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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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Oooh. That's a biggie.


All those bios in the c-verse saying that worker X was injured and retired on such and such time because of event Z

Still, I feel that pre-set injuries should be stuff like Magnum TA's car accident and so on, because let's say you pre-set Austin suffering the neck injury against his match with Owen at SummerSlam 1997, because the match may not happen in the game, depending on how the gameworld develops. That's why I brought it up.

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So...do we know if this'll work on Windows 7? I ask only because I'm getting a new laptop pretty soon and its default OS is 7.


With that question aside...drag and drop booking. This pleases me. :)


All of Adam's games have been shown to work in Windows 7, so no doubt TEW2010 will also work. :)

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I'm looking for a realistic wrestling school system and a realistic dojo system in Japan, without either I don't think I'll purchase the game...Well I won't say that, depends on what else new is added.


But, I would like to see some new things to the actual gameplay with workers and what not.

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It doesn't effect match grades but it effects show grades.


That seems somewhat odd. IRL the purpose of the PST would be to make certain matches feel bigger and more important and more exciting, not to conform to some sort of predetermined measure of a good show. Thus it affects individual matches rather than the show as a whole.


Anyway, what will be different if you turn it off? The grade is determined by the whole card instead of primarily the main event? Let's say you have a card that goes C, C, B, B, A, B+ how will PST grade it versus if PST is off?

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That seems somewhat odd. IRL the purpose of the PST would be to make certain matches feel bigger and more important and more exciting, not to conform to some sort of predetermined measure of a good show. Thus it affects individual matches rather than the show as a whole.


Anyway, what will be different if you turn it off? The grade is determined by the whole card instead of primarily the main event? Let's say you have a card that goes C, C, B, B, A, B+ how will PST grade it versus if PST is off?


Well, this is just by assumption, but I'd think it would turn out similar to how EWR did it - not really taking match placement into account and coming up with the overall show grade by averaging them all, instead of grading it based on it's progression.

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If you did F, A, E, E-, E+, F+, F+ with PST turned on, feel lucky to get an E


With it off, expect a high E low D.




An 'E' with two F+'s in a row? Feel lucky to get an E- but you'll probably end with an F+.


With it turned off I could see an E or E+ but it would really matter what is a match, what is an angle, and the lengths everything was run at.

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So all PST does is put greater emphasis on certain matches in determining the final grade? So the talk of peaks and valleys isn't really relevant. If you had a card of B,B,B,B,B with PST on you'd get a B even though there are no peaks or valleys in the booking? And with it off you'd get a B because that's the average of all the matches?


Or if you don't want to get into hypotheticals, which probably just confuse things, what do I need to worry about with PST turned on that I don't have to worry about with PST turned off?

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Or if you don't want to get into hypotheticals, which probably just confuse things, what do I need to worry about with PST turned on that I don't have to worry about with PST turned off?


Your main events being worse then any other match you have.


There are other uses of the PST, but that's the biggest part of it.

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I think the Dirt Sheet thing will be great. The problem I have most is trying to figure out what I should and shouldn't do. I don't necessarily expect the Dirt Sheet to help with this example, but I can never get a bearing on how exactly angles will turn out.


(How does product interact with overness in angles related to entertainment? How much will one worker being thrown in with sub-par skills or overness maim an angle? Those kinds of things... I think a users guide, either a first-party one by Adam or someone who knows how the game actually works, or a third-party one by someone with a lot of experience would REALLY help. I don't want what amounts to a "cheat sheet", but an outline of how important things are in various scenarios and how fast things develop or how powerful various workings of the game are. That's really vague, but that's why its needed... :D I'm not bad at running companies, but I'd love to be able to actually KNOW what to expect or have a reference.)


So, is PST basically the idea that there needs to be peaks and valleys in a show to achieve top level success? I understand the last 2 matches should be great, the opener shouldn't be awful but shouldn't burn the crowd out, and that a few bad segments in a row is bad.


What's an example of a show that benefits highly from PST? Maybe, 8 segments long?

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Your main events being worse then any other match you have.


There are other uses of the PST, but that's the biggest part of it.


Well that was the one penalty I was already aware of, but thank you for the simple answer. What are the "other uses"?


If it simply means that more weight will be put on the main event grade then I would definitely leave it on. That seems logical.

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Well that was the one penalty I was already aware of, but thank you for the simple answer. What are the "other uses"?


If it simply means that more weight will be put on the main event grade then I would definitely leave it on. That seems logical.


Well, there's also the matter of using opening matches to try to warm up the crowd or bring their mood up, that many people associate as being part of the PST.


The thing is, I wouldn't exactly class that as being part of a disableable (It's a word, look it up :p) Perfect Show Theory, because even with it off, it's in your best interest to do that anyway..

