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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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That seems like morals rather than morale. But IIRC, in EWR a woman's morale had to be super low to do the "Buck Naked match", so maybe you're on the right track. Although if a wrestler had really low morale, I wouldn't expect them to cave in and do super controversial promos, etc just 'coz he feels down or angry...


/nod, thanks for clarifying that. I am reading Morales, and hearing Morals.

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Cool new option with the "Flexible game play". As most have said before me, It won't be something that I use all that much as I love all the little add-ons like Owner goals, Morale, etc. as it gives you an ever-evolving world in which to play in. That way things happen without you having to make them happen.


From here, I'd love to see more interaction with your TV/PPV carriers. Also, The ability to play as anyone as your user character like back in the EWR days.


All in all, Very cool!

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I think i have a felling what one of the "three new features" for this are going to be. I hope i am right about it as alot of people have asked for it but i do't want to speculate. This is going to make casual gamming alot better as i do admit i have restarted a game alot of times because i could not play with the owner goals i was givin.......no one above cult always killed me :(


This is not a huge anouncment but a good one. I wonder what the negitive for it is though......adam as said he is not about pure positive stuff most of the time.

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I think people who say they won't be using this feature are missing the bigger picture.


Yes, the current list of togglable features is clearly to help casual gamers get into the game easier.


But now that user preferences are part of the game this means Adam can add extra difficult features without worrying about alienating a large part of the customer base!


There are probably only a few gamers who would enjoy realistic travel schedules or having to worry about the last time another promotion ran a show in a particular area because it could affect attendance for their show, but now, if Adam wants to, he can design features that only appeal to the hardcore TEW gamer by making them optional.


I rarely voice my suggestions for the game because I realize my love of intricate simulation would not necessarily appeal to other paying customers. Now people who want to control the release of DVDs can possibly do that while people who just want to book shows won't have to worry too much about the business side.


This is a feature, like the personality matrix in 08, that will probably have some effect in the current game but has the potential for huge changes in future editions.

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the feature really just addresses the one thing TEW has always kind of ignored (and a lot of not-huge-developer games have) is the ability to customize the game on a playable level. I mean if you look at Madden to MLB games, you can turn on and off basically everything. In baseball games you can even adjust "sliders" to make pitching, hitting, fielding, ext all to YOUR liking. The beauty of this is it allows everyong to play the game to their liking. And for all the pople saying "they wont use it" I guarantee they will. When the game maybe gets a little tedious or your start to lose interest. How fun would it be for guys who play with everything on to suddenley turn something off and it allows to them to finally push that guy that way they always wanted to but never were because they knew it wouldnt work in the game.


My biggest issue with TEW (besides superficialness like the moves, I HATE the moves so much) is that all you really have to do is become good at knowing what the game wants you to do. I guess every game is kind of like that in a way, but it feels more in your face in TEW (maybe because I, and others, play so much of it). And I'm sick of that. I want to have CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho 4 times, not three, and in my mind the fans WONT find that boring. In the game I could never do that really. I could however play the game as it wants me, read stats (a cool feature would be to get rid of stats all together and have everything simply put in complete text form. Jericho would be a "a very charasmatic cruiserweight who has shown great ability in the technical aspect of wrestling" thats it. But I'm ranting again.


I think a lot of the people who claim to "suck" at the game dont suck at all. Its virtually impossible to suck at a game where you can easily see what the game WANTS you to do. The people who "suck" are people who do things because they want to, they probably have more fun, and are a lot more creative, because they go. "I want to push these guys like this, and just randomly have this storyline go like this without thinking about having it match the perfect timing to end at a PPV."


So yea. I'm just hoping this is really just a sign of change for TEW 10 where you play TEW and not just follow the gumdrops TEW and Adam have already laid forth before a game is even begun.

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I want to have CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho 4 times, not three, and in my mind the fans WONT find that boring. In the game I could never do that really.

Oh, but you can. Just make sure the fourth match is better than the average score of the three previous matches.


But I get where you're coming from and, to a point, actually agree. I do feel that TEW already allows the player to play the game the way he/she chooses to, but I do agree that the new level of customization really makes it that much easier. And this whole thing about "sucking" in TEW is something that is shoved down our throats by the elitists, who look down at people who like to play as global promotions and go the "easy way".


But the one thing about TEW what I find awesome is the fact that it feels like it's many games inside of one. You can play a big sports entertainment fed and concentrate on whacky storylines, or you can start your own promotion and try to get by. They are two different gaming experiences and we all have ou favourite. And we're supposed to enjoy playing TEW the way we see fit. :)

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I love the new user preferences feature. Since getting TEW2008 I have hated the 4 match limit thing with a passion, it seems pretty ridiculous to me that you can't run a 7 match series or something similar because of this. Also, I'm sure the number system will make alot of people happy and I'll be sure to atleast try it out and see if I like it.
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It always makes me sad when people post about the repeat booking penalty, especially since these are the same people who complain about seeing any combination of Orton/Cena/Triple H in the main event again. You will only ever get hit with a penalty if the matches don't get better... it's an impetus to BUILD up not to just GIVE up when you've had a handful of matches. That's where the big gimmick matches come in (they boost match grades!) or if you are running a midcard feud, your besst of seven series should be increasing the overness of the guys involved, which should automatically mean better matches and no penalties.


