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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Forget that, isn't this the same guy that was once raped by Heidenreich?


Still, a great segment. I loved when Bryan punched Miz. I loved the fact that everything Cole said was true, and Bryan's face showed he knew it. It doesn't seem so much like a heel turn anymore, though I'd still love to see him join SES eventually.


Surprised it's ending next week, and kind of sad. This week was the first time I actually looked forward to the show since about the second episode.


Once again, I cannot get enough of Jericho at ringside. Screaming at the announcers to talk about Barrett, it's all great. By the way, WTF happened to Barrett getting his own entrance theme after winning that competition two months ago? And it would have been nice to get some kind of explanation for Carlito being gone.


Carlito was found unfit to perform due to painkillers. He refused to get help which WWE pays for and was fired for it. He can return once he gets clean.


Due to this event the tag-team (Rikishi's twin sons managed by Sarona Snuka from G-Rilla) that attacked the Hart Dynasty was brought in to replace the Colons.


Also, an interesting side note: The names of all 8 NXT rookies were trademarked the other day by the WWE.

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Also, an interesting side note: The names of all 8 NXT rookies were trademarked the other day by the WWE.


Yeh... It seems to me that the fact that they're taking so long with Barrett's theme is a tacit admission that either he's going to win, or it's irrelevant because he'll be coming over to the main shows after either way.

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That's been discussed. I believe he meant an on-screen reason. :)


They probably won't give a reason on air. For over thirty years guys have disappeared with no explanation and sometimes they would just pop up on another program. At the same time that was before no-compete clauses but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to say anything.

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Who are these mysterious IWC I hear about all the time? Is there some executive board that officiates over all internet wrestling message board declaring a set of demands? Anyway I decided to ask since it sounds like you pretty much know what they wanted and with you know most likely millions being in this category around the world I figured you'd have to be a pretty knowledgeable guy to speak for all of them.

Oh, I'm Chairman, and your the CEO. Have you already forgotten?


In any case, it's not so mysterious as you think. We certainly don't like all the same things, but when it comes to DISlikes, it's pretty uniform more than one thinks. That's the conclusion I get since everyone complains nearly about the same thing (which includes me) but can't really agree on what should be done (which is why WWE does what they want anyway when it comes to regards to our needs. They don't necessarily see if we have any unified vision, which means there isn't much to cater to).

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Yeh... It seems to me that the fact that they're taking so long with Barrett's theme is a tacit admission that either he's going to win, or it's irrelevant because he'll be coming over to the main shows after either way.


Kind of like Tough Enough and the Diva Searches. Sometimes they added a few people from the shows that didn't win.


BTW, have any of you found out the reason Kofi Kingston and R-Truth are now champs?

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That's the conclusion I get since everyone complains nearly about the same thing (which includes me) but can't really agree on what should be done (which is why WWE does what they want anyway when it comes to regards to our needs. They don't necessarily see if we have any unified vision, which means there isn't much to cater to).




The WWE doesn't do or care about what the net fans want because they make up a small fraction of the overall viewing audience. Wrestling nerds watch regardless so they cater to the mainstream because that's what drives revenue.

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Kind of like Tough Enough and the Diva Searches. Sometimes they added a few people from the shows that didn't win.


BTW, have any of you found out the reason Kofi Kingston and R-Truth are now champs?


Are you talking about the stories of WWE wanting to have a major African-American star?

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Are you talking about the stories of WWE wanting to have a major African-American star?


Yep, that's it and apparently why R-Truth and Kofi Kingston won titles Sunday. Supposedly MVP, Shad and JTG are being looked at and the possibility that Shelton Benjamin could return has came up too.


From my source:


- Kofi Kingston won the WWE Intercontinental Title on Sunday and R-Truth won the WWE United States Title last night largely because of the company directive to find a new Black star.

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Yep, that's it and apparently why R-Truth and Kofi Kingston won titles Sunday. Supposedly MVP, Shad and JTG are being looked at and the possibility that Shelton Benjamin could return has came up too.


From my source:


- Kofi Kingston won the WWE Intercontinental Title on Sunday and R-Truth won the WWE United States Title last night largely because of the company directive to find a new Black star.


Well the NWA/WCW did it with Ron Simmons so I can see it being true in the WWF.

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WWE Over The Limit recap by yours truly.


As for the Kingston/Truth situation..I'd kind of rather race not have anything to do with it. They're both deserving champions, in my view. I get the want, but still..


I've always found the whole "We need atleast one!" viewpoint kinda funny. Can never figure out if it's being racist, or just being paranoid that people will think you're racist..

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Even though it was from a quote, I applaud you saying Black star.


Charlize Theron is African. she ain't black. I'm tired of the "African-American" tag. If you were born here, you're American. Done.


Anyway. I was gonna mention the entrance music challenge win, but, it was said already. It just hit me while watching it. It'd be funny if they debut it next week, but he loses to David "I'm Wearing Beats Cause I iz Cool" Otunga.

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Even though it was from a quote, I applaud you saying Black star.


Charlize Theron is African. she ain't black. I'm tired of the "African-American" tag. If you were born here, you're American. Done.


