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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Maybe the press release from USA network will help confirm that viewership in TV is way down from 1999, so with the adjusted ratings kept in mind, WWE is actually doing very well.


Buyrates are still low... but thats another matter entirely. There was no such thing as justin.tv and webstreaming live ppvs in 1999 either.



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SD was okay, not as good as some recent shows. Mark Henry is still on fire. The fans love Air Boom.


Sin Cara #2 makes a Mistico reference and unveils a new costume.


Happy that Sheamus didn't get pushed down to a midcard title reign. Zack Ryder's getting a sort-of push!


Orton and Christian again??? Decent match but I didn't need to see them wrestle again so soon.


As for Mania and the Undertaker: I'm not sure Sheamus should be taking him on so soon after a face turn but they could work a good match. Daniel Bryan would work because he could keep Taker grounded on the match so he doesn't kill himself, with Bryan desperately trying to make Taker submit.


My pick would be Miz/Truth v Taker handicap match. Truth ends up turning on Miz so he can get the pin only for Taker to Toimbstone them both. Could be a fun match.

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SD was okay, not as good as some recent shows. Mark Henry is still on fire. The fans love Air Boom.


Sin Cara #2 makes a Mistico reference and unveils a new costume.


Happy that Sheamus didn't get pushed down to a midcard title reign. Zack Ryder's getting a sort-of push!


Orton and Christian again??? Decent match but I didn't need to see them wrestle again so soon.


As for Mania and the Undertaker: I'm not sure Sheamus should be taking him on so soon after a face turn but they could work a good match. Daniel Bryan would work because he could keep Taker grounded on the match so he doesn't kill himself, with Bryan desperately trying to make Taker submit.


My pick would be Miz/Truth v Taker handicap match. Truth ends up turning on Miz so he can get the pin only for Taker to Toimbstone them both. Could be a fun match.


I think WM 28 would probably be the last time Taker wrestled at Mania (he might retire after WM 28 at least thats how I see it) but if WM 28 was his last match I don't think having him go 20-0 in a handicap match would be the way to go. He had a handicap match at WM 19 against A-Train and Nathan Jones and not a lot of people probably even remember that this match even happened. So for his last match to mean something it should be a singles match in my opinion.

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I think WM 28 would probably be the last time Taker wrestled at Mania (he might retire after WM 28 at least thats how I see it) but if WM 28 was his last match I don't think having him go 20-0 in a handicap match would be the way to go. He had a handicap match at WM 19 against A-Train and Nathan Jones and not a lot of people probably even remember that this match even happened. So for his last match to mean something it should be a singles match in my opinion.


I actually loved that one match at WM19. He was actually against The Big Show and A-Train. If I recall correctly Nathan Jones was supposed to be Taker's tag partner, but they changed that with a quick beatdown angle on the Sunday Night Heat right before the PPV. It was a good big man match IMO.

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I actually loved that one match at WM19. He was actually against The Big Show and A-Train. If I recall correctly Nathan Jones was supposed to be Taker's tag partner, but they changed that with a quick beatdown angle on the Sunday Night Heat right before the PPV. It was a good big man match IMO.


That's the one. WWE, who have had celebraties and announcers wrestle on PPV, decided that professional wrestler Nathan Jones sucked too much to even wrestle a tag team match. They did let him come out to "hit" a spinning kick on Big Show... I say "hit" loosely as rarely have I seen a kick miss by that much.

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This PPV tonight is my biggest WWE pet peeve ever but I still hope it's a good event and that Henry retains and solidifies himself here. Another staple monster heel wouldn't be bad, everyone else(Kane, Show, Taker) is fading away. And I guess they halted on Big Zeke, and God knows what they're doing with Mason Ryan.


I think WM 28 would probably be the last time Taker wrestled at Mania (he might retire after WM 28 at least thats how I see it) but if WM 28 was his last match I don't think having him go 20-0 in a handicap match would be the way to go. He had a handicap match at WM 19 against A-Train and Nathan Jones and not a lot of people probably even remember that this match even happened. So for his last match to mean something it should be a singles match in my opinion.


Personally, I don't see why it couldn't be a handicap match, with the right people and the right storyline/build/momentum it could pass on as pretty memorable. That said, it's pretty hard to figure how to get it right so I wouldn't count on it happening, but if they had a decent idea on the back of their minds, something like Awesome Truth vying to end the streak or a similar 'potential' duo, it could work.

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This PPV tonight is my biggest WWE pet peeve ever but I still hope it's a good event and that Henry retains and solidifies himself here. Another staple monster heel wouldn't be bad, everyone else(Kane, Show, Taker) is fading away. And I guess they halted on Big Zeke, and God knows what they're doing with Mason Ryan.




