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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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NXT is perfect as it is (in concept, not execution). It's a feeder show with game-show elements. A way on introducing new characters and putting guys through their paces, with the best one(s) graduating to the real shows. As soon as you start treating it as it's own brand, with titles and whatnot, it loses what makes it unique and special, and becomes just another WWE wrestling show. They've already got 2, and last time they made a third is died an ugly death.


Besides, NXT is gone in 12 weeks.


... and Wade Barrett & his 7 Chums aren't even on NXT any more. They're just 8 pissed off dudes upset with how WWE treated them, looking to make an impact. It's not WCW vs WWF, it's WCW vs nWo, and surely we all remember what happened when WCW tried to give nWo their own show and PPV's. Failure.


It was a fun angle, but I think a lot of folks are getting carried away. It's not a game-changer. I don't think it's going to do a thing for ratings or buyrates. It was just a fun angle that pushed 8 guys I've grown quite fond of.


EDIT: Why am I being such a buzzkill? WWE have done something that seems to have gotten people excited. How is that a bad thing? Bad Self. No biscuit.

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NXT is perfect as it is (in concept, not execution). It's a feeder show with game-show elements. A way on introducing new characters and putting guys through their paces, with the best one(s) graduating to the real shows. As soon as you start treating it as it's own brand, with titles and whatnot, it loses what makes it unique and special, and becomes just another WWE wrestling show. They've already got 2, and last time they made a third is died an ugly death.


Besides, NXT is gone in 12 weeks.


... and Wade Barrett & his 7 Chums aren't even on NXT any more. They're just 8 pissed off dudes upset with how WWE treated them, looking to make an impact. It's not WCW vs WWF, it's WCW vs nWo, and surely we all remember what happened when WCW tried to give nWo their own show and PPV's. Failure.


It was a fun angle, but I think a lot of folks are getting carried away. It's not a game-changer. I don't think it's going to do a thing for ratings or buyrates. It was just a fun angle that pushed 8 guys I've grown quite fond of.


EDIT: Why am I being such a buzzkill? WWE have done something that seems to have gotten people excited. How is that a bad thing? Bad Self. No biscuit.


I think everyone can agree it was just a good angle, and WWE has been overdue for one. Really, the last "big" angle in my opinion was ECW's return, but then that deflated. So its been what, 4 years without anything big? Last thing that was this talked about or "out of the ordinary" was Benoit going crazy sadly enough.


Just interested to see where this goes.

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- The WWE creative team is currently happy with Michelle McCool and Layla's team. Some felt at first that WWE had just created their own version of TNA's Beautiful People but the feeling now is that LayCool is hotter than The Beautiful People and they beat them at their own game.


lol, they are not even close to the hotness of Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne :eek:

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- The WWE creative team is currently happy with Michelle McCool and Layla's team. Some felt at first that WWE had just created their own version of TNA's Beautiful People but the feeling now is that LayCool is hotter than The Beautiful People and they beat them at their own game.


lol, they are not even close to the hotness of Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne :eek:


I think they mean 'hot' as in it's a hot angle. LayCool are on the rise. Beautiful People have stalled, despite being physically more attractive.

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NXT is perfect as it is (in concept, not execution). It's a feeder show with game-show elements. A way on introducing new characters and putting guys through their paces, with the best one(s) graduating to the real shows. As soon as you start treating it as it's own brand, with titles and whatnot, it loses what makes it unique and special, and becomes just another WWE wrestling show. They've already got 2, and last time they made a third is died an ugly death.


Besides, NXT is gone in 12 weeks.


... and Wade Barrett & his 7 Chums aren't even on NXT any more. They're just 8 pissed off dudes upset with how WWE treated them, looking to make an impact. It's not WCW vs WWF, it's WCW vs nWo, and surely we all remember what happened when WCW tried to give nWo their own show and PPV's. Failure.


It was a fun angle, but I think a lot of folks are getting carried away. It's not a game-changer. I don't think it's going to do a thing for ratings or buyrates. It was just a fun angle that pushed 8 guys I've grown quite fond of.


EDIT: Why am I being such a buzzkill? WWE have done something that seems to have gotten people excited. How is that a bad thing? Bad Self. No biscuit.


With how horrible RAW was as a whole it definitely made that segment seem epic. But I think come Monday it will do something to the RAW ratings because people are genuinely intrigued. I didn't expect to see anything new on NXT from it and I didn't expect anything on SD either. They're keeping this angle for live TV and I think that's the best possible thing for all of the young guys involved. What's a better way to get them "camera ready" then to throw them into live situations every single time they perform?

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I think they mean 'hot' as in it's a hot angle. LayCool are on the rise. Beautiful People have stalled, despite being physically more attractive.


Well the BP have all the belts now, not much higher to go. And they where not so much meant as the centerpiece of the division the way Laycool are. BP are still hotter angle wise imho and Laycool a cheap knockoff. Sadly the majority of the E fans do not even know TNA exists or otherwise watch it so duh it is hotter. But anyone who has seen both know the BP are better especially their original incarnation.

