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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Far as I know, Hunter is completely out of doing any kind of ring work. She has too many injuries, at least by her own words.


I heard that the beautiful people's entrance was her idea. I also heard that she would love a non-wrestling role as a valet or something. I think that could work alright, but her not being able to actually get in the ring will probably make that alot less likely to happen.

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Yeah Rayna is pretty hot, but I'm surprised she's being looked at already. I'd think Jennifer Blake would get looked at by WWE first based on her look. Maybe there's a limit on blonde Canadians?


I'm shocked that WWE hasn't signed Jennifer Blake or Rain both of them has the looks and are very good wrestlers.


Far as I know, Hunter is completely out of doing any kind of ring work. She has too many injuries, at least by her own words.


I heard that the beautiful people's entrance was her idea. I also heard that she would love a non-wrestling role as a valet or something. I think that could work alright, but her not being able to actually get in the ring will probably make that alot less likely to happen.


Actually T&A (Talia and April) had a simular entrance tagging together that i thought was pretty cool but nowhere near the BF entrance

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Rayna Von Tosh is as hot as a towering inferno but as green as a dollar bill in an Irish forest. Pretty much the definition of a "diva" in the wrestling since then. I mean I like her too, but every report covering her matches has said her in-ring stuff has been cringe worthy. RoH were smart, bringing her in to be eye-candy for the TV tournament. If the WWE doesn't whisk her away RoH need to think up something for her to do. Being a valet for a while would probably be the smartest thing. And if she still wants to wrestle she can build her skills in the smaller indies.


I'm afraid I've to back track slightly here...I'm reading a full and detailed report from the recent SHIMMER tapings and apparently RVT looked pretty good in her matches. I guess talent, much like beauty, is often in the eye of the beholder in the wrestling world.

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I'm afraid I've to back track slightly here...I'm reading a full and detailed report from the recent SHIMMER tapings and apparently RVT looked pretty good in her matches. I guess talent, much like beauty, is often in the eye of the beholder in the wrestling world.

Well put...

*cough*Super Dragon*cough*


I guess I no longer need to flip back and forth between Raw and Impact, if the Thursday Impact replay is back for good. Good thing, too, because TNA is just filled with things that have had me reaching for the remote in recent weeks. But that's better saved for the TNA topic, I suppose.

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Far as I know, Hunter is completely out of doing any kind of ring work. She has too many injuries, at least by her own words.


I heard that the beautiful people's entrance was her idea. I also heard that she would love a non-wrestling role as a valet or something. I think that could work alright, but her not being able to actually get in the ring will probably make that alot less likely to happen.


Yeah, you're a little out of date then. Heck, she appeared on TNA TV a few months back on the Knockouts show. She retired a few years back, but unretired in 2009. But as Remi said, at this point, she's probably older than WWE would like. As for why she wasn't brought in 8 years ago, I can only guess that WWE didn't know what they'd do with her? She was green as a wrestler but is far better looking than Chyna and probably could've played a somewhat similar role, given her size. And yeah, she was teaming with Talia/Velvet Sky doing a similar shtick to the Beautiful People a few years back.

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Well put...

*cough*Super Dragon*cough*


I guess I no longer need to flip back and forth between Raw and Impact, if the Thursday Impact replay is back for good. Good thing, too, because TNA is just filled with things that have had me reaching for the remote in recent weeks. But that's better saved for the TNA topic, I suppose.


Ha! The different between RVT and Super Dragon is I've only read about RVT while I've seen a good few Super Dragon matches, and trust me, I BELIEVE in Super Dragon. And anyone who thinks otherwise deserves to be curb-stomped to hell. Sorry Countdown, but until you accept SD into heart as your personal wrestling saviour, it's TN-, I mean hell for you!

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To be honest, from a financial standpoint, I hope the female talent that WWE picks up make good money while they are there, but from a creative standpoint, I can't see the WWE using them right, mostly because the either don't care or don't know to use them correctly.


The problem with that is many workers can make more on the indies, with a far less demanding schedule. WWE doesn't tend to pay its divas all that great. But sometimes, it might be a 'means to an end' kinda proposition. You spend a year on the road with that ridiculous schedule and then when your contract comes due, you take your future endeavor status and, assuming you've spent any time on TV, parlay that into a higher rate on the indies. If you pick up contacts while there, you can even parlay that into something profitable outside of wrestling (hi Maria and Stacy!).

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good female talent can make more on the indies, they can control 5 times as much as the average top indy males. for the men say an old 80's guy like the Barbarian he goes for less then 200 to wrestle (he'll go for 100 if you book his buddy to tag with him or face him for the other 100). While the former Kevin Thorn last year was charging 700 just to do autographs. And his schedule is no where near as full as Barb's is.


