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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I have to say I'm pretty entertained by heel McCool and I absolutely don't get most of the whining about her. McCool and Maryse are the only heel divas in the company that have any heat, so it's not really surprising to see them in the title pictures on their respective shows. And as far as the Piggie James thing being in bad taste, it's an angle that's getting Mickie more over than she's been in years, and actually has the babyface championing a positive body image while the heel looks like skeletor. Compare that to Molly Holly and Trish's feud where Trish made fun of Molly for having a big butt for some reason in an angle that left Molly worse off than when she started, and it's freaking Dostoevsky.
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I have to say I'm pretty entertained by heel McCool and I absolutely don't get most of the whining about her. McCool and Maryse are the only heel divas in the company that have any heat, so it's not really surprising to see them in the title pictures on their respective shows. And as far as the Piggie James thing being in bad taste, it's an angle that's getting Mickie more over than she's been in years, and actually has the babyface championing a positive body image while the heel looks like skeletor. Compare that to Molly Holly and Trish's feud where Trish made fun of Molly for having a big butt for some reason in an angle that left Molly worse off than when she started, and it's freaking Dostoevsky.


Mickie been over they was doing that angle to get McCool heat and it worked kind of she still not over. McCool to me is not entertaining and that why they always team her with another diva poor Layla she should turn and be able to go on her own.

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Good episode of Raw right here


Batista/Cena exchange is solid. I would've lost it if Cena said, "Dave, maybe you'd be a bigger star if you stayed healthy longer than 3 months"


I just truly hope they don't main event 'Mania. I mean, it was bad enough last year when the best match of the night wasn't the main event but having those two close would be disastrous, I think. If Taker-Michaels II doesn't main event then the WHC match should.


I wonder if Gail Kim signed with WWE as kind of like a vacation. You know, collect a paycheck for doing next to nothing with little to no expectations? Heck, she might be able to have babies and not interfere with her work schedule.


Are all the MITB qualifying matches going to be squashes? I knew Jack Swagger's was going to be as soon as Santino's music started up. He's like a midcard enhancement talent. I figured Zack Ryder had no chance of going over MVP but didn't think it would end quite that quickly.


lazorbeak, no offense but you don't see most complaining about anything. That's not a dig, just stating the way I see it. I see your point and think it's valid but personally, I don't like McCool and never have. Thus, seeing her in a prominent position isn't something I particularly care for. It's not a surprise since I realize WWE's women's product has nothing to do with in-ring ability so it suits them.

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I just truly hope they don't main event 'Mania. I mean, it was bad enough last year when the best match of the night wasn't the main event but having those two close would be disastrous, I think. If Taker-Michaels II doesn't main event then the WHC match should.



I'm like a billion percent certain it's going to close.


Cena vs Batista for the title with McMahon and Bret at ringside? those two are going to have to dig waaaaay deep to put on anything close to what HBK/Taker and Edge/Jericho should deliver but I fully expect the last real image of this year's Mania to be Hart with Vince in a Sharpshooter while Cena celebrates with the fans.

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Well the "problem" is that it is kind of an unwritten rule that the title matches go last and given the fact that Cena + Bret vs Batista + Vince is the main storyline on the main show, you can bet it will be the last match. Edge vs Jericho will be the main problem as that will be just before them. If they are smart they but a cooldown match after Taker vs Michaels 2 before getting to the title matches.
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So I tuned in to SD last week and I'm baffled why the James/McCool feud is even still going on - what was the point of the seconds-long squash match and the whole "face divas all come down to humiliate the heels with cake" thing, if that wasn't the blowoff?


McCool complained to Taker and he asked Vince to keep it going?

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So I tuned in to SD last week and I'm baffled why the James/McCool feud is even still going on - what was the point of the seconds-long squash match and the whole "face divas all come down to humiliate the heels with cake" thing, if that wasn't the blowoff?


More annoying is that the crowds wre practically BEGGING Beth Phoenix to jump in and take both Mickie and Michelle out and then the writers completely wasted that heat by having her join McCool.


Beth could be the most over female on both shows and would even be entertaining as a 'unified' champion...not sure why they haven't pulled the trigger on that yet.

