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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I just feel like it needs it. Cena's talked about it being for the title. It's billed as the biggest match ever. The WWE title could be made irrelevant on the card without it.


If it's going to be for the title I think they'll already have set on that and if that's the case then either Cena's going to win and Rock disappear or Rock's going to win and stick around for a month or so. My money would be on the latter, give them a huge ratings boost for a little while then walk away.

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See, I think it should go the opposite way. Keep the belt out of it, to add fuel to the fire. Since Cena promised to have the belt going into the match, him not having it post NWO gives Rock more ammunition. And depending on how he plays it, Rock could secure himself a heel like persona going into `mania, thus "protecting" Cena's face status, or it gives more friction for the face on face confrontation, since I sincerely doubt Cena will be turning anytime in the near future.
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Just to get into the conversation, I feel that the title is not really needed for Rock Vs Cena at WM28 next year, and it actually would take away a lot of the unpredictability of the match heading into it. I think if the belt is involved, the clear cut winner either way has to be Cena, just for "credibility" reasons towards the belt. You aren't going to give the title to someone who hasn't wrestled in such a long time in his first match back (I mean you could, but it is highly unlikely, even if it is The Rock) I just think the match is more special without the title involved.


I also don't think that we will see Triple H Vs Taker II. Just doesn't seem likely to me because with the constant injuries to Undertaker, I think next year will be his last WM, so I think it will be against a new opponent, maybe even Punk if the Austin match doesn't happen.

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I honestly dont believe Daniel Bryan will hold on to that briefcase until WM28. I want to. He's one of my favorite wrestlers that I've ever seen. All time. But I don't think he's gonna hang on to that briefcase. I think a Wade Barrett or someone like that is going to get him to put it on the line at some point and he'll lose it.


I dont want to sound like a pessimist, because I'm not. I love WWE and most of what they do, but obviously theres things to criticise if you wanna go that route. I generally choose to enjoy WWE and rarely complain about their product. And I really like Daniel Bryan. But, to be realistic, he's a midcarder at best who has had little - to - average amount of screen time. I'm not saying that inr egards to his performance, I'm saying that in regards to his booking. To go from a midcarder to a title match at WM28 would take excellent booking and long-term vision.


NOW, I feel like the Orton/Christian feud was a great long-form feud that was very well done. It is getting to that point where it should probably end soon but Christian's heel turn was brilliant and it came at a perfect time for me right when I was getting bored with face Orton. I've loved what both guys have done with their characters. So it's not impossible to think they'll book Bryan correctly over the next several months... but I still would be surprised if it comes to light.

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Okay, so we have exactly one SmackDown! left before SummerSlam, and there are still only four matches on the card...


Is Cena/Punk going to last an hour, or...?


I mean, looking at it right now - Diva's matches are always short, and Phoenix/Kelly could very well be a squash; could be wrong, but judging by history, I can't imagine that taking much time. Mark Henry's never been able to do long matches, I'd be rather surprised if Henry/Sheamus went past the seven minute mark. I could see Bryan/Barret maybe being added - I don't know, I don't read SD! Spoilers - and I know Miz has said he'll be doing something, but I mean, how long is this event, three hours, four hours?


I agree... four matches added, is not enough for me to buy the ppv. Especially since two of the matches are a Diva Match and Christian vs. Orton (which we have seen 5 or 6 times already). But I'm thinking that a US and IC title match may be added during the event. Ziggler vs Riley seems realistic.

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Rey and Sin Cara is a near certainty too.


It's only worth putting the WWE title match into the Cena/Rock showdown if you have assurances Rock will stick around a bit after Mania which I'm not sure he would. He's only doing what he's doing now to build his Mania match as it is.


Nothing with Sin Cara is a near certainty at this point.




