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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Ya you guys are right they said "the wwe" i remember us talking about when the raw gm got the power to decide what Teddy Long does with his workers :)


I dunno, like I said earlier, I'm kinda just glad we didn't get a lame crazy finish. If they don't have the stones to commit to a proper cena in nexus angle, which they clearly didn't, I'd rather just move on.


What a waste that was for them, barring some awesome swerve I don't believe for a second they can come up with.


I get that they wanted to protect cena as a face and merch machine by not really commiting to him

as a full member, but the little things like him getting his own gear, music, and never being ordered to participate in nexus babyface beatdowns against his will ruined that angle for me...

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I honestly have little faith on the WWE delivering something that makes this really pay off. I will give them the opportunity, but I think its going to disappoint. Something with McMahon or the mystery GM seem likely, as does the possibility of Cena taking time off and coming back for RR or a bit later, with some lame and predictable reason.
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I personally didn't think the ending of the Orton/Barrett match was predictable. I was sure there was going to be some screwy finish but instead, they had Cena call it down the middle.


Now even though to me I didn't expect it, I would have still much rather seen what I expected to happen.

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Haven't watched WWE in a few months (except for a couple of Dolph/Bryan matches and a solitary episode of Superstars) but the card compelled me to check out this show. It was alright. The first 3 matches were good, if a little similar. Loved Ted's music. Kaval didn't really impress me. JoMo's beard is amazing. The Survivor Series match disappointed through sheer pointlessness, and lack of drama for the ending. Cody's tantrum was ace (as was his borrowing a couple of Goldust's moves) Women were alright. Good for Nattie. Skipped Kane/Edge. Tag match was dull. Fast forwarded the main event until the finish.


Meh. Not awful. Not something that'll get me back watching WWE, but I've seen worse shows.

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To me,that just means they'll run the actual angel where Cena is fired on Raw




Terrible. But no less unoriginal than the way the show ended


SS is usually supposed to be one of the BIG 4PPVs of the year, but that card didn't look that hot to me and -reading results - I realize that it wasn't the card, it's jut that the WWE is soooooo frickin predictable/boring that it's damn near impossible to get excited about anything they do


There were several ways to end that Cena/Nexus storyline; the WWE picked the least interesting.

I don't want to be snarky, but you understand how I feel now. Now you can sit next to me and complain about Cena too. :p

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Where did i say i was talking to BP, the third person who posted about WC and was the only one trying to bring a bit of sanity to the discussion?


This is what you quoted..


That wasn't getting trolled or flamed. It was getting a sarcastic answer to a question that seemed... well... really naive.


What exactly would make you think the Cena ending wasn't just an angle? What would make it seem like a legitimate good-bye, as opposed to Cena selling the "fired" angle?


Consider it logically for a moment... If Cena was actually done with the WWE, rather than simply taking some time away (at most), would they have his big finish to a massively successful WWE career be a match where he isn't actually a competitor? Why would they have a some kind of retirement, loser-leaves-town match where he can be defeated and put someone over in a big way?


Basically, you got a sarcastic answer to a question that didn't need to be asked. If you took a moment to consider it, the answer should have been really really obvious.


This is how you replied..


No, you two were kinda being dicks. Sarcasticly ripping someone and pretending there too stupid to know wrestlings fake is a troll, you were baiting him, fine, but don't act all innocent when he comes back on ya


Anyway, I thought the undercard was really good, but the Kane-edge no contest and utterly predictable ending ruined it.


In a way, I'm happy that they at Least didn't drag on he CDMA nexus stuff. It had a chance to be great, but they never committed to it..cena was just kinda hanging around with nexus every once in awhile, they were too worried putting him in a nexus shirt and having him have to beat down guys in the company would turn the kiddies off to much merch I guess...




I apologize for any misunderstanding but when you said "You two etc" I thought you were directing your post at BP since he was one you directly replied to

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I know. I was just being snarky. You now understand my frustrations with the WWE. It's just that you realized it much later than I did. ;) In any case, I thought the crowd reaction was fine. What did you expect? WWE Attitude Era yelps? It is what it is. Second, ever since the end of the national wars, different fans from different areas have liked different things.
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Now, I'll qualify what I'm about to say straight off and say that I haven't watched Raw for about two months now (at Uni, no TV/time) so perhaps that changes things BUT...


When I read that the stipulation was either A) Cena is freed from Nexus, keeps his job and the guy he's feuding with has the WWE title or B) Cena is "fired" from WWE programming, option A seemed far more likely to me. What went down on the actual shows to spark the number of people saying that this way was the predictable outcome?

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I know. I was just being snarky. You now understand my frustrations with the WWE. It's just that you realized it much later than I did. ;)


No..let's be clear..I ALWAYS understood your frustrations. I'm not a huge fan of the product right now either.


I just A) always understood their reasoning and didn't see how their current product put them on a path towards failure and B) dont believe for a second that the WWE power structure somehow tried to not make Cena TOO POPULAR for fear of him going to film movies (I thought that was a dumb notion then, still do now)


For instance, even with this booking, juggalo has a point: if Cena ends up on SD it has some merit from a business standpoint. It wouldn't make ME personally want to watch, and if WM was headlined by Cena and Orton playing the exact same characters they've played the last few years, i wouldn't buy it.


