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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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That does sound like the worst of all possible outcomes. What are everybody's thoughts on how they'll explain Cena getting his job back? Do you think it'll just be a simple re-hiring by Vince / Steph / Anonymous GM, or something more original?


A Masked Wrestler named "Mr. Universe".

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That does sound like the worst of all possible outcomes. What are everybody's thoughts on how they'll explain Cena getting his job back? Do you think it'll just be a simple re-hiring by Vince / Steph / Anonymous GM, or something more original?


It will be the return of Charlie Brown From Outta Town. He is Cena's friend who is upset that Cena was wrongly removed from the company. Wade Barrett and The Nexus will do their best to prove that Charlie Brown is actually Cena wearing a Halloween Mask. When The Nexus actually unmasks him it will be revealed to be Brad Armstrong and the wrong Charlie Brown. Charlie Brown will defeat Wade Barrett in a match where John Cena gets reinstated if Charlie Brown wins and he must unmask if he loses.

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I didn't see the PPV, so I was just going by what people said in the thread. Geez, thanks for pointing out that I'm stupid.


Yes, because saying that your question was naive is clearly calling you stupid.


I don't see anything posted in this thread about the PPV that really should have made you assume that the Cena good-bye was legitimate. Again, my point was simply that you got a response to your question that you disliked because you asked a question that really didn't need to be asked. Simple as that.


I was trying to offer you a partial solution to what you perceive as persecution. But if you'd rather look at everything as a personal attack, so be it.


As for the pay per view, I have to say it was really disappointing overall. I ended up ordering it as it there were a few matches that intrigued me, but had to cancel due to technical issues. Seeing the rest of the event made me happy that I ended up canceling.

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That does sound like the worst of all possible outcomes. What are everybody's thoughts on how they'll explain Cena getting his job back? Do you think it'll just be a simple re-hiring by Vince / Steph / Anonymous GM, or something more original?


I think they left wiggle room. Technically speaking ... Cena still has a job. There's an article summarizing the main event on WWE.com, which I went to, to see if the entire page was a memorial to the passing of Cena's career. I saw the article, which had a title with a question mark, so I clicked, and in the first paragraph, it says


(and I quote!) "Despite the threat of termination, Cena, acting as special guest referee, refused to compromise his integrity in order to keep his job. Instead, he called the WWE Title Match straight down the middle, allowing champion Randy Orton to retain – and possibly ending his own career in the process"


and it dawned on me. Barrett said if he lost, he'd fire Cena on the spot. Since he was run off with the Nexus post match, he technically never did. So essentially everything that happened post match was unnecessary, on top of being lame. lol

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and it dawned on me. Barrett said if he lost, he'd fire Cena on the spot. Since he was run off with the Nexus post match, he technically never did. So essentially everything that happened post match was unnecessary, on top of being lame. lol


To me,that just means they'll run the actual angel where Cena is fired on Raw


How about the most unoriginal one possible? They make it that Cena is fired from RAW so he shows up on Smackdown to boost the ratings there at their new home. Cena vs Edge and Kane vs Taker for WM. Orton vs HHH on the raw side.


Terrible. But no less unoriginal than the way the show ended


SS is usually supposed to be one of the BIG 4PPVs of the year, but that card didn't look that hot to me and -reading results - I realize that it wasn't the card, it's jut that the WWE is soooooo frickin predictable/boring that it's damn near impossible to get excited about anything they do


There were several ways to end that Cena/Nexus storyline; the WWE picked the least interesting.

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How about the most unoriginal one possible? They make it that Cena is fired from RAW so he shows up on Smackdown to boost the ratings there at their new home. Cena vs Edge and Kane vs Taker for WM. Orton vs HHH on the raw side.


I honestly think it is predictable but it isn't a bad idea. Makes complete sense in all ways possible.

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They book this crap so over the top it doesnt even make sense anymore. What ever happened to the good old days when Randy Savage would attack Ricky Steamboat during the match crush his larynx and create one of the best feuds of its time.


Nexus taking control of Cena, McMahon being in the hospital, and some unknown emailing GM is just plain ridiculous.

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I honestly think it is predictable but it isn't a bad idea. Makes complete sense in all ways possible.


No..the fact that is IS so very predictable makes it a terrible idea


Nexus was the most original and captivating storyline the E has done in a long time. It started out gangbusters, sputtered, gained back some momentum by allowing Barrett to actually beat Cena and put him in a position where fans wondered "what's gonna happen?"


If this is the way it ends and if Cena just showed up on SD it would be the weakest mos unoriginal thing possible for them to do.

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That wasn't getting trolled or flamed. It was getting a sarcastic answer to a question that seemed... well... really naive.


