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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MasterJ" data-cite="MasterJ" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>lol ok because I want some talent pushed Im a smark Ok:rolleyes:</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yes, all those things you just said make you a smark. What's the disconnect here?</p>
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Man, when Orton was reaching for that case, I got scared that Raw went ... with what they usually do. And Miz came to save the day. And I got excited. (`cause I'll admit it, I like the Miz. Have for ages.) Then Michael Cole opened his mouth, and ruined it.


"I totally think the Miz is the greatest thing ever, even if I was happy Mark Henry abused him for what he did Monday night."




Overall, I thought the show wasn't too bad. Just hate validating that Josh Matthews should be working the show, and Michael Cole should be ... locked in a basement. :p

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Where there is wrestling there will be wrestling fans stating someone deserves a push.


Glad Kane gets a run not only as champ, but what I've seen as the focal point of the SD! show. Good for him.


Glad they pulled the trigger on Miz. He will be a multiple time World champion. Deservedly so too, just look at his improvement over the years. If he keeps working as hard as he obviously has been working watch out. Also it seems like he truly loves wrestling. Good for him.


Did... not like the scrambly Nexus finish. Why didn't they attack the ref? Why didn't the rush Cena when he was seated in a 5 on 1, or even 4 on 1? They looked weak here, and it scares me.


Women's and Divas were c to the rap. The Mystereo Swagger match told a good story. The actual Cena Sheamus match lasted a LOT longer than I thought it would.

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Man, when Orton was reaching for that case, I got scared that Raw went ... with what they usually do. And Miz came to save the day. And I got excited. (`cause I'll admit it, I like the Miz. Have for ages.) Then Michael Cole opened his mouth, and ruined it.


"I totally think the Miz is the greatest thing ever, even if I was happy Mark Henry abused him for what he did Monday night."




Overall, I thought the show wasn't too bad. Just hate validating that Josh Matthews should be working the show, and Michael Cole should be ... locked in a basement. :p


Yeah, Cole was terrible at points today. Just bad.

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Seriously you've got unpredictable booking giving chances to guys that haven't gotten a chance but have been doing a great job for over a year and longtime stars who the fans know and who have been veterans of the company for nearly two decades and you're bitching about it before the show's even over? And if Orton or Jericho or Edge had won it you'd be right here whining about how the same guys always go over. Stop being so embarrassingly smarky.

I'm being smarky?? You're the one who is trying to tell me who I should and should not be interested in.


I have nothing against Kane personally; he's not bad for a big man, has been a loyal company guy for years, and hasn't ever had a legit run as champion. In that sense, I understand why they gave him the title. But I, personally, have no interest in his character at this point. He's flip-flopped back and forth so often, and they've retconned his character so much, that I just don't have any interest in him. Thus, I have no interest in seeing him as World champion. I'm not going to make outlandish claims, like this decision will lead to the WWE's downfall. It shouldn't have any effect, good or bad, on the state of their business. But for me, personally, it makes me less interested in watching Smackdown. If you're going to get worked up about that, that's your problem, not mine.


On the flip side, I'm very happy to hear that Miz won the other MITB. That dude is fast becoming the most interesting guy in WWE as far as I'm concerned.

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the SD MITB was MOTN, followed by Swagger/Rey (Swagger is really a high quality in ring guy)


That was one of the most exciting ladder matches I've ever watched, and I've seen EVERY MITB and TLC (except Cena vs Edge). Everyone looked like they could win, which is what I like about SD. Dolph should have won when he leapfrogged Kane, but it was still a great match.


Liked the Cena/Sheamus match for what it was, but no cage finish will ever be better than JBL vs Big Show during the best WWE title reign of all time

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The thing is, Edge, Randy Orton, and Chris Jericho don't need the MITB. If they gave it to them, they would have been stupid.


That leaves the Miz, John Morrison, Ted Dibiase, and Mark Henry. I doubt Mark Henry is ever going to be a World Champion. Ted Dibiase is too green and far from ready. John Morrison has not a whole lot of substance but certainly a lot of flash. That pretty much left the Miz.

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I'm being smarky?? You're the one who is trying to tell me who I should and should not be interested in.


No, in fact I said the opposite. Behold!


I'm not saying anybody has to love Kane or Miz...


But yeah, ****ting on somebody's title run before it even happens is pretty much the definition of smarky.

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No, in fact I said the opposite. Behold!




But yeah, ****ting on somebody's title run before it even happens is pretty much the definition of smarky.

This seems pretty contradictory to me. You say it's fine if I don't like a certain character, but not fine for me to not be interested in seeing that same character as champion and, presumably, the central focus of his show (a role he arguably has already been filling since Taker's injury)? How does that work? Will a character that I haven't been interested in for years magically become more interesting to me because he is now the champion?


It's not as if I wrote about how stupid WWE is, or how this will bring about the downfall of their company. All I wrote is that I, personally, don't have any interest in Kane as champion. To me, "smarky" suggests that I would come in here, criticize everything, and insist that I could run the show far better than they could. I didn't talk about how stupid WWE is; in fact, later that post, I mentioned that I was happy to hear that Miz won the other MITB. I didn't say I could run their show better than they could, because I can't and wouldn't, if given the opportunity. All I did was state that I have less interest in watching Smackdown now that it seems that Kane, a character I am not interested in, will likely play an even bigger role than he has been recently. Pardon me for sharing my honest opinion.