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Credit: Paul Philbin and WrestlingObserver.com


The NXT invasion storyline continued at last night's WWE developmental show in Melbourne, Florida. The main event was scheduled to be The Miz and Daniel Bryan vs. Christian and Heath Slater but that didn't happen. The Miz's music played before the match but nobody came out. Christian came out next and talked about what happened on RAW, then called out Heath Slater. Slater talked about how everything was good to start off on NXT but then Christian wouldn't give him the answers so they lost the competition.


Daniel Bryan then ran out and attacked Christian from behind. The Miz came down next and fought off the Rookies with Christian. Miz proposes that they do a Pros vs. Rookies match. Miz cut a babyface promo with Christian and worked the match as a face.


The ending came when Miz and Christian were about to hit their finishers on the Rookies. All of the Season 1 Rookies rushed the ring and beat down Miz and Christian. The Rookies tore down the FCW ring before Bryan kicked Miz in the head and Slater hit the Killswitch on Christian. The Rookies left with the Pros laid out.


Highlight the above to read about the angle

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Completely off topic to start: For some reason the Celt's avatar always reminds me of Kyosuke Yabe's character from Crows Zero. Doesn't even look a little similar, but I can see how he's supposed to look hardcore, and because that character is comic relief I always just think it's funny.


Secondly, I didn't think it was groundbreaking or anything like that. It's just like when you see a puppy or something, and you think "aww a puppy." It's not the cutest puppy ever. It's just cute. That's how I feel about the angle. It was good. People are talking about how good it is, not because it was beyond the normal realm of goodness; just that it was in it.

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If you don't visit Chris Jericho's Twitter, you really should.


Example 1:

Found it interesting that not 1 person came to help Cena during his NXT beatdown. I sat backstage smiling and watched the whole thing.


Example 2:

RT @WWEJCena I would like to thank CM Punk.-Wow what friends u keep. Maybe if u weren't such an incessant blowhard u woulda had more help.



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i would love it if CM Punk was behind the whole thing but thats because hes the only reason i watch wwe


Punk already has his own faction he doesn’t need another one.


I would prefer the whole NXT group to have masterminded it themselves, though if there needs to be an outside mastermind the only 2 people I have heard suggested that wouldn’t bother me are Jericho and JR.

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Punk already has his own faction he doesn’t need another one.


I would prefer the whole NXT group to have masterminded it themselves, though if there needs to be an outside mastermind the only 2 people I have heard suggested that wouldn’t bother me are Jericho and JR.

maby he recruited the lot to the SES

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I would prefer the whole NXT group to have masterminded it themselves, though if there needs to be an outside mastermind the only 2 people I have heard suggested that wouldn’t bother me are Jericho and JR.


Ditto... except I'd hate for it to be Jericho. If any current major player is found to be in charge of this thing, ALL of the heat goes on him. It stops being about the 8 NXT guys and becomes about this 'evil mastermind' instead. It's lame.


J.R. I can accept a bit more, because he'd be a mouthpiece, not a fighter, so Barrett & Co can still be the guys wrestling matches, but... Heel J.R.? I don't know about that. Hasn't he hit the Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Sting level where he can't be a heel? Isn't he too well respected?

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Punk already has his own faction he doesn’t need another one.


I would prefer the whole NXT group to have masterminded it themselves, though if there needs to be an outside mastermind the only 2 people I have heard suggested that wouldn’t bother me are Jericho and JR.


Not me...I'll be pissed if it's anything but the NXT group on their own. Well, that was until 30 seconds ago, when I read the rumor OmniWarrior posted(it's not a spoiler, but I won't repeat it just in case anybody doesn't want to know). That would be AWESOME.

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Ditto... except I'd hate for it to be Jericho. If any current major player is found to be in charge of this thing, ALL of the heat goes on him. It stops being about the 8 NXT guys and becomes about this 'evil mastermind' instead. It's lame.


J.R. I can accept a bit more, because he'd be a mouthpiece, not a fighter, so Barrett & Co can still be the guys wrestling matches, but... Heel J.R.? I don't know about that. Hasn't he hit the Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Sting level where he can't be a heel? Isn't he too well respected?


I see your point about the active wrestler thing. With JR there would be a good chance he wouldn’t get heel heat, but he would add a legitimacy to anything the NXT people say which I would say is worth the risk.


Not me...I'll be pissed if it's anything but the NXT group on their own. Well, that was until 30 seconds ago, when I read the rumor OmniWarrior posted(it's not a spoiler, but I won't repeat it just in case anybody doesn't want to know). That would be AWESOME.


I have just never liked him at all.

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Punk already has his own faction he doesn’t need another one.


I would prefer the whole NXT group to have masterminded it themselves, though if there needs to be an outside mastermind the only 2 people I have heard suggested that wouldn’t bother me are Jericho and JR.


The only person that would make sense as the mastermind is Micheal Cole. He's been disrespected his whole career and was able to flee the beatdown.


Though, I could see Joey Styles as the mastermind if you want to bring someone that hasn't been on TV in a long time.

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I really hope there's no "mastermind." If there is, here is who it will be:



1. Vince McMahon; or

2. Stephanie McMahon.


Revealing guys as "masterminds" move stories backwards, not forwards (because the mastermind needs a reason, which is almost always going to be rooted in the past and based on some old feud or long-dead storyline), and as has been said, it would take all the heat off the NXT guys.

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