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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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There's an interview with Greg Gagne where he talks about this, and how WWF would run a show a week before the AWA would in the same town, using all the big names they got from the AWA. I think Greg says something to the effect of "They were more AWA than we were!"


Sound business strategy if that's the intended result, I guess.

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Chris Jericho was in full WWE Kiss arse mode during his episode. I hated the whole "yeah I was with WCW but really I wanted to be with WWE" BS.


He said that throughout his first book too. With him, I'd say it's entirely believable he was only using WCW to get noticed by Vince and company. Growing up he watched WWF and idolized Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Owen Hart, British Bulldogs...why would he want to go anywhere else?

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Vince was the underdog to that story. Now, the 80's was a different story.


Can't say I agree with that. WWF was the only national promotion in the country and even at the outset of Turner's buying in, WCW was a distant second.


Sticking to the metaphor I started with, you can't be David when you were already Goliath. WCW rose to the the same heights as WWF and then started beating them at their own game. That's the infuriating part; they never acknowledge that WCW was beating them at their own game, that they were put on the ropes when WCW used the same tactics as WWF did when closing down all of the regionals.


I mean, it makes for a better story. Who doesn't love an underdog? But living through it, watching it play out as a fan, week-to-week, it's not what they are portraying it to be.

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I think it's hilarious that they absolutely ignore Flair with a passion for this entire documentary because he singlehandedly would disprove the notion that all of their stars were gifted from WWF.


They didnt even talk about the first Hogan/Flair match. Hell they haven't even talked about the terrible usage and treatment of Flair in the NWO era. They've completely ignored one of the biggest stars of all time

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Aside the current product, another reason I don't subscribe to the WWE network. Mystification of history.


I would agree with this completely, but..


The biggest reason I'd subscribe would be to relive some of the history, particularly the NWA/WCW things, and the WWF stuff from the 80s and early 90s, (till about 94-95 or so, the New Generation). I don't think I could bring myself to watch the documentaries anymore, especially those Monday Night Wars things. The mere thought disturbs me.


I haven't been able to watch any of the wrestling TV shows, except for ROH, in months now, (life circumstances, not some kind of boycott or anything), and I'll have to be honest...


I'm kind of OK with that.


I still love the old stuff though. I could probably watch 1996 WCW all day and never get tired of it.

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I think it's hilarious that they absolutely ignore Flair with a passion for this entire documentary because he singlehandedly would disprove the notion that all of their stars were gifted from WWF.


They didnt even talk about the first Hogan/Flair match. Hell they haven't even talked about the terrible usage and treatment of Flair in the NWO era. They've completely ignored one of the biggest stars of all time


The series isn't over yet, is it? That's not me being sarcastic, but a serious question.


Hopefully next week's episode isn't a episode dedicated to Ric Flair :p

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I haven't seen any of the series on the network, but one thing I found amusing about previous documentaries was how they portrayed WCW as pure evil for trying to drive them out of business and cost people their livelihoods. But it was totally OK for Vince to do the exact same thing to the territories in the 80's, of course.


true, but in all honestly that era was dead with cable anyways, and if it wasn't vince someone would have done it anyways, be it croket or watts or turner buying someone and doing it. but you have to give it to vince, he was hungry at the time. took major risks and was able to make those offers and expand. and then take own a billion dollar company. winning yes, but only because the merger hurt wcw more than anything. the territory system as we knew it of the 70s early 80s would not be able to survive today. unless they made drastic changes and worked together . i always felt a hulu for wrestling would be great. but getting promotors working together is a thing of luck.

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Can't say I agree with that. WWF was the only national promotion in the country and even at the outset of Turner's buying in, WCW was a distant second.


Sticking to the metaphor I started with, you can't be David when you were already Goliath. WCW rose to the the same heights as WWF and then started beating them at their own game. That's the infuriating part; they never acknowledge that WCW was beating them at their own game, that they were put on the ropes when WCW used the same tactics as WWF did when closing down all of the regionals.


I mean, it makes for a better story. Who doesn't love an underdog? But living through it, watching it play out as a fan, week-to-week, it's not what they are portraying it to be.

Although I stand by my statement, I do 100% agree with you.


I was talking in terms of clout. WCW offered more money then Vince could at that time. Same thing Vince did with the Territories of the 80's (as described in other posts). When Turner took over, he automatically had national coverage. He also had the clout to get the big names and did. In that sense, he was Goliath and Vince was David.


Everything you said is IMO true. I'm not debating that part at all.

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WWE tells documentaries from their point of view lol. They're not passing this off as hard hitting journalism. And to be honest with you the monday night wars series, if anything, is a bit overly complementary of some of the things WCW did. Especially the Bill Goldberg episode. I eyerolled at some of that nonsense.


My biggest beef with the WWE network documentaries is they tend to repeat themselves. A LOT. A lot of the same interviews, the same clips over and over and over again. If you only watch Monday Night Wars you'll never notice. But once you watch Wrestlemania rewind, the Rivalries episode, the"beyond the ring" docs from their DVD releases, etc... you definitely notice. I'm pretty sure I heard Xpac say he made A LOT of money from Stone Cold about 10 thousand times. Oh he said it again in the brand new show?? Great...

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NXT Review:


Tag Team Battle Royale - Interesting idea, average execution. None of the teams worked together until the end. Itami distracted the Ascension and the Vaudevillians pulled a Miz by slipping back in the ring undetected to dump the former champs over for the win. Itami came out for a boring beatdown. At least he promised to bring a partner next week :)

Emma vs Carmella - Sloppy match. Emma did the job for the promising Carmella, who was suprisingly heelish considering her alignment with fan-favorites Enzo & Cass.

