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DOTM: September Nominations

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I would like to nominate Sebsy's WWE: Where It All Begins Again..... Again!


Awesome shows with incredible write ups :)


Well I'd like to thank TK and Astil for nominating me, I didn't really think I'd get in the running quite yet, to be honest.


As for my own nomination, I'll second sebsy's WWE: Where It All Begins Again..Again!.



Wow, not sure what to say.


Never ever dreamed of even getting one nomination for my first month so to get seconded aswell is amazing. Thank you both Lexa90 and Zeel1.

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RULES please read I have made a small change
  1. You have 3 votes to either nominate or 2nd, 1 for each category

    (The TigerKinney Rule)

    You may substitute your Real World and Cornellverse nomination or 2nd between the two. The Rookie Vote must go to a Rookie Diary Category or be left unused

  2. you may not nominate or 2nd yourself

  3. All nominations need to be seconded to make the voting round

  4. All nominations must include a reason

  5. Real World & Cornellverse: must have at least
    shows, with at least 2 of those shows this month.

  6. Rookie DOTM:any diary started since the first of the prior month -August 1st- the only post requirement for rookie is one show in the current month. (none diary threads are no longer eligible)

  7. You CAN nominate the the winners from last month's Rookie Category to the full awards regardless of start date (d_w_w's "MDC2: The Battle Rages On" - but I am not sure where

  8. You can NOT nominate Bigpapa42's "SWF: Generation Supreme" or Eisenverse's "PSW: The Evolution of Greed"

  9. You can NOT nominate Nevermore's "ECW Worldwide"




2nd* - means that the diary has been seconded so that you do not waste your vote, or fail to 2nd a diary you want to see put up for diary of the month


Real World DOTM nominee's:

  • 2nd* Tristam's "Prequel to the Death of the WCW"
  • 2nd* Oldschool's "WWWF: Re-writing History: No Hulk/No Vince (D.O.T.T)"
  • Sebsy's "WWE: Where It All Begins Again..... Again!"



Cornellverse DOTM nominee's:

  • 2nd* Phantom Stranger's "TCW: A Quiet Retirement"
  • 2nd* Self's "Frontier Combat Kingdom"
  • 2nd* Zeel 1's: TCW Total Control
  • 2nd* Nevermore's "MoSC: The Worst Of British Wrestling"
  • Dragon Mac's "The David Mack Chronicles: MHW, 3 Parts Pain & One Part Tequila"
  • 2nd* Marcel Fromage "XWA: American Wrestling Just Got Serious"
  • 2nd* James Casey's "10 Simple Rules"
  • NoNeck's "Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011"



Rookie DOTM nominee's:

  • 2nd* angeldelayette's USPW: Long Hard Road From Cult
  • totti's "WWF: What If Bret Stayed"
  • McFly's "WWE: A Venture into the World of Sports Entertainment"



Nominations will be open until September 30th (12 pm Eastern)


Holy Crap this month flew by!?!?


I might not comment in every diary thread that I actually read, I do rather enjoy many different diary's based on many different mods. I can honestly say I probably enjoy the DOTT mods the most. However, when someone does a Diary on something unexpected (like the over 9000 verse as an example), It can really be surprisinly entertaining to read.


I also have a hard time putting my name down to vote or nominate anyone, because there are way too many people I would be leaving out that I think should be in it as well. It's impossible for me to make up my mind. For this reason, I wanted to contribute a few thoughts on the whole DOTM (and later, DOTY) award process.


I would like to see a few more awards (splitting) for these diary's, as I believe alot more people deserve to be recognized for their efforts, rather then just Real World, Cornelverse, and Rookie categories. I do like the categories, but I would also like to see some more categories, such as:


Real World historical (set 5 or more years ago).


Real World alternate (What if types "What if Bret Hart never left?" "WCW Reborn!" etc.).


C-Verse Historical (There are at least two mods that have been put in the C-Verse history, made by GDS member's).


C-Verse Alternate's (Streetfighter vs. C-Verse types)


Fantasy (Everything from the 9000 verse, to Science Fiction Chaos, to Streetfighter, etc.).


Now... I wouldn't mind if these were all left up to the DOTY awards, and we kept the more generalized awards for DOTM. I would also prefer that someone could not win the monthly awards more then 3 times a year (quarterly)... So whomever won in January wouldn't be able to be in it till MAY for the same award. I have no problem with someone winning one award this month, and a different award the next, as long as it's not the same award back to back.

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The 9000-verse point is a good one. A while back two cool Marvel/DC based diaries turned up, and there should be a category for them. Historical Real World could work too, although I'm not too learned on the state of the Real World category as it is.


I would be opposed to separating "Cornellverse" from "Alternate Cornellverse" diaries. Being Alternate I'd miss the competition. On the whole, awards are like titles. The more you have, the less they mean.


As a DOTY thing, I think the opposite. The more awards the better.

