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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Because no famous athlete or a certain famous sports dynasty has gone by showtime.


It was so ground breathtakingly original when EY did it :rolleyes:


The E does of course beg, borrow, or steal from everywhere, but i really doubt it even connected the two workers when applying a generic nickname applied to every flashy athlete since the 70's.


Note the lolz. And yes the E knows who EY is, anyone who does not think the E as an organization does not watch TNA is deluding themselves, and yes he has not used the moniker in a while now. But if it is trademarked as far as it pertains to a wrestling prefix then the E could have a problem. Other athletes having the same prefix is a different ball game.

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Note the lolz. And yes the E knows who EY is, anyone who does not think the E as an organization does not watch TNA is deluding themselves, and yes he has not used the moniker in a while now. But if it is trademarked as far as it pertains to a wrestling prefix then the E could have a problem.


If it ever went to court, all WWE would need to do is trot out Percy Watson, let him do his thing, and there isn't a jury in the world that would deny him the rights to the name. It doesn't matter who used it first. It only matters who used it best. That's Showtime Percy Watson. OH YEAH!


My first thought on hearing the 'showtime' thing was "Wasn't that Sting's catchphrase back in the day?". Seem to remember that's why Eric Young was so scared all the time. He was frightened that Sting would come get him for stealing the word.

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Actually, it's about who trademarked/copyrighted it first. I can copyright a bunch of stuff and never use it commercially. If you want to use it, you'd have to buy it from me. Regardless of whether it fits you more than it does just sitting on a shelf.
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Actually, it's about who trademarked/copyrighted it first. I can copyright a bunch of stuff and never use it commercially. If you want to use it, you'd have to buy it from me. Regardless of whether it fits you more than it does just sitting on a shelf.


Percy Watson transcends law.

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what did everyone think about SD?


I loved Swagger/Show and the Ankle Lock was classic Angle (should Swagger do it more? probably not, but It made me mark.)


and the ending was good, but nothing special. Hope Kane and Punk can do some more work together though. Perhaps HIAC


Why watch the poor man's Angle do the ankle lock when you can watch the real Kurt every Thursday?

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Why watch the poor man's Angle do the ankle lock when you can watch the real Kurt every Thursday?


Well maybe he watches both. Nothing wrong with that, neither just watching the E or TNA or whatever. But liking Swagger because he is Angelish when you can still get Angle is kinda weird.

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Well maybe he watches both. Nothing wrong with that, neither just watching the E or TNA or whatever. But liking Swagger because he is Angelish when you can still get Angle is kinda weird.


Never said you can't watch both, I was just confused why someone would get excited over someone doing someone else's move when they can easily watch the other person do it them self.


Now, when's the Shamrock fan going to come in saying Kurt stole it from Ken? :p

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I didnt say that, I said I liked that he did it in Angleish fashion. Swagger will NEVER be angle and I will like him regardless


I've been trying to watch impact recently but I have football from 7-9 at night


by the time I got to watch it, Angle defeated Wolfe so thats pretty ironic

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This made me laugh pretty hard...


Marv: Its OK, I'm still scratching my head at these names. Husky Harris? Mike McGillicutty? WTF? These characters just seems so indy, Joe Mathieson should be covering NXT...I'm just saying. No disrespect towards Joe but come on. Percy Watson makes me cringe because its the watered down version of Orlando Jordan. The glasses are Steve Urkelish, and his personality is very flamboyant to the third power. Kaval is obviously the Daniel Byran of the season (oops...will I get fired for using someone who got future endeavored)? This season will be OK, but I don't have a lot of hopes for it unless one of the multi-generational stars wins...


I think I'm going to start referring to Percy as Urkel Dudley.

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A nickname can always fix things, or a gradual switch to a swifter name, something like Michael McG(doesn't sound all that better on paper but when a name catches on, it catches on).


This. What would people say if an NXT rookie had the name Hunter Hearst Helmsley? That's a million times worse than Michael McGillicutty in every way possible. Same with Montel Vontavious Porter.


But we've talked about this before, and like I said then, a name only matters the first time you hear it. Then you get used to it and don't think about it. It has no little to no impact on whether or not a guy gets over, to be completely honest.

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Actually, it's about who trademarked/copyrighted it first. I can copyright a bunch of stuff and never use it commercially. If you want to use it, you'd have to buy it from me. Regardless of whether it fits you more than it does just sitting on a shelf.


Did you just post a serious response to that post? Really? Well, as long as we're going down that road, what you said here is not true. Well, not entirely. You're using trademarks and coprights interchangably even though they're two COMPLETELY different things. First, you can't copyright a name. You trademark it. Also, what you said is basically true about copyrights, but not remotely true about trademarks. There are a variety of ways a trademark can be lost - not using it is one way(you have to show you're using it to keep the trademark), but not the only way. For example, the word "frisbee" used to be a trademark of Wham-O. It became so commonly associated with flying discs that the company now has no legal protection over the name. That's why Google tries so hard to stop "google" from being used as a verb.


What was my point? I have no idea. But regardless, there's no way in hell TNA or WWE or anybody else could or would get "Showtime" trademarked as a wrestler's nickname to the point that the other couldn't use it as a nickname for one of their wrestlers.


And to bring this something close to on topic, I'm highly amused by the suggestion that they somehow got the idea from TNA using the name for Erik Young. Does WWE know who Erik Young is? Of course. Not because they follow TNA like somebody said (because they don't), but because they know who every wrestler in the country is(not literally, but the reasonably good ones). They likely have dozens of people whose sole job is to find and watch wrestlers like Erik Young. Just like an NFL team knows about every college football player. However, do the people that gave Percy Watson the nickname 'Showtime' know who Erik Young is, let alone that he uses/used that nickname? Of course not. If they did, they wouldn't have used it.

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I like how you couldn't even spell Eric Young's name right. Made me chuckle.


Why? What is is wrong with misspelling a word on an internet forum? Especially when Erik is a correct variation of the name Eric, it's not like he spelt every word wrong and used terrible grammar.

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However, do the people that gave Percy Watson the nickname 'Showtime' know who Erik Young is, let alone that he uses/used that nickname? Of course not. If they did, they wouldn't have used it.


If you think no-one who devised or authorised the name have any idea of who Eric Young is, you're insane.

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Why? What is is wrong with misspelling a word on an internet forum? Especially when Erik is a correct variation of the name Eric, it's not like he spelt every word wrong and used terrible grammar.


You don't understand, it actually made me chuckle when I read it. Not as an insult to him, but the whole situation. People are arguing whether the WWE knows about Eric Young or not, and he kept referring to him as Erik, which to my knowledge there is no wrestler named Showtime Erik Young.


It made me laugh. Do I need to use emoticons to show that I'm not being a jerk?

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Why? What is is wrong with misspelling a word on an internet forum? Especially when Erik is a correct variation of the name Eric, it's not like he spelt every word wrong and used terrible grammar.


Especially when 'Erik' is so much better of a spelling. So much sexier, masculine, and indicative of virility!

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Especially when 'Erik' is so much better of a spelling. So much sexier, masculine, and indicative of virility!


I can see that, what with the Norse link that it brings, but of the 3 spellings, I've always preferred the way ER alum (and Soul-Glo endorsee) Eriq La Salle spelled it. Maybe it's simply the unusual nature of it.

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