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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Wait. So you're saying that being an over-rated buffoon who ought to be feuding with Curtis Mack on my local access channel isn't enough reason to get fired from WWE?


Over-rated buffoon just described almost 90% of the wrestlers. :D


I'm a legit nice guy! And I finish last. That's why I'm unemployed and haven't been able to get any higher education as yet. Maybe it IS true!


That sucks. Legit nice guys are hard to find. :(

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Well. It depends on how you define "legit nice guy."


I'm a legit jackass if you consider friendly teasing (always 2-way, those of you scarred from a youth of not at all friendly teasing!) to be jackassery.


But as a general rule I try to help folks out when I'm around to help. In my own special way of telling people things they might not know, or lifting heavy things, or being shorter than Moon Tears.


EDIT: I also have a tendency to think I'm right. This is due to a horrifically tragic history of being right most of the time.

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Well. It depends on how you define "legit nice guy."


I'm a legit jackass if you consider friendly teasing (always 2-way, those of you scarred from a youth of not at all friendly teasing!) to be jackassery.


But as a general rule I try to help folks out when I'm around to help. In my own special way of telling people things they might not know, or lifting heavy things, or being shorter than Moon Tears.


EDIT: I also have a tendency to think I'm right. This is due to a horrifically tragic history of being right most of the time.


Friendly teasing is fine. It goes on a lot around my family and close friends. :p


The Jackassery as you call it, I never let it get to me when I was younger.


Well....I gotta basket of clothes that's pretty heavy I gotta take downstairs to wash.....Just saying...


Why does everyone have to be shorter than me? :(

/runs off crying..........


BTW PPV last night rocked. I didn't watch it, but I got a rundown from a friend who did. :D

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Hmm cappy the good promo's of Anderson in that other company haven't changed your tune one but has it.


No. I haven't seen anything out of him I couldn't see from thousands of other guys if they'd been given the same opportunities Anderson has had. Granted it would be still a matter of picking out of the right group of thousands. But call me when Anderson finds a shtick he can take ownership of. The next time he does something that feels organic to me will be the first time.

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I've not seen two many guys do his schtick and do it well. Who's original in pro wrestling? Hogan wasn't original, Flair wasn't original hell his nickname was a complete copy of someone else's. So your whole "the first time I see him do something new will be the first time bit" doesn't hold up. Wrestling storylines, characters, sometimes even matches and especially finishes are done over and over again. Its not a matter of being original its a matter of being good with what you're given.


The whole "thousands of other guys comment". Isn't that true for everyone? I bet there are a thousand guys out there that never stepped foot on an NFL field that can play better than Manning. There are a thousand guys out there that never even knew they could be great at basketball that could have been better than MJ.


Everywhere the guy goes he gets over. He was over in the E its not like they plucked this guy out of thin air and said "lets cram him down our throats" like they have say John Cena in recent years. The guy got over on the indies, got over in developmental, got over in the E to the point where they tried time and time again to put the guy in major storylines only for him to get injured.


He's healthy in TNA maybe its the lighter work schedule, maybe its the training, maybe its luck for whatever reason he's put together a few strong months and he's gotten over with the crowd. You can't say "well they will cheer anything". They just booed Abyss last Thursday the same idiots that used to chat "AAAAAAA BYS" and what not are now booing him so not anybody can get over with TNA's audiance.


Outside of the ring Kennedy is an idiot. He does the wrong things, makes the wrong people angry and constantly puts his foot in his mouth. However we're not going off of out of ring actions I wouldn't think.


I'd be curious to know who you enjoy as a pro wrestler that you don't think "a thousand guys could do the same thing". Randy Orton? I'd take Kennedy over Orton any day. Randy is so bland and boring and I just have never gotten into the guy. The only time he was entertaining is when he couldn't wrestle 7 years ago and they did the RNN gimmick with him. CM Punk? You don't think a thousand guys can do what Punk does? He's great at what he does but he's not setting the world on fire and drawing people to stadiums to watch his act. The list goes on from Bryan Danielson, to AJ Styles, to Ric Flair everybody is replaceable and everybody has somebody else that can come in and do the same job their doing and sometimes for less.


If people want to say they don't like Kennedy thats fine but to claim he lacks talent or isn't entertaining thats just being in denial. Its like people who hate John Cena and say things like he's not entertaining. You can say a lot of things about the guys but to say their not entertaining is just blantantley refusing to put personal opinion aside and say "I don't like him, he doesn't interest me but he's got talent". Bryan Danielson for me is like that. I don't see what the internet goes crazy over him for. He's a very good technical wrestler that to me shows average charisma. Isn't that half the ROH roster? To me it is but I still recognize that the guy is taking the ball and running with the spot he's given.


People don't get cheered by thousands or millions of people by accident. Wrestling has shown us time and time again if you put the wrong guy in the wrong spot he'll get booed no matter what you do. Rocky Mavia, John Cena, Abyss. Wrestling fans are not sheep that will cheer and boo who you tell them to its the wrestlers job to make these fans care about them.


