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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I think it is yes.....that is why they went pg in the first place.

ok so what if someone in her campaign complains about sheamus and his lead pipe should he be fired, or what if someone complained about the limo angle would wwe release everyone involved, this whole thing has me really pissed off i was just gettin back into wwe then they pull this ****

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Cena choking out Umaga at the Royal Rumble with the ring rope. They showed images of it on RAW.

They would never fire cena, and some others but thats a big name guy Bryan is honstly a no name a guy that just Internet fans know of NXT was the first time i had seen the guy fight. And i would have to say work or not i dont care I think the NXT Invasion could be just as good without him.

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ok so what if someone in her campaign complains about sheamus and his lead pipe should he be fired, or what if someone complained about the limo angle would wwe release everyone involved, this whole thing has me really pissed off i was just gettin back into wwe then they pull this ****


I relly expect a more mature product once her campaign is over. I am not following her campaign so i don't know what her chances are.


I do agree that there has been more offensive things other then a choke out.

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... damn



my sense of time is... f'd up. Let me look that up.


EDIT: You're right. My bad.


Or maybe Benoit murdering folks creates a crack in time that moves both forwards AND backwards in the time stream.


That sounds right.


Im with Astil on this one.

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wasen't that pre benoit though?

JBL also essentially choked Jericho out with a noose around that same time, in an incident that vividly reminded me of Benoit the entire time I was watching it, and may have been the most uncomfortable I've ever been while watching a wrestling show.


EDIT: Guess my timeline was off on the Cena/Umaga thing. Almost positive I'm right on Jericho/JBL though.

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we should start a group


Fans Against PG!


You know what? I don't care if it's PG. I grew up watching the early 90s and the majority of that stuff was INCREDIBLY PG. And, looking back without bias, it was still really, really good. The WWE isn't going to get magically better just by doing more "mature" things. The best they could do, in that regard, is let Cena off his leash. He's such a better worker on the microphone when every word he says isn't under such strict control.


But being non-PG? All that's gonna do right now is alienate the younger fanbase and please a few smarks/people who get kicks out of violence and other "risky" stuff.


What the WWE SHOULD do is:


1. Have at LEAST 6-8 matches a show. When you go 30 minutes before your first one of the night, it sucks. This goes hand in hand with...


2. Cut down on the freakin' over-produced recaps! They're annoying as hell, and the time they waste on them could be used to talk about THIS show, not what happened last week. Obviously some re-capping is nice, but they go over the top with it. Strikes me as a lazy way to fill time so they don't have to do any real work.


3. If they're gonna be PG and essentially "get back to the WWE's roots", then the characters need to match. You can't have some many "serious" characters in a PG environment, it's counter-intuitive. They need more well-defined gimmicks, ala pre-2002ish. Far too many guys are trying the "I'm just a wrestler, nothing more" thing and that's... bland. Especially when you can't take them seriously due to the PG nature that brings with it restrictions. Very few guys have the talent to pull off the "no gimmick needed" thing, and it feels like that's the direction the WWE is trying take nearly everyone. It needs to be, I daresay, a touch more "cartoony".


Obviously, some of this is my own personal tastes influencing my thoughts. If anyone here has read any of my old EWA diary, you know I like larger than life characters. It just feels like it'd be a smart move given the utter lack of Risqueness in the company right now.

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2. Cut down on the freakin' over-produced recaps! They're annoying as hell, and the time they waste on them could be used to talk about THIS show, not what happened last week. Obviously some re-capping is nice, but they go over the top with it. Strikes me as a lazy way to fill time so they don't have to do any real work.


Add to that the constant "moments ago/earlier tonight" recaps. I've watched Raw since the beginning, pretty much. Very rarely did I ever only watch the second hour, or, you know, miss any of the show. Who are these for? Potheads or something?

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I really agree.......Is pg really all that bad? hogan vs andre was during a pg time.......so was hogan vs warrior.........taker vs roberts.......the rockers.......bret vs owen......Pg has been a great time in wrestling.....to be honest only 8 years was really pg 96 to 2004....the rest of the time has been mostly pg to be honest.
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Is it just me or is this whole story line beginning to reek of WCW? People being fired in reality, people being fired in kayfabe, the fans not being completely sure the company isn't trying to run an elaborate work on everyone, stupid car stunts, bad acting, bad writing, etc.
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Is it just me or is this whole story line beginning to reek of WCW? People being fired in reality, people being fired in kayfabe, the fans not being completely sure the company isn't trying to run an elaborate work on everyone, stupid car stunts, bad acting, bad writing, etc.


Thanks for ruining the whole storyline for me in 1 post! :p

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Is it just me or is this whole story line beginning to reek of WCW? People being fired in reality, people being fired in kayfabe, the fans not being completely sure the company isn't trying to run an elaborate work on everyone, stupid car stunts, bad acting, bad writing, etc.

It's a fitting comparison, yes.


Also: aside from Barrett, none of the remaining NXT gang should be allowed anywhere near a microphone. They did not impress me in the least in the little time they were given to speak at the beginning of the show. Bret Hart was little better. I still don't understand why they put him in the GM role. Talking was always his WEAK point.

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You know what? I don't care if it's PG. I grew up watching the early 90s and the majority of that stuff was INCREDIBLY PG. And, looking back without bias, it was still really, really good. The WWE isn't going to get magically better just by doing more "mature" things. The best they could do, in that regard, is let Cena off his leash. He's such a better worker on the microphone when every word he says isn't under such strict control.


But being non-PG? All that's gonna do right now is alienate the younger fanbase and please a few smarks/people who get kicks out of violence and other "risky" stuff.


