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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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I was just wondering as some sort of umbrella system is created, then why not the same for promotions...


For promotions it'd be a fair bit more complicated.. but I agree that I'd love to see umbrella orgs as the last feature, and find out that Derek B and Remianen managed to pull a gigantic swerve on us all

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Media group/Network Umbrella - I like the sound of this, as the example says, you could start off with your promotion being shown at 3am on Sky Sports 3 and eventually work your way up the ratings to earn a primetime slot on Sky 1/Sky Sports 1 depending on your promotion type.
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For promotions it'd be a fair bit more complicated.. but I agree that I'd love to see umbrella orgs as the last feature, and find out that Derek B and Remianen managed to pull a gigantic swerve on us all




When Ted Turner owned WCW would this fall under journal entry #46?




interesting addition with the TV, risky business though


Yeah, finally someone sees the possible downside. Like the journal entry said, you could lose your promotion even if you were successful (growing in size and stature and pulling good ratings).


It's a good feature though and should lead to mods (especially unique ones like crayon's MASSIVE one) incorporating it and making it a bit easier for people to grow their promotion with as little fuss as possible. In reality, there are several media groups whether people know it or not (look at how many networks Viacom owns - including one that would probably make for a good Cult network in LOGO). Only thing that might be missing (and perhaps added to the next game) is something like the Comcast-NBC thing (cable/PPV provider owning a TV network).


It's truly like a ladder system and makes those related networks (like Sky Sports or the like) more attractive since it's a way to "get in on the ground floor", so to speak.

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I'm thinking that being owned by a network might limit your growth...


Because, say (Hypothetical, and I don't think it applies in the real world) you are owned by a local TV station. You'll never grown past local because you can't get the TV exposure on a national stage. UNLESS TV stations grow now.


Also, about umbrella networks...does that mean I can start on one station on the network and then slowly but surely get clearance on other stations? That would simulate syndication real good.

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For promotions it'd be a fair bit more complicated.. but I agree that I'd love to see umbrella orgs as the last feature, and find out that Derek B and Remianen managed to pull a gigantic swerve on us all


I don't know if it'll be the last featue announced, but I would be stunned if umbrella orgs aren't included in TEW2010. Just a hunch.


I'm excited about the umbrella networks. However, I'm more excited about the implication that you can now move TV shows. Network to network, if they're under the same umbrella, but presumably that means you can change time slots when renegotiating, which would just be awesome.

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