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The vacant WWE Title


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We all know that Batista is injured and the WWE Title will be vacated. I read it this morning from the link below:




As Luke posted earlier here on the site, WWE announced during tonight's edition of ECW on Sci-Fi that next week's special three-hour edition of Raw will feature a Fatal 4-Way Match to determine who will fill the vacated WWE Championship. The participants will be John Cena, Triple H, The Big Show, and Randy Orton. As mentioned several times here on the site, the title was vacated due to Batista being injured.


So, next week on RAW there will be a Fatal 4-Way to decide the new champ.

Now, some questions:


Who do you want to win the title?

Who deserves to win the title?

Who do you think will win the title?

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I must say Cena. You know, I don't know why I like Cena, because I haven't watched a single match of his for something about a year or so. But he still deserves to win the title, and I want him to win the title. Honestly, I hope Cena wins, because Cena > Orton, HHH, Big Show. And Bigsie and Orton are boring, and HHH seems to be still face.
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I for one hope Cena doesn't win it. I want to see his feud with The Miz continue. I'm hoping that Orton has Legacy beat the crap out of Trips before the match which means that a replacement has to be found which would give us a few options...


1) HBK returns early (due to the Batista injury) and wins the belt thanks to Triple H interfering and costing Orton the match.


2) MVP. With the release of Kennedy (who was rumoured to be entering a program with Orton) this could be MVP's time to step-up. How awesome would it be if MVP won the WWE Title?


3) The Miz. Not sure how they'd end up having him in the match but it would be cool as he's got beef with Cena and Show.

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I am definatelly a fan of none of the above. (if it has to be, I think Big Show, and a program that brings edge over to fued with him. let cena go play with Miz and a wrestler to be named latter.)


Really a guy like MVP would be great at the top for a month or two. OR and here is what I am hoping. A Christian reappearance on raw and a claiming of the belt. I HATE Christian. but a think a good fued with Orton might be cool.


Christian could be all like, you don't have to be 3rd gen to be this damn good, infact you are all just watered down versions of your grand fathers...

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Why on earth did WWE have Orton drop the belt so shortly after winning it - and to a guy who they knew were injured? Wtf?


I don't follow WWE much these days, but I do read the results every week and once an occational match now and then. And to me, it seems like The Big Show isn't really main event material anymore - so putting the belt on him would be foolish. It wouldn't surprise me if McMahon gave the belt to Triple H once again (long live nepotism!) - but the problem with that is that he's face... who would he feud with then? Orton is the only big heel, but Triple H vs. Orton has been pummelled to death by now... so to me, the logical thing would be having Cena win and starting a Cena vs. Orton feud. But then again, WWE isn't logical these days...


Speaking of which, is it just me or does heels only really ever win the occational title match - and pretty much lose the rest??? Everytime a face/face vs. heel/heel teamup seems to occur, the faces win. No wonder there is a huge lack of big heels atm...

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I for one hope Cena doesn't win it. I want to see his feud with The Miz continue. I'm hoping that Orton has Legacy beat the crap out of Trips before the match which means that a replacement has to be found which would give us a few options...


1) HBK returns early (due to the Batista injury) and wins the belt thanks to Triple H interfering and costing Orton the match.


2) MVP. With the release of Kennedy (who was rumoured to be entering a program with Orton) this could be MVP's time to step-up. How awesome would it be if MVP won the WWE Title?


3) The Miz. Not sure how they'd end up having him in the match but it would be cool as he's got beef with Cena and Show.


Yeah but I meant from those 4 options. Of course I want someone new and fresh win the title, but I thought you meant from those 4 options only. Miz isn't going to win the title, and he shouldn't IMHO, MVP gets no reaction (not in this Raw atleast, haven't watched before that for 6 months) but HBK as a champion would be... GOOOOLDDD.

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I'd heard Michaels was originally going to be coming back in August, but he'd asked for more time off (possibly until Survivor Series, if not the Rumble). I think with Batista's injury they might need him back a little sooner than that, so we'll see.


Who do I want? Cena

Who deserves? Cena

Who will? Who knows really. It'd be dumb for Orton to win after just losing it.

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I'd put it back on Orton. Him getting the belt back after just losing it could be good heel heat if done correctly. I might be biased though, as I felt Batista beating him was a ridiculous.


I think you'd struggle to find anybody who disagrees, Self.


Seriously, though, does anyone think there's much chance of them bringing Shawn Michaels back and putting the strap on him? I'd probably wet my pants if they did that and he definitely deserves one last run at the top.

