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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I vaguely remember a little James Storm package they did a long time ago. It went into his private life a little, where he talked about loving wrestling and his dog. I thought it was pretty cool, if a little 'inside' and contradictory to his on-screen character. He came off as a down-to-earth babyface, while he was playing a drunken cowboy heel at the time. I kinda dug it.


P.S. Stop trying to trick me into watching TNA. :D I may be sick of WWE right now, and I may have actually watched a Wrestlicious match last night, but I'm not so desperate for wrestling as to watch Impact. Not yet. ;)


Never!!!!!!!!:p And those where some time ago and where the non kayfabe pieces called I think "insert name here" uncut just type in before the bell and TNA on youtube. Seriously since their move back to Thursdays things have gotten better.

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Dealing with a leak problem is indeed easier said than done. But it's the biggest problem you'd have if you tried to play a straight "We're really wrestling for real" show.


However, "making someone the leak" is easy peasy. You just send out emails to people saying whatever you wanted to say, but not through official channels.


The same way you get REAL leaks.




You keep saying "fake fight." That's what I'm talking about. You want me to sit here and argue the point that a wrestling promotion in which people genuinely believed they were real fights, while at the same time insisting that I think of them as fake fights? That's ludicrous.


As for storyline, it's not hard to get a solid drama going. Like Self mentioned, you can go into the characters. You can script an honest to gosh rivalry, which can get personal and bitter. Then some third party steps into the argument, declares [something], and you've got yourself a party. Or you could have someone cut a promo on a match we just saw, after the fact (since he's another fighter of notoriety) and remark negatively or positively, forming friendships or rivalries once again.


Heck, you could even to honest shoot fights from time to time, or even most of the time for lower-card matches. You'd probably find that those would be far from the favorite, though, since scripted matches can have a lot more bells-and-whistles.


Then, once in a rare while -- once every couple years -- you can have some serious poo poo go down. Maybe you have a fight spill out into the crowd and get all hardcore and ****. You can have someone get mad and punch out the other guy's "agent" [manager].


At this point you're being a little ridiculous.


1) from a legal standpoint, the licensing is very different from MMA and the WWE. Right now, they can promote in several states where MMA is illegal/unlicensed specifically because they admit they are fixed


2) They're a publicly traded company. Even if they presented themelves as legit on-screen, it'd be public record that their matches were a work.


3) Screw the leaks. Don't you think that people like Dana White and the media that cover MMA would be falling all over themselves to take a giant dump all over anything the WWE would do? They'd be a laughingstock.


Again...WTF is the point? Anyone who would be attracted to more "realism" would eventually be more interested in MMA because it's..y'know... REAL.


It's a really, really dumb and pointless idea. You'd instantly alienate the people you're trying to attract while simultaneously driving away the people who (quite successfully) support your product because they enjoy the campiness. There's literally zero reason to believe that a more realistic product would be any better or more entertaining or more profitable.


The only reason you've given that the WWE should be more realistic is that you think older fans are embarassed to admit they watch based on the fact that you don't see many people walking around wearing their t-shirts.(???)


So based on that premise, the WWE should throw out a product model that has made them wildly successful for 30 + years????



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Never!!!!!!!!:p And those where some time ago and where the non kayfabe pieces called I think "insert name here" uncut just type in before the bell and TNA on youtube. Seriously since their move back to Thursdays things have gotten better.


I just watched Destination X; Before The Bell. It was okay. Not exactly the type of thing I'm talking about. It's a lot of flash with little substance. A lot of clichéd "TNA is great." "X-Division is great" "It's not about weight limits" with little focus on the characters. That's not necessarily a bad thing, I actually enjoyed watching it, and it gets the company over, but I'm not going to fall in love with a character because he works for a promotion I like. I need specifics.


I've seen Impact since they moved back to Thursdays. I wasn't impressed. I'll likely give them another shot in the near future, but I doubt it'll ever be my kind of thing.

