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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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so much talent would be left out, it's a HORRIBLE idea right now. The superstars regulars would have no chance and guys like Morrison and Christian would be forgotten.


In the long run it doesnt matter though. Some guys might lose their jobs, fine, but WWE functioned for years with only one brand, why cant they do it again?


Make the brand split mean something, aka no-interaction, or end it. Dont just call someone from RAW and call someone from SmackDown! just so you can have more championships.


I think people forget what it is to have truely good booking. Back in the day they only had a handful of belts that mattered (dont count the euro or whatever) and it worked fine. They had to book guys in storylines that focused on things besides titles. Now when they try to do it with Punk/Nash people generally crap on it. Although I do agree, no one cares about Nash at this point. Why they didnt use it as an opportunity to elevate Jack Swagger or Mason Ryan or something is beyond me.

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In the long run it doesnt matter though. Some guys might lose their jobs, fine, but WWE functioned for years with only one brand, why cant they do it again?


Make the brand split mean something, aka no-interaction, or end it. Dont just call someone from RAW and call someone from SmackDown! just so you can have more championships.


I think people forget what it is to have truely good booking. Back in the day they only had a handful of belts that mattered (dont count the euro or whatever) and it worked fine. They had to book guys in storylines that focused on things besides titles. Now when they try to do it with Punk/Nash people generally crap on it. Although I do agree, no one cares about Nash at this point. Why they didnt use it as an opportunity to elevate Jack Swagger or Mason Ryan or something is beyond me.


Not only that but they would still have two shows to showcase the storylines. This would allow for multiple storylines still that can be spread out evenly and maybe offer up more build up to matches instead of just four episodes.


Personally I wish they would get rid of the women's division. It can have some nice action every now and then (....) but the feuds sucks and 80% of the matches just aren't fun.

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I honestly hope that they don't get rid of the brand split, because then the World Heavyweight Championship will probably be retired, and that's my favorite championship in all of wrestling, past or present. The design is excellent, it hasn't had a million short reigns like the WWE Championship has, and it just seems more like the top belt in a wrestling promotion to me. Sure, tbe past year the title's fueds and whatnot have been booked weak, but it is still more prestigous (and cooler) than the WWE Championship IMO.
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So now its Punk vs Trips? Punk is gonna get buried, just like all the others, RVD, Booker T and countless others. Oh well, his push was good while it lasted.


I don't think he'll get buried, or was that a joke. I see this as something that either solves a mystery or keep the storyline going to an eventual win for Punk. That's at least what I think it could be the burial of Punk for all I know.



I think the more obvious question is did Nash blow out his legs entering or exiting the ring? :p



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Well Legend,

The way I could see this going down, that Trips and Punk beat the ever living crap out of each other, only to have a "Dirty Finish" where Nash (or someone else) interferes, and then both Punk and Trips team up and possibly join up with John Cena (which I believe he WONT win the title at N.O.C.) further solidifying the mystery of who is the Shadowy "Corporation" and who is pulling the strings...


I STILL think its Vince. I mean he would have the most to gain and he will make all of his "enemies" suffer. He will make Punk suffer for taking the title in the first place, Cena for interfering with Vince and John Laurenitis and preventing him from screwing him over, and Triple H. I know y'all find this weird, but I wouldn't be surprised that Vince harbors a "secret hatred" for Trips, relieving him and taking over his job...Because Vince said it before, Vince (in his mind) is bigger than GOD!



I might be wrong......but I DOUBT IT.




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I REALLY dont want to see nWo come back. However, if Scott Hall shows up on WWE TV one night and does an Outsider's Edge to Punk... I would mark out like a child again and probably change all that. That would be a "holy crap" moment.


The only problem is if they did an nWo thing it would be X-Pac showing up and hitting the X-Factor on Punk. Hall has too many issues and is too out of shape for them to bring him in I feel. I would love to see the Outsiders dominate the tag division though.

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