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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Seems since Prichard has taken over they are in repair mode, except for the GB stuff, but it will take probably more then a year of solid booking like now to repair all the previous damage. And if they wanted too WWE could make them seem like a threat. Hell for a while Nexus looked like a threat and apart from Wade they where/are all midcarders at best unless some really improve.

I think the Nexus was a good idea at heart and a honest good-faith risk, but they were definitely not ready, save for Bryan Danielson (and we don't need to explain why).


As for TNA, it's going to take a lot more than a year. Flair probably has to go, as much I hate to say. So does Hogan and Bischoff.

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So, Chris Jericho's suspension, due to denigrating the Brazilian flag.


Work or legit?




I honestly don't know on this one. Sounds like the kind of BS that WWE usually does to try to work the fans, and it seems to be known that Jericho is supposed to be touring with Fozzy this summer.


It smacks of a work to me, but I honestly don't know on this one.

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So, Chris Jericho's suspension, due to denigrating the Brazilian flag.


Work or legit?




I honestly don't know on this one. Sounds like the kind of BS that WWE usually does to try to work the fans, and it seems to be known that Jericho is supposed to be touring with Fozzy this summer.


It smacks of a work to me, but I honestly don't know on this one.


I'd say the controversy with the flag and nearly getting arrested was likely legit and then they saw it as a perfect excuse to write him off TV and just went with it.

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Loving Smackdown at the moment.


Usos v Titus/Young - Quality tag match if a little short. Good combo moves from both teams.


Santino v Ricardo - A true comedy match in the vein of Chikara.


Ryback - He needs better opponents but I did enjoy him applying his finisher and pinning 2 guys at once.


Quotes of the night:

Damien Sandow (to the crowd) - "Please remain silent when I am speaking, thank you."

Damien Sandow - "Please get him off, referee. Do you job! Do your job!"


Sign of the night: "Thank you Damien."


Promo of the night: No Way Out featuring Daniel Bryan and AJ Lee (silent movie style).


Bryan hitting Kane with a chair about 20 times was awesome! Del Rio as #1 Contender doesn't surprise me.

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So, Chris Jericho's suspension, due to denigrating the Brazilian flag.


Work or legit?




I honestly don't know on this one. Sounds like the kind of BS that WWE usually does to try to work the fans, and it seems to be known that Jericho is supposed to be touring with Fozzy this summer.


It smacks of a work to me, but I honestly don't know on this one.


If it's not a work it's pretty coincidentally well timed; Fozzy have a new album to release and are set to play at Download (Donnington Park) in two weeks time.

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"Internet intelligentsia" ugh...


If you can get past the horrendous writing it's actually a decent read. If I wasn't at work and bored I'd have never finished it though.


I would say that if the word bother you, maybe you don't know what they mean. :D What bothers me is that the idiot who wrote this article keeps confusing WCW with NWA. That alone makes him stupid. The article was too long and became boring at some point, but it is accurate in ´describing the state of things. Ps: If his high moment of the Punk vs Bryan match is a surfboard...God, what an idiot! However, Cena & Laurinaitis at the announce table, that was gold!


Loving Smackdown at the moment.


Usos v Titus/Young - Quality tag match if a little short. Good combo moves from both teams.


Santino v Ricardo - A true comedy match in the vein of Chikara.


Ryback - He needs better opponents but I did enjoy him applying his finisher and pinning 2 guys at once.


Quotes of the night:

Damien Sandow (to the crowd) - "Please remain silent when I am speaking, thank you."

Damien Sandow - "Please get him off, referee. Do you job! Do your job!"


Sign of the night: "Thank you Damien."


Promo of the night: No Way Out featuring Daniel Bryan and AJ Lee (silent movie style).


Bryan hitting Kane with a chair about 20 times was awesome! Del Rio as #1 Contender doesn't surprise me.


Smackdown was actually fun! Intense, with a good rythm (fast paced) and a lot of surprising twists. Damien Sandow rocks, and i totally agree with the highlights of Sandow that you've out on your post.


