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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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i am not up to date on WWE at all just what mates tell me and occasional looks on youtube, but any chance of Punk being a special guest referee, for Cena vs Rock, and i will admit i bought Wrestlemania last year for Rock vs Cena


but i am easily influenced i bought WM 25 (i think) for Miz and Morrison vs Carlito and Primo, but nobody told me at the time about it being on their website


but i got to see Rey Misterio in a Joker themed attire(i think), in a match that lasted half a minute


Punk will be wrestling The Undertaker at Wrestlemania and honestly if he was going to just be a special referee in the match he might as well be IN the match that would be a huge waste of him. Either way its a bummer that Punk is the odd man out this year once again.

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Does anyone think this will get more buys than their Cena v. Rock "once in a lifetime" Wrestlemania? I think this years buyrate will fall waaaaay short of the 1.2m that Wrestlemania 23 did - which is 2nd highest grossing (Rock v Cena last year only got 17,000 more buys than that). It may hit the 1m mark and gain a top 5 spot but as for outdoing the top two buyrates ever? I don't see it happening, but then I could be wrong - it's been known to happen once or twice ;)


Not even close, that goes without saying. But let's not forget the "once in a lifetime" match wasn't the only match that contributed to the huge buyrate last year.


Last Mania they really stacked the card. You could feel they went all out the second they announced HIAC for HHH/Taker 3. That's why I'm lukewarm about this upcoming WM, repeating the same bout but for the title.. now that won't cut even close to it, and we know that, so what's it gonna be then? Are they gonna lock HHH and Brock in a cell too? Or label their match-up as a street fight or last man standing with an array of weapons at their disposal and something wacky like a table catching on fire at the end?


They could've easily added Punk to the main-event, it was totally within their sights as an option to do. Especially considering Taker hasn't even shown his face on TV yet and they could literally still play dice on who he'll face at WM at this point.

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See I think it still does a monster buyrate. He had Snitch that just came out, Fast 6 which will without a doubt be one of if not maybe the biggest movie of the year coming out a month after this show drops. He's on every talk show, he's everywhere, he's the WWE Champion, the title is on the line. If anything there is MORE media involved with this one than the last one. Will it hit that buyrate again? Maybe not but it could get a lot closer than people are giving it credit for. Not too mention Brock vs. HHH finally feels personal. Brock dropping McMahon like that was a WTF moment, that brawl that HHH and Lesnar had on RAW was another WTF moment. Plus the Swagger media blitz with political hosts everywhere talking about the WWE.


Last years card was stacked? How. You had two matches, HHH vs. TAker, and Rock vs. Cena. Other than that you had Shemaus vs. Danielson, a big ass Lauranitis vs. Long GM match, Kane vs. Orton, Big Show vs. Cody Rhodes, CM Punk vs. Jericho and a diva's match. That sounds like a really good super show RAW to me outside of HHH vs. Taker and Rock vs. Cena. If anything this show has exactly the same type of card only The Rock's got more movies coming out and honestly is an even bigger star this year than he was last year and HHH vs. Brock can get a lot more buildup than HHH vs. Taker can.


Honestly it feels like a lot of people are saying "I wanted Punk in the main event because he was my favorite wrestler and since he's not I'm not interested" and thats fine but I don't think that should translate into "I don't think this show has a chance to be in the top 3 all time buyrates" when I think it has a puncher's chance of outdoing last years. Brock's involvement brings a certain fanbase, Swagger's media controversy could bring new eyes to the show.


The Rock alone this year has Fast 6, he just had the successful Snitch, he's got GI Joe, he's got Empire State of Mind thats four movies and two could be in the top 5 grossing movies of the year. Last year the Rock's only movie to come out was Journey 2.....so there is a CRAP TON more media and more eyes on The Rock this year holding that WWE title, bringing up John Cena that they may reach more people that are ultra casuals than previously.


I'm not saying they will set records but I'm saying that Punk's involvement does not help them at all businesswise and that there is still a very good chance more so than a lot of people are giving that this turns out to be the biggest buyrate of all time.

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I can't deny that I agree, if not 100%, darn close, with Stennick.