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Mickie been over they was doing that angle to get McCool heat and it worked kind of she still not over. McCool to me is not entertaining and that why they always team her with another diva poor Layla she should turn and be able to go on her own.


I will respond to this as soon as I get it decoded into English.


lazorbeak, no offense but you don't see most complaining about anything. That's not a dig, just stating the way I see it. I see your point and think it's valid but personally, I don't like McCool and never have. Thus, seeing her in a prominent position isn't something I particularly care for. It's not a surprise since I realize WWE's women's product has nothing to do with in-ring ability so it suits them.


When did I become designated cheerleader? I guess I have to be when dealing with troglodytes whining about how WWE is terrible and they haven't watched it in 7 years and think they understand the business because they played a videogame about it once. WWE screws up plenty of things, from not advancing stories on Raw for months to cutting Elijah Burke awhile back to completely destroying Dolph Ziggler's momentum to make Rey Mysterio look strong as he went into suspension. All mistakes that hurt business. Not to mention the big one this decade, that at a cost of 4 million dollars of his own money Vince managed to shrink the business as a whole and hurt his own company in the process for a six month storyline that was headlined by The Rock vs. Steve Austin.


It's just the illogical whining BS over stupid piddling crap that bugs me.

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English well ok Mickie was over before the McCool crap


Yeah...no. I'd have to agree with lazorbeak on this: Mickie James was in a total rut, was boring as hell, and her character had been reduced to 'generic good guy who gives the fans high fives.'


The McCool storyline is the single most interesting thing she's done since she was Trish's stalker.

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Yeah...no. I'd have to agree with lazorbeak on this: Mickie James was in a total rut, was boring as hell, and her character had been reduced to 'generic good guy who gives the fans high fives.'


The McCool storyline is the single most interesting thing she's done since she was Trish's stalker.


You've won the internet with that statement sir. Well done.

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Compared to his normal stuff yeah.


You're such a TNA fanboy at times you can't even admit that Batista gave a good promo. I hate Batista with a passion but it was a better promo then anything from a TNA ring that I have seen in quite some time. Angle started to give a nice promo the other week about the chain and then Mr. Anderson ruined it by making a complete mockery of the seriousness of tags. Back to the subject, Batista has an excellent promo for Batista and for anyone else cutting it

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You're such a TNA fanboy at times you can't even admit that Batista gave a good promo. I hate Batista with a passion but it was a better promo then anything from a TNA ring that I have seen in quite some time. Angle started to give a nice promo the other week about the chain and then Mr. Anderson ruined it by making a complete mockery of the seriousness of tags. Back to the subject, Batista has an excellent promo for Batista and for anyone else cutting it


Not so much to do with my TNA fanboyism more personal taste. It was good, was it great? Nope. Have TNA had promos of that level on average? With a few exceptions nope.


Batista gave a really really good promo that probably came off so well because there was a lot of truth there at it's heart (not that Dave is jealous but he's clearly been in Cena's shadow and as a competitive professional, that would bother him at some level)


Also..I personaly REALLY really liked the Angle/Anderson stuff. Very effective Face/Heel interaction imo

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Personally I'm waiting for Bret to reveal that he set up the whole 'broken leg' thing just to trick Vince into challenging him for the match at wrestlemania since he knew Vince would never agree to it if he thought Bret was 100%.


I can imagine the look of shock on Vince's face at the start of the match when Bret calmly takes the cast off and shows he can walk normally.

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I thought Batista's promo was good and its good since its based on real stuff instead of just "I'm a bad ass" however I didnt like the title change at the EC and it still makes no sense which is why I dont like WWE's writing.


- Vince can do anything he wants. Sweet. He likes Batista for helping him beat up Bret Hart and hates Cena for defending him.


-Instead of just having Cena be beatdown or strip the title, or have Batista in the EC or anything he has Batista beat him after the match since well he's VKM damm*t.


