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Age you got into the EWR/TEW series?

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Nothing about in game action per se, but what age did you first discover the two?


I was almost 12 when I moved back to Tampa and stayed with my older brother for a couple weeks. He had downloaded EWR 1.0 a couple weeks earlier, and after showing myself and my twin brother it that summer we were hooked. We played it constantly while we stayed with him (And he's visiting me in a month, so we're quite excited about playing TEW2008 since we had stopped playing together due to the distance of me moving back to Las Vegas shortly after TEW04 came out), and all throughout the EWR series until the arrival of the TEW series I played the games constantly. I never bought anything after 04 (Though played the demos), but with 2005 getting released as freeware I became hooked again and am going to be buying 08 in a week or so. I also got my older brother addicted all over again (My twin brother doesn't play at all anymore unfortunately).


So I was a few months shy from 12 when I discovered it. What about you guys?

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I came on board with Adam's games in the 90s, with Extreme Warfare 6000, just before the release of EW75000. I actually still have EW9000, and play it from time to time. Not only is it a great nestalgia trip, but it's still a fantastically fun game. Probably because it's incredibly easy to do well, and takes absolutely no long-term planning.


I missed TEW '04, but picked up TEW '05 during the first week of its release.

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I was probably 18 back then. TEW05 was my first one I've played and I hated these text based wrestling promoter sims as a teenager. I didn't understand the point and it was hard for me to jump from the arcade type of wrestling games where you are the wrestler and so on.. Then one day I tried and played the game like 7hrs straight.


The rest is history.

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I think I was in about... 9th grade? Somewhere in there, with whichever EWR it was in that particular part of the early 2000s (I'd say 2001ish?)... and thinking back, I was playing EWR in BCIS my junior year, which would've been about 2003/4. 04 came out and I played only a little bit with it as I couldn't yet wrap my head around "the game not coming with real workers!" And even then I noticed the flaws with the RW mods at the time, so I just couldn't get into it.


Finally 05 came out, and I think GruntMark actually got it before I did and told me I should go ahead and check out the fictional database. I created my own little company, signed Tom Angelus, had him "FLEX FOR AMERICA!" and have been in love with the franchise ever since.


My only regret is that I never bought 04 myself, and GM's computer with it was stolen, meaning my chances of looking at the C-Verse of that era are now slim to none.


Seriously, someone out there with 04 needs to create an 2004 C-Verse mod. Of course, with the 05 one in the works it'd almost seem a bit redundant.

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Umm, first one was TEW05 so, 32? I copped a copy of 04 from a co-worker at the time (who hated it but still had it installed) midway through TEW05's life but didn't really like it too much (too easy). I've been into management sims like forever (from the first SimCity on my Amiga 500 in 89 when I was 16) so the idea of a wrestling sim was an instant hit with me. As is my MO with games, I tried to break it to find the chinks in it (and did find a few) but it was infectiously fun for someone with my personality. I swear, I managed to bankrupt both SWF and TCW multiple times before I got the hang of things. Then I went to running 5SSW like AJW back in the day and the rest is, as they say, history.
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LOL @ Everyone in their twenties thinking they are old.


I never could get the earlier versions of EW/EWD to work on the PC we had, so, actually, I played Promotion Wars more than anything else.


I didn't get into Adam's games until the release of EWR, so I would have been at least 27. After that, I was hooked, and got every EWR upgrade and then followed the game to .400 Software Studios when it became TEW. (I still have my copy of TEW04, but can't play it since I gave my license to a friend after 07 came out.)


I've bought every version of TEW since and plan to get 09, 10, 11, 12, 15; whatever comes next.

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When I was like seventeen I found the game promotion wars. While playing the hell out of that I discovered Extreme Warfare Deluxe. So at like 18 I was playing EWD moved on up through the EWR's. My brother had TEW 04 but the concepts of booking actual times of matches and promos eluded me so I didn't mess with TEW again until 07's developers journal came out. I bought 07 the first day of its release and I'm fairly certain I did the same with 08 or atleast within its first week of release. So I've been playing Ryland games for ten years now wow.
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I played EWR 2.0 (I think, maybe 3.0) first after seeing a thread entitled "Which is better? EWR or ______?" (can't remember what it was comparing it to). I followed some links and found out my dream game of a wrestling promotion sim was out there FOR FREE. Let's see the data had WWA and XWF in it, so I guess in was in 2002, making me 17/18 at the time (depending what month I found out about it).


In a small way I wish I hadn't played TEW 07/08, because up to then I was still playing EWR happily. Now with the angle writer and other features I can't go back to EWR, even though I prefer the simpler interface, promotions firing and hiring people regularly due to the roster size level limit causing them to do so, and it being easy (maybe too easy, but I didn't care) to rise up a small company to global in, like, two years. Good times.

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I played EWR 2.0 (I think, maybe 3.0) first after seeing a thread entitled "Which is better? EWR or ______?" (can't remember what it was comparing it to). I followed some links and found out my dream game of a wrestling promotion sim was out there FOR FREE. Let's see the data had WWA and XWF in it, so I guess in was in 2002, making me 17/18 at the time (depending what month I found out about it).


In a small way I wish I hadn't played TEW 07/08, because up to then I was still playing EWR happily. Now with the angle writer and other features I can't go back to EWR, even though I prefer the simpler interface, promotions firing and hiring people regularly due to the roster size level limit causing them to do so, and it being easy (maybe too easy, but I didn't care) to rise up a small company to global in, like, two years. Good times.