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It does look right now like they're deliberately booking Orton to look crap. He was sh*t hot at Mania and winning the belt then would have cemented him as the top heel in the company, instead they hurt his momentum by holding off the title change to Backlash. Then a little over a month later they have him drop the belt in 6 minutes to a guy they know is already injured and will just have to vacate it. Sure, he can now win it back, but it hurts his image that he can't hold onto it for any length of time.


It's also short-sighted not to put a new name into that match. Including MVP in there, even he had no chance of winning, would give him a great rub and raise his stock with the fans by establishing him as a guy who can hang with the big boys. MVP's not getting any younger, if he's going to get to the top, he needs to do it soon.


It frustrates me that throughout his feud with Cena they've tried to sell Big Show as an unstoppable monster and somebody it's impossible for Cena to beat, yet he's lost almost every match. I don't think they know how to book a giant anymore. Still, he deserves a real run at the top, and is preferable to the rest of them.


Who do you want to win the title? Big Show

Who deserves to win the title? Big Show or Orton

Who do you think will win the title? Cena or Hunter

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Who do you want to win the title? Orton I think he is boring but a good heel run is better.

Who deserves to win the title? Show Hasn't had a major title in a long while making him a main eventer again and rewarding him coming back.

Who do you think will win the title? HHH Nepotism, Hollywood Hunter Helmsley etc. /Cena as top face and for Cena vs Orton. (yawn)


Now for none of the 4.


Who do I want? Christian/MVP/Michaels, elevate them to main event where he belongs/One last run.

who deserves? Matt Hardy, was being elevated by his fued against Jeff but dropped back down. This would cement it plus he deserves a major championship run for all the work over the years.

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It does look right now like they're deliberately booking Orton to look crap. He was sh*t hot at Mania and winning the belt then would have cemented him as the top heel in the company, instead they hurt his momentum by holding off the title change to Backlash. Then a little over a month later they have him drop the belt in 6 minutes to a guy they know is already injured and will just have to vacate it. Sure, he can now win it back, but it hurts his image that he can't hold onto it for any length of time.


It's also short-sighted not to put a new name into that match. Including MVP in there, even he had no chance of winning, would give him a great rub and raise his stock with the fans by establishing him as a guy who can hang with the big boys. MVP's not getting any younger, if he's going to get to the top, he needs to do it soon.


It frustrates me that throughout his feud with Cena they've tried to sell Big Show as an unstoppable monster and somebody it's impossible for Cena to beat, yet he's lost almost every match. I don't think they know how to book a giant anymore. Still, he deserves a real run at the top, and is preferable to the rest of them.


Who do you want to win the title? Big Show

Who deserves to win the title? Big Show or Orton

Who do you think will win the title? Cena or Hunter


I think Show is deservant of another run at the top but not right now. Like you say, he hasn't been booked to look particularly dangerous. Big Show is a monster of a human and the booking team need to remember that. They need to make him look like a genunine threat to absolutely everybody, including Super Cena.

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It does look right now like they're deliberately booking Orton to look crap. He was sh*t hot at Mania and winning the belt then would have cemented him as the top heel in the company, instead they hurt his momentum by holding off the title change to Backlash. Then a little over a month later they have him drop the belt in 6 minutes to a guy they know is already injured and will just have to vacate it. Sure, he can now win it back, but it hurts his image that he can't hold onto it for any length of time.


My theory on the Orton booking is that people are DYING to cheer him. You can sense it. It's like the Austin thing before he and Bret double-turned. People like Randy Orton... but they're not supposed to yet. WWE legitimately need him to be a Heel, partly due to roster balance, partly to get Cody & Ted over, but he's been such a bad ass, people want him to be babyface.


Wrestling crowds cheer strength, so to counter that, WWE are making him look cowardly, and weak, and having him lose, and get his ass kicked by 60 year old Ric Flair and 40 year old Shane O Mac. It's a way to take the shine off the apple, prolonging things until they turn Orton at the perfect time, when it makes sense in storyline and the crowd are begging for it.



As for the belt. They've already got one unproven World Champion, so they other should be on a guy the crowd can legitimately say "That's the best (kayfabe) wrestler in the world.". This isn't the time to make a guy, like a Miz or a MVP or a Hardy.

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I'll agree with Self on that theory of the eventual turn. And I don't think there's any chance of Michaels getting the belt back. He doesn't need it. And he probably doesn't want it, with the increased schedule it would likely carry. (Even if he's not wrestling, he's got to be at a lot more events).
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Who do you want to win: John Cena, mostly because I've been a big mark for him ever since " Brock you're finisher's the F5 well mines the FU!"


Who deserves the title: Out of the ones that are in the match Big Show, he should be one of the most dominant men in WWF right now. Other than that, No one thats in the Main Event right now, although I'm still the biggest wrestling fan I know I despise how wrestling has evolved to the point you need zero in ring talent to be a star, you just need to be able to talk a good game. Maybe thats not a fair statement a select few in the main event have some in ring talent.


