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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Ugh, anyone else uncomfortable seeing Jamie Noble take those back bumps considering what retired him?


EDIT: Anonymous Raw GM is back:



I have a feeling it's only coming back for Cyber Monday. It's kinda fitting and the WWE's storyline is running at the exact right time for it. Plus, it'll give Hornswoggle something to do...for better or for worse!

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Yes SS was awesome. The only real criticism I'm reading here or anywhere else is "Meh. First two hours were average. Main event was the only thing memorable."


Oh you mean that breathtaking HOUR of WWE programming? LOL. Hate it break it to you, wrestling fans, but since you're so used to complaining all the time you don't even know when you're being entertained. If you watch a mediocre undercard and the last hour was a universally loved AWESOME main event... you just watched a hell of a PPV. Thank me later, folks.

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Yes SS was awesome. The only real criticism I'm reading here or anywhere else is "Meh. First two hours were average. Main event was the only thing memorable."


Oh you mean that breathtaking HOUR of WWE programming? LOL. Hate it break it to you, wrestling fans, but since you're so used to complaining all the time you don't even know when you're being entertained. If you watch a mediocre undercard and the last hour was a universally loved AWESOME main event... you just watched a hell of a PPV. Thank me later, folks.


Er, no.


That just means the last hour of the show made up for two shit hours (which let's face, was what it was when you get two different Divas matches, put Swagger-Cesaro on for the umpteenth time in the pre-show, redebut Fandango, and let the Bunny and Rose fight Slater/O'Neal like the stage was Main Event).


The fact that they were desperately filling up as much time as possible should have clued anyone in that this wasn't going to be a good top-to-bottom show, if the lack of promotion beforehand hadn't.

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Yes SS was awesome. The only real criticism I'm reading here or anywhere else is "Meh. First two hours were average. Main event was the only thing memorable."


Oh you mean that breathtaking HOUR of WWE programming? LOL. Hate it break it to you, wrestling fans, but since you're so used to complaining all the time you don't even know when you're being entertained. If you watch a mediocre undercard and the last hour was a universally loved AWESOME main event... you just watched a hell of a PPV. Thank me later, folks.


I have to disagree. If only 1/3rd of the show is "good", how can the whole show be "good"? If the majority of the show is average of below, but the main event is above average, then the show gets an average score (or so that's what TEW would tell us ;)).


I recently watched the new Godzilla movie, and didn't like it, except the last half an hour. Liking the last half an hour didn't make a two hour long movie good. It annoyed me that they spent so much time on the "finish" of the movie that the rest of it was neglected and felt like filler. Same can be said for Survivor Series. If I'm bored for two hours of a three hour PPV, I do not see that as a success.

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I have to disagree. If only 1/3rd of the show is "good", how can the whole show be "good"? If the majority of the show is average of below, but the main event is above average, then the show gets an average score (or so that's what TEW would tell us ;)).


I recently watched the new Godzilla movie, and didn't like it, except the last half an hour. Liking the last half an hour didn't make a two hour long movie good. It annoyed me that they spent so much time on the "finish" of the movie that the rest of it was neglected and felt like filler. Same can be said for Survivor Series. If I'm bored for two hours of a three hour PPV, I do not see that as a success.


The 2 major matches (Main event and Bray vs Ambrose) were good, IMO, and the Tag Title match in the undercard was fun. Not including the Pre-Show which I rarely watch, that leaves 3 undercard matches that weren't particularly good. The only real disappointment was Nikki and AJ not getting the chance to have a proper match.

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The 2 major matches (Main event and Bray vs Ambrose) were good, IMO, and the Tag Title match in the undercard was fun. Not including the Pre-Show which I rarely watch, that leaves 3 undercard matches that weren't particularly good. The only real disappointment was Nikki and AJ not getting the chance to have a proper match.


Obviously this all comes down to personal opinion, but I was a little bored - I over exaggerated a little, as I enjoyed Ambrose/Wyatt, but I was still a little bored for the majority of the show, until the main event.

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Its a rare show that thrills from top to bottom. I felt this was one of them. If not close to it. I enjoyed everything except the Adam Rose match. My point is AT WORST you saw a mediocre midcard with an incredible main event. Traditionally its pretty rare that all 3 hours of a wrestling show thrill everyone watching for every minute. A show where you get one memorable, enjoyable hour of PPV wrestling... thats great stuff man.
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I just noticed Tyson Kidd's 'Grumpy Cat'-themed legwarmers at Survivor Series. That man is just pure greatness. Fact.




The event itself was ok, with a nice finish that unfortunately was kinda spoiled to me as I went on fb before seeing the event (my mistake obv). The Adam Rose match, however, had no place on that card. But it's not like I hated it.