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I'm going to use both of my real-world noms on a pair of NWA diaries: Wildfire's "Return To Glory", and dse's "The New NWA". Due to timing, neither diary has had a PPV so far this month, which hurts their chances of winning. But there's still been plenty of storyline advancement in both, and I think they're worthy of consideration at least, PPV or no.
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I will take this as constructive criticism but until any of those categories grow large enough to stand on their own, thing will remain the same for DOTM.


As for DOTY, we will cross that bridge when we come to it, but a major complaint last year was that there were to many category. and the general consensus was to cut almost half. So when I set down to figure out what will or wont be in, more categories for a very limited set of diaries will probably not be on the list.


as for you don't want to nominate because it leave people out, well if you don't nominate some one who is deserving well then yes YOU will be leaving them out. :p


now back to the nominations. :cool:

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I want to second the realworld nod for DSE. his handling of Brock Lesnar's ditching him for Japan has been Gold. Providing a few twist I don't think anyone say coming. and the run of Kennedy should convince theE to bring Mr Anderson back!


And we should be up to date.

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The 9000-verse point is a good one. A while back two cool Marvel/DC based diaries turned up, and there should be a category for them. Historical Real World could work too, although I'm not too learned on the state of the Real World category as it is.


I would be opposed to separating "Cornellverse" from "Alternate Cornellverse" diaries. Being Alternate I'd miss the competition. On the whole, awards are like titles. The more you have, the less they mean.


As a DOTY thing, I think the opposite. The more awards the better.


Alternate, I'm thinking of the different mods like Shamelessposer made for it (I believe it was him). Also, people have often wanted to do alternates with the hardcore promotion still going strong in the modern C-Verse world.


It could be broadened to include "GDS" and "Kobeverse", or even "Effinverse" mods... bassically mods based on the C-Verse idea of having a completely unique fictional world.


I'm more of a fan for these things to be included in the DOTY, instead of DOTM. My first post was something I just couldn't help making while I was trying to think of how to narrow down my favorite diary's for nomination.


That's why I stated I would rather someone not be able to win the same category in the same yearly quarter (or even year), for the DOTM awards. This would give us a broader amount of Diary's to vote for DOTY, making the additional catagories I proposed a more warrented idea.


NOTE: I have forgotten most of the rules for these awards, as it's been a good long time since I read them. So forgive me if some of the rules I proposed already existed, and I'm looking a bit dim-witted. I didn't bother searching out of laziness... sorry.

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I will take this as constructive criticism but until any of those categories grow large enough to stand on their own, thing will remain the same for DOTM.


As for DOTY, we will cross that bridge when we come to it, but a major complaint last year was that there were to many category. and the general consensus was to cut almost half. So when I set down to figure out what will or wont be in, more categories for a very limited set of diaries will probably not be on the list.


as for you don't want to nominate because it leave people out, well if you don't nominate some one who is deserving well then yes YOU will be leaving them out. :p


now back to the nominations. :cool:


/nod. I won't be upset no matter what is decided. I've just noticed there seems to be alot more active diary's then I've seen over the years lately, as well as a much more broader spectrum (people are playing many different mods, as well as many different promotions that haven't seen as much action before this year).


Perhaps I'm just getting more and more into reading diary's then before, but I'm sure I've not seen such activity over the years (Can walk away a couple of days, come back and have two full pages of new posts in the diary section alone... I've been gone for much longer in the past, and not seen that many in the diary section prior to this year, and even moreso these last couple of months).

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/nod. I won't be upset no matter what is decided. I've just noticed there seems to be alot more active diary's then I've seen over the years lately, as well as a much more broader spectrum (people are playing many different mods, as well as many different promotions that haven't seen as much action before this year).


Perhaps I'm just getting more and more into reading diary's then before, but I'm sure I've not seen such activity over the years (Can walk away a couple of days, come back and have two full pages of new posts in the diary section alone... I've been gone for much longer in the past, and not seen that many in the diary section prior to this year, and even moreso these last couple of months).


since i have been writing (a year and a half) we usually move a page a day or so. but during June/July/August there has alway been a little more activity. I think it has to do with Summer break, but i could be wrong.

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I once posted an episode of my diary, and within 6 hours it was on page 2. Scary stuff.


An "Alternate" category could be considered, for all mods not Real World or contained characters from the C-Verse. It all depends on who's getting into the DOTM Rookie category though. Supply & demand and all that jazz. If there's several 9000-verse or GDS-verse projects out there, let 'em have it. If not, no dice.


One win every 3 months... it's an idea. Doing it to give more people a "chance to win" seems a bit like molly-coddling, like giving every kid who participates a trophy, but I'm not against it personally. I'm not greedy, I won once (well, twice, but the first was a draw, so I don't really count it) and I could retire happy with that.