Who will probably win: Orton or HHH, so we can yet again suffer through a feud between them. Brock left and Orton got pushed to the main event simply so the WWF could say that the youngest world champion in their history was still with the company and we've been getting him shoved down our throats ever since. HHH, while he's paid his dues to make it to the top, I think not just him but most main eventers forget that someone had to lose to them to get them there.

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Speaking of which, is it just me or does heels only really ever win the occational title match - and pretty much lose the rest??? Everytime a face/face vs. heel/heel teamup seems to occur, the faces win. No wonder there is a huge lack of big heels atm...


Nah, heels win their fair share of matches too, tag matches and the like. Sometimes it does look like the balance is off, but I don't think it's that far out.


I don't follow WWE much these days, but I do read the results every week and once an occational match now and then. And to me, it seems like The Big Show isn't really main event material anymore - so putting the belt on him would be foolish.


It wouldn't be foolish, in fact it could be one of the most sensible moves yet. They need to keep Big Show's credibility up somehow, and what better way than to put the strap on him for a few weeks? Sure, that may mean more Show/Cena boring banter, but Show hasn't won a major World title in eons, and being constantly squeezed into the main-event scene seems a bit flimsy if he's not gonna gain anything from it. I mean, it's not like he's HBK or something.


Triple H winning would be so rushed, and I don't know if I can bother with another face HHH run. Orton winning it back would just look.. weird and make the title change last Sunday look so unneeded, like a simple gratuitous +1 count to Orton's number of World title wins. But I wouldn't mind it so much. Orton is a great champion. Cena, well the bugger still cuts lame orchestrated promos and as long as the creative team won't shape up on him, I'd prefer not seeing the title around him anytime soon. (but he does deserve it). So that leaves Big Show, the dark horse in the match. Who hasn't done anything of note for ages despite being constantly rubbed along other main-eventers. How many more times is he gonna lose to Cena? He has to get his comeuppance somehow.


Not to mention Show as champion with Cena chasing the belt could potentially put a bit more spotlight on The Miz.



Who do you want to win the title? Big Show

Who deserves to win the title? Big Show and Cena

Who do you think will win the title? Triple H or Orton

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why, why oh, why does the WWE keep dropping the title to batista? and make orton look weak? Orton is the hottest heel the wwe has had for years, why give the belt to a roided up freak like batista. I'd rather see MVP getting the chance with the gold and then drop in back to Orton by summer slam. A pice of advice for Vince Mcmahon and the wwe... Get rid of batista as an in ring performer.... That my opinon atleast


Sorry about the spelling



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Well Big Show lost a lot of momentum by tapping to Cena so it wouldnt make much sense to throw it on him. Orton lost the title for a reason it would be really stupid to have him lose it, get it back, lose it and get it back again. That leaves HHH and Cena niether of which I think is in a good spot to get the belt. I like the HBK theory from above but it just makes too much sense to happen. So Im going to say Triple H wins and sets up a match a summerslam with Orton with some gimmick provision.
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Who do you want to win the title? Triple H

Who deserves to win the title? Triple H

Who do you think will win the title? John Cena



There is nobody amongst those four individuals better at "making" people than Triple H. As champ, he could "make" Big Show back into the feared monster he's been known as in the past. He could "make" damn near anyone on that roster into what their audience believes is a true threat to the title. For whatever reason, they have Cena marking time trying to make a turd into a German Chocolate cake and unless they plan on putting the belt on that turd, it wouldn't make sense to have Cena take the title while he's already in a program. Triple H fits because while he's in the program with Show, they can use Orton as a thorn in the side of anyone and everyone. Triple Threat match where Show dominates but Orton winds up walking out with the belt (perhaps have Legacy draw Show up the ramp, hit him with everything including the kitchen sink but have him still get up (or stay on his feet) while Orton pins an unconscious Triple H while the giant tries to break it up but fails due to being too far away), would only enhance his heel heat IMO.


But they'll put it on Cena since they need the added income (Cena moves merch better when he has the title, or so I've read). Besides, Cena's a company man and someone they can rely on to do as many appearances as they want. Trips can't/won't do that due to the girls (Aurora and Murphy). So unless they're planning to have Cena start production on another stinker of a movie, it seems like he's the one who will get to run with the belt.

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I agree.


Miz is a turd.


Big Show shouldnt be champ cause...he got slobber and snot all over the belt once. That was enough. And Orton can go fall into a black hole and do his silly facial expressions until the end of time/he's compressed into some sort of microparticle/he pops out in Klingon space.