But, yes...i see your frustration. :)

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When I read that the stipulation was either A) Cena is freed from Nexus, keeps his job and the guy he's feuding with has the WWE title or B) Cena is "fired" from WWE programming, option A seemed far more likely to me. What went down on the actual shows to spark the number of people saying that this way was the predictable outcome?


Maybe predictable is a bad choice of adjectives.


It's more like "they took the easy way out"


Cena is SUCH a goody two shoes and for him to help Barrett win, he would've had to do something out nof character, something that might have put a really interesting spin on who he is...the fact that he does get mixed response and the fact that he would've 'cheated' to screw Orton over in order to save himself...


It finally would've added some shades of gray to a John Cena character that hes been far too black & white for a long while.


It may have even started him down the road to a slow burn as a full on heel, and that might've been very entertaining.

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To me the non predictable route was to....


Barrett hits his finish on Orton, Orton kicks out.


Orton is laid out, Barrett rolls outside and grabs the title. He's going to smack Orton with it, Cena whips him around to stop him, crowd goes wild, Orton is on his feet, Cena rips the title away but accidently nails Orton with the title. Barrett picks him up, hits his finisher again and Cena has to count.

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To me the non predictable route was to....


Barrett hits his finish on Orton, Orton kicks out.


Orton is laid out, Barrett rolls outside and grabs the title. He's going to smack Orton with it, Cena whips him around to stop him, crowd goes wild, Orton is on his feet, Cena rips the title away but accidently nails Orton with the title. Barrett picks him up, hits his finisher again and Cena has to count.

Actually, I think any finish is predictable now, considering every possible finish had been done before.

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And for reasons I can't explain, that hug with Cole is irritating me. lol


Here lies the answer! Cena will get his job back and POSSIBLY (actually more like hoping) turning heel in the process because good 'ole General Manager Cole as announced Cena has returned and is officially a new member of the COAL MINERS!!!


cross your fingers! :p

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Yes, because saying that your question was naive is clearly calling you stupid.


I don't see anything posted in this thread about the PPV that really should have made you assume that the Cena good-bye was legitimate. Again, my point was simply that you got a response to your question that you disliked because you asked a question that really didn't need to be asked. Simple as that.


I was trying to offer you a partial solution to what you perceive as persecution. But if you'd rather look at everything as a personal attack, so be it.


As for the pay per view, I have to say it was really disappointing overall. I ended up ordering it as it there were a few matches that intrigued me, but had to cancel due to technical issues. Seeing the rest of the event made me happy that I ended up canceling.


I'm sorry, I was in a bad mood yesterday. I apologise. Thank you for trying to help me. :o

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Now, I fully accept that on a wrestling board, that probably came off as a stupid question - but I didn't call the Whaaaaaambulance, start telling people "**** you" or "Screw you" and generally bemoaning people for making me look stupid. And if I did, I'd fully expect a few people to have a chuckle at my expense. That's how the internet works. If he's going to get his knickers in a twist over something so trivial, I'd suggest that the internet is probably not the place for him to be be spending his time.


I was having a bad day yesterday, and getting trolled obviously didn't make my day any better. You and a few other people (not you BigPapa42) knew that I was getting pissed off at that, and yet you still kept antagonizing me, just like a bully in elementary school. I agree that my behavior was unacceptable, but grow up. Don't be immature and pretend that everybody else on the internet is an ass and would do the same thing that you did.

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By Mike Johnson on 2010-11-22 18:22:11 Christopher DeJoseph was not the only member of the World Wrestling Entertainment creative team let go last week, PWInsider.com has confirmed. Although we are still working on the names of the writers who were dismissed, we've confirmed that WWE let an additional 2-4 writers go.

The writers were dismissed because company management was unhappy with the results of the last quarter financially and the decision was made to purge the writers and bring in fresh blood with new ideas.


As we noted when word came out that DeJoseph was released, the company has been actively scouting for new writers in the last several weeks.


Credit PWI. Start dusting off those resumes and start applying!. Would love it if they ran an online competition for one of the spots. The IWC would explode.

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I was having a bad day yesterday, and getting trolled obviously didn't make my day any better. You and a few other people (not you BigPapa42) knew that I was getting pissed off at that, and yet you still kept antagonizing me, just like a bully in elementary school. I agree that my behavior was unacceptable, but grow up. Don't be immature and pretend that everybody else on the internet is an ass and would do the same thing that you did.


I don't you got it that bad. You thought that was bad? Maybe in Real Life it would be.


But this is the internet. It's not Real Life. You didn't get trolled. You get ribbed for your naiveté. Maybe you should become less naive instead of playing those who point it out?


I wouldn't have done what they would have done, and I certainly don't approve of it, but your reaction was over the top. You need to learn how to be more thick-skinned. If you can't take that on ther internet, you'll must be absolutely insulted by the rest of the internet.


If you thought Brash was harsh, you haven't face the double combination fo the truth/fact squad of Lazorbeak and Remianen.

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How about the most unoriginal one possible? They make it that Cena is fired from RAW so he shows up on Smackdown to boost the ratings there at their new home. Cena vs Edge and Kane vs Taker for WM. Orton vs HHH on the raw side.


Just to make it clear that was not my suggestion just the one of the most obvious option the E could go for.

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