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I will second both the NWA's


dse1 NWA has been going strong for almost 2 Straight years... Its been a model of consistency... Not to mention long time champ Brock Lesnar just bolted for NOAH


Wildfire's NWA has continually provided some of the best character developement... We are now seeing the ascension of Austin Aries, Sheamus O'Shaughnessy and Tyler Black in prominent roles... The hype for Ki/Danielson III has been great

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I once posted an episode of my diary, and within 6 hours it was on page 2. Scary stuff.


An "Alternate" category could be considered, for all mods not Real World or contained characters from the C-Verse. It all depends on who's getting into the DOTM Rookie category though. Supply & demand and all that jazz. If there's several 9000-verse or GDS-verse projects out there, let 'em have it. If not, no dice.


One win every 3 months... it's an idea. Doing it to give more people a "chance to win" seems a bit like molly-coddling, like giving every kid who participates a trophy, but I'm not against it personally. I'm not greedy, I won once (well, twice, but the first was a draw, so I don't really count it) and I could retire happy with that.


lets take a look at the records for this year.


Since January:

Real world winners:

Boom King





Final Count Down





Tiger Kinney

James Casey

Big Papa


Big Papa & Self

Phantom Stranger


Big Papa & Eisenverse



in 7 months the real world has had 6 winners, the Cornelverse has had 7, though two of those month contained ties. I could see a Tie breaker rule saying the tie goes to the person who has not previously won, but considering in the previous 2 years only 3 other ties resulted, I think that is not such a great idea.


I grant you the same names finish at the top of the voting every month, but the numbers do not bear out that any one person is truly dominating the wins.


I know how it feels but the numbers say that even the best writers, on average are only winning two maybe 3 times a year.

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for the rookie category, I nominate Greg McNeish's 21CW The british Entertainment Experiment.


21cw is always hard to do , but he shows some promise starting off.


I'll second Greg McNeish's 21CW The British Entertainment Experiment..


Wow, guys. Thank you so much for the support.


Dragonmack, your NYCW '07 dynasty was the longest one I've ever read front to back, and your recap style inspired my own.


Tweek, what can I say? You've quickly become a good friend, through our joint diary game. I'm really glad we've had the chance to work/play together.


This makes the first time that I've ever been on the ballot, for DOTM. This is my 5th diary, since '05, so I'm realy jacked about it.



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lets take a look at the records for this year.


Since January:

Real world winners:

Boom King




Final Count Down





Um... is there a reason as to why I've been left off this list? Pretty sure I won it in March '09. I mean I know I haven't been around here as much these last few months but to erase me from history is a bit steep is it not?

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Um... is there a reason as to why I've been left off this list? Pretty sure I won it in March '09. I mean I know I haven't been around here as much these last few months but to erase me from history is a bit steep is it not?


Just a typo, there was also a typo on the number of people.


in 7 months the real world has had 6 winners,


When there were actually 8 (seven in the list and mistaken said that there were 6), counting you in. It's sometimes easy to not see someone in the list and I'm 100% sure that it was just a typo from mistaken. Of course you are included.

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Um... is there a reason as to why I've been left off this list? Pretty sure I won it in March '09. I mean I know I haven't been around here as much these last few months but to erase me from history is a bit steep is it not?


I was typing to fast for my own good :o


Just a typo, there was also a typo on the number of people.




When there were actually 8 (seven in the list and mistaken said that there were 6), counting you in. It's sometimes easy to not see someone in the list and I'm 100% sure that it was just a typo from mistaken. Of course you are included.


yeah, let see august is month 8, so yeah double checking the math would have been good.


so real world 7 winners in 8 months

cornelverse 7 winners in 8 months with 2 ties both going to big papa.

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I want to use my other two nods


I want to nominate

[thread=39699]Nobby_McDonald's "TNA's New Beginnings "[/thread] for persistance in the face of being overlooked. no graphics, no frills. running a fed that gets no love. if you haven't I think Nobby is worth a look


as for my rookie

[thread=54309]Karl_Kitsch's "The Wrath of Rahn (Cornellverse)"[/thread]

for his willingness to try style innovation, and willing to take continued constructive criticism to reconcile his creative views with the fans desires. Karl keep it up!

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I'm coming in kinda late, So, a lot of diaries have already been chosen and 2nd. With that being said, There's one glaring diary that I think should def. receive a 2nd nod in which to applaud them for their continued development.


Rookie DOTM: Karl Kitsch's - "The Wrath of Rahn"

Reason: As mistaken said above, Karl has proven that he is willing to listen to others constructive comments in which to develop a stronger, overall, diary. By doing so, I feel it shows that Karl is really focused on delivering a strong product in the end.


It's weird to see Rahn speaking as if he was an arrogant little punk, or maybe just focusing on self-absorbed ideals (his hair, etc.), however, it gives the "in-game" character a little more depth & have gone in a way that most may not have played him. So, with that, hats off on the creative aspect.

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