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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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While I'm waiting to hear official confirmation, if WWE sells to the Saudis I will never give the company another dollar ever again.  They've just started setting up UK major shows and I'm sad I'm going to skip them all in future.  That's too far over the line, for a company that has always skirted the line enough that I've stopped watching for lengthy periods multiple times.

Looking forward to Sam inevitably not being given his release and the shock return of El Generico to the indy scene as people wonder where the guy has been all these years.  Greatest work-shoot story of all time incoming

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12 hours ago, Jaysin said:

I'd 100% get behind that.

Last I checked, the Rock didn't murder people that disagree with him. Pretty silly comparison. 

Sorry to not jump on the whole "Saudi's bad" bandwagon, but you can probably say a similar bad thing on anyone in the "consortium" of a bunch of random people, which you seem to be completely fine with.

The SWF (not the TEW company obviously :p) of the Saudi's is a complex construct with several 'owners'. Nevertheless a LOT of people are going to have problems with this, even if they were to announce that "nothing is going to change", because we all know how that will go... XD

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1 hour ago, Blackman said:

Sorry to not jump on the whole "Saudi's bad" bandwagon, but you can probably say a similar bad thing on anyone in the "consortium" of a bunch of random people, which you seem to be completely fine with.

The SWF (not the TEW company obviously :p) of the Saudi's is a complex construct with several 'owners'. Nevertheless a LOT of people are going to have problems with this, even if they were to announce that "nothing is going to change", because we all know how that will go... XD

Anyone giving up their apple products because of their business practices and Chinese regime? It's easy to do it with stuff that isn't necessary (golf, wrestling), but to hold that standard for everything is not feasible. That said, for anyone who decides to boycott it's fine, but they should realize they are willing to put up with atrocities when it's something they need.

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2 hours ago, Blackman said:

Sorry to not jump on the whole "Saudi's bad" bandwagon, but you can probably say a similar bad thing on anyone in the "consortium" of a bunch of random people, which you seem to be completely fine with.

The SWF (not the TEW company obviously :p) of the Saudi's is a complex construct with several 'owners'. Nevertheless a LOT of people are going to have problems with this, even if they were to announce that "nothing is going to change", because we all know how that will go... XD

The crown prince had a journalist butchered in his palace for being critical of him, the House of Saud sponsored Wahhabism to create an army of fantatics to fight the House of Rasheed for control of the peninsula and continued to help it fester until well after it turned into the brand of Islamic extremism that has killed millions. That's without getting into their long, storied history of human rights abuses that make us Americans look like slackers in comparison. So yes, the source of the term Saudis (I.E. the people in charge) bad. And people can have a problem with all that while also realizing that the rest of modern life is also built upon suffering. Having a red line of what you'll continue to pay money for is the first step in very, very, verrrrrry, slowly untangling the mess humanity is in.

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Well, fellows, several more reputable sources are reporting that no deal is in place between WWE and the Saudi government.

Not saying it won't happen, but it seems that it's not the "done deal" that was reported this morning (that's Central time in the U.S., whatever time of day it was where you live).



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5 hours ago, St. Templar said:

Well, fellows, several more reputable sources are reporting that no deal is in place between WWE and the Saudi government.

Not saying it won't happen, but it seems that it's not the "done deal" that was reported this morning (that's Central time in the U.S., whatever time of day it was where you live).



Since it is publicly traded, it would have to go through regulatory approval. Will take a while before anything is official, regardless of buyer.

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On 1/12/2023 at 2:09 AM, CQI13 said:

Since it is publicly traded, it would have to go through regulatory approval. Will take a while before anything is official, regardless of buyer.

That's very correct. Not to mention a sudden, days-into-the-process sale to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia would have meant they were foregoing a huge amount of due dilligence.



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I think WWE leaked the sale to Saudi Arabia rumour just to see what the reaction was and I don't think any of the furore will put them off that sale. I think that's where the sale is headed for a multitude of reasons. The Saudi's need to diversify their economy, NBC/Universal and Fox are in sales conflict because WWE has media rights with both but the SIF buyout is bound to be more than anybody else offers. I have no faith that broadcasters will baulk either. Money talks and WWE makes them money, they're all capitalists, it's all they truly care about. People will be big mad for two weeks but they'll stick Vince in charge, they'll promote a woman, they'll start a pro-LGBTQ+ rights nonprofit to appear progressive because that's how sportswashing works but then it will be business as usual. That is what happened with Newcastle FC and I do not see it being any different with WWE in the States.

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Four tag matches on ONE show? Thank you Papa H! This isn't sarcasm either. Tag teams being treated with respect is always a good thing. 

Not sure who I enjoy more right now, Sami or Gunther. The entire Bloodline is great in general, but Gunther is so, so good. 


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I'm on Usos vs JD, and man, that was the weakest looking Doomsday Device I have ever seen. Props to Dom and Priest for trying it, because its a great double team, but man, that was lame looking. 

Bloodline segment was fantastic television tho. Heyman is so good at being a scumbag. Jey standing up for Sami was great too. 

Also, just a random observation. Adam Pearce is quite good at his authority role. I was always a fan of his on the independents and thought he for sure could have had a good run in a major company, but he's really grown in the role and is a pleasant part of every show. He doesn't overshadow the in ring talents like other larger than life authority figures have been in the past. 

Edited by Jaysin
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Triple H: This booking thing isn't easy ya know?

That DX/Imperium segment was the bees knees. I got goosebumps when Imperium's music hit. Other than the weird cage match thing, this show has been really fun so far. 

I love the Miz, but he is nowhere near the "first grand slam" champion in WWE history under either format. 

Edited by Jaysin
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The show had a fantastic start. Everything with the Bloodline was gold. It all went downhill from there.

They set up a cage for that? Seriously? Advertising a match and then not delivering as advertised... How unprofessional.

The other women's match wasn't much better. They're having Sonya feud with Charlotte, so she needs to be established as a credible threat. So, they have her LOSE to Bianca Belair. *face palm*

The DX stuff went on a little too long, but it had it's moments. A lot to go through to set up a 6-man tag that wasn't terribly interesting in the first place.

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Finally got to sit down and watch Raw is XXX (thanks to my good friends at Hulu).

Some things referenced that didn't make their edit.

Loved the Bloodline and DX segments. The self-referential stuff from HHH ("This booking thing ain't easy!") gave me a solid chuckle, as did every member of DX stepping up to Gunther only to give some variation on "can't do it". When Trips started that little bit, I legit laughed out loud.

The six-man was fun. It wasn't great grappling or a mat classic, but it was fun.

Usos-JD was excellent. It really should have been the main event (although I get completely why it wasn't...or rather why Theory-Lashley was). The insertion of Sami was a nice nod to all of us who immediately went, "Ohhhhh, so this is how they take it to the next step: Sami gets pinned to lose the Raw Tag titles," only to swerve us with a really well-put-together psychological match.

Becky-Bayley....what can I say?

Theory-Lashley just didn't feel like a main event match until the very end when Brock arrived. I'm interested to see where that goes from there. I'm sure it'll end up in a rubber match at Mania (I think that's rather obviously the plan), but I look forward to seeing the story they tell getting there.

Overall, it was just an enjoyable episode of Raw.



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