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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Hell, what would've been the outrage if Triple H ended it, period?


That's why the post-reactions amuse me, no matter who you bring up as a potential streak ender, there would always, always be another side to the coin.


I agree, I mean as has been pointed out Brock has legit credibility. He was the Heavyweight Champion in a real sport. It is not like they chose Steve Lombardi to end the streak.

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The crowd going absolutely dead was fantastic and gave me goosebumps. That was the defining moment of the evening for me. Would I have booked it the same way? No, but you cannot argue with the end result. Brilliant theatre.


Completely agree. A moment I will never forget. If they wanted people to remember it forever and always think "why the hell did they do that?" - they accomplished it.

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What kool aid have you guys been drinking? The streak ending was like the best WM moment ever. I was angry, awed, in shock, but today I can appreciate it. It was something special. Great WM moment! Enjoy it! It had to end one day!


Exactly. Wrestling is all about moments and being talked about


Nobody would have even remembered the match if Taker had won. It would just be another year and another win

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What kool aid have you guys been drinking? The streak ending was like the best WM moment ever. I was angry, awed, in shock, but today I can appreciate it. It was something special. Great WM moment! Enjoy it! It had to end one day!




Taker knew he couldn't perform up to the level expected of him anymore, I believe. That match is a showing of time taking its toll on him. It sucks, because next year there's not going to be a Taker vs. whoever anticipation for months waiting for him to come back and it be revealed.


That moment was something, though. I pray they capitalize on it, and I can not wait to hear Paul Heyman tonight. My god what a promo that's gonna be.

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In my mind I've always judged Summerslam and other big PPVs on how good the matches are and to what extent they blow off or at least further some storyline, but Wrestlemania is all about making special moments. I think that's why I see last night as the perhaps the best wrestling show I've ever watched.


Cesaro turning face on the pre show

Hogan, Austin and Rock in the ring together

Triple H's entrance

Bryan finally getting revenge for everything HHH has done

Kofi's spot in the battle royal

Cesaro slamming Big Show and winning

Crowd all singing along with Bray

New stars (Shield) destroying the old guard

The streak ending!

Batista Bomb/RKO through the table

Bryan finishing his long journey and ending the show with the titles


Admittedly some of those you might just call cool moments but at the very least 3 or 4 of them will become historic memorable moments. I just can't think of any other PPV that can claim that.

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The Cena match was painful to watch for various reasons.


Like many people, I don't believe in Cena's in-ring talent because it's simply not there. There's no doubt he's a great asset to the company, as WWE worldwide is no longer just about wrestling. That said, I do enjoy some snippets of his work, like Mania 22. That was handled well.


The whole Cena getting 'angry' theme however, a major part of the match now, was as poorly handled as you could possibly imagine. Cena is a poor competitor, especially given the fact that's he's unqualified for any gimmick other than his current one. His angry moments were downright laughable, culminating in the ref going: "don't do it Cena, it's not who you are!".


"He stayed true to the Cenation"? He chairshot a man who wasn't even in the match. This did nothing to furthen his 'gimmick', which.



That said, I liked the event. The opening segment sold itself, the matches were good, so no problems there.

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Am I the only one who thought the fantastic opening segment with Hogan, Austin and The Rock was the best part of the show, and that it all pretty much went downhill from there...?


Sure, Undertaker losing the streak was a great moment that left me shocked for the first time in wrestling since... well, I can't even remember. But outside of the pinfall and the minutes that followed, the match was horrible. Lesnar was an exceptionally poor matchup for Undertaker if they aimed for a quality match.


Now I've never been an Undertaker fan, but like many others, I am puzzled by WWE chosing to let a part-timer end the streak. If they were to end it, I feel it should be a "company man" who did it. I've said this before, and I'll say it again: it should have been Cena who took down the streak, winning the match by cheating and turning heel. Sheamus or Orton could have worked as well, seeing as how they appear to be "company men" as well.


The Wyatt-Cena match told a story and furthered a storyline - unfortunately, they just didn't do it very well due to Cena and the referee over-acting absurdly.


At least the show ended the right way, with the fans going home (somewhat) happy after Bryan winning. Too bad Orton halfway botched the big Batista Bomb/RKO spot and seemingly got hurt, but as it was an extremely hard spot to time correctly I think it's understandable. Kudos to Orton for always going out there to give 110 %.


About Bryan btw... does he always use kicks so excessively? Seems to me like he hardly did anything else but kicking and diving out of the ring at WrestleMania...