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An 'E' with two F+'s in a row? Feel lucky to get an E- but you'll probably end with an F+.


With it turned off I could see an E or E+ but it would really matter what is a match, what is an angle, and the lengths everything was run at.


That's why I said feel lucky to get an E


TEW never ceases to surprise me, so I wouldn't be shocked to see an E, but I then also wouldn't be shocked to see an F

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I really wish people would stop making wild statements like this, it is unbelievably unhelpful; putting "in my opinion" in the sentence does not make it OK to make stuff up! You have absolutely no factual basis for the above statement because you don't have any idea when I started writing TEW2010.


Not wanting to start a war with the creator, but since when was opinions banned from GDS? More than 90% of the posts I make are for laughs. The sentence below the post you quoted shows that. Obviously I don't have the "inside-scoop" on TEW, but since when does that make it OK to poop all over what I post? From here on out I'll keep my own opinions away from my posts. Apparently it's blasphemy. :)


P.S. I know that people get confused when they read multiple posts and see people saying lots of different things, so it's not helpful to the community as a whole to do this. I wasn't trying to do anything negative here. Just telling someone that a December release was impossible considering it's listed for first quarter 2010.

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Not wanting to start a war with the creator, but since when was opinions banned from GDS? More than 90% of the posts I make are for laughs. The sentence below the post you quoted shows that. Obviously I don't have the "inside-scoop" on TEW, but since when does that make it OK to poop all over what I post? From here on out I'll keep my own opinions away from my posts. Apparently it's blasphemy. :)


P.S. I know that people get confused when they read multiple posts and see people saying lots of different things, so it's not helpful to the community as a whole to do this. I wasn't trying to do anything negative here. Just telling someone that a December release was impossible considering it's listed for first quarter 2010.

The problem, in mye eyes, is that someone new might come into the thread, see you saying that TEW is coming out then and then and then assume that you have some insider knowledge on it. Which none of us do. So, I guess it's a little pointless for us to start speculating that TEW will be buggy when released or stuff like that because we don't know for how long the game has even been under production.


And this thread is meant for us to discuss the Journal updates, anyway.

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Not wanting to start a war with the creator, but since when was opinions banned from GDS? More than 90% of the posts I make are for laughs. The sentence below the post you quoted shows that. Obviously I don't have the "inside-scoop" on TEW, but since when does that make it OK to poop all over what I post? From here on out I'll keep my own opinions away from my posts. Apparently it's blasphemy. :)


P.S. I know that people get confused when they read multiple posts and see people saying lots of different things, so it's not helpful to the community as a whole to do this. I wasn't trying to do anything negative here. Just telling someone that a December release was impossible considering it's listed for first quarter 2010.


Given that TEW2010 is a game in development, the less fictional/inaccurate/incorrect information posted about it, the better. There is no need to speculate about a release date in THE main place where people are going to be looking for information about the release date. Sensible people aren't going to get confused about it, but the internet is hardly known for people being sensible... so anything that could be misleading or confusing is entirely unnecessary and only likely to mislead or confuse people.


Psychologically speaking, the first impression you get of someone/something is a lasting one. It's easy to form a first impression and it's very hard to change one. So if someone comes to the forums and sees a ton of posts saying a release date is XYZ, then there is a chance that will stick. If it's wrong, you end up with confused or frustrated people. Which is a bad thing.


So generally speaking, talk about things that are confirmed is fine... but speculation without the required information is pointless. I'm on the dev team and even I don't know when the game will be out. :)

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Not wanting to start a war with the creator, but since when was opinions banned from GDS? More than 90% of the posts I make are for laughs. The sentence below the post you quoted shows that. Obviously I don't have the "inside-scoop" on TEW, but since when does that make it OK to poop all over what I post? From here on out I'll keep my own opinions away from my posts. Apparently it's blasphemy. :)


Opinions aren't banned, but it'd be nice if they were based on something - like facts, for example. I'm sorry, but giving your "opinion" on what the game will be like in December when you don't know when the game was started is just plain dumb, as you're missing the one and only key piece of information that the opinion requires, a sense of time.

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Opinions aren't banned, but it'd be nice if they were based on something - like facts, for example. I'm sorry, but giving your "opinion" on what the game will be like in December when you don't know when the game was started is just plain dumb, as you're missing the one and only key piece of information that the opinion requires, a sense of time.


Understood. I guess our opinion on what 'opinion' actually means differ. :p I have always been under the impression that an opinion need no factual basis (that's what makes it an opinion) - a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.


Moving on to the next item: The only thing that would make the Dev Journal better would be if it came out as a bathroom reader... ;)

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