I fall into that category, "Would have been nice to see Punk vs Rock at mania (or Punk vs Cena), and go over", but I'm also a stickler for finishing what was started with Rock and Cena. We know Cena should win this match, unless Rock plans on sticking around far longer then I expect him to.


The only thing I think I disagree with is, as I said earlier in the thread that I felt that adding Punk to the main event is something I wouldn't like. That's all because, I don't see The Rock doing long term plans on the whole passing the torch thing. There is no one that he needs to do that with, more then Cena. As much as I'd like to see it happen with Punk, Cena's earned this more then any dozen other's on the show.


Plus, I'm certain Punk's going to end up with the title sometime this year... which means he beats the guy that beats the other guy, etc.

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Last years card was stacked? How. You had two matches, HHH vs. TAker, and Rock vs. Cena. Other than that you had Shemaus vs. Danielson, a big ass Lauranitis vs. Long GM match, Kane vs. Orton, Big Show vs. Cody Rhodes, CM Punk vs. Jericho and a diva's match. That sounds like a really good super show RAW to me outside of HHH vs. Taker and Rock vs. Cena. If anything this show has exactly the same type of card only The Rock's got more movies coming out and honestly is an even bigger star this year than he was last year and HHH vs. Brock can get a lot more buildup than HHH vs. Taker can.


Those "two matches" weren't for the title. They managed to book two matches which were bigger than the World title matches. It wasn't just "Sheamus vs. Danielson" and "Punk vs. Jericho" on the card, Jericho had freshly returned as a seasoned veteran and Sheamus, well he won the Rumble. Sure, that alone didn't add much to the World title bout, especially as Sheamus barely did anything with his victory but it was still considered the backdoor headliner at the time. (which is where the World title falls under just about every year anyway) There's at least two matches on there for every demographic to get invested in, to me the card looked stacked.


Of course, the way the matches turned out is a completely different story... no one expected the World title match to last 18 seconds. I felt they could've done without the cell stipulation, but they wanted to go all out on that one and it delivered.

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There was a hint at a Big Show face turn on Smackdown when he KO punched Reigns, who sold it like a champ. The Shield tried running in during Orton vs Big Show.


I'm not sure where they're going with Sheamus & Orton vs The Sheild but it's really entertaining. It's been a while since I've been entertained by a group like this. I'm not counting NXT because they weren't given a chance.


Del Rio vs Sandow was a great opener to the show as well. I'm really liking Del Rio lately ever since he turned face. Sandow looks great too even though I'm not a huge fan of the pink tights.


The Miz vs Cesaro in a 2/3 falls match was really good too. It kind of sucks when they do 2/3 falls matches on TV because they only showed two of the falls, the second fall happened during commercials. Cesaro is great, I've always liked him even before signing with the WWE however it seems like it might take the regular WWE crowd a while for them to warm up to him and actually give him a reaction. I guess it depends on who he wrestles though. I could watch Cesaro vs Orton 20 more times tbh and he gets a lot of boos against Orton obviously. And The Miz is well... Miz. I'm indifferent on him even though he is passionate about wrestling. He still acts really heelish even though he's a face.


Bryan and Kane are hilarious. Although, I'm getting a little impatient with Bryan turning on Kane. I think that's where it's going.

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I don't think it was much of a face turn-ish action for Big Show and more like "this dude bumped into me so I knocked him the f-out". I always felt that a complete monster like Big Show should never be on a multi-man feud. If a stable attacks him he shouldn't join the good guy mega team but just interfere between both of their matches and kick some ass. He shouldn't take out the entire stable but just focus on the leader or muscle of the group knock him out and next time have the group stay away from the giant.
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There was a hint at a Big Show face turn on Smackdown when he KO punched Reigns, who sold it like a champ. The Shield tried running in during Orton vs Big Show.


I'm not sure where they're going with Sheamus & Orton vs The Sheild but it's really entertaining. It's been a while since I've been entertained by a group like this. I'm not counting NXT because they weren't given a chance.


Del Rio vs Sandow was a great opener to the show as well. I'm really liking Del Rio lately ever since he turned face. Sandow looks great too even though I'm not a huge fan of the pink tights.


