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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I'm a bit late for this but let me throw in my 2 cents:


Back To The Future Part I, II, and III are all PG. Any adult that doesn't like that trilogy can flip themselves off. I originally saw them when I was a child and loved them then and still do. I've watched them with my 6 year old nephew and 9 year old niece and neither of them fell asleep! :p


Those movies weren't aimed towards children, but they can certainly watch them without it going completely over their head.


I also thought Finding Neverland was a decent movie. Big fan of Kate Winslet and anybody who say they "hate" or "dislike" Johnny Depp doesn't have a clue how acting works. He's played so many different characters with different personalities that he can't be considered a bad actor on that fact alone. I'm not talking about crap like Pirates. I'm talking about his movies like Edward Scissorhands, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, and Donnie Brasco. Those are three completely different movies and way different roles. I went from listing a PG trilogy series to defending Johnny Depp. My bad. :o

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Ready To Rumble FTW. After I saw that movie, I ended up making Jimmy King in every wrestling game I had. Which reminds me... ive never had him in TEW. -goes to DL a save-


I had King Jimmy in a couple of games myself. Good Times.


Don't forget, Jimmy The King had a classic Best of Seven Series with Randy The Ram once upon a time!



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I'm scared of them light tubes. I remember when I first found out how scared of garbage wrestling I was. I found out when I was watching iMPACT and saw Abyss punch a pile of thumbtacks. That's when I knew that someday... I would still be scared of hardcore wrestling.


Now that I see them in use, they're a lot less scary than I thought. They're like... I'd say made out of glass but that would make me sound stupid. Suffice to say, it looks like it hurts less than a chair shot, assuming you don't get cut, which I know darned well is coming later.


TEST FINISHED: Sorta. I ended up getting a server error from YouTube every time I tried to load past like, 4 minutes into part 2.


Came off as actually a reasonably wrestled match, just with more blood and doing a lot of stuff that made me grossed out. Not really much to write home about.


I love me some garbage wrestling but hate how predominant light tubes have become. When Onita was in his prime they had exploding barbed wire, Matsunaga had scorpions, Kanemura got the crud burnt out of him on a burning table and they showed the ambulance take him away. Now guys hit each other with easily breakable light fixtures. Not saying that I really endorse the extreme danger guys in the past put themselves through, but at least it was spectacular. A bunch of broken glass is still kinda dangerous but doesn't bring in the crowds. Shame how garbage wrestling, with the exception of Big Japan, is pretty much dead.

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my two favorite parts are 1. The slurpee scene. If you watch the commentary you find out David Arquette put limburger cheese and catfood in the cup because he knew Ahmet Zappa had to thoroughly sniff the cups contents.


Also in the end when they throw Ahmet through the window and


Ahmet: Im your ----- and your my daddy

King: It rolled right off his tongue

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I love me some garbage wrestling but hate how predominant light tubes have become. When Onita was in his prime they had exploding barbed wire, Matsunaga had scorpions, Kanemura got the crud burnt out of him on a burning table and they showed the ambulance take him away. Now guys hit each other with easily breakable light fixtures. Not saying that I really endorse the extreme danger guys in the past put themselves through, but at least it was spectacular. A bunch of broken glass is still kinda dangerous but doesn't bring in the crowds. Shame how garbage wrestling, with the exception of Big Japan, is pretty much dead.


Well, see, I don't like garbage, like I said before. I wound up finding that match (Yuko Miyamoto vs Kyoko Kimura, if it matters) by complete accident, watching WWE botches. I figured it'd be a good chance to try to grow some stones, and it mostly turned out to be not as bad as I'd thought. That said, I did find an exploding barbed wire match I could've moved on to when I was having trouble loading the Kimura match, and I didn't. I'm still scared of garbage -- just not light tubes any more. :p

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Well, see, I don't like garbage, like I said before. I wound up finding that match (Yuko Miyamoto vs Kyoko Kimura, if it matters) by complete accident, watching WWE botches. I figured it'd be a good chance to try to grow some stones, and it mostly turned out to be not as bad as I'd thought. That said, I did find an exploding barbed wire match I could've moved on to when I was having trouble loading the Kimura match, and I didn't. I'm still scared of garbage -- just not light tubes any more. :p


Haha, an intergender light tubes match too? You are taking the softly softly approach :p


Not that there is anything wrong with that. There are certainly some matches you could have watched that may have been a bit too violent and put you off immediately. I personally cannot stand the older CZW garbage matches, they seem closer to some kind of weird sadistic fetish video than a wrestling match to me. Out of curiosity, how did you find the original ECW if you've seen much of it?