Like the guy or not EVERY where he has gone he has gotten a reaction and a huge one at that. The guy draws heat and he's drawn cheers in both TNA and the WWE. The guy is the real deal he's loaded with charisma and fans respond to him. If you don't like the guy thats one thing but you can't say a guy that can evoke passionate emotion from sometimes millions of people isn't talented.

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He's healthy in TNA maybe its the lighter work schedule, maybe its the training, maybe its luck for whatever reason he's put together a few strong months and he's gotten over with the crowd. You can't say "well they will cheer anything". They just booed Abyss last Thursday the same idiots that used to chat "AAAAAAA BYS" and what not are now booing him so not anybody can get over with TNA's audiance.


Actually that isn't the same crowd any more, the guys in the pit and near crowd mikes have been replaced. Doesn't detract from the vast majority of your argument though

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Nope it was not wellness related. At least not his release.


Not his release, that I know. I'm talking when they were reported going to push him as McMahon's son. I only imagine that was true, cause who the hell would have thought Hornswoggle McMahon was a good idea? I doubt even Vince was truly that high on meth.

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Not his release, that I know. I'm talking when they were reported going to push him as McMahon's son. I only imagine that was true, cause who the hell would have thought Hornswoggle McMahon was a good idea? I doubt even Vince was truly that high on meth.


This is correct. He was going to be McMaohn's son until he showed up on a steroids list and was suspended for 30 days...on screen, suspended for trying to say he was McMahon's son. This was going to be the storyline where they revealed on screen that Triple H was part of that family, and it would've culminated in a Triple H vs. Mr Kennedy match at Wrestlemania.

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I've not seen two many guys do his schtick and do it well. Who's original in pro wrestling? Hogan wasn't original, Flair wasn't original hell his nickname was a complete copy of someone else's. So your whole "the first time I see him do something new will be the first time bit" doesn't hold up. Wrestling storylines, characters, sometimes even matches and especially finishes are done over and over again. Its not a matter of being original its a matter of being good with what you're given.


Dude, what you're saying's all well and good. Except for one little problem. I didn't say a thing about wanting him to be original. What I said is that the guy needs to find something that feels organic. So Hogan's gimmick wasn't original. Big deal. It felt like it was legitimately a part of him. And Flair may have borrowed the nickname from Buddy Rogers. Heck, Buddy Landell did as well. But both Flair and Landell managed to play it in a way that it felt like it was a part of what and who they really are.


This is why I came around on Tommy Dreamer at the end and why I've learned to embrace Team 3D. Them being grizzled veterans is nothing special but they've come by it naturally. Ditto AJ Styles pre-Flair or Eric Young pre-Nash. I marked for the evolution of their characters because it felt organic. It felt like part of them. There's not a single thing Anderson does that doesn't feel like he's cribbing it from somebody else's notes. The guy doesn't seem to know how to conceal his sources. Every word, every gesture, every inflection feels like it's borrowed. Heck, even if he had a wrestling move he performed like he owned it, it would help. I see none of that in him.



The whole "thousands of other guys comment". Isn't that true for everyone? I bet there are a thousand guys out there that never stepped foot on an NFL field that can play better than Manning. There are a thousand guys out there that never even knew they could be great at basketball that could have been better than MJ.


A good try but you're kinda straining here. Somebody who doesn't know they have it can't be Peyton Manning or Michael Jordan. Simply BECAUSE they don't know they have the skills in them. Or the drive. Or the heart. Or any of the other intangibles that go into greatness. At some point you gotta know you have them in order to even think of developing them to the levels a Manning or a Jordan have.


Everywhere the guy goes he gets over. He was over in the E its not like they plucked this guy out of thin air and said "lets cram him down our throats" like they have say John Cena in recent years. The guy got over on the indies, got over in developmental, got over in the E to the point where they tried time and time again to put the guy in major

storylines only for him to get injured.


All well and good. But you know what? That makes no difference to me. I can't speak to any of that nor do I even pretend to. A big chunk of the world backs Jeff Hardy as well. Doesn't mean I do. But yet if I HAD to watch one or the other, I'd take Hardy. For as much as Jeff frustrates me, he feels believable. He feels organic.



I'd be curious to know who you enjoy as a pro wrestler that you don't think "a thousand guys could do the same thing". Randy Orton? I'd take Kennedy over Orton any day. Randy is so bland and boring and I just have never gotten into the guy. The only time he was entertaining is when he couldn't wrestle 7 years ago and they did the RNN gimmick with him.


Nice. You want to go so far shredding my take on Anderson, you turn to the broad brush. Orton? REALLY?!!! You went to Orton?!


