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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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This is kind of off topic to what is currently being talked about in this thread right now but I was wondering if anyone has taken the time to pick up WWE Satan's Prison : The Anthology Of The Elmination Chamber. It has all thirteen Elimination Chamber matches to date and from what I have watched of it so far it is awesome.


The only weird thing to me is that it seems that they did some extra editing for the match that Benoit was in. Seems to be a lot more cutting than usuall when he was in the ring. Maybe that is just me but I will have to go back and watch the origional match on the DVD it was origionally on as I own it and compare the two.


Anyway thought I would bring it up to see if people have purchased it and if so what do you think of it.

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Wouldn't surprise me if they edited as much of Benoit out of the footage as they could without totally destroying the match. They want to distance themselves as much as possible from association with him. They can't change his involvement with them, but they can minimize it as much as possible.
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I actually watched the match he was in on the Satans Prison DVD and then I got intrigued so I watched the same match on the origional DVD it was released on. Even though it appeared as if the match on the Satans Prison DVD was edited to try and avoid Benoit as much as possible watching the origional match on the origional NYR DVD I realised that it was the same exact match. So it didn't appear that they did any extra editing when releasing it on the Satans Prison DVD. I guess because it has been a little over three years since he did what he did they aren't so hesitant to not include a match he was in on a DVD. Plus I did hear that history sites are slowly phasing him back into their title histories with the exception of WWE's actual histories.
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Yeah I'm still shocked he's on there. With them just firing Dainel Bryan over choking someone I'm shocked they put him on the DVD. With Linda running for office she's a lock to win the Rep nomination at this point. Before it was expected the Dem nom would destroy her but he's had a scandal come out and now there is a legit chance Linda could win the seat so I would think they would be tightening the screws even more now. Theres been 11 Elimination Chambers in history so maybe it was just a matter of they had to put everyone one they could on there. Who knows.
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Yeah I am sure that they were toying with the idea of even putting that match with him on the DVD. When I picked up the DVD I couldn't help but think gee I hope Benoit was never in one of these matches because I forgot he was. Like I said though it has been three years since the incident and before the Elimination Chamber DVD was released they started phasing him back into title histories so I am sure that they thought why take that match out because of what he did.
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Actually, Linda McMahon only has a small chance to win the election, and it's not because of her current political affliation. She has too much baggage that can be manipulated. It's not out of the realm of possibility for her to win, but Rob Simmons was probably the better candidate for the general election. As for the Democratic nominee, that scandal came out months ago, and it hadn't dinged him as much as I thought it would. If more comes out... then, yes, he could be in trouble, but he's not, for now.


But that's... not for this board to discuss, because it's against the rules. I'll leave that for another board.

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And am I the only one to notice that Maryse has fewer curves than a no. 2 pencil? She's built like an 11 year old boy.


Her playboy shoot vehemently disagrees :D


All that aside, I think she is actually darn good as a heel, more so because she's a Diva that people actually have strong feelings about, one way or another. She's one of the few WWE women's performers that can get the crowd into it beyond her entrance and generates alot of heel heat.


Considering how downplayed Women's wrestling is portrayed in the WWE, thats actually quite an accomplishment.

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They showed him bald? On Smackdown? I was sure they were leading to mask vs mask on PPV with Rey Mysterio. It only made sense, right? Man, my faith in WWE's storytelling ability has taken one knock after another these past months. If it wasn't for Superstars I wouldn't be watching WWE at all right now.
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They showed him bald? On Smackdown? I was sure they were leading to mask vs mask on PPV with Rey Mysterio. It only made sense, right? Man, my faith in WWE's storytelling ability has taken one knock after another these past months. If it wasn't for Superstars I wouldn't be watching WWE at all right now.


This. Barely any interest since the first couple of weeks of the NXT angle, only problem is that now I feel compelled to watch MITB and if Miz or Drew win one then I'll be equally enticed to watch whatever show they're on until they cash it in.

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They showed him bald? On Smackdown? I was sure they were leading to mask vs mask on PPV with Rey Mysterio. It only made sense, right? Man, my faith in WWE's storytelling ability has taken one knock after another these past months. If it wasn't for Superstars I wouldn't be watching WWE at all right now.

I think that WAS the idea, but they are probably tossing the Mysterio/Punk fued. Honestly, it wasn't that good anyway. As a storyline, it felt like they needed something for them to do, rather something they had to had them do.

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Having not watched WWE since Danielson was released i started to watch again this week, but why is Serena still with SES didnt see get caught drinking and got kicked out of the SES?.


Yea she got caught drinking but last week they had a promo where Luke kicked her out but Punk yelled at him and basically said he was in charge and he forgives her. So in the end Punk forgave Serena, Luke got pissed and walked off, and I guess they all kissed and made up over the week and got back together by this past Smackdown.

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This. Barely any interest since the first couple of weeks of the NXT angle, only problem is that now I feel compelled to watch MITB and if Miz or Drew win one then I'll be equally enticed to watch whatever show they're on until they cash it in.



I'm actually glad they did that. Normally I'd be all abut a mask-mask fued, but i'm done with the Punk-Rey fued after 6 months of it, and it seems like the WWE is too.


In addition, why on earth would Rey put his mask on the line vs. Punk's? Rey's mask means something, Punk's is a joke. There was no reason, ever, for Rey to go mask vs. mask.


It would be like Racing for pink's, and one guy has a Sweet car and the other guy has his dad's trans-am.


Why on earth would the person in Rey's position agree to a MAsk vs. MAsk blow off?


I suspect that's why they canned the fued and moved rey to Swagger. Why on earth would Rey give a flying poop about putting his mask up to get one a shot at punk?

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My question is why is the masked SES member still masked? Is RUMOR deleted really that big of a star to merit this long of build up to revealing who he is?


Ah, but you're assuming it actually is him under the mask...sure, it might be him playing him right now, but who knows who will be under there when the mask comes off. It could be HBK for all you know. (unlikely, but you get my point) Maybe it'll be Bryan Danielson - who I proposed join the SES as soon as he got voted off NXT.


You're also assuming this is leading to some type of big reveal...and there's no guarantee that's going to happen. As far as I know that guy hasn't even had a match yet. He may well just disappear one of these days, never to be seen again.


I'm actually glad they did that. Normally I'd be all abut a mask-mask fued, but i'm done with the Punk-Rey fued after 6 months of it, and it seems like the WWE is too.


In addition, why on earth would Rey put his mask on the line vs. Punk's? Rey's mask means something, Punk's is a joke. There was no reason, ever, for Rey to go mask vs. mask.


It would be like Racing for pink's, and one guy has a Sweet car and the other guy has his dad's trans-am.


Why on earth would the person in Rey's position agree to a MAsk vs. MAsk blow off?


I suspect that's why they canned the fued and moved rey to Swagger. Why on earth would Rey give a flying poop about putting his mask up to get one a shot at punk?


Yeah, it really doesn't make any sense. And at first I was thinking they could still at least unmask Punk on a PPV, as part of a fued with somebody else, but...we've already seen Punk bald. We saw him get shaved. It's really not that big of a deal. He'll probably have his mask on again next week, anyway.

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