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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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No it has to be HHH because he is the best of all time. Or that is what the WWE would have you think. If he does end the streak...well it will just make me sick.:D


I loved it when he was running down John Laurinaitis because pretty much everything he said about John is what HHH did throughout his career. You know having his father-in-law and wife push him to the moon over more deserving wrestlers.

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You can't go wrong with Punk and Bryan in the opening segment. Straight Edge v Vegan!


Barrett in the skybox -- nice touch. Ziggler's wrestling is top notch right now. He could probably have a good match against anyone on the roster. Just like Cena, Orton is more interesting when he's out of the title picture (barring the Christian feud last year).


Punk v Bryan - Main event match in the middle of the show -- only on Raw, where angles are more important than matches. The match was good (even Cole got excited about Bryan's moves near the end) but they could do even better in a longer match. Jericho Codebreaker on Punk caught me off guard. Seemed fitting for Bryan to win by DQ. They should slow-build an intense rivalry between Bryand and Punk throughout 2012 ending in an epic iron man match at WM 29 in 2013.


Big win for Kofi over Miz. "Little Jimmy says you talk too much, Cole." Truth is funny.


I actually got excited when Kane was terrorizing Eve and Cena ran out. Even the fans were cheering Cena when he started bashing Kane with the steps. The Rumble was the setup, this was the payoff, but Kane's retreat means there's a whole lot more to come.


HHH having fun with Johnny Ace - Surprisingly satisfying segment. And then WTF -- it's freakin' Undertaker! Major mark out moment. Either it's Streak v Career or it's a fakeout and someone like Barrett or Miz takes a crack instead.


Pretty awesome Raw. Was expecting a letdown show after the Rumble but instead they had me excited more than once.

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HHH vs Taker stinks. But short of Cena or Punk, there isn't really a big huge opponent for him out there right now that people would care about. Maybe Jericho.


I'd rather see Punk vs Jericho than either of them versus Taker myself. And Cena is obviously tied up.


I know people go, "I think a young heel should end the streak" but the streak probably isn't ending. So it would be some young heel with 'Taker going over him... to what end?

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I'm not sure what the end-game is with Cena, but I'd guess they're trying to introduce a darker edge to him. Something that the 'hater' fans can relate to and cheer for. I've always thought a heel turn would be a bad move for him. I've been more in favour of a sideways twist, ala Sting going Crow in '96. Changing the mood of the character to something fresh and modern... although obviously I'm not suggesting rafters and facepaint.


I have to say I LOVED the Cena video package at the Rumble. The juxtaposition of love and hatred really worked for me. Some of the scenes with the little kids struck a chord. I'm actually interested in what's going on in kayfabe Cena's head. Ignoring the Kane/Ryder wackiness, there's a conflicted and compelling character there. Albeit one difficult to handle in the black & white wrestling world.


What I didn't like, was his inclusion in the whole "Be a Star" video. You had Sheamus and Punk talking believably about being bullied, then here's Cena, stuffed into an ill-fitting suit, awkwardly saying stuff. It did strike me as fake... So in a weird way I did like it because it added fire to the "phoney" argument. Intentional? I don't know. I resented his inclusion... In a good way?

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'Taker showing up and challenging Triple H makes no sense at all. Why does he want to wrestle Triple H? He already beat him at 'Mania last year. What's his beef?


Maybe he's just like Ryu in Street Fighter and just looking for a worthy opponent and since there aren't enough big names left, Trips was the first choice.

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'Taker showing up and challenging Triple H makes no sense at all. Why does he want to wrestle Triple H? He already beat him at 'Mania last year. What's his beef?


Sure `taker won, but he didn't "walk out" of Mania. And the only person to make mention of it was Hunter. The whole streak may be intact, but `taker's gone rhetoric.


However, if it was me, I wouldn't make it about Hunter. I'd make it about `taker. HHH walks out last night, next week, it's `taker face to face with Orton. `taker does the throat slash, Orton drops his head, and slowly backs out. Maybe Show or Henry the following week. The story doesn't become `taker's revenge against Hunter running his mouth, it becomes a locker room resigned to the fact that the streak is unstoppable. Until ... the Miz, who exudes the confidence to ignore what has been, and is young enough to believe himself different than the rest. Given the time, and `taker's ability to make Giant Gonzalez look like a threat, it's the perfect platform to solidify Miz as one of those marquee names.

