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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Stuff like that is why I wish he could still be the color guy somewhere. I wasn't the biggest WCW fan, but, he always made it much better in his time there.


Not to mention Heenan and Gorilla.


I just read that to my wife (from brashleyholland's post), and she found it funnier then I did (which I found it pretty funny).

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The predictability kind of goes the way of Punk and Jericho as well, in my opinion. In fact, other then the difference in personality, they bassically all say the same thing. I'm better then you... I'm better then the crowd.... I'm better then "insert famous sports team that is the local favorite here"...


Afterwards, they are able to get the crowd to boo them for the rest of their mic time. Miz does the same thing, really. Sometimes he doesn't have to, which is in itself impressive to an extent.


Is he as good as Punk or Jericho? No. IS he better then the average wrestler we can see on any tv channel... BY FAR.


He doesn't really have much else going for him, other then in ring psychology. He doesn't have fantastic moves, he's not technical, great brawler, etc... He's just "The Miz".


You can give him the credit for the one thing he does excell in, can't you?

I can... but it's sad, that, by WWE's standards, other than the veterans, very few WWE wrestlers have any in-ring psychology that could be considered tolerable. Guys like Cena and Batista don't have much at all, and it shows. Heck, as boring as Cena/Orton is, I can safely say that Orton at least kept most of his matches against Cena as botch-free as possible.


By the way, Swagger/Orton. Good match. Nothing spectacular, but I wouldn't matter seeing those two against each other again.

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The predictability kind of goes the way of Punk and Jericho as well, in my opinion. In fact, other then the difference in personality, they bassically all say the same thing. I'm better then you... I'm better then the crowd.... I'm better then "insert famous sports team that is the local favorite here"...


In a way I agree as they are primarily saying the same things, but in another I disagree. Punk and Jericho in my opinion are a little more creative in how they say it - their wording, their references, little things that to me are the difference between being good and being great. I always found that The Miz said things in a very direct, straightforward "WWE" style. Slip in a catchphrase, say exactly what you mean and get it over with. I always feel like I can finish every one of his sentences myself, because as soon as he opens his mouth I can tell almost word for word what is coming. Jericho to me is more playful, has the goofy humour combined with arrogance that while I have a hard time taking seriously I almost always enjoy and does occasionally catch me off guard. CM Punk has more fire and I think works at making his promos something different, we all know he is going to talk about the straight edge stuff and earlier in his career I found the whole "straight edge and that makes me better than you" stuff a little lame. Now I think he finds different ways to deliver the same message which makes it a lot easier to listen to if he's on the mic every week.


That's just my thoughts though. Not trying to diss The Miz too much as he's evolved from someone I would actively avoid watching due to how awful I thought he was to someone I consider pretty entertaining.

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I'll admit Miz has improved but something about him still irks me to the fullest. It might be his stupid "really? REALLY?" spiel which is just incessant and annoying, or his godawful catchphrase, which I guess that may be part of his job . It might be the ways he tries to stand out so much, I don't know. He's one of the midcarders that gets the most mic time yet you don't really feel like hearing him when he approaches a mic. He had some golden moments here and there like his promo on MVP as he marched his way through the crowd, other than that he leaves me dry.
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I'd say that the Miz is the only midcarder who I listen to when he talks. I mean, I don't change the channel, but when Swagger gets on the mic (for instance) I just laugh at his thwaggering. Miz, on the other hand, seems to be making a pretty valid complaint in the most petulant possible way. He's got TWO TITLES. That would make a person pretty important, you'd think, but Miz is still just a midcarder (because, let's face it, they're midcard titles). So he whines and cries about how he wants respect, darn it all. AFAIC, he's doing a great job.
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Having watched most of the Raws from 1998, I've moved into 1999, and let me tell you... it's really, really bad. For those that don't remember, not only did we have Austin vs. McMahon dragging all the way to WM XV for Austin's match with the Rock, (in what was probably the only match worth watching), we also had the (heel) ministry of darkness targeting Stephanie McMahon, heel Shane McMahon feuding with X-Pac. So Vince is involved in two storylines, one as the babyface dad and one as the evil boss, meaning he's getting more screen-time than any other guy on the roster, including Austin and Rock. Also the Ministry of Darkness Angle earns special "what were they thinking" points for the revelation, after months of targeting McMahon, that the "higher power" that Undertaker was following was Vince McMahon, meaning the entire angle was a bait & switch that accomplished nothing.


