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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rickymex" data-cite="Rickymex" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>What is a world champ to you then?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Someone who can do it with charisma/character the new guys I see that in include Ambrose, Bray, Zayn, and to some degree Ziggler.</p><p> </p><p> I think part of it is WWE's creative they bore me to the point I barely watch at all anymore. I have started to dig NXT though and I think some of them could be big my personal favorites and I can't wait until they get to WWE is Big Cass and Enzo they are great too me.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheWrestlingMan" data-cite="TheWrestlingMan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Someone who can do it with charisma/character the new guys I see that in include Ambrose, Bray, Zayn, and to some degree Ziggler.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> To be honest the only one of those guys who really has something unique at the moment is Sami Zayn and his a real person gimmick.</p><p> </p><p> Ambrose is stuck doing wacky comedy and trying his hardest to make something out of it.</p><p> </p><p> Bray character has become so much of a joke and the creepy promo style has been so overused he's basically meaningless.</p><p> </p><p> Bryan is trying to rebuild momentum while still maintaining his YES! gimmick.</p><p> </p><p> Ziggler has no character whatsoever and his promo delivery on what I believe are scripts sucks.</p><p> </p><p> Going back to Daniel Bryan his best promo work at least to me was when he had just turned heel with the WHC and had a face AJ as his valet. He was a perfect little weasel through putting him against Big Show and Mark Henry made him the easy to cheer for underdog which doesn't quite make sense.</p>
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Someone who can do it with charisma/character the new guys I see that in include Ambrose, Bray, Zayn, and to some degree Ziggler.


I think part of it is WWE's creative they bore me to the point I barely watch at all anymore. I have started to dig NXT though and I think some of them could be big my personal favorites and I can't wait until they get to WWE is Big Cass and Enzo they are great too me.


I think they missed a rocket with Reigns. They moved him away from what got him over as a part of the Shield. Don't worry about him talking.


Monsters don't have to talk.


The one comparison that comes to mind a bit is Goldberg. Because they were both green. They both were powerhouse type, monster babyfaces. Goldberg chased Hogan. The whole story could have been him chasing Rollins. He just destroys everyone in his way. That's enough story telling without giving him terrible scripts or catch phrases.


it looks like they're still going to jump on that train, but I just don't think it'll be as high as it would have been for his first reign.

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Got to watch last nights Raw. Overall I thought it was ok. Random thoughts below:


While it was a very good match, I don't see why DB lost via pinfall to Wyatt. I'm ok with Kane cheating to cost him the victory I suppose, but I would have liked to see a DQ finish or at least more interference. Just seemed odd to have DB lose via pinfall in his first RAW match back. I suspect they got caught here because they have had so many DQ finishes lately and they don't want Wyatt to be seen as "on the payroll" of the authority, so they couldn't just have him and Kane do a 2 v 1 beatdown on DB. Just found it odd your booking a hot returning superstar to lose his first match back on raw.


I was ok with the reunion segments for the most part, but I wish they weren't positioning the Ascension as "Generic comedy joke mid card team #2452819" They were literally in the three man band spot here.


I thought the Main Event was fine, and the post match stuff was good. Sting costing Rollins worked well, and Trips' rant was also very good. They cemented Brock as a tweener killing machine, which I guess is what they want now but I question how that's going to work here.


Overall, what can you say that hasn't been said before. A good to very good one and a half hour show that falls to "meh" due to having 3 hours to fill.

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Got to watch last nights Raw. Overall I thought it was ok. Random thoughts below:


While it was a very good match, I don't see why DB lost via pinfall to Wyatt. I'm ok with Kane cheating to cost him the victory I suppose, but I would have liked to see a DQ finish or at least more interference. Just seemed odd to have DB lose via pinfall in his first RAW match back. I suspect they got caught here because they have had so many DQ finishes lately and they don't want Wyatt to be seen as "on the payroll" of the authority, so they couldn't just have him and Kane do a 2 v 1 beatdown on DB. Just found it odd your booking a hot returning superstar to lose his first match back on raw.


I was ok with the reunion segments for the most part, but I wish they weren't positioning the Ascension as "Generic comedy joke mid card team #2452819" They were literally in the three man band spot here.


I thought the Main Event was fine, and the post match stuff was good. Sting costing Rollins worked well, and Trips' rant was also very good. They cemented Brock as a tweener killing machine, which I guess is what they want now but I question how that's going to work here.


Overall, what can you say that hasn't been said before. A good to very good one and a half hour show that falls to "meh" due to having 3 hours to fill.


I mostly agree. A typically frustrating Raw because at least half the show was good and the rest was filler. They need to reduce the show by half an hour and better build up their midcard roster. Make the squash matches count and don't rely on giving away big matches like Bryan vs Wyatt and Cena vs Rollins on every Raw.


The only good part of the opening segment was Rollins doing his smarmy cowardly heel act from backstage. The main event ended in the best way possible with Sting screwing over the Authority again and Brock kicking ass to a nice crowd reaction.


Bryan vs Wyatt was booked well for me. Wyatt looks strong heading into the Rumble. Kane's interference makes Smackdown relevant and when Bryan beats him there he looks strong going into the Rumble. Although I expect the Authority to punish him by making him #1 entrant. Bryan would be a good iron man candidate whether he's winning the Rumble or not.


Kidd & Cesaro work well together but they did the job for New Day and are stuck with Adam Rose for no clear reason. The Divas did the best with the few minutes they were given. A tag match on Raw and longer singles matches on Smackdown and Main Event might be the best option to build the Divas division.


