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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Exactly what I said a few pages back. Not only cutting all ties, but if it is a legit firing he would surely know that by still following them, people will think it is a work.

I am not saying he needs to do anything silly, because lets face it, the 'E is a good paycheck that he may want/need in the future.

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Anyway, the word has been that he will get hired back if he is fired. So obviously he isn't in a bitter place.

This has just made me realise exactly how ridiculous this conversation is. Not only are we speculating whether it is a work or not, but we are then speculating on what may happen after we find out the results of our first speculation. After all of that speculating, we are then stating how Bryan is feeling.



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Here's a silly thought. I seem to recall that in fact, they cut to Bryan after he started doing the choke, and then cut away before he released it. Even if RAW is live, that's a clear sign of wanting to show that visual, which points right at the choke being scripted.


EDIT: Okay, re-watched. He was setting up for the choke: was tightening the tie and getting behind Roberts when the director declared "Okay go to camera 2" or whatever. You can clearly see that it's not a matter of turning around, they switched to another camera, and Danielson is locking in the choke. If it's not scripted, then that director really hates the American Dragon.

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The choke did stand out in my mind as the most brutal part of the whole thing... I'm not surprised someone complained. Pity... I was really looking forward to Bryan/Cena.


Ah, well. Five bucks says part of Wade Barret's speech Monday night involves how WWE is scared of them; they had Bryan arrested for assault on a non-wrestler... or something like that. Iff they give a reason he's not there, then they're looking ot bring him back. If they don't mention him at all, he's gone for good.

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The choke did stand out in my mind as the most brutal part of the whole thing... I'm not surprised someone complained. Pity... I was really looking forward to Bryan/Cena.


Ah, well. Five bucks says part of Wade Barret's speech Monday night involves how WWE is scared of them; they had Bryan arrested for assault on a non-wrestler... or something like that. Iff they give a reason he's not there, then they're looking ot bring him back. If they don't mention him at all, he's gone for good.


Yeah, if they mention his release on air we'll know it's 100% work. I'm sure they won't though, because they know that. It'll be interesting to see where this is going.

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Cena just posted the following on his Twitter account within the last hour (link is below):


“I am very upset to hear about the release of Bryan Danielson. Social networks were formed so people would have a voice, and an opinion. I know you all have your own, theories and whatnot. I respect that. I have never asked any of you to feel a certain way about me. But Bryan left a lasting impression on the WWE universe in a very short time, and although it came at my expense, I agree with the majority of you who are caught off guard by this choice. I know I’m not exactly appreciated by all, nor do I care to be, but I believe what I believe. I would like Bryan to come back to the WWE. I would like to sign your petition to bring him back. I was taught to stand up for what I believe in. I tried and failed, so I could use some help. Tell me how to sign and I will. If for nothing else, to at least have a chance to have a match with him after what was done. I know that seems a bit more fair. Give me a chance to have a fair match with him, and give him yet another chance to prove that he does belong with us. Sorry for the long message, I know I am probably way out of line, I am sorry if I have offended anyone. But like me or not that is what Hustle. Loyalty. And most importantly Respect means to me. Enjoy game 5.”




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Cena just posted the following on his Twitter account within the last hour (link is below):


“I am very upset to hear about the release of Bryan Danielson. Social networks were formed so people would have a voice, and an opinion. I know you all have your own, theories and whatnot. I respect that. I have never asked any of you to feel a certain way about me. But Bryan left a lasting impression on the WWE universe in a very short time, and although it came at my expense, I agree with the majority of you who are caught off guard by this choice. I know I’m not exactly appreciated by all, nor do I care to be, but I believe what I believe. I would like Bryan to come back to the WWE. I would like to sign your petition to bring him back. I was taught to stand up for what I believe in. I tried and failed, so I could use some help. Tell me how to sign and I will. If for nothing else, to at least have a chance to have a match with him after what was done. I know that seems a bit more fair. Give me a chance to have a fair match with him, and give him yet another chance to prove that he does belong with us. Sorry for the long message, I know I am probably way out of line, I am sorry if I have offended anyone. But like me or not that is what Hustle. Loyalty. And most importantly Respect means to me. Enjoy game 5.”





If your into speculation, that lends credence to it being a work.


Hard to imagine Cena goes essentially anti-company on a company twitter account without a reason.


EDIT: also notice, again if your bored and want to engage in pointless speculation, that he says "one match" a few times.


Hired for one night angle?

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Is it possible that maybe, just maybe, John Cena, being the stand-up guy he legitimately seems to be is just truthfully speaking his mind over something that upset him?


Totally possible the entire locker room feels this way about the situation, and if ANYONE can get away with saying something about it to the public it'd be Cena. He might as well be bulletproof, given how much the company relies on him to draw.

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Lends credance? **** that, it all but confirms it. This has really put my mind at ease :D


The twitter that makes no sense according to the storyline they had running prior to Danielson's firing confirms it's a work? No I really don't think so. If it were a work, Cena wouldn't really be treating the man who spat in his face and kicked his head in with respect now would he?


No he'd be demanding Danielson's return so that he could get revenge for what Danielson did to him.


Besides, if Randy Orton can get away with wellness violations and trashing a hotel room, Cena can easily get away with disagreeing with a single firing.

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Except that Cena's character is that he's INFINITELY nice, and ALWAYS wants to settle it in the ring. Those tweets were, if not in character, 100% in line with his character.


Yep. If you think that's how the real John Cena would have given a shoot response to this situation, you've got another thing comin'.

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Except that Cena's character is that he's INFINITELY nice, and ALWAYS wants to settle it in the ring. Those tweets were, if not in character, 100% in line with his character.


Really? Because he sure wasn't telling everybody how much he respected Randy Orton when they were feuding together. When he gets pounded by a heel he always challenges them to a match of some kind. He doesn't politely explain what respect he has for the guy who tried to lay him out.

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"If for nothing else, to at least have a chance to have a match with him after what was done. I know that seems a bit more fair. Give me a chance to have a fair match with him, and give him yet another chance to prove that he does belong with us."


You're right. My Shoot Comment Alarm is a-blaring!


Call RF Video!


Cena's speaking out!

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