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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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This will make a huge impact in organic style mods, like the Effganic one. It should now be possible to watch promotions rise, fall, and maybe even be swallowed up as a developmental fed.


I'm really excited about this. But then, my ideal mod would be a History of Professional Wrestling mod, starting in, say, the mid-20s, with all the upcoming promotions and workers set to debut at the appropriate time. Combine this with the ability to pre-program events and changes to the game universe, and the "what-if" scenarios are infinite.


This is going off-topic kind of, but while it might be possible to do a scenario of that magnitude...it is highly unlikely to happen. Too much stuff.

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Can someone tell what LRL means in Buddy Garners post refering to Amber Allen?


Locker Room Leader


And I don't understand that post at all. I've played a whole lot of women's promotions in 08 (duh? :p) and I've had the AI "steal" two workers. TWO. TOTAL. Melody Cuthill and Emma Bitch. Take a guess which promotion it was. When 5 Star hits National, they lock their own people up and then go after people who are available to work in Japan (Karen Bilous, for example). They don't import gaijins because the AI doesn't tend to like to pay relocation expenses. Playing the women's side basically makes you bulletproof as even USPW won't steal your people ('divisions' are low priority for AI hiring and only AAA is in any danger of losing folks when/if USPW hits National. So you lose Suzanne Brazzle or Wanda, so what? They're close to retirement age by then anyway!)

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Hopefully with the addition of those newfangled Predatory Hiring rules and perhaps a Women's Division in TCW or SWF, that safety will be a thing of the past. I tend to get bored of my Women's games due to an all-too-static roster. I like being poached. Makes me think on my feet.
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The problem is that there's not a whole lot of new suitable woman coming in to replace lost workers. If the AI starts locking up Joanne Rodriguez, Wanda Fish, Raven Nightfall, etc... You won't be forced to train new workers. You'll be forced to go out of business. You can't train sex appeal and sex appeal is what makes women special otherwise you might as well just be intergender.
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The problem is that there's not a whole lot of new suitable woman coming in to replace lost workers. If the AI starts locking up Joanne Rodriguez, Wanda Fish, Raven Nightfall, etc... You won't be forced to train new workers. You'll be forced to go out of business.


Right. Lauren Easter's not 'suitable'. Fuyuko Higa's not 'suitable'. You couldn't build on Maria Guest. Or Gemmei Oonishi. Laura Flame doesn't have only one major weakness, that being psychology. You couldn't build Thea Davis. Brooke Tyler couldn't prop up a technically-minded women's division. Romi Yamato.


Granted, a couple of those will have debuted by TEW2008, but the point stands - those names are off the top of my head, and I seldom play female-led promotions.

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The problem is that there's not a whole lot of new suitable woman coming in to replace lost workers. If the AI starts locking up Joanne Rodriguez, Wanda Fish, Raven Nightfall, etc... You won't be forced to train new workers. You'll be forced to go out of business. You can't train sex appeal and sex appeal is what makes women special otherwise you might as well just be intergender.


Whatever, y0. Seems you're the type who thinks only the BSC/WWE style of women's wrestling is viable. It's a good thing TEW's mechanics don't agree with your stance. Personally, I don't care how you go about things but when you blatantly misrepresent it like this, I just have to interject. As Phantom Stranger pointed out, the assertion you make it categorically false. False, as in, not true. News flash: a tree that falls in the forest makes a sound regardless of whether anyone is there to hear it. Likewise, just because you can't see how something is possible, doesn't mean it's not possible.

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The problem is that there's not a whole lot of new suitable woman coming in to replace lost workers. If the AI starts locking up Joanne Rodriguez, Wanda Fish, Raven Nightfall, etc... You won't be forced to train new workers. You'll be forced to go out of business. You can't train sex appeal and sex appeal is what makes women special otherwise you might as well just be intergender.


Perhaps the next installment of TEW will give you the ability to pay for a workers plastic surgery? I sure as hell can't train sex appeal, but I could definitely buy it! :p

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The Chemistry store is yet another of those little features that's going to be incredibly useful when playing the game. Adam's commitment to improving the user experience is really showing in the features announced for the new game, and it's awesome.


Yep, not a groundbreaking feature, but as always a welcome timesaver.

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ok i fell better.......i am not the only one who uses note pad to keep track of chem notes lol........I for one LOVE this feature.....it is going to give me alot more information. It will let me know who i should and should not run in feuds. I really like this one.
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Awesome. It also sounds like it tracks chemistry from outside your promotion...


#37: Chemistry Store


Every time the user finds another example of chemistry between two workers it is added to the Chemistry Store; this is a separate screen, available in multiple places throughout the game, that lists all the different chemistry that that player has found. It is searchable (by worker and type, and by default will only show those items that are relevant to the promotion in question), therefore allowing the user to quickly find the information he needs.


This helps speed up the user's booking as it negates the need to go into individual workers bios, and is also more user friendly.


I bolded the bit that makes you look silly. It's not about cats in space. :p

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See, I thought that this was how it was going to work in 08 - that you would be able to view your overall list of chemistry discovered.


My 07 notepad was FULL of chemistry, and for 08 I still kept track of chemistry since while it was a step up and quite cool to be able to view each worker's chemistry, it was that few extra clicks and going back in and out of different workers if I just wanted to go "alright, I've got some story-free space on this card, who works well together?"


So I'm delighted that now the game will feature an over-arching file (and filterable too!)

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I bolded the bit that makes you look silly. It's not about cats in space. :p


I can quote & bold too! I would've thought our mafia wars would've taught you that ;)


#37: Chemistry Store


Every time the user finds another example of chemistry between two workers it is added to the Chemistry Store; this is a separate screen, available in multiple places throughout the game, that lists all the different chemistry that that player has found. It is searchable (by worker and type, and by default will only show those items that are relevant to the promotion in question), therefore allowing the user to quickly find the information he needs.


This helps speed up the user's booking as it negates the need to go into individual workers bios, and is also more user friendly.


That's the part that tripped me up. It read to me that you could see other promotion chemistry. I now realize that this can also be interpreted like if Dharma Gregg and Wanda Fish have great chemistry as opponents but are both just working as managers for a promotion that they don't won't see it by default.

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That's the part that tripped me up. It read to me that you could see other promotion chemistry. I now realize that this can also be interpreted like if Dharma Gregg and Wanda Fish have great chemistry as opponents but are both just working as managers for a promotion that they don't won't see it by default.


I think it means that if you move from MAW to WEXXV, say, your chemistry store will be cleared if none of the workers are shared.


How it will work if you move between two regional companies that pretty much have identical rosters, I don't know - presumably the company list will be clear, but the workers lists will still show whatever you've discovered.

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