Actually C-bot, you have to take more into account than just violence or curse words. There are words that aren't swear words that are outright not allowed for a PG rated program. Some of them are obvious ('coochie') but more often than not, if a word or phrase can be misconstrued in any way, it's basically not allowed. So it's not so much the rating itself that's the problem, it's the hoops you have to jump through and the possible minefields you have to navigate in order to maintain that level.


I really agree.......Is pg really all that bad? hogan vs andre was during a pg time.......so was hogan vs warrior.........taker vs roberts.......the rockers.......bret vs owen......Pg has been a great time in wrestling.....to be honest only 8 years was really pg 96 to 2004....the rest of the time has been mostly pg to be honest.


You're ignoring the fact that, at least in the US, the ratings system (and standards) has changed at least twice since those bygone days. The system currently in use wasn't enacted until 1997 (remember the V-chip?). Also keep in mind that WWE, at its most risque, was only one level higher on the rating scale (TV-14) so it's not like people decrying the PG label want the 'E to start showing porn.


As I said, the standards for each rating category can often be nonsensical and dense. A person on TV saying 'coochie coochie coo' to a baby would have that turn into 'bleep bleep coo', if not outright silenced. There's little in the way of context used due to the CYA motivation. "When in doubt, take/bleep it out." I think that's the biggest beef with the rating. While it does allow access to a wider variety of sponsors, it also pretty much eliminates any content that is relevant to anyone outside the base WASP population. I won't go into what several of my friends think of R-Truth ("the non-threatening, singing, dancing Negro caricature"). Problem is, you really can't go any further than that without it possibly being 'too risque'. Many euphemisms used in everyday life cannot be shown in their native form because they can be misconstrued (especially by people who aren't "up on the lingo").

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Yep just wanted to point that out that todays's PG is not yesteryears PG. Hogan bled in quite a few of his matches for instance and now that is an automatic stoppage. Also it seems that in some cases WWE goes above and beyond the necessities of PG while being hypocritical about it at the same time.


No blatant chokes or Benoit references right? Hmm crippler crossfaces by Michaels and HHH, ring rope choke by Christian any sleeper hold etc.


Not too violent outside the ring? Car! Door! Pipe! Hammer!


It's like they are on this weird type of split and just can't decide what to do.


BTW fully on Bot with the incessant replay's which is one of the main things that drove me away and all the legit/realistic characters in a pg environment. Ad to that the slow, overscripted same moves all the time matches. That is not psychology that is spotmonkey's who do not use highspots.

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I just lost all respect for Haas




Like Regal can kick anyones ass. That's a work in its self


Edit: Forgot to mention this is a tweet


Interesting. I'd be tempted to trust Haas on something like this, and Regal is a guy I've never seen what the fuss was about. Very good talker, knows some submissions, but has always looked slow and awkward in the ring to me. He seems to have this reputation, but I can totally see what Haas is talking about.


we should start a group


Fans Against PG!


While I'd personally prefer to see a more adult show, I have no problem with PG WWE. There's nothing stopping you from having a good show and telling good stories while still adhering to standards. PG is far from WWE's biggest problem right now in my opinion.


What I'd do is cut out the sneak attacks. The one thing I don't like about wrestling is the cavalier attitude people seem to have about violence. I'm all for fisticuffs during a match, that's great, but every time I'm watching a wrestling show I'm bombarded with sneak attacks, post-match attacks, backstage attacks, vehicular attacks, etc. It's too much. First off, the sheer volume waters down the impact. Second off, because attacks are so commonplace, you have to go bigger and more 'dangerous' to make them important. That's when you get into trouble. Daniel Bryan choked Justin Roberts with his tie. It was different. It stood out. It got him fired.


To me, socking a guy after a match should be a big deal, just like it would in the UFC.


In quick response to C'Bot's list... 6-8 matches seems like too much to me. That's PPV territory. I'd say 5-6, just make them longer and meaningful. As for the constant replays... I like them. I only watch 1/4 RAWs, 3/4 Smackdowns, 1/2 Superstars, so I enjoy seeing replays of angles I missed. I'm also a big fan of the WWE editing team. The replays are perhaps a bit overproduced, but on the whole I dig 'em.

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Yep just wanted to point that out that todays's PG is not yesteryears PG. Hogan bled in quite a few of his matches for instance and now that is an automatic stoppage. Also it seems that in some cases WWE goes above and beyond the necessities of PG while being hypocritical about it at the same time.


No blatant chokes or Benoit references right? Hmm crippler crossfaces by Michaels and HHH, ring rope choke by Christian any sleeper hold etc.


Not too violent outside the ring? Car! Door! Pipe! Hammer!


It's like they are on this weird type of split and just can't decide what to do.


BTW fully on Bot with the incessant replay's which is one of the main things that drove me away and all the legit/realistic characters in a pg environment. Ad to that the slow, overscripted same moves all the time matches. That is not psychology that is spotmonkey's who do not use highspots.


It doesn't make sense. But, think about America, in general.


TV News. They will constantly talk about rape, murder, suicide, bombings, every graphic violent thing.


Sex, on the other hand, is the worst thing to happen to the world since Adam took the apple into his mouth.


Nothing really makes sense, especially if it involves a censor/rating. And, of course money speaks louder than anything.

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Something I don't get is a realistic choke getting somebody fired, yet Big Show is allowed to convincingly knock people out by punching them HARD in the head (kayfabe obv, but so was the choke). But that's cool.


AmDrag is the don anyway. If it's legit and he's not coming back, that's the E's loss and he can go tear it up in Japan. Or at least that would be my preference, haha.

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