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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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on Gerwick.net it said its played by Chavo


Yeah. It appears that way since Hornswoggle recently interrupted the Eagle at the last SmackDown show. And that Hornswoggle has history with the person inside the mascot.


Chavo fits the size of the mascot well.


From the article i read 4 days earlier, it had said "may be played by Jamie Noble" due to Noble being a road agent for the SmackDown brand. (dirt sheet post below)


Jack Swagger’s eagle mascot on SmackDown may be Jamie Noble. Noble still travels with the SmackDown roster as an agent.
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I had a whole thing written about the Linda McMahon thing but I know that it very well could turn into a political debate and this is not the place for that.


I will say this, Linda was CEO of a business where drug use is rampant and many of her former employees have died at a young age. So I think her opponent is well within his right to attack her for being involved in such a shady business.


This Stand Up crap, is a direct relation to this. You say that the WWF would not be doing this if they were not being attacked. Which is true, however nobody would be attacking the WWF is she was not running for office. You cannot seperate the two.


The bottom line is the WWF has brought this on themselves. Vince was the one that wanted to push the steroid freaks. If you did not have a "look" you were not pushed.


And while there was no mention of her name in his video, it is obvious what they are trying to do. They are trying to get the wrestling fans to rally around this and the Connecticut fans to rally around her. It is like Vince is saying to the wrestling fans, "You see how lowly these big shots think of you? How dumb they think you are because you are wrestling fans. Well it is time to stand up to them and a good way of doing that is to vote for my wife."


The flaw in this logic is the fact that WWE - regardless of what Linda does, mind you - has every right to defend themselves. And that's exactly what they're doing. Like I said, the WWE wouldn't be doing this if they weren't being attacked. Whether they'd be getting attacked if Linda wasn't running is completely irrelevant, because that's her OPPONENT making the connection between Linda and WWE, not the WWE. They're not attacking themselves.


The funny thing about your last statement there is the fact that nowhere in the entire "Stand Up" campaign does the WWE tell you to vote. I don't mean it doesn't tell you to vote for Linda, I mean it doesn't tell you to vote period. There's no mention of voting anywhere in the video or on their website. They even have a list of ten ways you can Stand Up for the WWE, and not one of those ten is voting.


You're giving me a headache here. Do you really not understand the difference between a well-timed piece of self-hyping propaganda and a public forum? They are not the same.


Edit: here's the 2010 campaign details: http://www.fec.gov/DisclosureSearch/mapHSCandDetail.do;jsessionid=55CB7E12EE549B479F691F7E6AF7DF6B.worker1


You may notice that the FEC doesn't care what corporations do outside of campaign contributions. Acting independently is a whole other deal. Whether you buy that it's truly independent is irrelevant.


Further, there's absolutely nothing stopping privately held corporations from endorsing candidates, in fact, a lot of corporations tend to do just that by financially backing PACs that support their politics. Unless you're saying Vince & Co. don't get First Amendment protections (that treat corporations as people) that everybody else gets? Because... he has a TV show?


Well said. There was absolutely nothing stopping Vince from endorsing one candidate, if he wanted to do...problem is, he didn't want to. I don't see what that has to do with the "Stand Up" thing anyway. That was direct coverage of a political race, "Stand Up" is about as far from that as you can get. Aside from saying "politicans" (without giving names) are attacking them at the very beginning of it, there's no mention whatsoever of politics anywhere in Stand Up.


It's kind of funny how flawed that argument is. Not only does the "equal time" crap not apply to Vince and WWE in the least, even if it did they would STILL not be in violation of it, because "Stand Up" is not giving time to any party or politican. They're giving time to themselve. You can say it's not truly independent or it's propoganda or whatever nonsense you can come up with, but at the end of the day there is NO MENTION of Linda, her opponent, politics in general, voting, or anything else related to that ANYWHERE. Nothing in "Stand Up" is anywhere close to outside their rights to defend themselves.

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So basically Undertaker called out Brock after his loss





And then they interviewed Dana White and the interviewer said something like WWE wants Brock to fight Taker at WrestleMania



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Does anybody else think it makes entirely no sense for a PG company to have a Buried Alive Match? How do you explain that one to a 6 year old?


This is really the same problem I have with the Hell in a Cell PPV. The more HIAC matches you hold in which not one person sheds a single drop of blood, the harder it is to sell it as "Satan's Structure" and "the most dangerous, diabolical match ever invented". You don't need to have blood in every match, but you do need it in a HIAC match.


Basically, what I'm saying is this: Both the HIAC and Buried Alive stipulations are children of the Attitude Era. That's the climate in which they were created and that's where they made the most sense. Now they are anachronisms. It doesn't make sense to have them in a PG company, and (in the case of HIAC) their PG versions just weaken the credibility of the gimmick.


If you want to be PG, fine, but those Attitude Era gimmicks need to be shelved, just put them away and don't use them again until you are willing to do them properly.


Just had to get that off my chest.

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Does anybody else think it makes entirely no sense for a PG company to have a Buried Alive Match? How do you explain that one to a 6 year old?


This is really the same problem I have with the Hell in a Cell PPV. The more HIAC matches you hold in which not one person sheds a single drop of blood, the harder it is to sell it as "Satan's Structure" and "the most dangerous, diabolical match ever invented". You don't need to have blood in every match, but you do need it in a HIAC match.


