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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I also wanted to say that I was a bit shocked that they acknowledged Sarge's turn on America back in 1990. I mean this is the WWF (yes I refuse to call it that other name) and as everyone knows in the WWF there is no such thing as history unless it happened in the last five years.:D
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I think that it is clear that without themed shows or a horrible fantasy GM, Raw can be very good.


The GM didnt chime in tonight and Ryder got face time. Hmm...


Ryder (as GM) or riot...









Honestly, considering his status as the WWE Internet Champion... and the Raw GM's use of emails as its sole means of communication (except that one, really weird angle where it had a voice like GlaDos from Portal and Edge speared the laptop...)... :cool:

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Huh. Vince's promo just now REALLY painted Punk out as a face, didn't it? Interesting...


The best thing about it, was that it was done back to back with the previous RAW. IF they could have done this live, I believe everytime Punk's name was mentioned, they would have went nuts for him (the crowd). I didn't get to see this raw yet, soon as someone puts it up on Youtube I will though.


Next weeks going to be more interesting I think. I really wish I didn't have to work every Monday night.

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This promo is great. I just kinda hate how it basically ensures Cena wins.


I will again state my prediction, in case no one heard it the first time.


I think Punk is going to win. Then the money in the bank guy is going to come out and challenge punk (whoever wins MITB).


I predict that Punk will also win that match as well..


And it's all just to drive you nuts.

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A few weeks ago in a internet report that Vince bully Zack Ryder by telling him he would be on the All Star edition of Raw and then it never happened....


CM Punk said at the end of his shot promo that he was gonna say something about Vince and the Bully campaign.


Does anyone think that's is what Punk was gonna talk about?

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A few weeks ago in a internet report that Vince bully Zack Ryder by telling him he would be on the All Star edition of Raw and then it never happened....


CM Punk said at the end of his shot promo that he was gonna say something about Vince and the Bully campaign.


Does anyone think that's is what Punk was gonna talk about?


Certainly wouldn't surprise me if it were. Think back to all the anti-drug spots they did in the 80's despite the fact so much of the roster was battling addiction and/or roiding. Do as I say not as I do is a sad WWE tradition.

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I will again state my prediction, in case no one heard it the first time.


I think Punk is going to win. Then the money in the bank guy is going to come out and challenge punk (whoever wins MITB).


I predict that Punk will also win that match as well..


And it's all just to drive you nuts.


Loved that Cena - Vince promo on RAW. I predict that atleast CM Punk wins the match and the new MITB winner(s) comes to cash in the contract. But not sure if Punk would lose or win that match. Whatever happens it's going to be a great night with a great main event. I really hope that WWE doesn't screw this up, I really do. :D


I can just imagine the Chicago crowd rooting for Punk. Think about it. Or the reaction of the fans if and when CM Punk wins the match.

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I will again state my prediction, in case no one heard it the first time.


I think Punk is going to win. Then the money in the bank guy is going to come out and challenge punk (whoever wins MITB).


I predict that Punk will also win that match as well..


And it's all just to drive you nuts.


I would mark hard if he did. I just don't see them taking both guys off TV at the same time and I don't think they would do the Cena fired story so soon again. If you had asked me right after the Punk promo, I'd have said he was gonna win, I just don't think they will take Cena off TV unless he really is hurt.

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Heck, if we're reposting our own stuff because we like to read it...sorry, in case in no one heard it the first time:


Punk beats Cena for the title. Punk gloats. Vince comes out to fire Cena and then announces that ADR, who won the MitB, is cashing it in and he'll do what Cena couldn't and bring the WWE title back to the fold. Cue the match. ADR and Punk are down. Cena hits the ring, pauses, FU's ADR and puts Punk on top and Punk retains. Cena declares that he's sick of being the company man, having to carry all that weight on his shoulders, says something like, "Hey Vince; FU." and walks out. Punk is left to gloat, having won the title and now in a position of power, with the announcers stunned at the prospect of the WWE title being in possession of a man who is leaving the company.


If Punk does re-sign, they can run the storyline that Vince is being forced to negotiate with Punk to return with the title and he has to acquiesce to some of Punk's demands. Cue a long running battle of Vince trying to find a way to get the belt off of Punk, vowing to fire him once he loses the belt. Naturally, Punk finds a way to keep the belt for long enough that Vince reaches out to the one man he knows can find a way to bring the title back to WWE...


Big Cena return, major pops, Cena beats Punk for the belt. Vince fires Punk, who can then take the lengthy break he wants before coming back in some fashion three or four months down the line.


CM Punk said at the end of his shot promo that he was gonna say something about Vince and the Bully campaign.


Does anyone think that's is what Punk was gonna talk about?


Punk wasn't going to be talking about anything. The mic getting cut off was the planned ending for the worked shoot promo; obvious, I know, but obvious things need stating around here. I believe, and this makes sense if you're doing a worked shoot angle, is that the mentioning of the anti-bullying campaign was the cue for the mic to be cut. You don't want the worked shoot to go on for too long but at the same time you need the guy to go on for long enough that he gets across the points he needs to, ie: make it clear why he's 'shooting'. So you tell him that when he's done getting across what needs to be got across, to mention something specific, in this case the anti-bullying, so the production people know it's time to cut his mic.