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I think I'm with you on this one. Why one Earth would the WWE work towards being more like MMA? If anything, they should work towards being different from MMA and that by doing so they can be entertaining in their own right. In the end, wrestling can be about as close to live action super heroes as we can ever hope to see, and they should play it up. Screw trying to be more "realistic". It's scripted, so there's only so much you can do before people are all "well, if I want to see real combat I'll turn on UFC and watch REAL combat".


But do you know what MMA can't offer (at least not reliably)? Exciting storylines, larger than life characters, or even great matches (after all, how many super hyped matches in MMA have ended in 30 seconds or turned into actionless borefests that end by decision?). WWE should offer their own, unique product, NOT something that could ever be viewed as attempting to "compete" with an actual sport.




Comradebot said it wonderfully.

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You may find this idea entertaining and I'm not saying I don't enjoy some realism with my wrestling but like I said 80's NWA is as far as I want to get with that.


You'd be driving away the audience you've built over 30 years while at the same time not attracting anyone new.

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Yep. Totally a work.


Gotta be! I mean, the folks at WWE might not especially like him (though I think it's been said repeatedly that they do at least a bit) but they have to recognize that he's a major draw for other companies. He'd be 90-day-claused for sure!

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I wonder how much longer until people accept that Danielson is gone?


I'm starting to think that he could go to TNA, be the champion for 7 straight years, then do a decade tour of Japan, come back and job on whatever b show the WWE has at that time and the net will be "OMFG I told u allz it wuz a work".


I like Bryan and after the buzz he created in the WWE, he'll either get back there or snatched up by TNA. If not I hear there is another company out there he used to work with that may give him a job taking down the ring or something :D


P.S not a shot at you Linslov just the net people in general. Even the WO couldn't make up its mind if this was a work or not. Thats how crazy this angle with him has gone. Its been a long time since I saw Dave fooled but this did it.

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Yep. Totally a work.


Gotta be! I mean, the folks at WWE might not especially like him (though I think it's been said repeatedly that they do at least a bit) but they have to recognize that he's a major draw for other companies. He'd be 90-day-claused for sure!


The post above you states that Danielson can now work for other companies and you call gotta be a work? What kind of logic is that?


Danielson wouldn't dare offend any of his former employers just for an angle. It's officially legit now. Danielson might be back in the WWE soon, but for now the indies are going to have their hands on a hot piece of action.

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The post above you states that Danielson can now work for other companies and you call gotta be a work? What kind of logic is that?


Danielson wouldn't dare offend any of his former employers just for an angle. It's officially legit now. Danielson might be back in the WWE soon, but for now the indies are going to have their hands on a hot piece of action.


I can actually see it.


The end of Richards/Black at DBD, whoever wins is celebrating a hard earned victory. Lights go out and the opening chorus of The Final Countdown hits. Mark-out moment for RoH in 2010 guaranteed.

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I can actually see it.


The end of Richards/Black at DBD, whoever wins is celebrating a hard earned victory. Lights go out and the opening chorus of The Final Countdown hits. Mark-out moment for RoH in 2010 guaranteed.


Not if TNA snaps him up first hehe. Storyline writes itself. Still means TNA could screw it up though. :p

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I just watched Destination X; Before The Bell. It was okay. Not exactly the type of thing I'm talking about. It's a lot of flash with little substance. A lot of clichéd "TNA is great." "X-Division is great" "It's not about weight limits" with little focus on the characters. That's not necessarily a bad thing, I actually enjoyed watching it, and it gets the company over, but I'm not going to fall in love with a character because he works for a promotion I like. I need specifics.


I've seen Impact since they moved back to Thursdays. I wasn't impressed. I'll likely give them another shot in the near future, but I doubt it'll ever be my kind of thing.


Try the Bound For Glory one. The Des X was the least good imho. And yes it is not exactly what you where talking about but it is pretty near.

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I wonder how much longer until people accept that Danielson is gone?


However long it is until he IS gone - last I checked, it's still 100% work.