It was also a banner time for senseless "well I haven't turned in a few months" turns that saw Kane essentially get turned by the crowd for being such a bad-ass, then join the Corporation then turn his back on the Corporation in a span of less than six months. Sable was technically a heel but she was still massively over and getting a babyface reaction, which isn't surprising since she was feuding with a complete unknown and her whole grinding routine was getting babyface pops. Chyna turns heel on Triple H for no reason to join the Corporation, and then Triple H follows suit by turning heel on X-Pac for no reason at WM. I certainly don't have any problem with turns, but WWF really fell in love with the "swerve" turn where one day Triple H hates the Corporation, has had huge confrontations with the Rock, who is now champ, then Chyna turns on him, costing him a title shot and hitting him in the balls, and his reaction is to join up by helping Shane McMahon, of course.


Big Show debuted and was immediately wasted, joining the Corporation, getting beaten almost immediately by Austin, then turning babyface. He was never treated as anything special, which is even more baffling considering he had already been promised a title reign when he jumped ship, and WWF proceeded to book him like a midcarder.


If it wasn't for the admittedly great stuff involving Austin and Rock, WWF would've been unwatchable in early 1999.

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Did you already watch the Mean Street Posse vs The Stooges? Is it still the highest rated match for RAW?


The "This is your life" segment was apparently the highest rated segment, but not match.


And reading that summary of 1998/1999 -- that's atrocious.

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Smackdown was exceptionally good tonight. Better than it has been in a while.

Loved everyone getting on Swagger about his spweech impedwemewnt lol


The opener was good

Shad Gaspard is looking to be a strong heel, as more comfortable on the mic than I expected.

DudeBusters/Hart Dynasty was decent enough, both teams looked strong

Drew McIntyre vs Hardy was average, for the two involved I expected more.

Main Event was alright, I expect it will lead to a triple threat at Extreme Rules to solidify Swagger as a real main eventer

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Having watched most of the Raws from 1998, I've moved into 1999, and let me tell you... it's really, really bad. For those that don't remember, not only did we have Austin vs. McMahon dragging all the way to WM XV for Austin's match with the Rock, (in what was probably the only match worth watching), we also had the (heel) ministry of darkness targeting Stephanie McMahon, heel Shane McMahon feuding with X-Pac. So Vince is involved in two storylines, one as the babyface dad and one as the evil boss, meaning he's getting more screen-time than any other guy on the roster, including Austin and Rock. Also the Ministry of Darkness Angle earns special "what were they thinking" points for the revelation, after months of targeting McMahon, that the "higher power" that Undertaker was following was Vince McMahon, meaning the entire angle was a bait & switch that accomplished nothing.


It was also a banner time for senseless "well I haven't turned in a few months" turns that saw Kane essentially get turned by the crowd for being such a bad-ass, then join the Corporation then turn his back on the Corporation in a span of less than six months. Sable was technically a heel but she was still massively over and getting a babyface reaction, which isn't surprising since she was feuding with a complete unknown and her whole grinding routine was getting babyface pops. Chyna turns heel on Triple H for no reason to join the Corporation, and then Triple H follows suit by turning heel on X-Pac for no reason at WM. I certainly don't have any problem with turns, but WWF really fell in love with the "swerve" turn where one day Triple H hates the Corporation, has had huge confrontations with the Rock, who is now champ, then Chyna turns on him, costing him a title shot and hitting him in the balls, and his reaction is to join up by helping Shane McMahon, of course.


Big Show debuted and was immediately wasted, joining the Corporation, getting beaten almost immediately by Austin, then turning babyface. He was never treated as anything special, which is even more baffling considering he had already been promised a title reign when he jumped ship, and WWF proceeded to book him like a midcarder.


If it wasn't for the admittedly great stuff involving Austin and Rock, WWF would've been unwatchable in early 1999.


Can I trouble you to tell me where you procured these episodes? I'm getting impatient with WWE Classics.


By the by, all swerves considered, those storylines look like much better TV then what the WWE is doing now.

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Smackdown was exceptionally good tonight. Better than it has been in a while.

Loved everyone getting on Swagger about his spweech impedwemewnt lol


The opener was good

Shad Gaspard is looking to be a strong heel, as more comfortable on the mic than I expected.

DudeBusters/Hart Dynasty was decent enough, both teams looked strong

Drew McIntyre vs Hardy was average, for the two involved I expected more.