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Punk winning as being challenged by the MITB winner makes sense, especially given the wording of Vince's threat - 'if Punk leaves Chicago with the title', not 'if Punk beats you'.


However, let's just assume for a minute that Punk is going on hiatus, and he will win and lose the title in one night (as I suspect will happen). Would you have a face or heel win MITB, and ultimately the title?


A face would make sense from the point of view of 'saving the company', particularly as Punk is supposed to be a heel, but it is being held in Punk's hometown, and he is likely to be the face of the Cena title match. Which way would you go?

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And I just watched the build to Orton/HHH at WM25, Orton was amazing in that feud.

That was going great until they got overly cute and did the home invasion angle; it went from this strong, emotional angle into the usual over-the-top hokey WWE storyline, and something great was rendered almost meaningless. Their Wrestlemania match didn't exactly help, either.

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Heck, if we're reposting our own stuff because we like to read it...sorry, in case in no one heard it the first time:


Punk beats Cena for the title. Punk gloats. Vince comes out to fire Cena and then announces that ADR, who won the MitB, is cashing it in and he'll do what Cena couldn't and bring the WWE title back to the fold. Cue the match. ADR and Punk are down. Cena hits the ring, pauses, FU's ADR and puts Punk on top and Punk retains. Cena declares that he's sick of being the company man, having to carry all that weight on his shoulders, says something like, "Hey Vince; FU." and walks out. Punk is left to gloat, having won the title and now in a position of power, with the announcers stunned at the prospect of the WWE title being in possession of a man who is leaving the company.


If Punk does re-sign, they can run the storyline that Vince is being forced to negotiate with Punk to return with the title and he has to acquiesce to some of Punk's demands. Cue a long running battle of Vince trying to find a way to get the belt off of Punk, vowing to fire him once he loses the belt. Naturally, Punk finds a way to keep the belt for long enough that Vince reaches out to the one man he knows can find a way to bring the title back to WWE...


Big Cena return, major pops, Cena beats Punk for the belt. Vince fires Punk, who can then take the lengthy break he wants before coming back in some fashion three or four months down the line.




Punk wasn't going to be talking about anything. The mic getting cut off was the planned ending for the worked shoot promo; obvious, I know, but obvious things need stating around here. I believe, and this makes sense if you're doing a worked shoot angle, is that the mentioning of the anti-bullying campaign was the cue for the mic to be cut. You don't want the worked shoot to go on for too long but at the same time you need the guy to go on for long enough that he gets across the points he needs to, ie: make it clear why he's 'shooting'. So you tell him that when he's done getting across what needs to be got across, to mention something specific, in this case the anti-bullying, so the production people know it's time to cut his mic.


Cena turning heel as he exits and returning a face makes little sense.

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Cena turning heel as he exits and returning a face makes little sense.


It's not a heel turn and wouldn't be presented as such. It would be portrayed that Cena had had enough pressure from Vince to be the company guy and to carry the load that the threat that if Punk leaves as champion then Cena is fired, was the last straw. It's positioned that Cena is a good guy but Vince crossed the line with the threat to fire him and Cena just snapped. Everyone knows Cena is a company man and he does so much, and I think it would be realistic if at some point, say when he's threatened with being fired if Punk leaves with the title, Cena just snaps and lashes out at Vince. I think people can identify with someone expected to do so much who one day just snaps.


That can play into Vince trying to get Cena back, where he apologizes for putting all this pressure on Cena and he's sorry for threatening to fire him if Punk left as champion; Vince is great when he has to grovel.


Cena wouldn't be turning heel. He'd be a good guy who just reached his limit and blew off some steam by throwing it all back in his bosses face.

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It's not a heel turn and wouldn't be presented as such. It would be portrayed that Cena had had enough pressure from Vince to be the company guy and to carry the load that the threat that if Punk leaves as champion then Cena is fired, was the last straw. It's positioned that Cena is a good guy but Vince crossed the line with the threat to fire him and Cena just snapped. Everyone knows Cena is a company man and he does so much, and I think it would be realistic if at some point, say when he's threatened with being fired if Punk leaves with the title, Cena just snaps and lashes out at Vince. I think people can identify with someone expected to do so much who one day just snaps.


That can play into Vince trying to get Cena back, where he apologizes for putting all this pressure on Cena and he's sorry for threatening to fire him if Punk left as champion; Vince is great when he has to grovel.


Cena wouldn't be turning heel. He'd be a good guy who just reached his limit and blew off some steam by throwing it all back in his bosses face.


Too art-house in your line of thinking. Wrestling is simpler than that. Is what he's doing a thing a good guy would do, or a thing a bad guy would do? He is how he acts.


Going on a tirade about how sick of helping people you are is something a bad guy would do.

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With the suggestion of further Cena intervention aside I love the Punk winning -> MITB cash in idea. Agree that McIntyre would've been amazing but it'll have to be Del Rio really, then he can be Vince's boy in a feud with Cena for Summerslam. Would work so well, and I'd take Punk losing immediately just for the pop when he did get the win. Think I'm actually gonna be disappointed if this doesn't happen now lol. Can really envisage it, kinda like when Edge cashed in on Cena, "this man is cashing in his money in the bank privelege..." Punk going out as a mega face all of a sudden.
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