I guess its Cena or HHH. Awesome.

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Well Big Show lost a lot of momentum by tapping to Cena so it wouldnt make much sense to throw it on him. Orton lost the title for a reason it would be really stupid to have him lose it, get it back, lose it and get it back again. That leaves HHH and Cena niether of which I think is in a good spot to get the belt. I like the HBK theory from above but it just makes too much sense to happen. So Im going to say Triple H wins and sets up a match a summerslam with Orton with some gimmick provision.


Losing momentum can finish either way, tbh. Whether losing and losing it until you're back to square one(which has happened to poor Show a time too much) or getting his comeuppance at the end in some way or another, which could fit by him winning the belt.


An oddball reign reassuring the 7-footer's dominance could do wonders, another "who's gonna make it" angle with Big Show's back holding a gigantic target. All comers come at him, including Cena, only this time he doesn't get the job done, nobody seems to until someone finally steps up(someone like MVP, or even Cena on another try) and dethrones him on the coup de grace, culminating PPV multi-man matchup.


Meh, I guess I'm just tired of seeing the belt switched around the same people. I predicted this when the draft finished. Not that hard a prediction actually.

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Who do you want to win the title? Triple H

Who deserves to win the title? Triple H

Who do you think will win the title? John Cena


I fully agree with Rem atleast in this regard. I've been a huge Triple H mark since, well... as long as I can remember him being in the WWF. Folks can cry foul all they want, but he's paid more dues to the company than anyone else at the top, cuts some of the best promos, and even after the injuries and aging he can put on a solid match when needed.


However, should he win it a heel turn is definetly in order. Heck, maybe he could win the belt by cheating. The HHH/Orton feud has run its course for now, and was never great to begin with. A heel HHH versus Cena, however? I think there could be something there.


With all of that in mind, and knowing full well that's how I'd book it (then again, I also book T-Rex busting out of drywalls to bludgeon Sam Strong with a dinosaur bone and a stable of maniacal Soviets in 2010.), I don't think the WWE will do it. Cena will win the belt, because it's what the larger group of the fans want to see, leading to the merchandise sells. Heck, they'll probably end up feuding him with Orton... And really, Orton needs a hiatus (albeit a brief one) from constantly being in the Main Event scene to let his character refreshen a bit.


But I can live with John Cena as champion again. While it's the "cool" thing to slam him, I stand by the fact that he fits the archtype of some of the greatest WWF/E stars of all time. I firmly believe that kids watching the WWE today will remember Cena just as fondly as my generation remembers Stone Cold Steve Austin and the generation before loved Hulk Hogan. If anything, he could use some more creative writing.


Oh, and one more thing... why God WHY have we reached a point where folks are speculating on when The Miz might/may get pushed into a solid Main Event spot? In retrospect... maybe his epic level of douchebaggery is simply the new form of heel in wrestling, where they look and act so much like a total douche that you just can't help but want to see them get bludgeoned. If so, brilliant booking on the E's part. On the other hand, maybe they just want to push a giant douche into the main event... which would make me sad. Hey, maybe I'll be proven wrong... heck, I'm starting to sorta warm up to Orton.


Sorta, I'm a long ways away from saying I like the guy.

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Okay, I'm post scripting this mutha:


The Big Show feels cheated out of the title win due to HHH's well, cheating, and goes into full rage mode. While Cena and HHH feud for the title, The Big Show goes on a huge winning streak, frequently destroying people after the match as well as a few random backstage assaults. Cena emerges victorious over Triple H, but lo and behold... Big Show is still undefeated since HHH won the belt. The new champ is sent on a collision course with a revitalized Big Show, and ultimately even he isn't enough to stop the big man's warpath.


The Big Show wins the belt, and it keeps going from there. Simply no one can overcome his new found wrath, and star after star falls to The Big Show. Roughly a year later, still undefeated, a new challenger appears who manages, against all odds, to somehow survive the Show's offense and beat him for the belt. No clue who that guy would be as of yet, but c'mon... it'd be great. Let the fans keep guessing "Who will finally beat him?!", and whoever does becomes a mega-star overnight for it. Not only that, but you make The Big Show appear as a legitimate threat once again. When he loses the title, he goes back to winning. You don't make him look weak to emphasize how truly amazing the guy who beat him's accomplishment truly was.


But that'll never happen. WWE has no clue how to book big men anymore. They tried with Kozlov, I'll give them that... but then they cut him off anytime he actually got close to accomplishing something. Sure, he isn't a GREAT in-ring worker by any stretch, but they messed up by only pushing him until he had one foot in the door.


Again, Vince will never do it. Big Show is now just the highest pushed jobber in pro-wrestling today.

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