The Legends panel was harmless. No one picking Reigns helped sell it as unscripted. Big Show was great on the mic. He still has value when he's not in the main event and putting guys over in the midcard. Reigns did his thing to his best pop in awhile. Less is more booking is what he needs. He needs a 5-6 month build before he challenges someone (preferably Rollins for Championship). Have him win the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royale and have him bust out a new submission to beat Rusev at Wrestlemania.


The old school tag team reunion was fun but Vince has buried the crap out of The Ascension. At least on NXT they tried to get them over as a serious tag team instead of treating them like a garbage 80s throwback.

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They should be booking them like they were on NXT. Instead, they are another team with potential thrown down the drain due to Vince wanting to relive the 80's.


They should be booked the way everyone bitched about them being booked?


Did everyone suddenly forget that all they did in NXT was squash matches for pretty much their entire existence?

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They should be booked the way everyone bitched about them being booked?


Did everyone suddenly forget that all they did in NXT was squash matches for pretty much their entire existence?


They should be booked with the mystique and auroa that surrounded them when in NXT. They should not be like the LOD, who WWE also booked horribly.

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They should be booked the way everyone bitched about them being booked?


Did everyone suddenly forget that all they did in NXT was squash matches for pretty much their entire existence?


It's context


That's far better than being treated as an utter joke from day one. One is boring but it was clearly effective, the other accomplishes nothing unless they want a heel version of the Matadores

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At least the Matadores have actual in ring ability. The Ascension are just bad in pretty much every aspect.


They do but effectively burying them because they can't wrestle doesn't make sense since they are pushing Reigns hard right now and he's not exactly Misawa


It's like why have them in NXT doing one thing for two years and then change them completely. and it's not even like they are cocky because they dominated NXT, they are just random punks

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Vince has no clue sometimes. They could have dropped all the Ascension's cheesy crap (80s costume and script), not given them mic time they can't handle, had them squash a babyface tag team on their debut and had them beat the crap out of these veteran tag teams over the course of a few shows. Sort of like how the Shield were booked but without the numbers advantage. Now that would have put them over as a serious threat.


On a positive note, Trips broke kayfabe during the main event to console the distraught son of the drummer guy he "fired".



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I feel the Ascension have more skill and experience then Matadors.


Every member of the Colon family is far more talented than the Ascension ever will be. They may not have the prototypical WWE look, but Primo and Epico could wrestle circles around the Ascension.


They do but effectively burying them because they can't wrestle doesn't make sense since they are pushing Reigns hard right now and he's not exactly Misawa


It's like why have them in NXT doing one thing for two years and then change them completely. and it's not even like they are cocky because they dominated NXT, they are just random punks


Reigns has a great look, decent charisma and connects with the crowd when he doesn't talk. Konnor has spent nearly his entire career in developmental and has grown into what? Generic brute #35006. What are they going to do? Squash jobbers for another two years? That's certainly going to get the crowd behind them.


I think the only way to get them over is to put them with a mouthpiece, but even that won't cover up their awful ring work.

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On a positive note, Trips broke kayfabe during the main event to console the distraught son of the drummer guy he "fired".




Well, he's a father now so that probably softened him up. I thought it was classy to do and it's not like it hurts his heel persona, or WWE storylines for that matter, since kayfabe has been dead for a while.

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I read online that WWE has apparently dropped their stock on Roman Reigns. Hopefully, this means Reigns will not win the Rumble, and let someone who DESERVES it win it.


Apparently you haven't watched the show


His placement every week tells you what you need to know about how they view him. Top of the hour segments, saving legends, etc

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Apparently you haven't watched the show


His placement every week tells you what you need to know about how they view him. Top of the hour segments, saving legends, etc


I am telling you what I read. I think he was the least deserving of the Shield to get the mega push. He is just a typical big guy that Vince McMahon gets boners thinking about. I think when HHH takes over for good, we will see more Seth Rollins and CM Punk's on top instead of Roman Reigns and John Cena's.

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Forgive me if this has already been discussed...


Am I the only one that would like to see Seth Rollins win the World Title at Royal Rumble, and become the first person to hold the title while still holding the Money in the Bank contract?


I think it could lead to some interesting situations, and could lead to some good heel moments (such as losing the title, attacking his opponent after the loss, and then cashing in and immediately getting the title back.)


Or you could have a situation where he decides he doesn't need the briefcase anymore now that he's won the belt, and gives it away to someone he doesn't think will cash in against him, or to someone he thinks he could easily beat. Then that person cashes in and gets the better of Rollins, forcing him to get himself DQd or to cheat or something to keep the belt.

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Forgive me if this has already been discussed...


Am I the only one that would like to see Seth Rollins win the World Title at Royal Rumble, and become the first person to hold the title while still holding the Money in the Bank contract?


I think it could lead to some interesting situations, and could lead to some good heel moments (such as losing the title, attacking his opponent after the loss, and then cashing in and immediately getting the title back.)


Or you could have a situation where he decides he doesn't need the briefcase anymore now that he's won the belt, and gives it away to someone he doesn't think will cash in against him, or to someone he thinks he could easily beat. Then that person cashes in and gets the better of Rollins, forcing him to get himself DQd or to cheat or something to keep the belt.


That would be pretty cool. I think I'd prefer Rollins to have it in general just to have the belt on someone different, who isn't Cena or Lesnar.

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That would be pretty cool. I think I'd prefer Rollins to have it in general just to have the belt on someone different, who isn't Cena or Lesnar.


I still think we will end up having to suffer through a Mania main event of Bork Laser and the new John Cena in Roman Reigns. I wish this will not happen but odds are leaning toward this. I do find the aforementioned scenario cool, but it is very unlikely.

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