Edit: http://www.cagesideseats.com/2012/5/24/3042038/tna-files-a-lawsuit-with-wwe-for-contract-tampering-regarding-ric


Flair's bar tabs? OMG, talk about decline over decline with some more decline. So TNA and WWE are set to a legal battle? Oh well, guess it won't produce anything for TNA. They just have to suck it up!

I didn't saw that No Way Out Bryan-Aj promo (probably cut from the SD in my country), can you link me that?

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What bothered me was the typical crappy internet blog writing style where instead of writing like a normal person would, they overdo it with the vocab. It's literally creative writing 101 but whatever. I used that as an example, of which there are many in that article. Still, interesting points.
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What bothered me was the typical crappy internet blog writing style where instead of writing like a normal person would, they overdo it with the vocab. It's literally creative writing 101 but whatever. I used that as an example, of which there are many in that article. Still, interesting points.


I can't say you're wrong. And the guy does have a tendency to exagerate. I thibk he believes he's writing poetry. :D However one must point out that if the WWE is currently in this duality it was not something that Vince planned. And is also the proof that Cena isn't selling as much as he used to. Sure, he's probably still a great seller, but not as much as before.

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Cena isn't selling as much as he used to. Sure, he's probably still a great seller, but not as much as before.


Man I have never seen someone as obsessed with their dislike of John Cena as you. Everytime you can take a moment to declare that Cena is no longer a draw or never was or is just awful and hates domestic cats and one time let seven gold fish die due to neglect you pounce on it.


I have no idea what you mean by the WWE's duality I'm not sure I understand and haven't read previous pages.


I can only assume you mean that somehow the WWE's business in someway has declined and this somehow someway proof that Cena isn't the seller he used to be?


Have I missed something because isn't CM Punk the WWE Champion? Didn't they just bring in The Rock for about six months worth of business? Has John be regulated to matches with Kane and People Power and fighting Albert? Its not like they have had John in any kind of real money drawing programs.


I don't honestly even know what the WWE's business state is. I know that they got more buys off of WM than they had projected and lets face it anytime a business can say "I'd like to be here....and they exceed that then its good business, especially for a global company such as the WWE."


Just accept that fact that John Cena is one of only a half a dozen pro wrestlers that have any real main stream appeal. CM Punk is not getting involved with the Fiesta Bowl, he's going to be on a network reality show. There isn't a single active pro wrestler that has as much main stream attention as John Cena. He's easily the biggest star of this generation in every since of the word. He's been the face of this company for SEVEN years. Thats as long as Hogan, thats longer than Austin and The Rock. I'm not saying he's better or worse but simply put no matter what company and what business you are in. You don't put someone in a position to be at the top of your company unless they're making you money.


John Cena is more famous, has more drawing power, and in some ways is a better pro wrestler than your favorite wrestler even if that guys name is Shawn Michaels. Its as close to fact as you get in pro wrestling learn to deal with it, or keep writing angry letters to John in your basement at three in the morning. Whatever keeps you going. People power and all that.

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That one is awesome but lets not ignore these equally (if not more awesome) ppv posters.















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Guest codey
The top Orton one is really good. And is it me or does Orton look a lot like Cena in the second one? Also:




Not just you, I thought it was Cena until you mentioned it.

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That one is awesome but lets not ignore these equally (if not more awesome) ppv posters.





People do realise that's not an actual WWE poster, right? It's just a sad photoshop of the Hitman movie poster...



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People do realise that's not an actual WWE poster, right? It's just a sad photoshop of the Hitman movie poster...






Which is a play on the Hitman: Contracts cover...

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Man I have never seen someone as obsessed with their dislike of John Cena as you. Everytime you can take a moment to declare that Cena is no longer a draw or never was or is just awful and hates domestic cats and one time let seven gold fish die due to neglect you pounce on it.


I have no idea what you mean by the WWE's duality I'm not sure I understand and haven't read previous pages.


I can only assume you mean that somehow the WWE's business in someway has declined and this somehow someway proof that Cena isn't the seller he used to be?


Have I missed something because isn't CM Punk the WWE Champion? Didn't they just bring in The Rock for about six months worth of business? Has John be regulated to matches with Kane and People Power and fighting Albert? Its not like they have had John in any kind of real money drawing programs.


