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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I just got through Smackdown in record time. 8 minutes. Watched a bit of Rey/Swagger but got the feeling I'd seen it all before. Lay-Cool interested me until I realised Kaval wasn't going to do anything. Wasn't in the mood for Christian-Dolph. Drew McIntyre does nothing for me... except for his awesome music. Big Show main event? Bleh.


8 minutes. New record. I spent more time watching the Primo/Zack vs GoldTatsu match on Superstars. Woo Woo Woo. You know it.

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Of course they would. Otherwise what is the incentive to return, or accept the firing-rehiring with no qualms.


Except they are the biggest company by far and his only chance to be at the top of the profession he loves. That would seem like a good enough reason for quite a few people not to burn any bridges and be willing to return to a place they may have not got the fairest chance at the first time.

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Whilst everyone goes on about CM Punk, I'm hoping Big Show comes out and hits someone in the head. :p Okay, so maybe I jest but Big Show is so much better than I remember him ever being.


Having Jack Thwagger say 'The All-American American' about fourteen times on the way to the ring made me want to tear my hair out almost as much as TNA fans shouting 'this is awesome' every five minutes.

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Except they are the biggest company by far and his only chance to be at the top of the profession he loves. That would seem like a good enough reason for quite a few people not to burn any bridges and be willing to return to a place they may have not got the fairest chance at the first time.


It's been said that Bryan Danielson has always dreamed about working in the WWE, if this is true it would make sense for him to mind his P's and Q's in the hopes of getting to work there again once this blows over.


Assuming the outside source whomever they may be are willing to let his blow over.

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Whilst everyone goes on about CM Punk, I'm hoping Big Show comes out and hits someone in the head. :p Okay, so maybe I jest but Big Show is so much better than I remember him ever being.


Having Jack Thwagger say 'The All-American American' about fourteen times on the way to the ring made me want to tear my hair out almost as much as TNA fans shouting 'this is awesome' every five minutes.


Wait they where a bit early or over exuberant with it once or twice. Don't go into hyperbole like them please.

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Drew McIntyre does nothing for me... except for his awesome music.


I suddenly feel less lonely. Many people are high on Drew, but I find him bland as hell. I don't see anything remotely special in this guy and my standards are usually pretty low. I mean, if I can find Kozlov entertaining sometimes...

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Drew doesn't bother me really but not impressed either and I love Sheamus, but for some reason everytime I see both of them I can't help thinking - pushing these two, but couldn't think of anything for Burchill? - I was high on Paul. TNA should pick him up and team him with Williams. Sounds good to me anyway, though I have been awake for 30 some odd hours so all of this could make no sense or be typed in goobledygook.
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I no longer think its a work. If it was, they would have never announced him being fired based on what just happened on RAW.


I believe he was let go based on one of their sponsors complaining.


Yeah, me too... if they would have put it that way it would have at least left the door open for it to be a work... The way it is now, if it was a work it would just be a complete mess. He would come back as a baby face who was sorry for his actions... instead of the bad ass he was last monday... that would just be super messy booking.

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Yeah, me too... if they would have put it that way it would have at least left the door open for it to be a work... The way it is now, if it was a work it would just be a complete mess. He would come back as a baby face who was sorry for his actions... instead of the bad ass he was last monday... that would just be super messy booking.


Well I think they announced him being fired so that who ever complained could see they actually did something about it.


Based on the new info from RAW, its gotta be legit or super messy booking.

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This is what I don't like about either show. 45 minutes in and we've had one somewhat decent match.


I would actually like more wrestling on a wrestling show.


This is getting to be more and more like the South Park they did about wrestling.

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That was really cool. Had my adrenaline going (during wrestling?! that hasn't happened since I was like 10 years old). I wish this wasn't the nail in the coffin because this piece to it just makes you want to see what NXT could do in retaliation. But if it's over... that was one way to do it.
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