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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Yeah I have to admit I pay a lot more attention to story mechanics and directorial choices than the average movie-goer, but I don't really complain about it the way smarks take issue with every little thing. Also movies aren't a great analogy because they're not episodic the way wrestling is. I don't know many people who watch soaps with the same hyper-critical lens to make sure that the soap stays true to every soap cliche the way wrestling fans demand they see nothing new (and then complain about seeing nothing new).


I'm still not exactly sure what the point of all this is (and not necessarily to you specifically but moneso to the direction of the topic):


I understand the anti-smark sentiment that gets bothered by the open disdain that some internet fans have with the "today's wrestling" in general and the WWE specifically, but how much of this applies to the people posting in this thread.


I haven't read through the entire thing, but from what I gather, the recent posts contain a lot of negative reaction in recent weeks to some less than spectacular booking and some brutally bad shows


TLC was a good PPV, but you can't honestly believe that going into the PPV the majority of fans had really bought into Sheamus can you? He was getting mixed reactions at best....the people who like him are totaly entitled to like him but was he really built up in such a way that it's A TOTAL SHOCK that there's somewhat of a backlash? Really?


And the Slammys and this past week's RAw were awful. Just brutally bad episodes. In two weeks there's been one segment I laughed at (Batista as Kanye) and one match I really enjoyed (Cena/Swagger).


In 5 hours? How is that a good ratio?


Call out the smarkiness if you want, but I just don't think the last month or so of Raws has been very good, and I usually make it apoint to catch up this time of year because I like the build up to WM. But this is rough.

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Apparently the WWE has soured on him. And Ziggler too. Only one of those guys I'm gutted for, and it ain't Swagger.


Other then Swaggers damn lisp the guy has everything going for him. He is a big athletic guy who can wrestle high impact or slow it down to the mat. He is like a big kurt angle in the ring. If he didn't have that stupid lisp he would be main eventing. He has charisma but they are scared to put him near a mic

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I actually enjoyed the Slammy Awards. Is anybody else picking up the World Heavyweight Championship DVD that just came out?


Got it.


I haven't watched anything but the documentry part but it's good. It could have been better. But then it would have been 3 hours long. Which would be fine with me. Just so much history of that title that could be covered.

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I love the Abraham Washington Show, it's the only show where the guest can have a chance at getting his character and personality across(especially in this day and age of generic personas), even though Abe himself sometimes is a bit over-the-top. Case in point... the last ECW show, I thought he'd never shut up about Tiger Woods. -_-


But this new tag team is quickly growing on me, and a good deal of that is thanks to that talkshow. Especially how they dissed poor Tony.

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I love the Abraham Washington Show, it's the only show where the guest can have a chance at getting his character and personality across(especially in this day and age of generic personas), even though Abe himself sometimes is a bit over-the-top. Case in point... the last ECW show, I thought he'd never shut up about Tiger Woods. -_-


But this new tag team is quickly growing on me, and a good deal of that is thanks to that talkshow. Especially how they dissed poor Tony.


Yer It seemed like no-one cared in the crowd for the Tiger Woods jokes. Yer Caylen Croft and Tyler Reks was good. I liked it when they complained about having nothing to drink and Abraham like "Hey man this is ECW not Monday Night Raw so you dont get a drink" lol.

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Yer It seemed like no-one cared in the crowd for the Tiger Woods jokes. Yer Caylen Croft and Tyler Reks was good. I liked it when they complained about having nothing to drink and Abraham like "Hey man this is ECW not Monday Night Raw so you dont get a drink" lol.


Don't you mean to say Trent Berretta. Tyler Reks is the surfer that WWE has done I don't know jack crap with.

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Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter


There is a story going around the WWE locker room about Sheamus, Ted DiBiase and Yoshi Tatsu, who were all three roommates at one time in Tampa, Florida. They apparently all roomed together while they were all training in FCW.


The story goes that Sheamus played “big dog” in the apartment and pissed his roommates off because he allegedly would use their protein shakers and not clean them. Ted and Yoshi confronted him at the same time once. Sheamus got mad and threw Tatsu’s shaker at him but Yoshi caught it. Sheamus then called out Tatsu but Yoshi ended up beating him up pretty bad. There are even reports that Sheamus was on the verge of tears. Yoshi is said to be very good with his hands and has boxed and gone through the New Japan dojo.


When asked if the story was true, Tatsu would only say, “I just wanted to teach Sheamus a lesson in respect. Don’t mess with other peoples stuff.” There was hope within WWE that the story would make its way to Vince McMahon, who has always had the mindset that he doesn’t want people to think one of his World Champions lost a real fight.


I thought this story was pretty intresting. Yoshi beat dat ass apparntly:D

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