Team Blondage goes for $500 a piece with the people they know and these two ladies have appeared for Shimmer but only spotty work for WWE & TNA.


Jake "the Snake" Roberts is appearing in 4 weeks in Lexington, NC and I can bet he's pulling no more then 200 if he's lucky while Paul London will be in Burlington, NC in 2 weeks and might get 250 if he's lucky. It all depends on age, ability and overness and the fact that some guys are just having fun with it or are doing favors.

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cena/sheamus aftermatch in ireland


- After the RAW live event in Dublin this weekend, John Cena cut a promo on the hometown hero Sheamus following their match that Cena won. Cena put Sheamus over as a WWE Superstar and handed him the WWE Title. Sheamus then cut a babyface promo to the hometown crowd, laid the WWE Title down in the ring and said that was for them. The crowd popped big for Sheamus as he celebrated with the fans to end the show.

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surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet. Smackdown will move to the SyFy channel starting in October which means that WWE NXT will be cancelled. This is according to rajahwwf.com. What does everyone thing about this?


I don't know if "canceled" is the right word..I never thought NXT would be going on year round like RAW and SmackDown, as much as it would have actual seasons. Once all the rookies are eliminated and a winner is declared, the season will be over. SmackDown! moving to SyFy in October tells me that Season 1 will go on 'till about that time..which, I must say, is a lot longer then I thought one season would last. But yeah, SD'll replace it when Season 1 ends, and presumebly Season 2 will start sometime next year, maybe on a differant network. Atleast I hope so, I like NXT.

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On the show, the season has been said to be 16 weeks, and they're what? On week 8 now? So this season would be over in like July. They could maybe squeeze out a second season in the time remaining. Bring up Low Ki and some of the second gen guys.
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So I just got back from the SmackDown taping in London. I must say it was pretty sweet. Best part of it though was meeting The Miz and The DudeBusters before the show. All three are great guys.


Awesome. Apparently Miz called Danielson the Susan Boyle of the WWE but with less charisma...just brilliant.

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I tuned into NXT for the first time in a while: for a bout 5 minutes anyway. God that opening "competition" was hard to watch. This show is just awful. I turned back at the end hoping to see Young get his head shaved, and nothing. The Susan Boyle thing was probably funny, though. :)


Really, the only thing entertaining about this season is watching the ROHbot types absolutely implode on the interweb over Danielson. Good times.

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surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet. Smackdown will move to the SyFy channel starting in October which means that WWE NXT will be cancelled. This is according to rajahwwf.com. What does everyone thing about this?


Ummm, huh?


Smackdown is moving to SyFy in the fall.


good female talent can make more on the indies, they can control 5 times as much as the average top indy males. for the men say an old 80's guy like the Barbarian he goes for less then 200 to wrestle (he'll go for 100 if you book his buddy to tag with him or face him for the other 100). While the former Kevin Thorn last year was charging 700 just to do autographs. And his schedule is no where near as full as Barb's is.


Team Blondage goes for $500 a piece with the people they know and these two ladies have appeared for Shimmer but only spotty work for WWE & TNA.


Jake "the Snake" Roberts is appearing in 4 weeks in Lexington, NC and I can bet he's pulling no more then 200 if he's lucky while Paul London will be in Burlington, NC in 2 weeks and might get 250 if he's lucky. It all depends on age, ability and overness and the fact that some guys are just having fun with it or are doing favors.


Yeah, I didn't want to get into numbers because a lot of "fans" have no clue how well some workers do outside of WWE. Might be best to just let them keep thinking the 'E is the be all, end all. But I know we have more than a couple real, honest to God indy promoters as well as actual workers here who could definitely shed some light on that subject.


It's not as 'bush league' as people would like to think.

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Being there live for that NXT was just horrible. The crowd crapped over all the promos, especially those who talked about American stuff (looking at you Heath Slater). Wade Barrett was extremely impressive though, not just because he's English, but he was very quick to come up with a great promo. But really that whole competition just ruined the crowd for the whole night.
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Being there live for that NXT was just horrible. The crowd crapped over all the promos, especially those who talked about American stuff (looking at you Heath Slater). Wade Barrett was extremely impressive though, not just because he's English, but he was very quick to come up with a great promo



Saw that and it was great. Reckon it was improv'd though? I hope they all were, based on what some of the others said lol but I doubt it.

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It's not as 'bush league' as people would like to think.


In some ways it is though, in alot of ways no.


The one thing most people realise is that the "E" can give people more name value then they currently carry. A "Popular" indie darling like CM Punk, after working for the "E" will now have more name value then he did previously.


This is the most used reason why people support wrestler's getting into the "E". They hope they will make more in the "E", but the biggest reason is that they will be more popular if used in any special type of way... Jobbing isn't one of them, lol.

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