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I haven't. I'm still trying to work my way through old WCW, since I'm a relative newcomer. Started watching... 3 years ago, maybe?


Incidentally, I thought Yuko was a woman's name, so I had thought I was coming into a joshi garbage match. Then I was like "oh. This is a dude."

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I personally cannot stand the older CZW garbage matches, they seem closer to some kind of weird sadistic fetish video than a wrestling match to me. Out of curiosity, how did you find the original ECW if you've seen much of it?


I remember someone showing me a tape of CZW with some guy getting hit in the back with a weedwhacker. Chopped him up pretty bad. Yuk.

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I remember someone showing me a tape of CZW with some guy getting hit in the back with a weedwhacker. Chopped him up pretty bad. Yuk.


Once you start getting into this deathmatch stuff, I start getting to the point where like... as kayfabe is concerned, why not just bring a gun?

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The thing about CZW is actually the they only do one deathmatch per show unless it's the Tournament of Death and it's actually been that way for years. People just aren't really bothered about CZW so there only real reference point is the deathmatch stuff; which is a real shame for a roster that tries very hard to prove themselves as equal to their indie peers.


But if you're looking for some good deathmatch stuff I'd recommend typing Jun Kasai in youtube. Kasai is pretty much Japan's best deathmatch guy...not because he's the most goriest, but he has the pyschology and knows how to mix the shock element of deathmatch with traditional wrestling holds and stuff. Thus Kasai knows how to blend the two styles to create the best matches. He has the drama/story of regular wrestling and the shock/horror of deathmatch.

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I am a pretty non-hardcore guy... not because I can't stomach it (I can stomach some of it), but because I prefer the Ric Flair's/Bret Hart's/Steve Wiliam's/Kenta Kobashi's/Dusty Rhodes/Kurt Angle's/Lance Storm's. They can have good matches without doing a lot of unnecessary stuff.
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Hardcore wrestling is pretty silly really. If a guy can get beat over the head with light tubes and throw through tables and hung up by hooks and electricuted. How would a DDT or a piledriver be enough to pin this guy. No normal wrestling hold is going to beat a guy that can get up from being electricuted and put through flaming tables it makes zero sense. That guy would be able to walk into a "real" match and win without a blink.


I absolutely loathe "death matches" and I'm glad they stay on the outer fringes of the business.

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For me I have a particular style... I like workers, in TEW terms, that can workers that can workers that can in these combinations of categories: Mainstream, Comedy, Traditional, Lucha Libre, Modern, Realism, and/or Cult.


So, I believe I have a pretty broad taste, but I'm not a real fan of daredevil/hardcore/risque stuff.

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I think they are a number of reasons why a death match can be appealing, when done right that is:


1. Deathmatch workers can be surprising initiative and creative. They can genuine come up with ways to use weapons and such you'd just never think of yourself. Stuff like drop kicking the edge of a table causing it to ram into the other guy at the last second and stuff like that is entertaining because it catches you off guard.


2. Honestly? The brutality can be an attraction to it. I mean if you're the type of guy who says loves stiff Puro wrestling, or when Samoa Joe just murders a victim, or Amazing Kong kill a b*tch dead or a massive slugfest then I think Deathmatches have a place. I mean watching these guys, even if you don't like what they do, you'll be forced to admit they do have fighting spirit.


I guess Deathmatches are for people who found they like a vicious TLC or street fight or that kind of thing, and since that audience exists the deathmatch exists. I agree though I wouldn't want to see them go too popular, that'd be over the top, but I think them have a niche is fine.

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The problem is I find hardcore stuff really pushes the wrestling too over the top. Like someone said earlier, if light tubes, tables, chairs, barbed wire, electricity, fire, and falling off scaffolds don't get you, then no one should ever be able to touch you with a normal DDT or piledriver.
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