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I don't think they're trying to turn Cena at all. They're trying to recreate Rock/Hogan, and right now the fans are only cheering for Rock. WWE want people to cheer for Cena too, and this aggressive character is achieving that.
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However, if it was me, I wouldn't make it about Hunter. I'd make it about `taker. HHH walks out last night, next week, it's `taker face to face with Orton. `taker does the throat slash, Orton drops his head, and slowly backs out. Maybe Show or Henry the following week. The story doesn't become `taker's revenge against Hunter running his mouth, it becomes a locker room resigned to the fact that the streak is unstoppable. Until ... the Miz, who exudes the confidence to ignore what has been, and is young enough to believe himself different than the rest. Given the time, and `taker's ability to make Giant Gonzalez look like a threat, it's the perfect platform to solidify Miz as one of those marquee names.

I really like this scenario.

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Am I the only one that thinks the idea of a 45 year old dude who looks his age shouldn't be treated as an unstoppable force of nature? I don't see why it's not a better story to have a guy like Wade Barrett just destroy the Undertaker for two months straight only to have Undertaker somehow pull out a win at WM rather than "I respect you, brother," for what, the 5th straight year?
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It'll be 'Taker vs HHH. It seems to me that they're going to go with Triple H being reluctant about it and 'Taker being the one to goad him into the match this time.


We shall see.





Cena is NOT going heel. The dirt sheets ran with an article about 6 weeks ago that had him worth an estimated $150 million (took into account merch sales, PPV buys when he's in the main event, etc.)


YOU might personally think he's stale. But he still does good business for the company. The Kane angle, just like the Nexus angle, just like almost every angle he's been in, is all about getting people to CHEER him again. This is what wrestling companies do. And just taking Monday night's Raw into consideration... I'd say it's working. Wrestling companies throughout history keep the top faces fresh until either (a) the face doesn't want to anymore or (b) he can't get over any more.


Cena gets a crazy reaction. Does he get booed? Yes. But people still buy his crap. The TV show does a little worse when he's not on. And PPVs do a little worse when he's not featured in a prominent match.


I don't think the plan is to turn him heel before he faces the Rock. I don't personally believe that was ever the plan. That match is money no matter what, and with both guys running as faces it adds a layer of uniqueness to it. Seeing the promos that ran during Royal Rumble (promos I'm sure we will see 1000 times before WM28) the video packages portray Cena as a determined face who is trying to perform for the fans.

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Am I the only one that thinks the idea of a 45 year old dude who looks his age shouldn't be treated as an unstoppable force of nature? I don't see why it's not a better story to have a guy like Wade Barrett just destroy the Undertaker for two months straight only to have Undertaker somehow pull out a win at WM rather than "I respect you, brother," for what, the 5th straight year?


I'd agree with you IF 'Taker wasn't outworking a good portion of the roster. Yeah, he's alot slower each year but still is a workhorse IMO. And I like the thought of Barrett destroying Taker till WM where the deadman would win and (hopefully) retire.

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Am I the only one that thinks the idea of a 45 year old dude who looks his age shouldn't be treated as an unstoppable force of nature? I don't see why it's not a better story to have a guy like Wade Barrett just destroy the Undertaker for two months straight only to have Undertaker somehow pull out a win at WM rather than "I respect you, brother," for what, the 5th straight year?


Heh, I more or less agree. Not so much on about the age part, though I see where you're coming from. But when you've seen it all w/ the likes of Hogan, Taker and etc tearing the house down for so long.. and thinking about it, Kane's not that far off, and he's on another of his dominant rides in his career.


To me it's never been just about a young heel ending the streak, rather simply about a young heel trying to finish it - something that, indeed, we haven't seen in three years. Hey, the HBK episodes were fun, then came Trips and technically even before that, we had two consecutive Streak vs. Title bouts. It has been a while, just seeing a heel having the odds stacked against him and trying to go for the jugular, trying to show the world he can handle the mindgames. And that even sounds like it's up Miz's palette as ever since he lost the title, he's always been on about everyone undermining him. But heck, what's done is done.

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I'd agree with you IF 'Taker wasn't outworking a good portion of the roster. Yeah, he's alot slower each year but still is a workhorse IMO. And I like the thought of Barrett destroying Taker till WM where the deadman would win and (hopefully) retire.


How can you say he's outworking the roster when he's taken basically an entire year off?


I think I'm just tired of 'Taker doing the same shtick. I don't even want a heel to take out Undertaker to make himself a "name" the way Orton tried to do or the way Miz might, I'd want a guy to just be built up as an Undertaker-killer and promise to end Undertaker's streak so we never have to hear about it ever again.

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