Anyway. I was gonna mention the entrance music challenge win, but, it was said already. It just hit me while watching it. It'd be funny if they debut it next week, but he loses to David "I'm Wearing Beats Cause I iz Cool" Otunga.


Tis why I made the point of Kofi not being American. Heck, I made a point about it probably close to a year ago when someone mentioned "all the African-Americans working for NOTBPW (or was it CGC?)". Turns out, there are NO African-Americans working for said Canadian company. Plenty of African-Canadians, however.


I'ver heard people say "the majority of the people living in Kenya are African-American". Seriously. The only time I think the term is appropriate is when talking about folks of African decent who are also American. It is NOT interchangable with identifying a black person.

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If anything, it's a marketing tool.


The WWE (and wrestling in general) has to fight this stigma as being entertainment for rednecks and yokels. If you're going to appeal to a wider audience, it pays to have performers who come from a wider variety of backgrounds.


It's why SD had so many hispanic wrestlers on UPN (which skewed to much larger hispanic and black audience). It's why the E has explored bringing in stars from Mexico.


It makes sense. However, I'm sincerely hoping Killings isn't the big star they're going to push..it'd be much nicer to see them use someone that wasn't such an obvious stereotype with such an obvious stereotype look.

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If anything, it's a marketing tool.


The WWE (and wrestling in general) has to fight this stigma as being entertainment for rednecks and yokels. If you're going to appeal to a wider audience, it pays to have performers who come from a wider variety of backgrounds.


It's why SD had so many hispanic wrestlers on UPN (which skewed to much larger hispanic and black audience). It's why the E has explored bringing in stars from Mexico.


It makes sense. However, I'm sincerely hoping Killings isn't the big star they're going to push..it'd be much nicer to see them use someone that wasn't such an obvious stereotype with such an obvious stereotype look.


Given the choices, I think Kofi is the best potential black star the WWE has on their hands. That said, they've tried to push him recently and I believe nerves got the best of him... but probably nothing time and experience can't fix. But the fact is... I don't particularly like most of the black wrestlers in the WWE today. Some of them aren't bad midcarders, but other than Kofi none of them strike me as incredibly likely stars. Maybe Killings or even JTG with better gimmicks. Of course, I think JTG is too small and is just short on talent to make up for it. And then there's MVP... career midcarder, I'm saying it now. Even if he ditched the super lame catchphrase and horrid ring-gear, he's still just a guy whose pretty good at alot of stuff, but not great enough at anything.


Oh, and none of the NXT guys strike me as super awesome either, but I guess they haven't been around long enough to make any accurate judgements.


But hey, at least Kofi rocks!

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Also..according to his various bios...Kofi was born in Ghana and then moved to the US when he was 2 or 3.


Which means at the very least he's got to have some kind of legit citizenship status in the US to be working here.


I'd say he's the very definition of the term African-American. :rolleyes:

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The way I saw it with Kofi is he's from Africa but where does he work and live for the majority of the year? I'd consider him an American. My logic is odd though. :o


What about Vladimir Kozlov? Is he no longer Ukranian, but instead American, because he lives and works in America now? (Or is he Russian because that's where the double double E bills him from!)


We could go back and forth with this for awhile, probably...


That said... I have no clue what his official nationality status is and what the man considers himself. However, I do know he's from Africa (Ghana, right?), is a native of (Ghana?), and likely is considered a citizen of it still.

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Given the choices, I think Kofi is the best potential black star the WWE has on their hands. That said, they've tried to push him recently and I believe nerves got the best of him... but probably nothing time and experience can't fix. But the fact is... I don't particularly like most of the black wrestlers in the WWE today. Some of them aren't bad midcarders, but other than Kofi none of them strike me as incredibly likely stars. Maybe Killings or even JTG with better gimmicks. Of course, I think JTG is too small and is just short on talent to make up for it. And then there's MVP... career midcarder, I'm saying it now. Even if he ditched the super lame catchphrase and horrid ring-gear, he's still just a guy whose pretty good at alot of stuff, but not great enough at anything.


Oh, and none of the NXT guys strike me as super awesome either, but I guess they haven't been around long enough to make any accurate judgements.


But hey, at least Kofi rocks!


I like MVP because ..if you're going to build a star..he's got the most relatable and realistic gimmick and his real life backstory makes him marketable as a role model. For the kids.


Het him a new finisher and an Under Armour sponsorship and he's set!

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What about Vladimir Kozlov? Is he no longer Ukranian, but instead American, because he lives and works in America now? (Or is he Russian because that's where the double double E bills him from!)


We could go back and forth with this for awhile, probably...


That said... I have no clue what his official nationality status is and what the man considers himself. However, I do know he's from Africa (Ghana, right?), is a native of (Ghana?), and likely is considered a citizen of it still.


I guess I'd consider him Russian-American. ;)

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Oh, and none of the NXT guys strike me as super awesome either, but I guess they haven't been around long enough to make any accurate judgements.


Why do I think that David Otunga is going to be in for a massive push just to exploit his relationship with Jennifer Hudson.


And I did not know that he was on I Love New York Part 2. I laughed when I saw he was a on that show.

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