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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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Minimum Stats: Power C

Maximum Stats: Stamina D, Technical D, Basics D, Psychology D

Minimum size: Big Heavyweight





Tsk Tsk Tsk


EWA are allowed one very small sized jobber whose duty it is to make everyone seem very more massive to scale and to take as many concussion filled powerbombs to the head as possible

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Is it wrong that I am uber-excited about this weeks features just to see how it will effect modding? If I am brutally honest I don't think I have actually played a game on TEW in about a year and the only time I really ever play is if I am doing a diary I spend tons of time working on my mod though, so anything that makes mods better gets a big Mick Foley style thumbs up from me!


By the way its good to be back.....right here in the GDS forums!


Oh yeah, just so you know loving the hiring settings, is one of the settings that you can get a fed to only hire tag teams? Because that would actually be really useful. (for me!)

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I already foresee a LOT of people going over the top with this feature. There was a debate I engaged in on the forum not long ago about CZCW's roster and the types of people who would fit it... I deliberately didn't mention this feature (cos I'm legally not allowed to! :p) but was basically arguing this and the best application of it.


Exactly! And I think I avoided that discussion for that very reason. I've seen what can happen if you're heavy handed with it.


Yeah. Almost a certainty.


And yet, I'm kind of excited about the inevitable thread where folks discuss the proper settings for various cverse feds. :cool:




It's a lack of appropriate workers that's the major problem. There's not a lot of high stiffness/MMA crossovers/psycopaths/spotmonkeys. These hiring limits won't fix that problem.


And this is the main reason why being heavy handed with it can (or will) completely destroy a game from the outset. There aren't that many workers in the C-Verse of the "blighted" wrestling styles to begin with. In many games, when Dan Stone Sr. leaves the business, Dan Jr takes over and hires Larry Wood as a booker. Can that happen if NOTBPW has a hiring rule against Psychopaths? So you have a guy who is an excellent booker, but who can't get a job in that capacity because he's still active and one of the 'blocked' styles.


Simple, Remi. One of the things Adam does with the C-Verse when he creates a new game is shuffle the rosters around to reflect the changes made in the game by the new features that have been added. This is a feature that would be a natural for that. Narrowly focused owners like Stomper and dictators like Eisen would have had these in place long ago if their great holy Ryland had allowed it. Why shouldn't those kind of characters have them pre-set to demonstrate how they look and work in the new game environment? And for that matter to explain why changes that may be occuring in their rosters happened. Makes a perfectly reasonable assumption to me.


But he has never been heavy handed or nonsensical about it. He knows his game world and he knows the features and how they work together (or work against each other, as the case may be). The game world tends to work very well and on release, the database has surprises that make sense. The problem is, many people will alter the DB and not have any idea of what the big picture is. There are some styles that are so numerous that any promotion with a block against them is automatically crippled. The reverse is also true. You give INSPIRE a 'will only hire MMA Crossovers' rule and they won't be hiring anyone any time soon.


Spot on. And besides I wouldn't necessarily expect the restrictions to be preset by Adam himself and that it would be up to the player. Perhaps there are some players that won't be all that bothered if MAW ends up with a roster full of golden oldies that goes totally against what their description says, but it'll be nice to have the option to put in the hiring restrictions to counter against that.


But then you block them from hiring the better trainers too, don't you? No Steve Flash. No Jean Cattley (if he leaves and is later cut by SWF, as occurs sometimes). You basically have MAW stuck at small/regional because their young talent will get poached the moment they "mature". And even with new worker generation on 'high', you don't tend to have many random gens because of all the dead weight clogging up the database (many of whom would probably be over MAW's hiring rule age). The stone & the still pond example fits here.


Now don't get me wrong. I have no problem with people personalizing their games. I'm just trying to warn folks to think about the rules they want to institute before they do them.


And oh yeah as for the INSPIRE example Remianen brought up, I must admit I have not seen them tend to hire Spot Monkeys but I have seen them hire plenty of masked super juniors/cruiserweights and personally when I look at what INSPIRE is supposed to be all about, I don't think of flippity floppity types in masks...of any kind !


I think INSPIRE's product values stats that most others don't (or don't value as highly). Toughness is one. There are several cruisers and juniors who have good toughness, for whatever reason. Also, as a touring promotion, who they bring in for a tour doesn't always equate to who they sign specifically to their roster. Sometimes you bring new people in to job to your real workers, after all (5 Star has done that for YEARS). And the fundamental difference between a cruiser and a super junior is the latter style has better technical skills, no? Would technical aptitude not fit an INSPIRE?

