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Comrade, if it makes you feel better, I always try to get T-Rex over in my USPW games.


For clarification, the very first person to portray Jim Force as a nut was a short-lived (but really good) TCW dynasty by Ramaeno. Check out page 6 & 7 of this:, though the whole thing is worth a read. On default settings, it's only 8 pages long.


Both Ramaeno & j silver inspired me to write about Jim Force, and I did so in a radio interview in my very first dynasty, which was with MOSC as they're my favorite C-Verse promotion for the stupid reason that WAY back in TEW 2005, they were the promotion that gave me my first job. Silver suggested I do a dynasty completely revolving around Jim Force. The rest is history. If you want to take a peek at that first radio interview with the Crazy Midget Clown Klan:


Oh, and I agree with whoever said the best love story was written by Banger...because it totally was, and he did it with a Heidenreich character...the madness! :p

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It's a shame NOTBPW collapsed under it's own wait. If I recall banger said he got burnt out writing 2-3 shows a week or something like that. He was pushing for NOTBPW to go national or international...one of the two.


Yes and no.


The big thing was, I'd told the story. In an odd way, the booking was the 'price of admission' to tell the story in this forum. I picked NOTBPW because it was an easy fed to manage in 07, and because very few people had attempted diaries on it and none of them had gone very far, so I felt I had some green field to work with. In that game I actually got NOTBPW to Global with a brand split and renamed the company International Wrestling Union with APWF as a US-based brand and NOTBPW as a Canada-based brand. The APWF faction was led by Ray and Barry Kingman, and I had created three custom characters to fill the family out, two twin sons and a daughter who became the on-screen 'wife' of RDJ, who left TCW (and I subsequently picked up) after they had dropped to Cult. There was a War Games match between the Stones and Kingmans at Winter War for 'control' of the company, which the Kingmans won when...you guessed it, Edd turns on the family and screws them over. (I need to dig out those files and take a look through them again. Unfortunately they are on a dead laptop but I can pull the hard drive and hook it up to another box.)


When 08 came around I enjoyed working my characters into the new C-verse canon, but there really wasn't another story to tell. Occasionally I get the itch to try another diary and even have a couple of outlines, but I've gotten so into mafia here that I don't know if I could dedicate the time to a diary and not go through mafia withdrawal... :p Could be fun to do a multiplayer one with the right crew but that takes even more effort to keep going...


Anyway, enough rambling. And yes, Monkeypox, JSilver, Rameano, Scap, all giants of the field, but some great stuff currently too, including Eisen-verse, Nevvy, and Self.

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I don't know if you know this, but your diary is the 3rd longest diary in the TEW 08 forums. You belong.


I realize that my post count has gotten up there. That's a bit deceptive, though, as my diary features a great deal of "off topic" discussion. Which I quite like, but it does pad the numbers. And while quantity is always nice, I think its quality that matters most. Again, to even be put anywhere near the level of some of the great writers on this board is a very happy thought for me.


I completely agree with James Casey that the variety is one of the greatest aspects to the daries on this board. As a reader, I can almost always find something that will suit my mood. If I want to immerse myself in a minutely detailed opus, I can. If I want to find something lighter and easier to read, I can. Whether its some of the current great work or the great diaries of the past, the quality available is immense.

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I realize that my post count has gotten up there. That's a bit deceptive, though, as my diary features a great deal of "off topic" discussion. Which I quite like, but it does pad the numbers. And while quantity is always nice, I think its quality that matters most. Again, to even be put anywhere near the level of some of the great writers on this board is a very happy thought for me.


I completely agree with James Casey that the variety is one of the greatest aspects to the daries on this board. As a reader, I can almost always find something that will suit my mood. If I want to immerse myself in a minutely detailed opus, I can. If I want to find something lighter and easier to read, I can. Whether its some of the current great work or the great diaries of the past, the quality available is immense.




Off-topic discussion like that in your diary is something I'd kill for. I see it as a sign that the community at large respects the level of your writing, as is interested enough in it to discuss it further. And it's a shame... I love to discuss my EWA, and I'm sure there's plenty of other diary writers who feel the same way about their company. Heck, if you don't then you probably shouldn't be writing a diary about that company.


But your stuff rocks, BigP. Padded with off-topic discussion or not, I definetly think it deserves recognition among the elite of the active diaries.

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I realize that my post count has gotten up there. That's a bit deceptive, though, as my diary features a great deal of "off topic" discussion. Which I quite like, but it does pad the numbers. And while quantity is always nice, I think its quality that matters most. Again, to even be put anywhere near the level of some of the great writers on this board is a very happy thought for me.


I completely agree with James Casey that the variety is one of the greatest aspects to the daries on this board. As a reader, I can almost always find something that will suit my mood. If I want to immerse myself in a minutely detailed opus, I can. If I want to find something lighter and easier to read, I can. Whether its some of the current great work or the great diaries of the past, the quality available is immense.