What exactly would make you think the Cena ending wasn't just an angle? What would make it seem like a legitimate good-bye, as opposed to Cena selling the "fired" angle?


Consider it logically for a moment... If Cena was actually done with the WWE, rather than simply taking some time away (at most), would they have his big finish to a massively successful WWE career be a match where he isn't actually a competitor? Why would they have a some kind of retirement, loser-leaves-town match where he can be defeated and put someone over in a big way?


Basically, you got a sarcastic answer to a question that didn't need to be asked. If you took a moment to consider it, the answer should have been really really obvious.



No, you two were kinda being dicks. Sarcasticly ripping someone and pretending there too stupid to know wrestlings fake is a troll, you were baiting him, fine, but don't act all innocent when he comes back on ya


Anyway, I thought the undercard was really good, but the Kane-edge no contest and utterly predictable ending ruined it.


In a way, I'm happy that they at Least didn't drag on he CDMA nexus stuff. It had a chance to be great, but they never committed to it..cena was just kinda hanging around with nexus every once in awhile, they were too worried putting him in a nexus shirt and having him have to beat down guys in the company would turn the kiddies off to much merch I guess...



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No..the fact that is IS so very predictable makes it a terrible idea


Nexus was the most original and captivating storyline the E has done in a long time. It started out gangbusters, sputtered, gained back some momentum by allowing Barrett to actually beat Cena and put him in a position where fans wondered "what's gonna happen?"


If this is the way it ends and if Cena just showed up on SD it would be the weakest mos unoriginal thing possible for them to do.


Cena ending up on Smackdown increases ratings there. It also gives them a main event at Wrestlemania that was rumored to be title vs title a few months ago. Heavyweight Champ John Cena vs WWE Champ Randy Orton to unify the titles.


It makes sense from a business stand point I think.


I will admit I wanted Cena to embrace the Nexus stable and become heel. Still though we don't know what is going to happen. I know I am anxious to find out and until the Nexus showed up I didn't care what happened with Cena lately.

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Stupid iPhone not allowing me to edit lol


All I had left was I hope they do something more creative than just tossing cena to smackdown, but I have little faith in creative these days


If it ends the brandsplit though, it's somewhat worthwhile


Dolph-kaval should get another, longer ppv match too, I was digging it even if Mia wasn't


Randomly on that point, what a god awful sporting event town that is. I was watching the celtics heat game a few weeks ago, and that crowd checked out when they were down by 13 In the third. I mean, I know it's Mia and there's a ton of nightlife but damn, you have lebron's and dwade on your team that's not some insurmountable lead. As a celtics fan I was happy to see 30% of the crowd leave though, when they made he predictable run later, crowd sounded like the clippers :)

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Cena ending up on Smackdown increases ratings there. It also gives them a main event at Wrestlemania that was rumored to be title vs title a few months ago. Heavyweight Champ John Cena vs WWE Champ Randy Orton to unify the titles.


It makes sense from a business stand point I think.


I will admit I wanted Cena to embrace the Nexus stable and become heel. Still though we don't know what is going to happen. I know I am anxious to find out and until the Nexus showed up I didn't care what happened with Cena lately.


I'm pretty sure I remember the GM saying that Cena would be fired from the WWE, not just from Raw (ie: he wouldn't be going to Smackdown). The Nexus/Cena angle isn't over yet... and as much as everyone complains, I bet you all still watch Raw to find out what will happen with Cena.


Honestly, it wouldn't have mattered what the ending at SS was, everyone still would've complained. Screwy referee job by Cena handing him the title... I'm sure everyone would think that was predictible as well?

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No, you two were kinda being dicks. Sarcasticly ripping someone and pretending there too stupid to know wrestlings fake is a troll, you were baiting him, fine, but don't act all innocent when he comes back on ya


Go back and read the thread. BP didn't say anything rude. A couple of other people made some sarcastic comments but this reply..


Basically, you got a sarcastic answer to a question that didn't need to be asked. If you took a moment to consider it, the answer should have been really really obvious.


...isn't being a dick in any way.

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I'm pretty sure I remember the GM saying that Cena would be fired from the WWE, not just from Raw (ie: he wouldn't be going to Smackdown). The Nexus/Cena angle isn't over yet... and as much as everyone complains, I bet you all still watch Raw to find out what will happen with Cena.


Honestly, it wouldn't have mattered what the ending at SS was, everyone still would've complained. Screwy referee job by Cena handing him the title... I'm sure everyone would think that was predictible as well?