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I am so glad that they finally had someone cash in the MITB breifcase the same night they won it. I also think that when The Miz cashes in he should be the first guy to lose the briefcase they have yet to do it and would like to see it happen just once.


it would destroy his career imo


It would turn him back into the epic fail Miz from back when he tried to feud with Cena

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I am so glad that they finally had someone cash in the MITB breifcase the same night they won it. I also think that when The Miz cashes in he should be the first guy to lose the briefcase they have yet to do it and would like to see it happen just once.

I think it's only a matter of time before someone cashes in MITB and fails, but I don't think it'll happen to Miz. The crowd really seems to be responding to him, and he could be on the cusp of being a big star. It's certainly possible, though. I thought Swagger would lose when he cashed in, and also thought there was a decent chance it could happen to Punk the second time he won the briefcase. Who knows?

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lol ok because I want some talent pushed Im a smark Ok:rolleyes:


no, your a smark because you endlessly bang on whatever creative does, while talking about wanting "actual new, talented guys pushed" but never get around to making any suggestions about who that should be or how the booking should go.


Also, as Laz pointed out, you poop all over everything thats done before it even happens. That's the definition of the smark, the internet booker who has it all figured out and can't believe how awful everything the major wrestling companies do is compared to what "everyone" actually wants.


Ive often wondered what would happen if a major company let the IWC's major creative talents loose on a show or two. It would be such an enjoyable train wreck to watch.


BAck to the PPV, i thought it was one of their best ones in awhile. outside the Women's matches, every match was well done. Wasn't a particular fan of the Nexus part in the PPV, but we'll see how monday goes and if they role that into something worth watching.

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Ive often wondered what would happen if a major company let the IWC's major creative talents loose on a show or two. It would be such an enjoyable train wreck to watch.


WCW under Russo :( 95% of the audience has no clue what's going on and the other 5% still bitch.

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I think it's only a matter of time before someone cashes in MITB and fails, but I don't think it'll happen to Miz. The crowd really seems to be responding to him, and he could be on the cusp of being a big star. It's certainly possible, though. I thought Swagger would lose when he cashed in, and also thought there was a decent chance it could happen to Punk the second time he won the briefcase. Who knows?


I remember when Swagger did it the day after he won in on Raw and then he lost. They then went on to make it a swerve angle. To bad, I thought Jack would have bounced back nicely and at least started some sort of feud.


Rey will probably go down as the most Main event titles won, but never hold it for a combined year lol

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They like Jim Cornette but few actually understand and have actually watched some of his booking. They just like what he says.

I have. I like his booking. It's logical. The only issue is he needs to update his material. That being said, they also like Paul Heyman.


What the IWC really wants a person that can't really exist: logical and traditional, yet outdated and stringent, Jim Cornette, with creative and exciting, yet hotshotty and loose, Paul Heyman.


Basically, the IWC wants almost everything, if taken as a whole. :p But they don't want Russo, I can' say that. ;)

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I have. I like his booking. It's logical. The only issue is he needs to update his material. That being said, they also like Paul Heyman.


What the IWC really wants a person that can't really exist: logical and traditional, yet outdated and stringent, Jim Cornette, with creative and exciting, yet hotshotty and loose, Paul Heyman.


Basically, the IWC wants almost everything, if taken as a whole. :p But they don't want Russo, I can' say that. ;)


I'm not sure who are worse, the "we want everything even though we hate everything" IWC or the response to that which is "don't be a smark, watch some horrible crap and enjoy it otherwise you are an elitist douchebag".

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Basically, the IWC wants almost everything, if taken as a whole. :p But they don't want Russo, I can' say that. ;)


I can tell you that's not the case for the 5 or so (very long running) forums I visit. I won't say there's love for him but he's definitely not hated anymore and in fact defended when people do flame him. The "Russo Sux" was the IWC of 10 years ago, the one that dumped on everything he and WCW did, even the stuff he had nothing to do with.


The IWC from the years I've been observing it seem to want to always stay ahead of the curve. As soon as too many people started hating on Cena they all got behind him and tried to school those who didn't with their own lil wrestling 101 (I don't hate or love the guy, I do however enjoy the passionate debates regarding him). IMO there's no better example then CM Punk, the guy was an internet darling for so long who could do nothing wrong. He signed with the WWE and all of a sudden he was "overrated" and boring, made me wonder how many people that jumped on either of those band wagons even knew who he was lol. Another one that comes to mind is Triple H, there was a few years there where he was the WWE's best performer and the IWC rode the Stephanie McMahon conspiracy hard attributing his position with the company to their relationship. 10 years later and he's half the worker he was back then and 40+ years old, now there actually is reason for a debate on how he's used and if his marriage has any influence and it's rarely had because the majority of the IWC has shifted to "Hunter is one of the greatest workers of all time don't be a smark". I don't want to get into my opinion over the matter, I'm using it as a funny example of how the IWC tends to change it's views regardless of reality :p


The IWC to me is alot like the indy rock scene, everyone loves the next big thing but as soon as they become the next big thing it's kinda not cool to like them anymore because... well because they're not indy/underground anymore.

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