I see that very differently. You see padded numbers. What I see is a group of readers (most of them writers themselves) who like your dairy and/or you in general enough to wish to talk about "off-topic" discussion as you would put it. I'm not saying that you are the greatest writer on the forums, only that you belong in the discussion


So weird to say that to the person I am praising, then again if someone told me I was even in the discussion I would respectfully decline (while laughing my arse off in the real world). :D

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One of these things... does not belong...


Seriously, that's some elite company you're putting me in, Astil. Not sure I qualify, but thank you.


Oh, you belong. Most definetly, right now you got my favorite dyansty running, and Nevermore has two running. Your match writing and "feel of the moment" is superb.


Also included should be NoNeck and Casey and MonkeyPox and Tristram and Wallbanger (can't believe I forgot Generations!)


Lot's of fantastic writers here. Lots. Sometimes we as a community forget just how lucky we are that we have such great writers AND we are a humble, kind community (because trust, I've been a part of some ****ty forum communities)


P.S. This is no way a poke at other great diaries who I just didn't get into (a certain FCW one come to mind). Just personal opinion.

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Off-topic discussion like that in your diary is something I'd kill for. I see it as a sign that the community at large respects the level of your writing, as is interested enough in it to discuss it further. And it's a shame... I love to discuss my EWA, and I'm sure there's plenty of other diary writers who feel the same way about their company. Heck, if you don't then you probably shouldn't be writing a diary about that company.


But your stuff rocks, BigP. Padded with off-topic discussion or not, I definetly think it deserves recognition among the elite of the active diaries.


Well thanks for the recognition, good sir.


Regarding the off topic discussion in Generation Supreme, I do very much appreciate it (as weird as it is to call it "off topic). It can just happen in diaries, I suppose, but its something I've fostered from the very beginning. A lot of little things - encouraging and asking (even almost begging on occasionally) for feedback, responding to comments, occasionally responding to comments in predictions, and sometimes doing little "random thoughts" about a given show or booking when there is something I want the readers to know. All of that helps encourage people, I think. Doing all of that won't guarantee anything, as it still comes down to the readers.


And BTW, your EWA is damned good. And The Alpha Male is epic.


I see that very differently. You see padded numbers. What I see is a group of readers (most of them writers themselves) who like your dairy and/or you in general enough to wish to talk about "off-topic" discussion as you would put it. I'm not saying that you are the greatest writer on the forums, only that you belong in the discussion


So weird to say that to the person I am praising, then again if someone told me I was even in the discussion I would respectfully decline (while laughing my arse off in the real world). :D


I guess that's a legit way to look at it. Good point, FI. Thanks.


And it does feel weird to me to be included in that discussion, in any manner. To have someone think its worth comparing me to some of the great diaries that have inspired me and so many others, even if do come up short in comparison. I appreciate it.


And thanks, Astil.


My favorite four right now are TigerKinney, JamesCasey, NoNeck, and Phantom Stranger. Its more than just enjoying their writing - I have genuine attachment to their diaries at this point. Moreso TK and JC, because I know both NN and PS are winding down - though I am definitely looking forward to their new respective next projects.


That said, there are a number of other writers I love to read as well, but just haven't quite formed that same attachment for some reason. J Silver never fails to entertain. Eisen-Verse and cmdrsam both have diaries of notable potential. Self, Marcel Fromage, and Comradebot do fantastic work. Nevermore, iMac, and Tristam have managed to interest me in real world diaries. I could name so many more. And that's not even including writers who did their thing primary before I came around. I have to agree, Astil, that this board not only has so many great writers but is a very good genuine community.

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Well, as a diary reader, just because I don't post replies in a diary does not mean I dislike the diary. But it can (but not always), mean, I hate to say this, that the diary is a bit hard to read. I personally dislike colored text (especially bright colors). It doesn't really serve to distinguish one block of text from another, and if all the text is colored, it sort blends in over time.


What I do like about Bigpapa42's diaries is uses non-colored breaks to show a different segment from another segment. It's easier on the eyes.


And as for images and what not, that's not important for me as a reader. In fact, if the pictures are TOO big or not put in the right format, I get turned off. Bigpapa42 does it right. I think Sean McFly and Eisen-verse use the same format, and that's the one that easiest on the eyes.


Also, Bigpapa42's format looks extremely professional, as does Tigerkinney's.


I also find it that the worst diaries have to do with people that constantly try to create diaries without any pre-planning, and trying toconstantly make new diaries. I notice that the best diaries prepare A LOT of material in advance. I've come to conclusion that, if I ever do a diary of my own, and if the promotion has a regular TV show, I would need to do at least one month's worth of pre-planning before it's ready to be shown as diary.