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I would have picked a differently-built Barrett to end it, tbh, but w/e. I think Brock's a touch old and has a Khoklov syndrome that made him a bad choice; that said, Heyman can make it work.


As for kicks, the smaller one is, the better they would be against a larger opponent.

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Yeah Bryan does too many kicks, it was most of his offense last night and hurt the match which was still pretty god. I'm sure he's capable of more but that's all I've seen. Like I've said before on here he's just one of the most overrated wrestlers I've ever seen, little charisma, has gotten over in a way any other wrestler could have.


He's grown on me lately because he's starting to show more character but he's still very overrated

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finally watched it, loved HHH vs Bryan and the main event was good, Wyatt vs Cena was a llittle bit meh, i understand it was a story based match but Cena hulking and getting mad, it just looked like he was pulling faces at little kids


Undertaker vs Brock, it was good, i was actually cringing at one point, because Undertaker looked like he shouldn't be in there, unless hes such a great actor tht he looks in pain the whole time


i had a theory that tonight's RAW, the first segment will be Vince McMahon waking up in bed and going to the shower with Undertaker in there


and find out Wrestlemania XXX was all a dream and Undertakers streak is still intact

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The Cena match was painful to watch for various reasons.


Like many people, I don't believe in Cena's in-ring talent because it's simply not there. There's no doubt he's a great asset to the company, as WWE worldwide is no longer just about wrestling. That said, I do enjoy some snippets of his work, like Mania 22. That was handled well.


The whole Cena getting 'angry' theme however, a major part of the match now, was as poorly handled as you could possibly imagine. Cena is a poor competitor, especially given the fact that's he's unqualified for any gimmick other than his current one. His angry moments were downright laughable, culminating in the ref going: "don't do it Cena, it's not who you are!".


Don't think it's fair to say that at all. Even in just the past few years he's had quite a few top quality matches (Punk at MITB, Punk on RAW, Bryan at Summerslam are just ones off the top of my head). You might argue that Punk and Bryan are what made those matches (don't personally fully agree) but if it's as simple as Punk or Bryan carrying someone to really good matches then where are Big Shows great matches or many people for that matter. You can carry someone to a good match but nobody can be carried to the type of matches that Cena has had without having some talent to begin with.


There are plenty of reasons to not like Cena but it's undeniable that he is talented.

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I'll agree with ChristmasApe about John Cena's talent but those angry faces were stupid as hell. The story they were trying to tell basically started, went for about a fourth of the way and ended. Cena has done worse stuff against less evil opponents than Wyatt. The match should have either been Cena not going berserk and losing or Cena going berserk and winning the match. If they are going to do a story based match instead of a workrate one there needs to be character development and neither Bray Wyatt or Cena gained anything.
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I suppose instead of responding to other peoples opinions about last night, I'll just do my own quick thoughts on Mania

Preshow- Good match and good break up of The Real Americans after. The match did its job and a story advanced, so all solid.


Opening segment- While it was awesome for those three guys, I think it went on a bit long. Goodness gracious, it took us just 25 minutes to get to the promo for Bryan vs Triple H. Also, as cool of a moment as it was, it would have been way cooler to get Warrior in the ring too or something. Just imagine if Warrior even came out in street clothes with face paint and booking to the ring at a million miles an hour. Man that would have been awesome, but as it stands, with SCSA, Rock and Hogan we've had a good chunk of moments with 2 of them in the ring before at Mania so while cool, probably didn't need 25 minutes.


Bryan vs Triple H- Goodness I loved Stephs managing skills. I think as a manager she is really under utilized sometimes. I loved how she taunted Bryan, "You mess with the bull you get the horns! You know what I'm saying!?" Great heel work on her part antagonizing him while he was down.


Outlaws and Kane vs The Shield- Man this match went full speed but I think it worked after the bit more slower technical opening match. Got the crowd fired up a bit and and made The Shield look pretty strong and unified which is good since I think all of them will have a good future after The Shield. Also loved The Shields hound masks they wore to the ring also.


Andre Battle Royale-Once about half the people were eliminated it got better as it was easier to follow. For a battle royale though it was generally solid. Sheamus just laying in to Fandango was awesome as was Cesaros big power moment over Show at the end. Not like nobody has ever picked up Show before, but I don't think anyone has made it look quite that easy, especially to eliminate the big guy.