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But then you block them from hiring the better trainers too, don't you? No Steve Flash. No Jean Cattley (if he leaves and is later cut by SWF, as occurs sometimes). You basically have MAW stuck at small/regional because their young talent will get poached the moment they "mature".


Basically what I suspected - although if MAW were stuck at profitable Regional it might not be the worst thing to happen to them :o


MAW needs trainers (needs more than '08 gives it, for that matter). I really wouldn't be surprised to see someone like Peter Valentine show up in MAW in '10 to fulfill the grizzled veteran role if Rip has passed on (as seems possible) in the intervening two years.

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I think INSPIRE's product values stats that most others don't (or don't value as highly). Toughness is one. There are several cruisers and juniors who have good toughness, for whatever reason. Also, as a touring promotion, who they bring in for a tour doesn't always equate to who they sign specifically to their roster. Sometimes you bring new people in to job to your real workers, after all (5 Star has done that for YEARS). And the fundamental difference between a cruiser and a super junior is the latter style has better technical skills, no? Would technical aptitude not fit an INSPIRE?


OK currently in my FCW save game they have Wasichi Inao (Cruiser, D Toughness) and Hypnos (SJ, D- Toughness). Not exactly super tough but I suppose you'll tell us next that those are good toughness stats :rolleyes: and besides I don't think putting a restriction on workers who work one of the high flying styles is going to really decimate the choice of workers INSPIRE would have at their disposal.


Now I'll accept that you do have a valid point on MAW, ideally they should mostly be made up of younger workers but on the other hand a few veterans (on the job trainers) would still need to be in there to make the promotion a relative success.

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Really, Remi? When did you join the TEW testing team ;)


'08. Around the time my posts started to shift from 'overly critical of the game' (as it was in 05 and 07) to 'holy cow, how'd you do that?'. ;)


OK currently in my FCW save game they have Wasichi Inao (Cruiser, D Toughness) and Hypnos (SJ, D- Toughness). Not exactly super tough but I suppose you'll tell us next that those are good toughness stats :rolleyes:


Odd, I don't remember stating that as a definitive reason. I posed it as a possibility. But whatever. It's your game (when it comes out), do what you want to do. Not every feature needs to be applied liberally.

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OK currently in my FCW save game they have Wasichi Inao (Cruiser, D Toughness) and Hypnos (SJ, D- Toughness). Not exactly super tough but I suppose you'll tell us next that those are good toughness stats :rolleyes: and besides I don't think putting a restriction on workers who work one of the high flying styles is going to really decimate the choice of workers INSPIRE would have at their disposal.


Now I'll accept that you do have a valid point on MAW, ideally they should mostly be made up of younger workers but on the other hand a few veterans (on the job trainers) would still need to be in there to make the promotion a relative success.


Maybe the restrictions needs to have other variables? Like instead of just "you cannot hire any wrestler over the age of X" you could have "you can only hire Y amount of wrestlers over the age of X".


So they CAN have a couple veterans around to help out, but will still be predominantly younger.

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My goodness, Multi Contract Add may just have sold me on TEW 2010! I'm curious to see/know how it works, though. What do you mean by the AI's "best guest", if I may ask? Things like disposition, gimmick and moveset?


Probably. You know how workers get hired and their gimmicks and pushes are "pre-set" based on their favored gimmick and favored alignment?


Also probably randomizes things like momentum, contract length and years of service.

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I hope not. I would much rather have stuff like momentum and gimmick grade to be set as "B" or "C" and have the years service set as "0" by default. Contract length should be random, though.


I don't know, but if I recall correctly, the default for '08 is gimmick rating set to 'B', random momentum and 0 years of service with a random contract length between 1 month and 5 years.

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I already foresee a LOT of people going over the top with this feature. There was a debate I engaged in on the forum not long ago about CZCW's roster and the types of people who would fit it... I deliberately didn't mention this feature (cos I'm legally not allowed to! :p) but was basically arguing this and the best application of it. If you are going to apply multiple rules then you need to use a light touch, as a handful of C level blocks will rapidly eliminate a LOT of the potential hiring base.


Very true this.


I think ultimately what I'd like to see is promotions being dynamic enough to bend any promotional "rules" applied to them if it's hurting their company. But even if we're not quite at that stage in terms of AI yet, I'm still stoked just to have this feature and be able to use it with discretion.


Also I like this multi-add contract feature. I wasn't so sure about it when it was brought up in the suggestions page, but now I can see how it would still cut down on time, even if some things will still need to be tweaked after the fact.

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i would love to see smaller promotions get young talent through a wrestling school. and then you could work on their development and bring them into your company, but have it as an option so if you do start it you would have to manage the finance from it as well: tuition, training ring, trainers, etc. then your school could get more popular by some of you students making it big.
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