As for big text write-ups for matches, I find it that, in promotions that aren't either "performance is rated equally with popularity" or "performation is rated more than popularity", aren't necessary. I expect it for most Japanese Promotions, and probably something like NOTBPW, but otherwise, for something like SWF and CGC, it's actually a benefit to have a shorter write-ups for minor matches. It all depends on the promotion, really. I don't expect squash matches in NOTBPW or PGHW, but on the other hand, I don't expect a 30-minute classic between a Main Eventer Steve Frehley and a Enhancement Talent Paul Huntingdon in the SWF.


Also, I hate to say this, but some people don't respond to certain diaries is because they probably don't care for the promotion you are writing for. They might not necessarily hate it, but they simply prefer others.


I also think (though I can't prove) that the popularities of certain diaries is either linked to historical signficance and/or long-term popularities of certain product types and/or certain areas. For example, making a diary on a promotion that's based in the USA/Canada, or Japan is probably get more notice than making a diary based on a promotion in Europe or Australia.

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I also think (though I can't prove) that the popularities of certain diaries is either linked to historical signficance and/or long-term popularities of certain product types and/or certain areas. For example, making a diary on a promotion that's based in the USA/Canada, or Japan is probably get more notice than making a diary based on a promotion in Europe or Australia.


Kinda sad, but kinda true. One of my all time favorite diaries is Rathen4's APW diary, and it never seemed to get the full recognition it deserved. It was regularly updated and every bit as good as, say, JC's MAW diary. Other than that, no Aussie diary has really taken off.


And Europe... there's mine, a couple others started EWA diaries that lasted about two shows each, and I think there was a short lived UEW diary. I think my proudest moment was when one of the other EWA guys had Bam Bam wrestling as "The Alpha Norwegian" as well. :D


It should be mentioned that Europe/UK are really seperate in even TEW Diary forms, as plenty of folks have had popular British based diares. I think Nevermore might be the cause of that.


But the amount of North American diaries is truly staggering. Not counting RW stuff, I'd say North American companies represent close to three quarters of the diaries on the boards. One of the reasons I've actually enjoyed EWA so much is the fact that most of the characters are untouched by other diaries, giving me free room to create my own personas without having to go "But writer X did an AWESOME job with Jim Force by doing that with him, so should I do the same or try and do something different and better?"



And thank you for the props, BigP. And it's the "Alpha Norwegian" not Alpha Male. Sadly, I haven't managed to bring Marcus Cor Von in to EWA.... yet.

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I always try to get a little something from every diary that I read. Whether that's positive or negative depends on the diary. There are several that I have gone to through pm's in asking for advice about this or that. BigPapa, you know you're one of those because I do respect what you have done with your SWF diary though I don't post enough in diaries, either positive or negative. I really need to start doing that.


BP, Nevermore, Tristram, James Casey, PS, TK, FIN and Keefmoon, definitely all part of an elite class when it comes to diaries.

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Kinda sad, but kinda true. One of my all time favorite diaries is Rathen4's APW diary, and it never seemed to get the full recognition it deserved. It was regularly updated and every bit as good as, say, JC's MAW diary. Other than that, no Aussie diary has really taken off.


And Europe... there's mine, a couple others started EWA diaries that lasted about two shows each, and I think there was a short lived UEW diary. I think my proudest moment was when one of the other EWA guys had Bam Bam wrestling as "The Alpha Norwegian" as well. :D


It should be mentioned that Europe/UK are really seperate in even TEW Diary forms, as plenty of folks have had popular British based diares. I think Nevermore might be the cause of that.


But the amount of North American diaries is truly staggering. Not counting RW stuff, I'd say North American companies represent close to three quarters of the diaries on the boards. One of the reasons I've actually enjoyed EWA so much is the fact that most of the characters are untouched by other diaries, giving me free room to create my own personas without having to go "But writer X did an AWESOME job with Jim Force by doing that with him, so should I do the same or try and do something different and better?"



And thank you for the props, BigP. And it's the "Alpha Norwegian" not Alpha Male. Sadly, I haven't managed to bring Marcus Cor Von in to EWA.... yet.


I want to point out that, I really can't see sports entertainment in Europe. It seems to me, especially the Computer, and especially because of it's owner, the promotion is destined to fail without a human player. Plus, Entertainment and Europe seems like an awkward and strange fit. I always thought that Traditional Wrestling is the way to go in Europe.

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I want to point out that, I really can't see sports entertainment in Europe. It seems to me, especially the Computer, and especially because of it's owner, the promotion is destined to fail without a human player. Plus, Entertainment and Europe seems like an awkward and strange fit. I always thought that Traditional Wrestling is the way to go in Europe.




DAVE was destined to fail, and I think some of the best diaries on this board were based on it.


I won't argue, SE seems odd in Europe... but that's part of the charm of the C-Verse and TEW in general. It's up to you to do as you please. If you want to take the typical Traditional route in Europe, you're free to. If you want 80s style Sports Entertainment, then flex away Bam Bam... flex away...