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Raw Review:


Opening segment - Trips and Steph are so damn good at working the mark crowds. D-Bry had some fun. The segment went on too long, though.

Ryback vs Henry - Squash match. Henry buried again.

Ambrose vs Harper (Intercontinental Championship) - Good match. The finish worked to protect both guys and Bray got his revenge, which will make Ambrose want to up the ante at TLC.

Dust Bros vs Team Mizdow (Tag Team Championship) - Lillian goofed! Solid match. Faking injury to the moneymaker was Miz's best performance of his career :D

Rusev, Lana, Sarge & Swagger - Amusing segment but Swagger/Rusev was put to bed weeks ago so that was lazy booking.

Gabriel vs Fandango - OK match.

Big Show - Worth listening to just to see Rowan kick his ass.

Brie vs AJ - OK match. Good promo work from AJ.

Rose & Bunny vs Kidd & Natalya - Harmless comedy match.

Concessions Kane - Pretty funny. The Ryback segment was the best one.

Ziggler & Cena vs Rollins, J&J Security - Fun match. J&J are awesome. Anonymous Raw GM - Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!


Verdict: Average show. Some entertaining promos and segments but not enough quality wrestling. And no Sting or Orton.

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Considering that Dolph sells a beating far better than Cena and is a better wrestler, with Dolph and Cena switching spots the match wouldn't have been nearly as good.


Exactly. I was actually BLOWN AWAY that Cena wasn't the savior. The fact they let Ziggler get the credit and show off the way he can... it was one of the best booking decisions WWE has made in a long time (I don't watch on a regular basis but I read results and follow along day to day to all wrestling news). I hope they finally give him the long term spotlight he deserves. The guy is an absolute star that makes everyone else look better.

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This isn't a meant to be a slight against Ziggler, or Rollins for that matter, but I think part of the reason Ziggler probably got the nod at the end of the match was due to

1.Big Show's turn angle works better by hitting the perceived strongest member on the team

2. Ziggler plays a scrapy underdog better, which was played up by the number advantage

3. Sting is the mega star face coming out, no need to have Cena in there distracting from that.


I think Sting would have looked less like a star with the biggest face, Cena, in the WWE in the ring also. Ziggler is getting a push, sure, but he isn't going to possibly steal the spotlight from Sting. If Cena were there, I think you'd have been expecting some kind of reaction from Cena getting up and actually rubbing shoulders with Sting and diminishing Sting's overall impact.


Just my thoughts though. I did definitely enjoy how it all played out.

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While I'm sure alot of what Punk says is true, I remember hearing a quote from Scott Levy (Raven) - Punk always had an inflated opinion of himself...


"WWE didn't make me...I was CM Punk before I got there"...just like how many other talented indie guys?


"Money isn't everything"...talks about how much money he should have made for the next hour and a half.


"I don't want to bash WWE"...rips on WWE for the next hour and a half.


Meh...talented guy but sounds like a narcissistic windbag, I'd rather see guys like Wyatt, Ambrose, Rollins and/or Bryan get his spot in WWE

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While I'm sure alot of what Punk says is true, I remember hearing a quote from Scott Levy (Raven) - Punk always had an inflated opinion of himself...


"WWE didn't make me...I was CM Punk before I got there"...just like how many other talented indie guys?


"Money isn't everything"...talks about how much money he should have made for the next hour and a half.


"I don't want to bash WWE"...rips on WWE for the next hour and a half.


Meh...talented guy but sounds like a narcissistic windbag, I'd rather see guys like Wyatt, Ambrose, Rollins and/or Bryan get his spot in WWE


And by most people's accounts Raven has an inflated opinion of himself. It's a common trait among wrestlers and performers in general. Also, you do realize how disrespectful it is to call him Scott Levy right?


Yeah, Punk can be a jackass, hell, Cabana even pointed it out in the interview! But I think what he said lines up with what a lot of people say about working there and (especially how little the doctors care) really raises quite a few questions in my mind about how WWE treat their wrestlers.

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I enjoyed the podcast.


I guess with anything you have to take one persons side with a pinch of salt but it was interesting anyway.


He did make the WWE doctor sound like a clueless tool at times. The Vince / Triple H bit before he walked was amazing if that's what happened.


I think he made some valid points about Triple H, Taker, Lesnar, Rock etc... all of them he was asked to lose 2 all either storyline retired (Triple H), or rarely on programming. He would lose to them with no rematch or no pay off. Plus they all got more than him at the previous wrestlemania despite him working his ass off all year.


The thing i picked up on was the 'money doesnt mean much' yet he always asked for more money or they should show him in his pay. Im sure his settlement in the recent case wasnt ice cream bars ;)

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