That's something I'd like to see brought back. Currently, big companies have a tendency to have very little roster turnover of any kind. New guys don't get brought in all that often, and the old ones tend to stick around. Then again, it isn't done in a painful manner by any means. There IS roster turnover, just not as much as you could have in EWR. I do miss waiting around for a midcard worker to get fired by the WWF/E so I can bring him in to be the star of my Small or Regional company.


I also miss how serious injuries could hurt a worker's stats. It made sense, and also resulted in some of those guys getting released. I remember Triple H suffered a serious leg injury (hey, even in EWR it was happening!), his stats ended up about 75% of what they were when he finally returned to the ring, and the WWE cut him. I brought him onboard and he promptly began feuding with my then champion... Mark Jindrak. I had no boss's daughter for him to sleep with, so he had to bite the bullet and lay down for Jindrak.


I ALSO miss workers pulling a HHH and getting married to the boss's relative, giving them lifetime contracts. Johnny "The Bull" Stamboli pulled this in my WWE game, and I have to say it was fun to feel "forced" into pushing Stamboli up the card. Wouldn't mind seeing something similar to this in TEW someday again.


Last, I miss being able to drag a few choice workers with me when I split off to form my own company. TEW NEEDS this option, though now bringing workers with you should have ramifications (perhaps based on the skill/popularity of the worker(s), how many you're trying to bring with you, and the personality of your boss). Maybe you try to work out some deal with your former boss, and if yall can't reach an agreement the result is War between your old company and the one you're founding.

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I got into EWD thanks to a friend of mine when I was at the top end of high school... so I musta been 16 at the time. Ah.. the joys of the old floppy disk to get it from his house to mine. We moved up to EWR after that along with seemingly everyone else in the world and had a lot of fun playing that too. It's almost scary to think I've been playing Adam's games for the best part of the last decade and I'm still actively into them to this day. Guess I've found the perfect hybrid between managing and wrestling, the two kinds of games I've always gravitated towards.


Oh... and I did play Promotion Wars too but never really got into it. Just wasn't as much fun as EWR was though it wasn't a bad game. Just not as good. :)

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I stumbled across EWR at about... 8 or 9? I started using "the net" aged 7, and even though it was all dial-up it didn't take me long to get settled in to the whole thing. As such, annoying little bugger though i was (and to an extent still am), i've practically grown up in this community.


EWAdditions was always a great site I remember... among others, of course. There were plenty of shortlived ones.


And who doesn't fondly remember the TC Dale Wars of .400... good times, bad times.


In short, a lot has happened over the years. It's Extreme Warfare/Wrestling Folklore :D

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I was in my final year of university, so 21. I started playing Promotion Wars, tried TNN and EWD as it then was, but preferred the manual-sort option for the roster in PW (you could edit the text files to have the roster in any order you wanted, and as the game had about six workers per screen that was important).


I got back into EW on New Years' Eve of 2003 when i was waiting for my then-girlfriend to get ready for the night's party. I played a lot, then in 2005 I was working at a very low demand job and ended up trying out the demo of TEW 04, before buying '05 when it came out. And here I still am...

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My firs game was EWR 3, and about six months later EWR 4 came out, so It had to be around then, I also played promotion wars before EWR 3 but not a lot as I didn't like it. Boy was I in a good mood when I found EWR, so far I've bought every game
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I was, I think, 19 when I first discovered EWR; it was a month or two after 4.0 came out (I remember Ryland's website at the time hyping the new update which came after the PPV when Eddy Guerrerro won his first WWE World title).


I've played every one of Adam's games since then, and liked almost all of them (didn't like TEW04, although I never played a CVerse game until TEW05. . . I might have like it better if I had tried). I still open up EWR on occasion and play the TNA game I started in April 2005 where I was able to sign The Rock and take them Global eventually.

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I've played ever since the beginning, which is Extreme Warfare 2. And no, I'm not old now... I was just very young back then. ;) In any case, I played all of them, up to Extreme Warfare Revenge, until he decided to go commercial. At the time, because I was a bit peeved at the game becoming commercial, I stopped playing.


I always had the itch to come back, and I finally did a year ago with TEW2008. :p


As for Promtions Wars, initially, when it came out, it was better of the two. However, Adam then came out with Extreme Warfare Revenge, and it was nowhere as buggy as Promotion Wars was.

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I was 16 when i was searching the internet for free wrestling games and came aross EW9000 played it for a few hours then noticed the web address to adams site and found EWD, and read he was making EWR so i played EWD until EWR came out and have played every game since then. just turned 24 on july 19th
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I'm thinking I must've been around 12. The first game I played was EW9000 and I was instantly hooked even though I didn't know who most of the guys were at the time. Since then I've played every incarnation of the series, though my peak as far as hours spent playing were probably EWR 1.4 when I would sit for entire days just playing. Can't do anywhere near that anymore.


I also played some PW, but Ryland was always my favorite Adam :)

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I first played Promotion Wars, both me and my former Brother-In-Law loved it. Then I found one of the older Extreme Warfare games, though I don't remember which it was. I played that for a few weeks, all the while thinking it would be neat if there was a newer version out and that's when I found EWR. I played that game like it was the IV that kept life in my body and haven't looked back really. I wasn't really working when TEW04 came out, as I was still in high school, but I picked up 05 and really haven't looked back since. So I guess I was probably ten or eleven, so I've been playing for nearly thirteen years.
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