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DAVE was destined to fail, and I think some of the best diaries on this board were based on it.


I won't argue, SE seems odd in Europe... but that's part of the charm of the C-Verse and TEW in general. It's up to you to do as you please. If you want to take the typical Traditional route in Europe, you're free to. If you want 80s style Sports Entertainment, then flex away Bam Bam... flex away...


I am a unashamed fan of Bam Bam and his Bull Shark Testosterone.

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I realize that my post count has gotten up there. That's a bit deceptive, though, as my diary features a great deal of "off topic" discussion. Which I quite like, but it does pad the numbers. And while quantity is always nice, I think its quality that matters most.


I am just curious: how many posts do you have in your diary thread?

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I am a unashamed fan of Bam Bam and his Bull Shark Testosterone.


As am I.


I knew it was "The Alpha Norweigan", Comrade. I just always think of him as the "alpha male" as I think you've written a seminal version of that gimmick with Bam Bam. Just typed it wrong for some reason.


I am just curious: how many posts do you have in your diary thread?


There are currently 1,189 posts in my diary. I have made 568. Approximately 69 of those are actual shows.

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DAVE was destined to fail, and I think some of the best diaries on this board were based on it.


I won't argue, SE seems odd in Europe... but that's part of the charm of the C-Verse and TEW in general. It's up to you to do as you please. If you want to take the typical Traditional route in Europe, you're free to. If you want 80s style Sports Entertainment, then flex away Bam Bam... flex away...


Although most diaries aren't written as if the promotion will fail, DaVE diaries are the exception. I believe it's because DaVE reminds everyone of ECW. Of all the C-Verse and RL-Verse comparison, DaVE and ECW are the most similar. It's striking. But if I go into that anymore, we will go into a discussion about ECW, which is rather irrelevant to the topic.


I also want to point out that, a Human player can probably make EWA succeed. It's not like UEW is perfect, either. I always thought their choice of Joey Beauchamp and Sergei Kalashnov were odd. Why did they have Inky the Squid Boy? That said, they did have Razor Valentine and Ali Bloxsome, both which are pretty good.


Then Again, it might be because of Byron's a giant !@#$%. I bet that's how he manage to lose JOey Beachamp and Sergei Kalashnov. I bet that's why Inky is also in UEW, and not in EWA.

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Fun thread. I'm gonna go ahead and take credit for FIN thinking "Wrath of God" was a stable. Still the best alt I've ever done (not that it was 100% my idea) and I love how it's spread onto other characters... In fact, I've got 2 more WoG members on my hard drive, that I should really post at some point.


Despite my diary work, I feel kind of left out of this discussion, because (and I'm greatly ashamed of this) I'm not much of a diary reader. I glance, I flick through things, I predict on occasion, but I can't really point to any specific diaries and say "I love this. I read it a lot. It inspires me". Hell, before I started my diary, I barely ever went into the Dynasty Forum. Until I did, and saw the creativity and awesomeness contained within, I thought the whole concept of writing a diary was arrogant "Look how good at booking I am" nonsense. I'm happy to admit I was wrong.

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Generally I get turned off by the people begging for feedback. It's almost like they read an awesome diary, threw something up and expected everyone and their brothers to come out and comment.


That's how it was for my first 2 diaries. People weren't writing "man this is awesome" or I wasn't getting dozens of predictions and I just kinda stopped caring.


I'm glad to say that my recent diaries I've shaken that bad habit, and especially CCW has gotten me to truly appreciate the silent but consistent readers. I know every time I post a show ~20 people click on it and read, so I've learned to trust that over comments and predictions.

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Generally I get turned off by the people begging for feedback. It's almost like they read an awesome diary, threw something up and expected everyone and their brothers to come out and comment.


That's how it was for my first 2 diaries. People weren't writing "man this is awesome" or I wasn't getting dozens of predictions and I just kinda stopped caring.


I'm glad to say that my recent diaries I've shaken that bad habit, and especially CCW has gotten me to truly appreciate the silent but consistent readers. I know every time I post a show ~20 people click on it and read, so I've learned to trust that over comments and predictions.


This is a great observation. I think the view/reply ratio is a much more telling metric of a diary's popularity than star ratings. Direct feedback and star ratings can skew perception because those motivated to do those things have a stronger bias (either positive or negative) than do those that just read.

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I'm still kinda curious who skewed my star rating. I'm not complaining about a 4. I think I'm doing solid 4-star work. Really good, not perfect. I just could have sworn I had a 5, then I gave myself a 5 (at least I wasn't the first, eh) and now I have 4. Just curious who pulled down my rating, and why they hate me so much :)


EDIT: Holy crap I'm insecure sometimes. I gotta get rid of all that emo-junk from my iPod.

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