John Cena vs Bray Wyatt- Cena's faces were comical, but the match itself was pretty decent. Personally though, I think Cena really brought the match down by doing his best Jim Carey impressions a couple times. If he could have just snapped and did a couple vicious assaults with out the faces the match would have been a lot better. Darn Cena being super corny!


Lesnar vs Undertaker- I already said the match felt like it was in the final phase the whole time, and that could be because Undertaker suffered a concussion. (Providing thats not a work?) If that is the case, I feel like I can't be as harsh on it because I'm willing to bet Taker was supposed to be the one directing it, and if Lesnar had to take over, that's probably why some points felt awkward, like the Hells Gate, followed by Hells Gate...counted the same way both times. The finish was good though, unexpected and while Brock might not be my favorite person to break it, I have a hard time looking at the roster and seeing someone else who should have broke it last night or possibly even next year. There are a couple people who possibly could, but you might have a hard time justifying an unproven Reigns or Bray Wyatt, who while hot right now, we don't know his lasting appeal either. Say what you want about Brock taking it, it'll be a classic Mania moment, even if I do feel like I get punched in the childhood everytime I see it. I set a picture of a dejected Undertaker in the ring with the 21-1 graphic in the background for my phone wallpaper. It hurts.


Vickies UBER DIVA BRAWL- Started as an complete mess but after the Bellas double dive through the ropes the match got a lot better. Once it moved to a spot to spot affair, the match I thought got pretty good and everyone hit their spots at the right time. I think AJ probably should have given up the title, but it's not like im overly invested in any of the other divas to care that they didn't win it either.


Orton vs Batista vs Bryan

I think the crowd was still a bit shell shocked and stunned from the whole Taker match, but this was a still a good match. I liked the call back to crooked ref when HHH and Steph ran in, and think the match was generally laid out well. Orton earned a bit of respect in his toughness in my book after that terrible landing on the monitor. Good match overall, and a nice clear end game victory for Bryan. It's what he needed, its what a lot of the fans wanted so it worked. Another really good Mania moment to close the show.


Overall, reflecting back I think it is definitely a strong Wrestlemania overall, and if Taker had been able to be the director in his match, I think it probably would have been a bit smoother but overall it was a really enjoyable Mania from top to bottom I think.

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I thought the WrestleMania was great, I've read through here and understand people's opinions on John Cena and disappointment for the streak ending but I honestly don't mind either of those. The only thing that was weird to me was, all the finishers that were kicked out off. What's the point of having a finisher?? I know you're supposed to up your game for wrestlemania and all that but come on!!
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I thought the WrestleMania was great, I've read through here and understand people's opinions on John Cena and disappointment for the streak ending but I honestly don't mind either of those. The only thing that was weird to me was, all the finishers that were kicked out off. What's the point of having a finisher?? I know you're supposed to up your game for wrestlemania and all that but come on!!


A trillion percent agree. I find it so undermining to have the constant 'kick out of a finisher' scenario with WM. It devalues the move in doing so. I didn't watch it but I think I read Bryan kicked out of a pedigree? If so, that's ridiculous.

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A trillion percent agree. I find it so undermining to have the constant 'kick out of a finisher' scenario with WM. It devalues the move in doing so. I didn't watch it but I think I read Bryan kicked out of a pedigree? If so, that's ridiculous.


Bryan kicked out of a Pedigree, broke a Yes Lock applied by HHH, and also won after getting Batista Bombed into an RKO through the Spanish announce table.


Undertaker kicked out of 2 F5's and Lesnar took 2 Hell's Gates, a Last Ride, a Tombstone, and a Chokeslam before winning.

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Bryan kicked out of a Pedigree, broke a Yes Lock applied by HHH, and also won after getting Batista Bombed into an RKO through the Spanish announce table.


Undertaker kicked out of 2 F5's and Lesnar took 2 Hell's Gates, a Last Ride, a Tombstone, and a Chokeslam before winning.


Yea...... It's probably only my opinion, becoming a crinkly 'old' wrestling fan, but that just devalues the wrestler/finisher. The "super" vibe of the show, kicking out of finishers, is a sad reality for storytelling in wrestling.

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I'll echo those statements about RAW being absolutely awesome. I think a lot of things in WWE are pointing up right now.


Even though I wasn't happy with rumble and the chamber bc of Daniel not getting his, it has played out perfectly. I haven't been a "fan" of WWE, and other wrestling shows but WWE has my buy in right now.

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