As for Summerslam's card, I really can't believe they had the one on one JoMo vs. R-Truth match on Raw. A months long feud with a solid story behind it ends like that because Morrison has a girlfriend who is showing up and not getting paid? What a ridiculously petty, anti-business decision. Just incredibly dumb. They've also had Riley/Ziggler and Kofi/Del Rio feuds going, so I'd expect at least one of those to translate into a match, even if we get some pointless multi-man thing for Miz to win. I'd rather see Mysterio vs. Miz, though, as honestly one of those two should get a title shot in the near future. On the Smackdown end, you've got Rhodes, DiBiase, Bryan and Zeke unaccounted for. I don't watch Smackdown but if the crowd isn't getting behind Zeke it would be a good time for a four way match with Rhodes getting the fall over DiBiase or Bryan to win the title.

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Jericho at Bash at the Beach and the Nitro after was some of my favorite heel work ever. They really did his character right back then.


Was that when Jericho was telling all the people in the crowd to get jobs?


I don't know if it was BatB or maybe some promotional thing, where Jericho was razing the crowd for being jobless bums, and was awesome doing it, but I found out later, he did it hungover. Like almost reliving the night on live television hungover. lol

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Punk NEEDS to bring back this mustache.


He looks like Jimmy Wang Yang with that moustache.


Yeah. The same punt that took out RVD, Shawn Michaels, Vince McMahon the entire Nexus and shortened CM Punks title reign only got a 3 count. If I remember correctly Cena was standing before the ppv ended and was 100% on Raw the next night.

And remember when he was thrown into a stage light by Big Show, and was completely fine the next day?


With a table set up in perfect position and Sheamus seeming to slip, it's kinda suggested he was supposed to fall and blew the spot. Cena fell, it was too late for Sheamus to do so.

If he wasn't supposed to win, don't you think they would have had Sheamus drop the title back the next night on Raw instead of having him keep the title for two months and feud with Orton?


I mean, we saw Christian and Rey Mysterio this year each have a <1week title reign and they were *supposed* to win!

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Yea I think the table was probably set up outside the ring for suspense purposes to add an air of unpredictability. That's kind of the advantage of a table match. There's always tons of tease-spots in a tables match that give the illusion the match could end at any time in any place. It's what makes them so fun.


Either way hahaha....







LOL why would the table Cena went through be placed exactly where it had to be?


I youtubed it. The guys that are saying it was a botch are way off. There's no way it was a botch just watch it.



Cena clearly launches himself off the turnbuckle and dives through the table. I mean... I get hating Cena but comeon lol... at least watch the youtube video clip before you go posting crazy stuff online.


You gave me some good lolz at least.

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Yea I think the table was probably set up outside the ring for suspense purposes to add an air of unpredictability. That's kind of the advantage of a table match. There's always tons of tease-spots in a tables match that give the illusion the match could end at any time in any place. It's what makes them so fun.


Either way hahaha....







LOL why would the table Cena went through be placed exactly where it had to be?


I youtubed it. The guys that are saying it was a botch are way off. There's no way it was a botch just watch it.



Cena clearly launches himself off the turnbuckle and dives through the table. I mean... I get hating Cena but comeon lol... at least watch the youtube video clip before you go posting crazy stuff online.


You gave me some good lolz at least.


You're missing the point.


Cena DID his job.


Sheamus botched his.


Way to go completely the wrong way.

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You're missing the point.


Cena DID his job.


Sheamus botched his.


Way to go completely the wrong way.


Why do you have to take the low-brow approach? You are a mean person.



I'm saying Cena wasn't supposed to lose that match either way you slice it. There's nothing to indicate that Shamus was supposed to go through that table at the bottom. Absolutely nothing except a theory from a board poster. How is that COMPLETELY the wrong way?


I do notice how you cleverly choose not to answer other people's posts when they rip holes all through you though.





I really don't know why I'm even engaging you on this.

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Back on the topic of Cena vs. Rock at WM28, that match doesn't need the title to be a great match and Cena mentioning that the match will be for the WWE Championship on the Raw that he did just made me cringe at the thought of him having it going into Mania which I don't want to see. It would be nice to see him in a match at Mania that isn't for a title for a change.


Also the WWE Title could be put in a match that it could help and thus get people wanting to see it. But the Rock vs. Cena match doesn't need to have the title in it.