The Miz vs Cesaro in a 2/3 falls match was really good too. It kind of sucks when they do 2/3 falls matches on TV because they only showed two of the falls, the second fall happened during commercials. Cesaro is great, I've always liked him even before signing with the WWE however it seems like it might take the regular WWE crowd a while for them to warm up to him and actually give him a reaction. I guess it depends on who he wrestles though. I could watch Cesaro vs Orton 20 more times tbh and he gets a lot of boos against Orton obviously. And The Miz is well... Miz. I'm indifferent on him even though he is passionate about wrestling. He still acts really heelish even though he's a face.


Bryan and Kane are hilarious. Although, I'm getting a little impatient with Bryan turning on Kane. I think that's where it's going.


On your being able to watch Cesaro vs. Orton 20 times I could do that, plus Sheamus and Cesaro have really good chemistry and I could watch them have 30 matches and it wouldn't get old to me!:D

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I think they are wrong about the WWE's stock flopping this year. If anything its poised for a huge boost. Sometime very soon Neislon is going to start adding things like social media as well as broad band media devices as well. So if you're watching the WWE on Hulu, or tweeting about #RAW.


With as much emphasis as the WWE puts on twitter and their own TOUT now not too mention the big business they are doing on Youtube and Hulu their ratings could be sky rocketing and when their rating gets that bump their advertising revenue will as well which will only help grow the stock not the other way around.

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Does anybodt else think a number 1 contender match for the streak is a bit weak? Especially with Vicky making the call? I get a lot of people wanted it but they shoe horned in a bunch of people saying they wanted the streak and then made a main event. I think the streak should be different to a title or anything else because of it's aura and mystique it shouldn't be as easily attainable as just winning a match. I would have preferred Punk to be obsessed in chasing Taker, because the only way to outshine Cena and The Rock would be to take the streak at mania so it will be remember as Punk's Mania (since he has been desperate to be in the main event; they still might go this way) I found it to be lazy booking and would've preferred the match to be made more 'organically'.
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Fast 6 which will without a doubt be one of if not maybe the biggest movie of the year


Number 1 car racing movie of the year maybe. Fast 5 did 200 million, which is nice, but with Iron Man and Superman coming out they'll dominate the summer box office. We'll see though. It probably won't even be the biggest Rock movie of the year with GI Joe coming out. :-P


I'm mostly messing around but $250 million is Fast 6's expected box office take. And these movies usually get pretty close to their expected gross. As disgusting as it is to blow off $250 mil in box office gross, it's not enough to be number one anymore. You need to be up around $400 mil.


Otherwise, I agree with what you said. Rock's star is as bright as it's ever been and I think the PPV does massive business this year. His match with whoever is a major draw, but with Cena, it's one of the biggest matches they could possibly put together right now. Probably the biggest. HHH/Lesnar is slight throwaway but that's technically a main even level match right there. Punk/'Taker is obv is big draw. Swagger/Del Rio is less so but it's going to attract it's audience. And the (probable) Orton/Sheamus/Big show vs The Sield match is interesting as well. Throw in Ryback vs Mark Henry and I think that's a pretty solid wrestlemania on paper that does massive buy rates (by today's standards anyway).


Plus... world's largest harlem shake??

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It is official. I am a fan of the Fandango character but I hate the name. Great ALMOST debut!


Fandango - Tonight was the night that you...ALMOST...almost...got to see the debut of...


Random fan - JOHNNY CURTIS!!!


I LOL'd. :D Wonder whom the WWE is going to have him feud with...

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yea, that whole bit was too jack sparrow for my taste.


Overall I thought Raw was good, although the whole fatal 4 way to decide who gets taker was stupid. Would have just preferred punk to go on his rant about taking the streak PRIOR to taker coming back, and essentially saying "Ill end the streak, if the coward even has the balls to show up!"


Then have the gong hit, and BAM, your golden. instead, as other's have mentioned, we get some silly four way, which considering HBK and Trips both had to BEG for a match against taker, seems like it cheapens the streak.

