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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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Quick Negotiate makes me so very, very happy, but that's because I generally sign around 30 to 40 workers at the beginning of my games. Usually they're the same workers too, and considering I often restart my games (I didn't get past January in a game until early this year, a game I eventually deleted and restarted) this is a boon.
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Seems like one of those features that shouldnt have been mentioned if there are that many new things in the game. He wont be able to name them all and this one would be pretty easy to see and isnt really that big.


Nice small feature though.

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Seems like one of those features that shouldnt have been mentioned if there are that many new things in the game.


There are tons of new features in the game but, as we've explicitly said, they're not all big. Announcing a small-but-useful feature has no bearing on how many features there are in total.

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#35: Quick Negotiate


In order to speed up the user's day-to-day play, there is now a Quick Negotiate button located as part of the main Characters screen. This does exactly the same thing as the Negotiate button found in the character's profile, but eliminates the need to load up a worker's profile at all. So, if you are skimming through the list of workers and see someone you like you can just hit Negotiate straight




Very stoked about this.

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Seems like one of those features that shouldnt have been mentioned if there are that many new things in the game. He wont be able to name them all and this one would be pretty easy to see and isnt really that big.


Nice small feature though.


I don't know as I'd go that far. There's enough enthusiasm for this that it was worth a mention. After all, if Brother Ryland kept the journal to just the features that will knock socks off, we'd be a lot itchier bombarding him with questions that might distract him rounding the game into presentation shape. Announcing smaller stuff like this keeps the journal going and is a good example of the Perfect Show theory the game uses.

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Just had a thought, we get a new feature for every weekday right?


Christmas is on Friday, Friday is a weekday...





I love this Idea. Also New Year's day exactly one week from Christmas day. Two biggest features in game announced Christmas and New Year's day. OK may not happen but a boy can dream.

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Well, at least I found the current conversation humorous. I know it was joking (although inspired by hope). No one would expect someone else to work on days they don't want to work themselves.


Combatmedic, I wouldn't get stoked over any features. I find that the smaller ones actually help out more then you think at first, when just reading, and the larger ones, although more noticeable, don't ever get used quite as often. Just saying.... don't sweat the small stuff.


It's like trying to play 2005 after playing 2008's version. All those small little things that become second hand to your playstyle, although when first implemented didn't seem to be very effective, but going back to a previous version makes you really notice them. Very hard for me (and probably most people) to go back to a later version after really getting to know the newest version.


Bassically, the small stuff adds up, and becomes more of a second hand feature for you then most of the bigger features ever become.

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I find that the smaller ones actually help out more then you think at first, when just reading, and the larger ones, although more noticeable, don't ever get used quite as often. Just saying.... don't sweat the small stuff.


It's like trying to play 2005 after playing 2008's version. All those small little things that become second hand to your playstyle, although when first implemented didn't seem to be very effective, but going back to a previous version makes you really notice them. Very hard for me (and probably most people) to go back to a later version after really getting to know the newest version.


Bassically, the small stuff adds up, and becomes more of a second hand feature for you then most of the bigger features ever become.


Well said. Because while Narratives and Eras are HUGE in my eyes, it's the less dazzling stuff, such as drag-and-drop booking for example, which is going to make the day-to-day TEW experience more fufilling as a whole.


I'm currently doing a human computer interfacing paper (just to pimp myself) and what it preaches is that while stuff like a Quick Negotiate button definitely isn't much of an eye-grabbing feature, in the long run of things it can actually add a whole lot to the enjoyment of a final product

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The thing is that Quick Negotiate doesn't really save time at all because you still have to hunt for workers with good personalities, flashiness, or Menace.


I still have to click on every worker's profiles to find flashiness, personality, and menace so how will quick negotiate save me any time at all?


And personality and flashiness can vary from game to game.

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The thing is that Quick Negotiate doesn't really save time at all because you still have to hunt for workers with good personalities, flashiness, or Menace.


I still have to click on every worker's profiles to find flashiness, personality, and menace so how will quick negotiate save me any time at all?


And personality and flashiness can vary from game to game.



some people are never happy.


Just because it won't save the extra click every time doesn't mean it wont be helpful most of the time. There are workers i don't need to look in their profile to know i want to sign them


great new feature

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The thing is that Quick Negotiate doesn't really save time at all because you still have to hunt for workers with good personalities, flashiness, or Menace.


I still have to click on every worker's profiles to find flashiness, personality, and menace so how will quick negotiate save me any time at all?


And personality and flashiness can vary from game to game.


What about workers you've already checked out and shortlisted? How about for those times when you're comparing two or more workers deciding which one to hire?

Is their absolutely no possibility that you will use Quick Negotiate at some stage in your TEW career?

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What about workers you've already checked out and shortlisted? How about for those times when you're comparing two or more workers deciding which one to hire?

Is their absolutely no possibility that you will use Quick Negotiate at some stage in your TEW career?


It could even be as simple as "Hey, Mainstream Hernandez! I always have a use for him."

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The thing is that Quick Negotiate doesn't really save time at all because you still have to hunt for workers with good personalities, flashiness, or Menace.


I still have to click on every worker's profiles to find flashiness, personality, and menace so how will quick negotiate save me any time at all?


And personality and flashiness can vary from game to game.


Its for situations where you KNOW who you want already

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Please stop arguing about it, these "this feature won't help me so it's useless" posts are getting really tiresome. It very clearly will save a lot of time for the vast majority of players. If there are specific posters who feel the need to check every stat before negotiating then the feature won't be useful for them - it also won't hurt them, so they can just ignore it. Yet again, not every feature is going to help every player.
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It'll be a huge time saver for me. I like the shot gun method where I'll just send out a whole mess of invites to everyone on the shortlist and treat it as a first come, first serve kind of deal.


Starting a new game I *know* what people's stats are, so I don't need to waste time with their profiles because I've already hired and used them a million times before :D

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Please stop arguing about it, these "this feature won't help me so it's useless" posts are getting really tiresome. It very clearly will save a lot of time for the vast majority of players. If there are specific posters who feel the need to check every stat before negotiating then the feature won't be useful for them - it also won't hurt them, so they can just ignore it. Yet again, not every feature is going to help every player.


Very true.


Sometimes we can't understand why someone might feel that a feature is useless, and more times then not (not every case, just ussually) when all is said and done, they didn't understand the full extent of the feature in the first place. Sometimes it's just as you said, and won't help certain people at all, but just in case, I think I speak for the majority of us when I say it's not that we want to argue, but to make sure the person fully understands the feature as it was wrote.


I don't think anyone was upset or even rattled at all during the conversation. Just trying to understand each other's POV.

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