I don't honestly even know what the WWE's business state is. I know that they got more buys off of WM than they had projected and lets face it anytime a business can say "I'd like to be here....and they exceed that then its good business, especially for a global company such as the WWE."


Just accept that fact that John Cena is one of only a half a dozen pro wrestlers that have any real main stream appeal. CM Punk is not getting involved with the Fiesta Bowl, he's going to be on a network reality show. There isn't a single active pro wrestler that has as much main stream attention as John Cena. He's easily the biggest star of this generation in every since of the word. He's been the face of this company for SEVEN years. Thats as long as Hogan, thats longer than Austin and The Rock. I'm not saying he's better or worse but simply put no matter what company and what business you are in. You don't put someone in a position to be at the top of your company unless they're making you money.


John Cena is more famous, has more drawing power, and in some ways is a better pro wrestler than your favorite wrestler even if that guys name is Shawn Michaels. Its as close to fact as you get in pro wrestling learn to deal with it, or keep writing angry letters to John in your basement at three in the morning. Whatever keeps you going. People power and all that.


If you don't know what i'm talking about, maybe you shouldn't barge in the middle of a conversation that was already taking place, and was the result of a comment we were doing to an article. Plus, if i hate or don't hate Cena, that's my constitutional right. If you donp't like it, don't comment on my opinions about him. I didn't asked you to. And i usually see you as someone who's opinion is worhty of listening too. As far as Cena goes, i don't hate him as much as you think. But sure, i still don't like watching him over and over on my screen, portrayed the same way over and over. But...i'm don't wanna start yet another Cena discussion, because i don't want to give him that much importance.


Anyway...what happened with Jericho and the flag? Haven't heard about it.

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If you don't know what i'm talking about, maybe you shouldn't barge in the middle of a conversation that was already taking place, and was the result of a comment we were doing to an article. Plus, if i hate or don't hate Cena, that's my constitutional right. If you donp't like it, don't comment on my opinions about him. I didn't asked you to. And i usually see you as someone who's opinion is worhty of listening too. As far as Cena goes, i don't hate him as much as you think. But sure, i still don't like watching him over and over on my screen, portrayed the same way over and over. But...i'm don't wanna start yet another Cena discussion, because i don't want to give him that much importance.


Anyway...what happened with Jericho and the flag? Haven't heard about it.


I guess he just didn't read the linked article about the duality in the WWE, and how Cena and perhaps folks like Undertaker and the like don't really have to be a part of the "normal" roster. You had Cena headline with a comedy 'bout, and you had a great match between Punk and Bryan. Two main events for two different crowds with a match in the middle that was able to make the transition from one to the other.


The whole article gave me a bunch of flashbacks to discussions we've had over and over before here.... I can't imagine any of us that have said basically the same exact things from time to time, not thinking the article made sense... I mean it really did just say what most of us here have said before.

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How many times in a year do they need to turn Kane? I was kinda hopin we'd see another Punk/Bryan match unless they want to save it for a flagship PPV like Summerslam is next...


If Ryback thinks he's in Mortal Kombat he should at least say TOASTY every now and again.

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Meh think it read a bit too much into things and tried to be literary but wasn't overly successful in that. Punk and Cena appeal to different fanbases and Cena in WWE's eyes doesn't need the title anymore to headline. Duality? Nope.


I think the guy that wrote the article tries to find petry where it doesn't exist. Things are in the current state because Punk manage to change his status by his own, does changing a few things, but WWE is still the company that pushes big guys. Having Punk and Danielson compete in a very good match is a good start, and shows something change, but if we really thing about it, what happened is that McMahon found a golden goose in Punk and he always milks his golden gooses. End of story. As long as McMahon is alive, WWE will always follow the same MO, whith just a few twists and changes here and there to generate speculation and revenue. And Bryan wouldn't probably stiil be where he is now (ME scene) if the whole WM moment didn't got him more over then Sheamus. (thus backfiring, one can even say!)

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And the strong possibility of a de push for Danielson along the line, as the last couple of years they tend to throw someone into the main event for a while, depush, throw in again, depush and then let them become a more permanent fixture. CM Punk himself is the perfect example, Miz one currently in his depush, Sheamus in his second push.
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