logo for my own personal universe over here.





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