I know people are glad that they can turn it off, but I think a lot of the people who are happy about that don't really understand what it is in the first place. This makes me sad. :(

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I love the repetitive booking penalty, but alas, I don't use it as an incentive to improve either. I just like the incentive to provide variety.


I've only ever run Match 4 a handful of times, but I seem to recall the penalties being awful severe. 'C' averaging matches being taken down to 'E+' on the 4th attempt. Maybe I'm unlucky, or doing it wrong (I've never purposefully tried to craft a Best of 7 series) but if the penalties are always that severe it's no wonder folks use it the way they do.

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#3: Narratives


A brand new never-before-seen feature, Narratives allow the database maker to introduce an element of storytelling to his game world.


In short, using the editor, the user can pre-set certain events to happen on specific days, along with the optional ability to create a story explaining the event that will appear on the in-game web site as well.


The available events are primarily split into three: game world, promotion and worker.


The game world events allow the economy and wrestling industry to be manipulated, such as creating a boom or recessions at a certain time.


The worker events allow many different things, including: have a worker "peak" in a certain stat, have him improve his personality or habits, or have him receive a popularity boost.


The promotion events allow such things as improving or reducing finances and altering popularity.


As an example, the user could choose to create a "Wall Street Crash II" for the last Friday in October 2010 - this could take the form of a story on the web site explaining that stock prices have fallen, complete with a picture of a panicked investor, and have all the Western economies plunge into a deep depression.


This feature is particularly useful for mod makers who are doing historic or fantasy-based databases.


(It should be noted that you cannot use the system to alter contracts; for example, you can't specify that Wrestler X will walk out on Promotion Y on a certain day. Also, narratives will be ignored if they don't make sense - for example, if you have one set up to have Wrestler X have a massive popularity boost from starring in a movie, but he has already died by that point, for obvious reasons the narrative won't be used.)


I already love this one, I get the feeling you guys will too. :)

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for example, if you have one set up to have Wrestler X have a massive popularity boost from starring in a movie, but he has already died by that point, for obvious reasons the narrative won't be used.)


Heath Ledger says hi. :p Like the feature altough I'll wait and see how it actually happens in-game.. Correct me if I'm wrong but will there be a 'news-story' about each thing that Adam mentioned, let's say one changes his personality?


"A near-death experience changes man: The Big Smack Scott story." :rolleyes:

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Heath Ledger says hi. :p Like the feature altough I'll wait and see how it actually happens in-game.. Correct me if I'm wrong but will there be a 'news-story' about each thing that Adam mentioned, let's say one changes his personality?


"A near-death experience changes man: The Big Smack Scott story." :rolleyes:


Yes. :)


As an example, the user could choose to create a "Wall Street Crash II" for the last Friday in October 2010 - this could take the form of a story on the web site explaining that stock prices have fallen, complete with a picture of a panicked investor, and have all the Western economies plunge into a deep depression.
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I can't say for sure, but there's a very good chance that this Narratives thing could be my favorite of all features - not just those in TEW, but those in any game. I was actually hoping there'd be some way to manipulate the gameworld like this.


I've come up with a number of events in my own personal universe already, I just figured I'd have to casually mention them in bios or something. This is so much better for me. Wonder if I could "bio-engineer" a Hulkamania-like phenomenon, maybe bring about something like that first WrestleMania.


I'm anxious to start editing...

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So, in other words, I can play as the WWF in 1994 and set WCW to get a huge popularity boost around the summer of 1996 and start kicking my butt in the ratings in a big way? Sweet! This is something I've been wanting to have since TEW 2004 and now it's going to be included. Amazing. One question, though, can we have the Wall Street crash happen randomly, as well? Without pre-setting in the editor?


And will bad economy have the same effects as in previous TEWs or will it be changed in 2010? Or is that a secret? :)

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as far as the new feature announced goes, It would have been better (for me at least) if you could have set it Wrestler X leaves Promotion Y to go on ' hiatus ', 6 months later Wrestler X shocks the wrestling world by returning to the business but working for promotion Z. There's still hope that you can do that, many more features to go...


Drag and Drop booking sounds good and I like that it will also include tag teams. I don't remember seeing it mentioned could the same thing be used for stables...?


The user preferences could be cool the only thing that I wouldn't like it for would be ( not that I have ever gotten to experience an actual multi player game ) is that booker 1 could be playing with the 4 match penalty while booker 2 could turn it off and gain an ' edge ' so to speak.

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