Yeah yeah..the new guy bashes internet wrestling fans without reading through the thread or knowing anyone enough to really know what their actual opinions are


How predictable :rolleyes:

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No, you two were kinda being dicks. Sarcasticly ripping someone and pretending there too stupid to know wrestlings fake is a troll, you were baiting him, fine, but don't act all innocent when he comes back on ya



I'm not acting innocent - he asked a stupid question and got a stupid answer. Then he blew a gasket so he got another one. It's the internet - what did he expect?


Hey - I've been ripped myself on here - aaaages ago I asked a genuine question, something along the lines of were X and Y wrestling brothers (I think Jack and Gerry Briscoe) actually related (y'know, because wrestling *never* bills two guys as 'brothers' unless they're actual blood relatives!).


Now, I fully accept that on a wrestling board, that probably came off as a stupid question - but I didn't call the Whaaaaaambulance, start telling people "**** you" or "Screw you" and generally bemoaning people for making me look stupid. And if I did, I'd fully expect a few people to have a chuckle at my expense. That's how the internet works. If he's going to get his knickers in a twist over something so trivial, I'd suggest that the internet is probably not the place for him to be be spending his time.


Are you telling me that if I'd asked the genuine question "Hey, you guys remember when Shane popped up on WCW Nitro and bought the company out from under his dad's nose...where did he get the money from? And how come Vince let them all on WWF TV?" that you wouldn't have been tempted to take a pop at me? Just a little? :D

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I 100% agree, and I wouldn't be surprised to see them back at some point...


I really don't know about "the look" being about being big anymore in the WWE... at least not with the guys they seem more interested in pushing.


In my opinion it's hard to believe Miz or Morrison could actually beat either of those two, for example. I hope I'm wrong, but to me it looks like the WWE's roster keeps getting smaller and smaller in size, meaning in the "look" category. Anyone over 6'6" would look almost Giant sized right about now, outside of the obvious in Taker/Kane/Show. I'm afraid "The Look" is changing, or starting to change, or just downright has and no one has thought about that at all.


Not that I think it's a good thing though.


Sheamus already being a world champ would tend to work against this premise, though. It's still far, far easier to push a big guy as a credible threat. Luke Gallows is really the only surprising big man release. He actually reminds me of a young Glenn Jacobs in that he has decent skills and charisma but doesn't immediately have that look that screams "future champ."


Yet, Morrison beats him (a much smaller opponant). Which I didn't know before the PPV was going to happen. However, it makes the discussion a little more relevant then it was when I first said something. Right now, only a theory. I'd like to see it get squashed to be honest.

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I'm pretty sure I remember the GM saying that Cena would be fired from the WWE, not just from Raw (ie: he wouldn't be going to Smackdown). The Nexus/Cena angle isn't over yet... and as much as everyone complains, I bet you all still watch Raw to find out what will happen with Cena.


Honestly, it wouldn't have mattered what the ending at SS was, everyone still would've complained. Screwy referee job by Cena handing him the title... I'm sure everyone would think that was predictible as well?


I completely agree with this.

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Go back and read the thread. BP didn't say anything rude. A couple of other people made some sarcastic comments but this reply..




...isn't being a dick in any way.


Where did i say i was talking to BP, the third person who posted about WC and was the only one trying to bring a bit of sanity to the discussion?

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I'm not acting innocent - he asked a stupid question and got a stupid answer. Then he blew a gasket so he got another one. It's the internet - what did he expect?


Hey - I've been ripped myself on here - aaaages ago I asked a genuine question, something along the lines of were X and Y wrestling brothers (I think Jack and Gerry Briscoe) actually related (y'know, because wrestling *never* bills two guys as 'brothers' unless they're actual blood relatives!).


Now, I fully accept that on a wrestling board, that probably came off as a stupid question - but I didn't call the Whaaaaaambulance, start telling people "**** you" or "Screw you" and generally bemoaning people for making me look stupid. And if I did, I'd fully expect a few people to have a chuckle at my expense. That's how the internet works. If he's going to get his knickers in a twist over something so trivial, I'd suggest that the internet is probably not the place for him to be be spending his time.


Are you telling me that if I'd asked the genuine question "Hey, you guys remember when Shane popped up on WCW Nitro and bought the company out from under his dad's nose...where did he get the money from? And how come Vince let them all on WWF TV?" that you wouldn't have been tempted to take a pop at me? Just a little? :D



Someone doath protest to much.


All i said was that i think it's kind of laughable that you guys ripped him then got all defensive when he called you on it, no need for a wall of text :D


If you want to rib a guy, fine, this is the Net not knitting class but then don't pretend he was the guy who took it the wrong way. He took it exactly as it was intended, making fun of him.

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