Come talk to me in 90 days when he's in a TNA ring. (in case you haven't noticed, that's not going to happen, because he's going to be "back" in the WWE by then)


Also, this is what Jim Ross had to say about the idea that somebody on Linda's campaign had anything to do with Bryan being released: "I've heard some BS in my life and my share of conspiracy theories during my 4 decades in the wrestling business but this one ranks right up there with some of the stupidest theories I've ever heard... "

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However long it is until he IS gone - last I checked, it's still 100% work.


Come talk to me in 90 days when he's in a TNA ring. (in case you haven't noticed, that's not going to happen, because he's going to be "back" in the WWE by then)"


So your saying he will be back in the WWE before 90 days from now?


Why would you think its a work? They didn't mention him being "fired" and the only mention of him is that he had remorse and was kicked out of the group. That is the only mention of his name since he was fired. So if its a "work" who are they working and what would the point be?


Now if by work you mean someone went to him and told him "this is just business and if you make smart choices these next 90 days about employment decisions we'd like to see you back here"


but thats not a work thats like saying Matt Hardy or any other number of guys that have been released and came back shortly after.


Enough with the crazy internet theories, the guy did something that was a HUGE no no in the WWE and has been since the night after Benoit was found dead. He was punished for it, move on.

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Enough with the crazy internet theories, the guy did something that was a HUGE no no in the WWE and has been since the night after Benoit was found dead. He was punished for it, move on.

Except there have been strangling incidents in the E since then. I still say JBL choking out Jericho was more graphic--and it happened when Benoit's death was still a lot fresher in everyone's minds than it is today.


I'm not saying that means it's a work. I'm just saying that this "Benoit rule" doesn't seem to fit.

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It fits its just like everything else though. If you're big enough star wise to get away with it you can. Daniels was just a nobody and he was fed to the wolves. If Trips fails a drug test you think he's going to be sitting out for it? I doubt it he'll just get a movie role or "take some time off".


Thats just my view of it idk

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Isn't there a really easy way to solve this...someone get his agent on the phone and try to book him for whatever dates TNA films on (after his 90 days)?


If he's availible on those days, it'd be safe to say that he has no interest in going to TNA, therefor he's most likely still affiliated with WWE, in that he's not been released, or has been "released" as part of a work?

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I certainly think he's been fired. Remember when Taz went back to ECW to do that one show with Mike Awesome? That was one of the rarest things Vinnie Mac has ever agreed to do. He keeps his people close to him and doesn't allow them to get outside of the WWE bubble. If Danielson is taking Indy bookings then he really is fired because I don't believe that McMahon is allowing one of his workers under contract to work somewhere other than where he can control everything.


I just don't see Vince McMahon allowing one of his workers to work for an Indy promotion while trying to further an angle with him being "fired". It doesn't make any sense that Vince would risk injury by allowing him to take those bookings. He's gone folks. :eek:

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It fits its just like everything else though. If you're big enough star wise to get away with it you can. Daniels was just a nobody and he was fed to the wolves. If Trips fails a drug test you think he's going to be sitting out for it? I doubt it he'll just get a movie role or "take some time off".


Thats just my view of it idk

I'm sure the bigger stars can and do get more leeway, and almost assuredly would not have been fired were they in Bryan's shoes. That's not my point. The point is, maybe 7 months or so post-Benoit, there was a several minute angle centered around choking someone with an object. You can't make the argument that it was a guy who didn't know about a restriction and crossed the line, because it was the main point of the angle. Meaning it had to have been pre-approved. And even if it weren't, the angle went on for several minutes. If a rule were being broken, surely they would have cut away at some point. So either they didn't add this "Benoit rule" until more than 7 months after he died, or it simply doesn't exist.


This certainly doesn't prove that it's a work, by any means. I just think it makes the "Benoit rule" explanation pretty unlikely. Assuming the firing is legit, I'd say the story about a complaint from an outside source makes much more sense.

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