Personally, I don't see why it couldn't be a handicap match, with the right people and the right storyline/build/momentum it could pass on as pretty memorable. That said, it's pretty hard to figure how to get it right so I wouldn't count on it happening, but if they had a decent idea on the back of their minds, something like Awesome Truth vying to end the streak or a similar 'potential' duo, it could work.


I am not saying it couldn't work but for me its just more of a personal preference I would rather see Takers last match at Mania be a singles match then a handicap match. That's just me though and the WWE will do whatever they want to do.


and @WrestlingCentury thats the one I was thinking about but I may have got the participants mixed up.

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I see where you're comming from. A "Taker versus one opponent" match definately is more dramatic and means more. Problem is, no one knows what shape he's in or how good he can perform. There's rumors all over the place so we'll just have to see when he comes back I guess. If he can't perform well, they'll have lots of people involved and overbookt he crap out of it to make it more memorable.
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Del Rio's ring announcer unlocks the HIAC door, comes in with a lead pipe, Cena blocks him, gets him on his shoulders and leaves the cage, FU's him outside the HIAC but then gets blindsided by Del Rio, who locks the cage leaving Cena out. CM Punk had just crashed trough a table prior to that.


Del Rio hits CM Punk with the lead pipe across the face and pins him 1-2-3. Cena storms in the cage as it's being lifted, then two hoodies jump into the ring and start beating all three + referees etc., turns out it's Miz and R-Truth. Suddenly the HIAC cage lowers back down and the whole roster tries to get inside to no avail.


Triple H and John Laureanatis rush in with the whole roster and the police too, finally they cut the lock open and police rush in and arrest Miz and Truth. When they're being escorted Triple H assaults the two and he gets arrested too, he also punches/pushes Laureanatis away.


All matches were below *** and the crowd was dead troughout. Sin Cara vs. Sin Cara was filled with 'boring' and it was. Their chemistry was awful.

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Anytime you have the chance to end three straight PPVs with screwy finishes that create more questions than answers, all the while jerking around two of your few potential superstars (Punk and Del Rio), and cheapen the WWE Championship even more, you've gotta take it. I can't imagine what could possibly go wrong in that situation.
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I just going to quote a little nugget of info that I found on former WWE writer Dave Lagana's twitter. Kinda sums up the current state of the WWE.


WWE Title changed hands 8 times times in the last 78 days. 1978 to 1989 the WWE Title changed hands 7 times


There's a time and place for hotshotting titles, but 8 changes in 2 and a half months? Gracious. Not quite sure if they are trying to show that all 3 are equally matched or what, but I'm not 100% sure its working anymore.

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I just going to quote a little nugget of info that I found on former WWE writer Dave Lagana's twitter. Kinda sums up the current state of the WWE.




There's a time and place for hotshotting titles, but 8 changes in 2 and a half months? Gracious. Not quite sure if they are trying to show that all 3 are equally matched or what, but I'm not 100% sure its working anymore.


Since Edge vacated the title, the World title has changed hands four times.


And this part is strictly because one thing TNA bashers tend to use as an argument is how they "hot shot" the belt around, well their world title has only changed hands three times in that same time period.

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Christian v Sheamus - Strong opening match.


Sin Cara v Sin Cara - Fun but repetitive with all the head scissors and arm drags.


Air Boom v Ziggler/Swagger - Fun match again with a good finish.


Henry v Orton - A cell match was the perfect way to hide Henry's flaws and have him and Orton unload on each other. Second best match of the night.


Rhodes v Morrison - I love how they're using Cody to make the Intercontinental Title more prestigious. I smell a streak brewing.


Beth v Kelly - I actually enjoyed this one.


Del Rio v Punk v Cena - Epic! Good in-ring psychology and a some killer spots towards the end (Punk through the table, Cena locked out ensuring he wouldn't retain). Match of the night. Awesome Truth are now a hundred times better than Nexus ever were and JR's commentary was priceless.


Solid PPV all the way through and more memorable than Night of Champions.

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I do like what they're doing with Rhodes. He's a guy that should be main eventing, but since Henry's doing such a good job, it makes a lot of sense to keep Rhodes with the IC title for a while, building up both Rhodes and the IC title.


I watched the OMG DVD yesterday. I was pretty disappointed all the commentary was done in character. I thought that made it much less interesting than it could have been. But it was still a worthwhile watch on Netflix.

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Just flicked on Raw for the first time in god knows how long...and was instantly reminded why I don't.


Video of two guys attacking people with bats after a match. The two guys get arrested. Other guy punches them while they're in cuffs. The two guys press charges for assault.




I know they're going for a younger audience than when I was watching as a teen...but I'm pretty sure there are 10 year old scratching their heads at that one...

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