-Then he gives Cena another shot the next night knowing he will lose just for Batista to get DQ'd


- Then since he hates Cena so much and wants Batista to be champion he has Cena main event WM getting the title shot...eventhough he doesnt want Cena to be champion. which according to their history, logically Batista should just get DQ'd to keep the title then beat down Cena, but that wont happen b/c its WM of course


It just hasn't been put together very well and hate when they pull out the VKM card. I would have liked them see Cena work his way back more, like taking out Batista's opponent, or winning some #1 contender match. Or maybe have him beat Batista in a non title match then out of rage Batista gives Cena the shot against VKM's wishes, I think this would have been the best route. its just...blah. Its obvious they dont care if it makes sense and ticks me off.



RAW- Overall was decent. There some pros and cons like every show.



-Liked the opening despite going on a bit long. Still think the HBK storyline is best thing going right now.


-Liked Orton/Dibiase match and the beatdown. I like how its been going on so long and actually has heat to it.


-Batista promo goes under the pros. His mic work was good, acting wasn't perfect so it gets a B which is much improved for him so good job.


-DIVA pillowfight. Now, I skipped this on the DVR but its the first thing they've done like this with the Divas in a long time, so I have to give them props for at least trying.



-MITB matches: seriously, whats the point? why not just announce who the competitors are? SD's matches were much, much better and I think having stupid matches lowers the MITB prestige and the workers involved that qualify, like yeah youre in but you beat Santino.


- Hart/McMahon segment. I dont care about its just w/e to me.


- The Miz: I'm not going to hate on HIM personally b/c we've already argued about that but he is WAY over used and get WAY to much push. He has now main evented SD and RAW this week, is the US champ and has the tag titles, and pinned HBK! seroiusly? I would expect Morrison or someone better to get this treatment.


-On the same note, that tag match didnt come off as well to me. OMG Undertaker is on the screen! Lets stare at it! Is it one of those if I stare at it something else shows? Stupid. Now I'm gonna be all pissy b/c I cant look away from the screen. Apparentley being distracted by a screen weakens you enough to get pinned and not kick out. Would have much rather had Shamus cost them the match and then beat down Triple H instead of after.

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Raw was ok for me.


- I like what they are doing with the Bret/Vince thing. The 'broken leg' gives them a reason for Vince to be able to beat up on one of the best wrestlers of all time. It also give Vince something to focus on in what will no doubt be a 'brawl' type match, as we know that Hart can't take shots to the head. I just hope they keep the eventual match short and sweet and Vince ends up tapping like a madman to the Sharpshooter.


- I half expected HBK to turn on HHH during the main event, seemed like he went back to 'jolly old DX' almost too quickly. Not a fan of the Undertaker on a screen bit costing HBK the match, would have been better if he was actually there.


- Batista promo was pretty good, I enjoyed it more than other promos of his I've seen.


- MITB qualifiers...meh, pointless, I think everybody is agreed on that.




The one thing that really bemused me about Raw though was the choice of guest hosts...Cheech and Chong? Are you kidding me? Now, I love those guys; my stepfather was a HUGE fan when he was younger (read into that what you will) and gave me all their albums, and I think 'Up in Smoke' is a classic movie.


Still, I'm 25, and Cheech and Chong are...well, a bit before my time...Up in Smoke was 6 years before I was born. Does any of the WWE's target audience even know who these guys are? Are they still that popular in the US?


Also, their fame aside...does anyone find it strange that the WWE has tamed down it's content to be more child/family friendly, yet last night's Raw featured numerous drug references and Tommy Chong, who is a big legalisation advocate and spent time in prison a few years back on drug-related charges?


Far out man...

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I agree Cheechand Chong were very, very odd choices but I think we all would agree on that. I would imagine either USA or WWE business people are friends or are involved in their comedy tour which is why.


The lucky charms bit as actually a good way of getting high I think as stupid as it was but you know they werent going to have them doing real drugs and the cereal reference probably satisfied little kids without asking too many questions.


The guest hosts are really dwindling down and I'm wondering how long it will go on. Cris Angel will hopfully be good if they give him tv time since well, he's a performer, and while im not big on magic ive watched his shows and he isnt bad. I expect them to have more kid figures though so im surprised they havent, I mean do little kids really know Jewel and Cris Angel?

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