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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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Uh, they already exist. Go look at Manuel Prieto. ;) Luis Montero too, if I remember right. Basically, the workers who were in the C-Verse 75 and 97 mods have multiple pictures representing those mods' time periods. So right off the bat in 2010, if no new renders are added, those folks will have pictures (granted, it mainly helps the 75/97 mods but still...).


But you modder types are gon' be busy. :)


I was just thinking that should the alt modding community start making lots and lots of images for Cornellverse workers, representing different stages of their career/age.. We already have many great renders for '75 and '97 but there's hundreds of images undone.

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I was just thinking that should the alt modding community start making lots and lots of images for Cornellverse workers, representing different stages of their career/age.. We already have many great renders for '75 and '97 but there's hundreds of images undone.


We have a saying here in the States: "He who smelt it, dealt it." In this case what that means is, the person who suggests something, gets to do it. :p

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Wait a minute, he said that there will be check boxes, then he used wearing a mask as an example. Does that mean that my requested (others have requested it too) about showing that a worker has a mask was put into the game? That might mean that he put it so you can put masks on the line in matches!


No, I didn't say that - again, you seem to have only skim read the entry. I said there are checks, not check boxes, and used Hogan because "Mr. America" was an example of a situation where you wouldn't want his picture automatically updated.

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No, I didn't say that - again, you seem to have only skim read the entry. I said there are checks, not check boxes, and used Hogan because "Mr. America" was an example of a situation where you wouldn't want his picture automatically updated.


Oh, I thought a check was the same thing as a check box! :D Sorry, for some reason I always sound like I only skimmed through the post! :p

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Lol awesome. I was just thinking about this the other day and how cool it would be. Figured it wouldn't be added as others might consider it trivial, but as someone who loves to play historical mods for an extended period of time and gets obsessed with the pics, this is TOOOOOOO SWEET!
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Wait a minute, he said that there will be check boxes, then he used wearing a mask as an example. Does that mean that my requested (others have requested it too) about showing that a worker has a mask was put into the game? That might mean that he put it so you can put masks on the line in matches!


How dare you spoil update #64!

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Very cool feature. It's not gonna be as handy in Cverse, but for irl mods where theres these huge pic packs, it's a nice one to have. Seeing HHH go through all his different looks from 98-10. Pic packs are about to get fun. Seems like some of these features are aimed at making TEW a longer adventure.
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now if someone could go a step beyond dott, and have a game set in 1970 and goes up to wrestlemania 26 for any updates needed. with the new pic feature this would rock and that the era feature and such. 1970 would be great as its like 2 years or so before flair begins and several years before hogan. making it from that to the modern era would be interestig. just hope the game world is more challenging. because once u reach number 1 and have acrap load of cash, you really can afford to always to get away with anything and wont risk going under, that just needs to be fixed.
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I've always been a fond believer of, "if you can't say anything nice, say nothing at all", but considering this is the discussion thread for the Dev Journal... I might as well.


Is anybody else just a smidgen upset that mod maker week has apparently become mod maker week(s)?


I know that all updates won't be ground-breaking, you DON'T have to tell me this... I've seen enough Ryland Dev Journals to understand that. I'm just curious if anybody who doesn't make mods or really use mods (C-Verse through and through here) has been as excited for the journal the past two weeks as they were three weeks ago? :eek:

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I've always been a fond believer of, "if you can't say anything nice, say nothing at all", but considering this is the discussion thread for the Dev Journal... I might as well.


Is anybody else just a smidgen upset that mod maker week has apparently become mod maker week(s)?


I know that all updates won't be ground-breaking, you DON'T have to tell me this... I've seen enough Ryland Dev Journals to understand that. I'm just curious if anybody who doesn't make mods or really use mods (C-Verse through and through here) has been as excited for the journal the past two weeks as they were three weeks ago? :eek:


I'm in a similar camp as you.


I liked the media one, where your guys can go do interviews, but that's really the only recent one that has moved me. Don't get me wrong, every addition has been a positive, but they're positives for other people. Mod makers and mod players and the like. Which is awesome... but not enough for me to pledge my $35 just yet.


He'll get me eventually. One day, out of the blue, he'll announce something that TOTALLY BLOWS MY MIND, but it is not this day. So currently I'm ho-hum about the whole thing.

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I'm in a similar camp as you.


I liked the media one, where your guys can go do interviews, but that's really the only recent one that has moved me. Don't get me wrong, every addition has been a positive, but they're positives for other people. Mod makers and mod players and the like. Which is awesome... but not enough for me to pledge my $35 just yet.


He'll get me eventually. One day, out of the blue, he'll announce something that TOTALLY BLOWS MY MIND, but it is not this day. So currently I'm ho-hum about the whole thing.


I agree. The new media feature will be fun and I actually forgot it was announced during the past two weeks for some reason. I would still buy the game even if the Dev Journal ended tomorrow. I just know it's going to be 10x better than TEW08. Every version has been better than the last and it won't be any different this time around. :D


I just haven't been involved in the discussions as of late... nothing's caught my eye enough to discuss. :rolleyes:

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The purpose of the journal is to peak people's interest around the time of release, next year. It really does not matter to me whether people have been "blown away" yet - in November, potentially months away from the release, after a small amount of announcements - all that matters is how people feel about the game when we reach the end of the journal.
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The purpose of the journal is to peak people's interest around the time of release, next year. It really does not matter to me whether people have been "blown away" yet - in November, potentially months away from the release, after a small amount of announcements - all that matters is how people feel about the game when we reach the end of the journal.


Wow. You basically just said you could care less if people read the Dev Journal right now. :( Do you really expect anyone to read all of the entries in a row on release day? That to me sounds absurd... they'd be reading a small novel before even getting a chance to play the game.


For me, the only way to read the Dev Journal is to follow it week-to-week. Yes, there are some days I miss... so I get to read TWO entires on occasion. :eek:

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Wow. You basically just said you could care less if people read the Dev Journal right now. :( Do you really expect anyone to read all of the entries in a row on release day? That to me sounds absurd... they'd be reading a small novel before even getting a chance to play the game.


For me, the only way to read the Dev Journal is to follow it week-to-week. Yes, there are some days I miss... so I get to read TWO entires on occasion. :eek:


I think you've confused the words peak and pique... with pique in the sentence it would mean roughly what you've just said. But with peak in the sentence it means to have the maximum level of excitement at the time of the game's release, rather than have everyone care about it now and lose interest because all the best features have been announced already.


It may sound like typical hype machine type hyping... but the best is yet to come. :D

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I've noticed a lot of the minor updates so far this year have really helped out historical mods... which *might* indicate that some of the bigger updates will be to benefit historical mods.


Unfortunately, I never got very far into TEW08 (not that I didn't like the game, I just have had other stuff to do... I still plan on getting into it) and wasn't planning on purchasing TEW10, but depending on the direction these updates go, I might end up purchasing it. I mainly play for historical mods.


So, I hope that the major updates aren't that great, so I can feel happy not buying it and staying with TEW08. ;)

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