Gabriel vs Bull - Solid match won by Bull. The diving headbutt finisher needs to go.

Corbin vs Briggs - Corbin's squashes are entertaining. I love the way they bathe him in light at the end of his entrance. The crowd chanting "Baron's gonna kill you!" and counting the 15 seconds it took for Corbin to win was fun.

Leforte vs Louis - OK match won by Louis. Bad idea to break them up. They worked well as a tag team and I didn't want to root for either of them. Louis does make a good cartoon-esque villian, though.

Zayn vs Titus - Typical big man vs plucky underdog match. Next week Zayn has to face Breeze to get a title shot.


Verdict: Disappointing show -- quantity over quality. Next week should be the reverse with 3 potentially good matches scheduled.

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I got the Network when they offered it for free a couple of months back and after a couple of days of watching various stuff, it completely lost its novelty for me. I wanted to watch older stuff from the 70's and 80's and I did watch it but it began to bore me. I would never pay any money for the network.


As for them trying to portray themselves as the little company that could facing off against the mighty giant that was WCW. Well that has always been their view on the topic. Vince was the conquer in the 80's (He even sang about it on that song Stand Back, which was his message to other promoters at the time) and the poor underdog in the 90's.


That is why I always laugh when they praise the DX skit where they showed up at the WCW show on a tank. Because I remember a few years later when TNA wrestler's showed up while the WWE were shooting something (T.V. commercial?) and the minute the TNA people showed up they had security all over them. So it was innovative when they did it to WCW but it was not all right when it was done to them.

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That is why I always laugh when they praise the DX skit where they showed up at the WCW show on a tank. Because I remember a few years later when TNA wrestler's showed up while the WWE were shooting something (T.V. commercial?) and the minute the TNA people showed up they had security all over them. So it was innovative when they did it to WCW but it was not all right when it was done to them.


It worked when they did it to WCW but didn't work when TNA tried to do it because TNA is an irrelevant company. Seriously TNA is the worst wrestling company in the history of Wrestling (Bold statement I know) but it's the truth. So they (WWE) probably didn't want to associate themselves with a second rate hick wrestling company that wont make it out of 2014 alive.

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true, but in all honestly that era was dead with cable anyways, and if it wasn't vince someone would have done it anyways, be it croket or watts or turner buying someone and doing it. but you have to give it to vince, he was hungry at the time. took major risks and was able to make those offers and expand. and then take own a billion dollar company. winning yes, but only because the merger hurt wcw more than anything. the territory system as we knew it of the 70s early 80s would not be able to survive today. unless they made drastic changes and worked together . i always felt a hulu for wrestling would be great. but getting promotors working together is a thing of luck.

I totally agree with all of that, and I don't hold Vince's tactics in the 80's against him. It just strikes me as very hypocritical that they decry WCW swooping in and doing a lot of the same things to them.

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Seriously TNA is the worst wrestling company in the history of Wrestling (Bold statement I know) but it's the truth. So they (WWE) probably didn't want to associate themselves with a second rate hick wrestling company that wont make it out of 2014 alive.


Just release the anger, start up TEW and do it properly yourself while dreaming about the things that could have been. Same thing for the WCW Invasion era. :D

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It worked when they did it to WCW but didn't work when TNA tried to do it because TNA is an irrelevant company. Seriously TNA is the worst wrestling company in the history of Wrestling (Bold statement I know) but it's the truth. So they (WWE) probably didn't want to associate themselves with a second rate hick wrestling company that wont make it out of 2014 alive.


In a world where Wrestling Society X existed, your statement is false.

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NXT was kinda mediocre. I don't like the Sammy vs Titus matches. It would work great on RAW programming, but NXT fans want to see action. The boring chants were just, though uncalled for.


Funny how KENTA says he's tired of the two on one attack, yet he's the one initiating the whole encounter. I know The Ascention started the whole thing, but still... :p

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At least they HAD talented wrestlers. Now in a world where Juggalo Championship Wrestling exists (and tarnishes legends of great wrestlers.), that's a scary thing to think about now isn't it?


TNA has had consistently had some of the best talent in the USA in the company and JCW has never been taken seriously by anyone. It's just a promotion workers who are friends with ICP work for or a worker that wants to make a quick buck because ICP pays well.


I know this is the WWE thread, but claiming TNA is the worst wrestling company in history is just absolutely bonkers. There have been so many awful promotions over the years and TNA has had spurts of greatness.

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TNA has had consistently had some of the best talent in the USA in the company and JCW has never been taken seriously by anyone. It's just a promotion workers who are friends with ICP work for or a worker that wants to make a quick buck because ICP pays well.


I know this is the WWE thread, but claiming TNA is the worst wrestling company in history is just absolutely bonkers. There have been so many awful promotions over the years and TNA has had spurts of greatness.



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TNA has had consistently had some of the best talent in the USA in the company and JCW has never been taken seriously by anyone. It's just a promotion workers who are friends with ICP work for or a worker that wants to make a quick buck because ICP pays well.


I know this is the WWE thread, but claiming TNA is the worst wrestling company in history is just absolutely bonkers. There have been so many awful promotions over the years and TNA has had spurts of greatness.


Exactly my point. TNA has some great talent on TV these days (Bobby Roode, Samoa Joe, Jeff Hardy, Davey Richards, Eddie Edwards, Kenny King, Bobby Lashley, James Storm, Bully Ray, Low Ki, Gail Kim, Havok and Tarryn Terryl. And that's just some of the current lineup.)

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