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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I think the point of it is that they aren't acknowledging it on Raw, it's kind of being played off as something completely outside of the WWE, which is pretty cool.


Not saying it'd be better or worse if they did mention what he was doing on Raw, but I'm almost sure they won't.


The problem is they lose some of the momentum if its not mentioned at all. I seriously lost some interest in the fued because they didn't even say his name on Raw or acknowledge what he did, they have to keep the fued fresh to the masses, not just those that follow superstars on twitter, etc.


I am not saying they have to show footage or anything, but lets say Mysterio wins the title, he should do a promo saying that 'He who shall not be named' is running around saying he is champion, but a real champion actually fights and defends the belt with honor. Just tease that he could be coming back at any time.


I personally feel the same way with the Rock, using the internet is clever but they also need to keep some heat alive on TV. Even if it is just Cole saying "The Rock just tweeted..."

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The problem is they lose some of the momentum if its not mentioned at all. I seriously lost some interest in the fued because they didn't even say his name on Raw or acknowledge what he did, they have to keep the fued fresh to the masses, not just those that follow superstars on twitter, etc.


I am not saying they have to show footage or anything, but lets say Mysterio wins the title, he should do a promo saying that 'He who shall not be named' is running around saying he is champion, but a real champion actually fights and defends the belt with honor. Just tease that he could be coming back at any time.


I personally feel the same way with the Rock, using the internet is clever but they also need to keep some heat alive on TV. Even if it is just Cole saying "The Rock just tweeted..."


But they did acknowledge him several times, just without doing it directly. Vince mentioned that he wasn't saying his name, Cena was supposed to be fired, the title tournament because he left, etc. etc.


They are keeping it in the forefront, just without directly using or mentioning Punk by name. I'm actually surprised at how well it's gone so far..

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What is it with the logo on the back, I understand you can scan it with phones but why that big on a t-shirt.


The Nexus shirts are only $9 now. Sweet!


That Broski shirt is cool. I'd never buy or wear it but I could see some of those Jersey Shore guys wearing that.

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The Nexus shirts are only $9 now. Sweet!


That Broski shirt is cool. I'd never buy or wear it but I could see some of those Jersey Shore guys wearing that.


Not surprised those shirts are on sale. Does anyone wear the Nexus shirt with pride now that the stable consists solely of David Otunga and Mike McGuillicutty?

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Not surprised those shirts are on sale. Does anyone wear the Nexus shirt with pride now that the stable consists solely of David Otunga and Mike McGuillicutty?


So what Nexus has gone all nWo Black and White, I'll still rep me some Nexus as long as Otunga (who has impressed me with how good of a entertainer he is) is still in.


After all though, 9 bucks for a shirt is pretty shibby, even if for only around the house :p


PS... "Shibby"... Did my brain just seize, or is that an actual thing?.. Oh crap! I think it came from an Ashton Kutcher movie! Thats even worse!

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After all though, 9 bucks for a shirt is pretty shibby, even if for only around the house :p


PS... "Shibby"... Did my brain just seize, or is that an actual thing?.. Oh crap! I think it came from an Ashton Kutcher movie! Thats even worse!


I don't know, dude. At least it makes sense. B and T are on the same column of a keyboard. T's just above the G and B's is just below. And B's and T's do sound similiar. "Shibby" seems like a good enough mock or person with a cold swear.

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I don't know if it's aired in the US yet but did anyone see the camera guy fall over the WWE sign when Teddy Long came out in the opening segment. If it's yet to air in the US check out the WWE sign in the background when Teddy comes out. I laughed :)


Yeh, spotted that, absolutely brilliant :D

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No, you're quite right.


To me the whole show was rather odd.


No Rhodes or DiBiase at all, considering Rhodes was meant to have an IC Title match.

No Khali or Jinder Mahal.

No Justin Gabriel

Sheamus vs Wade Barrett - heel vs heel.

No Divas segment.

Only 4 matches.

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Sheamus is on his way to turning face, is he not?


Really interested to see where they go with Trips on Monday, not sure he'll want to play a fully blown heel anymore but he is the perfect foil for Punk right now. Maybe say Vince was wrong, try to bring Punk back, then turn on him when he does.

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I think there is definitely room for Sheamus to turn face. I remember when he won the title and began a faceish promo about handing it back, then revealed he was lying, but even in the first part of that he was very convincing. And at MITB the crowd were going mental for him.


Orton is obviously an obstacle, but Kane has absolutely no bearing on him and can mould to do whatever is needed of him.

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