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I'd rather see men fighting for the honour than men begging for the honour. Although the four way does sound a little last minute. Deciding the challenger for the Undertaker deserves more build.


granted, what I was trying to say, and likely not doing a good job of, is it feels like with the streak, getting a shot to end it should involve more than showing up on a raw and vicki booking a random 4 way to decide who gets that opportunity.


Wine me and Dine me first, ya know? breaking the streak is a huge deal, the last 5 years you (the WWE creative department) have made it a huge deal to even be given the chance to step in the ring with the streak in the line. compare that to this year which was essentially:


Punk: I'm bored! I think I'll end the streak since i have nothing to do at mania

Orton: I too, am bored! plus I tried this before and it didn't work well, so I should get another shot, tots.

Big Show: I to am bored! and i also tried before and failed!

Shemus: BROGUE!!!!!!


Vicki: good points! is anyone else in the back bored and off the mania card? I could book a six pack? fandango? no? ok then! random 4 way tonight for a once in a life time opportunity!

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It's weird... I'm usually psyched for Wrestlemania by now but this is the first time in a long time that I just don't seem to care too much. Going into the Royal Rumble I usually get excited, but it played out exactly as I expected it to and I was disappointed by it. Then Elimination Chamber came along and the major plot points played out as I expected them to, so I was once again left disappointed. And now they've added the Triple H/Lesnar match I've been expecting since Summerslam and it makes me sad. Even the CM Punk/Undertaker match that I should be frothing at the mouth to see, I'm just not psyched about, because the hype so far has been really weak. You can pretty much tell that they weren't sure until very recently that Undertaker was going to be ready for Wrestlemania and it shows in how poor the storyline has been for it so far.


Now, don't get me wrong, by time Wrestlemania rolls around I'm sure I'll be excited and ready to go. Undertaker and Punk has the potential to be a career making match for CM Punk and I'm personally pulling for him to win it. I've got a roadmap of what I expect from the match in my head and it feels awesome (though I won't go into detail), so it should be great. I'm sure the hype video for it will get me excited. Rock/Cena will make the WWE lots of money, I just hope the crowd stay with it since it's probably going to be the last match and has the potential to be a dud if they put it on after something awesome like Taker/Punk is likely to be. Del Rio/Swagger could be an interesting match, particularly if Ziggler starts doing something interesting with the case like... I dunno... telling them that he's going to make them pull double duty at Wrestlemania and that he's going to walk out champion. Shield vs whoever could be awesome, the Shield have made me very happy with their matches so far. :) Lesnar/Hunter should be a pretty wild brawl that could be awesome or mediocre depending on if they manage to bring their A games. Ryback/Mark Henry? Sounds terrible on paper but I like them enough to try to get excited about it. A tag title match maybe? Probably not... a women's title match that no-one will care about will be on the show, that makes me sad. :(


All in all... I want to be excited by Wrestlemania but I'm waiting for a storyline to hook me in and make me NEED to watch instead of just wanting to. I'm sure they'll get it soon, but usually I'm hooked about 6 weeks ago. I'm more excited for TNA Lockdown than I am for Wrestlemania and even as a TNA fan I never expected to say that. :p

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I don't know what order it will be, but obviously Cena vs Rock will be last.


Also, although I know if I watch it, I'm going to be fooled many times during the match, because of the two involved, but I can't see them ending Undertaker's streak with Punk. Punk's proved to me that he can bounce back from multiple loss's and still come out on top, or on top of the discussions.


Personally, I would never break the Undertaker's streak. Beating him at this point is NOT going to do what everyone acts like it's going to do (it wouldn't of the last couple of years), which is somehow catapult them into a higher level. Sure... If it is Zack Ryder that beats the streak, it might help. Taker is old, and everyone is aware that he's only a once a year phenom, so anyone on the upper side of the card will just be remembered for ending an old man's streak.


Example: Punk win's, Punk fan gets excited "Punk beat the streak when no one else could do it!!", everyone else "Punk beat the streak after Taker was well past his prime, and he barely did it... In Taker's prime, when other people were trying to beat him, he would have beat Punk in under a minute."


Now, if Punk was to come out and totally make Taker look bad, ending the streak as if it was the easiest thing he's done since he come to WWE, then it might help.

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