Main Event was alright, I expect it will lead to a triple threat at Extreme Rules to solidify Swagger as a real main eventer


Just saw it on Youtube :eek:

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WWE has some interest in indy female talent Rayna Von Tash. She was the first graduate of the SHIMMER wrestling school and has been seen recently on ROH with the new TV Title.


I knew WWE would eventually notice her she do have the Diva look, wouldn't surprise me if they picked Jessie McKay to.

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WWE has some interest in indy female talent Rayna Von Tash. She was the first graduate of the SHIMMER wrestling school and has been seen recently on ROH with the new TV Title.


I knew WWE would eventually notice her she do have the Diva look, wouldn't surprise me if they picked Jessie McKay to.


I LOVE Rayna Von Tash! I've only ever watched one SHIMMER show (and I skipped the last few matches when the audio inexplicably disappeared) but she was far and away my favorite thing on the show, working with Daizee Haze. She's green, but had such a vibrant personality and a gimmick that... It left an impression.


May have to play catch-up with ROH if she's on there.

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WWE has some interest in indy female talent Rayna Von Tash. She was the first graduate of the SHIMMER wrestling school and has been seen recently on ROH with the new TV Title.


I knew WWE would eventually notice her she do have the Diva look, wouldn't surprise me if they picked Jessie McKay to.


God no. Jessie's too sweet to do the WWE thing. She's got potential to be REALLY good (in-ring) and she's not likely to ever get there working in the 'E. I'd like to see her stay on with SHIMMER and perhaps do a run with Ibuki, Sendai, WAVE, and Oz Academy so she at least becomes well versed in multiple styles. I'd like Mika Akino and Mariko Yoshida to get their hands on her for a while.


But this might be very similar to men's basketball.

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I LOVE Rayna Von Tash! I've only ever watched one SHIMMER show (and I skipped the last few matches when the audio inexplicably disappeared) but she was far and away my favorite thing on the show, working with Daizee Haze. She's green, but had such a vibrant personality and a gimmick that... It left an impression.


May have to play catch-up with ROH if she's on there.


Yeah Rayna is pretty hot, but I'm surprised she's being looked at already. I'd think Jennifer Blake would get looked at by WWE first based on her look. Maybe there's a limit on blonde Canadians?

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Wasn't there a limit to Lances before too? I heard that's why they went with Garrison Cade (since Lance Storm was already on the same brand).


WWE is pretty notoriously protective of avoiding brand confusion by not having guys with the same name. The best example is probably Shane Helms becoming Gregory Helms to avoid confusion with Shane McMahon.


2010's SWF roster pays some tribute to that by recognizing that having Jungle Jack, Jack Giedroyc, and Jack Bruce would be too many guys named Jack on one roster.

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Yeah Rayna is pretty hot, but I'm surprised she's being looked at already. I'd think Jennifer Blake would get looked at by WWE first based on her look. Maybe there's a limit on blonde Canadians?


Heh, I've wondered for years why certain people haven't been looked at. Lizzie Valentine basically has WWE's look down pat (and has since she was 'Valentina Laree' years ago). Nowadays, she even has an international profile, with her work in NWE and AAA (and WSX, for the fifteen minutes it was famous). And come on, April Hunter?


Hmm, on second thought, scratch April. Sure she was a fitness model, but she's probably way too big for the 'E's look. She's built too much like Beth.


Hopefully Jessie's too, uh, "small" for them and Madison's too big (or tall) and Penni's too old.

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Hmm, on second thought, scratch April. Sure she was a fitness model, but she's probably way too big for the 'E's look. She's built too much like Beth.


... "Too much" like Beth Phoenix? How can a person be built too much like Beth Phoenix? She's the only Diva I take seriously...

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Rayna Von Tosh is as hot as a towering inferno but as green as a dollar bill in an Irish forest. Pretty much the definition of a "diva" in the wrestling since then. I mean I like her too, but every report covering her matches has said her in-ring stuff has been cringe worthy. RoH were smart, bringing her in to be eye-candy for the TV tournament. If the WWE doesn't whisk her away RoH need to think up something for her to do. Being a valet for a while would probably be the smartest thing. And if she still wants to wrestle she can build her skills in the smaller indies.
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He said she's built too much like Phoenix for the WWE's liking, which is probably true. Beth is the exception to the rule in the WWE.


Yeah, I was mostly just taking potshots at the E for having a joke of a women's division that has only one woman I think I'd lose to in a fight. And mind you, I've NEVER won a fight, so I'm not like secretly some MMA bad*** or something.

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