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I can see Ziggler vs Riley for the US Title, Miz vs Mysterio (Maybe Miz coming out to say it's ridiculous that he doesn't have a match at Summerslam, should be in title match etc - out comes Mysterio and GM Alert goes off to say they will have am atch now) and Bryan vs Barrett.


Don't see them having another Morrison vs Truth match so soon seeing as the last match ended cleanly and the resurgence of Kofi and ADR feuding seems to have been just a short thing to give them both something to do on Raw. As someone else said, the Divas match won't go long and neither will Sheamus vs Henry so there might be room for a Jackson vs Rhodes IC Title match although I doubt it.



That would give us


Punk vs Cena - WWE Title

Christian vs Orton - World Heavyweight Title (No Holds Barred)

Sheamus vs Henry

Kelly Kelly vs Beth Phoenix - Divas Title

Daniel Bryan vs Wade Barrett

Miz vs Mysterio

Ziggler vs Riley - US Title

Cody Rhodes vs Ezekiel Jackson - IC Title (Maybe)


Imo, that is a very solid and interesting card, certainly worthy of purchase is anyones book.


Only thing would be the lack of Cody Rhodes if there is no IC Title match.


I'm thinking they might throw in a bonus match of something like Miz, ADR & Truth vs Mysterio, Kofi & Morrison.

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I think the reason no one has mentioned it is because it's common courtesy not to mention something that a lot of people would rather find out by watching the show. So if you could kindly put your above post in spoiler tags or at least edit it in some way that would be great :)
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I just read the last few pages and kind of had a chuckle to myself. I'm certainly no Cena fan, but there's certain Orton fans in the wrestling fandom that bury Cena for burying everyone and that cracks me up. No this isn't aimed at anyone here so don't get your panties in a wad ;)


At least Cena puts people over in promos. Orton BURIES every opponent in his promos. Heel Triple H did the same thing. Burying your opponents in promos does nothing and makes you look bad if you lose and doesn't do anything to help your credibility if you beat someone you had no reservations about facing to begin with.

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I just read the last few pages and kind of had a chuckle to myself. I'm certainly no Cena fan, but there's certain Orton fans in the wrestling fandom that bury Cena for burying everyone and that cracks me up. No this isn't aimed at anyone here so don't get your panties in a wad


I like Orton but agree with you to an extent. Especially the way he was booked against New Nexus was horrible (but certainly no fault of his). But he makes people look fairly good in the ring, I think.

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I like Orton but agree with you to an extent. Especially the way he was booked against New Nexus was horrible (but certainly no fault of his). But he makes people look fairly good in the ring, I think.


I feel like other people make him look better in the ring. For the longest time he was essentially just a psycho Super Cena who had his own five moves of doom.


I don't hate Orton, I just feel he's lazy and his gimmick of having anger management issues is just flat out dumb. But that has a lot to do with his lousy acting. He has the ability to have fantastic matches when he's facing someone that forces him to elevate his game.

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Agreed, Jaysin. Face Orton has been a little boring. I think if Cena wasn't around (as in got hurt and was off TV for awhile) he'd take alot more heat on the net.


I like the angle with Christian though. They've done good things with both characters to bring them along. In my opinion, Christian has been incredible with the heel turn. The man's very talented and I'm glad he's at the top of the company, even if it's as a heel.


I have to say when I was at Smackdown a few weeks ago that I saw MANY people buying Christian Tshirts. But if you notice Philly cheers heels a bit more than some other places.

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I've not been watching Smackdown every week but I've kept up with the big matches and I love the Christian/Orton feud, just the very idea of it. Seen some people saying it's dragging on but it just seems like the sort of thing that HAS to drag on. It's an issue that can not be resolved, the two of them feuding with anyone else would require one of them to in some way admit defeat, and I love that that hasn't happened yet. I hope it goes to HIAC for a proper resolution. Orton will almost certainly come out on top and I have no idea where the hell Christian goes from there, but at least he'd have had a good run.
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