Please tell me I read this wrong. Please tell me you didn't try to suggest I could ever be a fan of Randy Stagehand. You calling him bland and boring is the first UNDERstatement you've made this whole post. First six months to a year I saw the guy on WWE television, I would see him with the other members of Evolution and wonder why they were giving the time of day to a member of the production crew. For a guy who's supposed to be third-gen, he looks like he shouldn't know a turnbuckle from a belt buckle. If he got fired from WWE tomorrow and I saw him four months from now on Days Of Our Lives as the new hot-shot detective in the Salem PD, it wouldn't surprise me in the least. He looks more like a soap star than a wrestler. And the only reason I think Orton could pull that job off is, dull as he is, he's still got more talent than Galen Gering.


CM Punk? You don't think a thousand guys can do what Punk does? He's great at what he does but he's not setting the world on fire and drawing people to stadiums to watch his act.


No. I don't. By every indication I've ever seen or heard, Punk is uniquely qualified for his gimmick. The guy doesn't just PLAY straight edge. By all reports, the guy genuinely IS straight edge. It's like Jeff Hardy playing the unreliable yet charismatic screwball or RVD as the laid-back stoner dude. Other guys may be able to perform what they do. But they wouldn't have the personal experience and knowledge base to pull from a la Punk, Hardy or RVD. And therefore it would difficult at best for folks to replicate them.


Like the guy or not EVERY where he has gone he has gotten a reaction and a huge one at that. The guy draws heat and he's drawn cheers in both TNA and the WWE. The guy is the real deal he's loaded with charisma and fans respond to him. If you don't like the guy thats one thing but you can't say a guy that can evoke passionate emotion from sometimes millions of people isn't talented.


And I don't think I've ever said the guy isn't talented. Far from it. The guy is one of the most talented mimics I've ever seen. But that's all he is to me. A mimic. Why he connects to people and inspires the passion you were talking about in them, I just flat out don't understand. You know just how good I think he is? If you had nationally syndicated indys like the old AWA or World Class in today's world, I would fully embrace Anderson as a champion there.

He just doesn't feel believable to me as a national name brand worker.


It's one of the reasons I'd sooner watch Jeff Hardy than Anderson. I don't like Jeff but I get why others do. Jeff has got the kind of mercurial personality that tends to be popular with anybody who's not likely to end up cleaning up after him. I'm more the kind that would end up having to be on clean up duty. Hence, I tend to favor Matt.


With Anderson, the best explanation I can muster is he's so incredibly gifted as a mimic that it no longer matters to people that he's lifting material from The Rock and the New Age Outlaws and guys who did manage to make the various pieces feel organic when they did them. If he just had one thing that felt like "Okay this is HIS piece of the puzzle", you'd probably hear me start singing a different tune real quick. But I can't find it. And that annoys the heck out of me.

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what'd Miz do to piss off the WWE administration? He seems to be on a losing streak and lost his titles one after each other like with RVD. Not that I care really, but after that huge push he's had and how AWWWWEEESSSSOOOOOOMMMMMEEEEEEEE he keeps thinking he is, he certainly is on a **** list. What's next, Jericho decks him? which I'd like to see..
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what'd Miz do to piss off the WWE administration? He seems to be on a losing streak and lost his titles one after each other like with RVD. Not that I care really, but after that huge push he's had and how AWWWWEEESSSSOOOOOOMMMMMEEEEEEEE he keeps thinking he is, he certainly is on a **** list. What's next, Jericho decks him? which I'd like to see..


Same question was being asked about Kofi Kingston months back. It's WWE's way of booking, they push a guy to the upper midcard and test the waters. It's a good system imo as it gives alot of guys chances to prove themselves and makes the fans take them more seriously then jobbers. Before The Miz it was Kofi, before Kofi it was MVP and the list goes on. I don't think he's being burried, more they pushed him to see if he'd catch on and he obviously didn't as much as they wanted so now he'll move back down the card a little bit so the next Miz/Kofi/MVP can have a little run. I can make a huge list of guys that have been booked exactly the same way in the past and it was not because they were on WWE creative's **** list.


Either that or Johnny Ace and Stephanie are as bad as the IWC make out and just enjoy burying people :rolleyes:

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Well, funny thing. Spent like an hour watching RAW, and then they tell me it's time to change the channel because Bryan's coming on tomorrow night, not tonight.


EDIT: Johnny Ace I believe, but not that cutie patootie Stephanie! She'd NEVER do that!

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Same question was being asked about Kofi Kingston months back. It's WWE's way of booking, they push a guy to the upper midcard and test the waters. It's a good system imo as it gives alot of guys chances to prove themselves and makes the fans take them more seriously then jobbers. Before Kofi it was MVP and the list goes on. I don't think he's being burried, more they pushed him to see if he'd catch on and he obviously didn't as much as they wanted so now he'll move back down the card a little bit so the next Miz/Kofi/MVP can have a little run.


Either that or Johnny Ace and Stephanie are as bad as the IWC make out and just enjoy burying people :rolleyes:


Or maybe you know .... they just figured out he sucks.

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