Basically, what I'm saying is this: Both the HIAC and Buried Alive stipulations are children of the Attitude Era. That's the climate in which they were created and that's where they made the most sense. Now they are anachronisms. It doesn't make sense to have them in a PG company, and (in the case of HIAC) their PG versions just weaken the credibility of the gimmick.


If you want to be PG, fine, but those Attitude Era gimmicks need to be shelved, just put them away and don't use them again until you are willing to do them properly.


Just had to get that off my chest.



Buried Alive is very cartoony PG-ish to me. Its not a very violent style match like the original Hell in a Cell's were. I agree when it comes to HiaC

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so far a good ppv.




-- Bryan vs. Ziggler. Good match. Not perfect by any chance and easily torn apart if you want to, but I enjoyed it. Wouldnt mind seeing these two go at it more. Goes to show that near-20-minute matches work still. Maybe even on TV, take note WWE!


-- Cena & Otunga winning the gold is a cool thing. Would prefer if it had been Gabriel instead of Otunga as I simply find Otunga useless and oddly shaped. Reminds me of Geodude from Pokemon. Now what they do with Rhodes & MacIntyre is beyond me. MacIntyre is a bit of a bust so far to me. I mean Alberto Del Rio is WAY better. I'd just fire him. lol.


-- Goldust vs. Dibiase was perfectley fine. But why put THAT match on PPV? I mean, I have no issue with either of the two guys on PPV (especially Goldust, what crawled up his ass since his return to WWE and made him the most solid worker on the roster?) but why have this match that just left the feud open? Are we REALLY going to get another Goldust vs. Dibiase match on PPV? If not, then why was this one? I dont want to see an Intergender match either so... whats next? Would of been a perfect jumping point to have Dibiase fail to retain the title, have Maryse dump him, his father come out and tell him how dissapointed he is and then go from there with maybe Brett Dibiase debuting as "The Chosen Son" and regeining the Million Dollar belt then having Ted go face, possibly even teaming with Goldust against Brett Dibiase and whomever.... just a thought. lol.


- Natayla didnt win the belt. Good! I want her to win, dont get me wrong. But hear me out. Clearly they are building to a point where Natalya needs back-up, enter The Glamazon. Eventually either-or wins the Diva's belt then we can have a 5-year long Natalya vs. Beth Phoenix feud (as one would eventually turn on the other) and I can die happy.


- Kane vs. Taker up now. Agree with the above. How does a buried alive match work in PG? Its one of those things where WWE continues to tease die-hard fans with a return to glory, but it wont work out. Hopefully they end the match in an interesting way. I'm calling double burial by Bearer or something. Have a THIRD brother debut... lol. I dunno.

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I find a good crushing death usually only increases the amount I want to cheer.


But I think we have stumbled across a more philasophical debate.


What is more crushing to a hot crowd?


The supposed death of a Phenom, or Tyler Reks?

Don't forget about Ahmed Joh... sorry, Ezekiel Jackson.

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Kind of fell apart at the end of that match. Mysterio was trying a little to hard to sell the arm which kind of led to him screwing up a couple times. IT also seemed they were trying to stall for time on a fly (Jackson & Mysterio that is) and it led to some awkwardness.


I refuse to bad mouth Zeke for at least a little while longer. His greatness alongside Kendrick a while back has bought him a pass as he attempts to grow on his own. I do think he may make a better babyface then heel though. Have him go around reading Cat In The Hat and acting like a giant 5-year-old.... Hook him up with Santino or something (better then Kozlov) and you got buys from me.


If you are going to go PG, might as well get some good wrestlecrap out of it.

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I'm making a point of not watching any WWE for a while, but based on the reviews, I'm tempted to check out these recent Daniel Bryan matches. First the Morrison/Miz three way, now apparently a great match with Dolph. Rock on, Bryan. Some folks want him pushed higher up the card, but if he can hold onto this spot, opening up PPV's with good US Title matches, that's just super. Good money in that.
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I'm making a point of not watching any WWE for a while, but based on the reviews, I'm tempted to check out these recent Daniel Bryan matches. First the Morrison/Miz three way, now apparently a great match with Dolph. Rock on, Bryan. Some folks want him pushed higher up the card, but if he can hold onto this spot, opening up PPV's with good US Title matches, that's just super. Good money in that.


Why are you in a WWE discussion forum then?


Bit of an obvious ending like others suggested, but I'm interested in seeing where it leads...


7 v 7 match was a little boring, I still don't see the point of having Raw v Smackdown, love that Edge won though! Still hoping for the removal of the brand split!


Nexus appearing on both shows due to being tag champions? Some kind of angle where any members of Nexus can defund the titles? Cena stripped of his half by Nexus? Thoughts everyone?

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I'm making a point of not watching any WWE for a while, but based on the reviews, I'm tempted to check out these recent Daniel Bryan matches. First the Morrison/Miz three way, now apparently a great match with Dolph. Rock on, Bryan. Some folks want him pushed higher up the card, but if he can hold onto this spot, opening up PPV's with good US Title matches, that's just super. Good money in that.


He's the right size to stay there indefinately, and be a "gatekeeper" of sorts... you can't get "up" there till after you face this guy.... This guy's no joke.

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