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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Roxxi broke her ankle? But she was on a roll! To tell the truth, I had never seen Roxxi wrestle before she came back recently. I'd have to say that she is the best Knockout skill wise.


WTF? Seriously?


So she's a better worker than Tara, Sarita, Hamada...hell I don't even think she's as good as Taylor Wilde, Kong or ODB.



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WTF? Seriously?


So she's a better worker than Tara, Sarita, Hamada...hell I don't even think she's as good as Taylor Wilde, Kong or ODB.




Calm down, it's just opinions. I've only seen two of Roxxi's matches, so my opinion is probably off. Also, I wasn't really thinking about most of the other Knockouts at that moment.

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Calm down, it's just opinions. I've only seen two of Roxxi's matches, so my opinion is probably off. Also, I wasn't really thinking about most of the other Knockouts at that moment.




You've seen two matches and made a statement comparing her to the other Knockouts on the roster even though you weren't really thinking about the other Knockouts on the roster at the time...


I stand by my WTF lol ;)

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TNA President Dixie Carter has announced on her Twitter page that TNA has signed indy standout tag team The Young Bucks. She thanked the fans for their input on the team and said that they show great potential.


Dixie noted: Proud to report TNA has signed the Young Bucks. Thanks to all of you for the input on them. They show great potential.


Reported by: Ryan Clark

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Thats bull if they do because Matt and Nick Jackson sounds alright.


Well... They come off as second-rate Hardy Boys a little as it is. Two high flying, pretty boy brothers, one with blonde hair, one with dark hair, wearing colourful outfits, one of which is called Matt... It's a nice layer to have in subtly, and it's fine for the indies, but I think TNA should distance themselves from that a bit. Name change would be fine. Matt & Nick Jackson is a bit boring at any rate.

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Well... They come off as second-rate Hardy Boys a little as it is. Two high flying, pretty boy brothers, one with blonde hair, one with dark hair, wearing colourful outfits, one of which is called Matt... It's a nice layer to have in subtly, and it's fine for the indies, but I think TNA should distance themselves from that a bit. Name change would be fine. Matt & Nick Jackson is a bit boring at any rate.


True but that is the only true part of their real names as there last name is Massie.

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As long as it's not from 'the Desmond Wolfe school of bad names', they should be able to come up with something decent for them.


I may be wrong, but didn't Mcguinness come up with that name himself? I didn't think much of it at first, but I must admit, it's grown on me a bit although the announcers have hinted that Wolfe is an alias being used (something they haven't done with numerous others, like Velvet Sky, etc), so maybe it'll be dropped in time anyway.

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I may be wrong, but didn't Mcguinness come up with that name himself? I didn't think much of it at first, but I must admit, it's grown on me a bit although the announcers have hinted that Wolfe is an alias being used (something they haven't done with numerous others, like Velvet Sky, etc), so maybe it'll be dropped in time anyway.


I'm pretty sure you are correct and Nigel came up with it himself.

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Here is a question for people.....Who pays who in the tna situation with universal? I mean.....i am sure some people go to the park just to watch the show.......and some say "o hey, tna is taping something i should check it out". So does tna pay them because of the increased trafic to the park or does tna pay them to "rent" the area in the park?


It's zero both ways. TNA can use the place rent free and Universal get the added attraction. TNA makes the bulk of their revenue off of TV licensing etc.

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I may be wrong, but didn't Mcguinness come up with that name himself? I didn't think much of it at first, but I must admit, it's grown on me a bit although the announcers have hinted that Wolfe is an alias being used (something they haven't done with numerous others, like Velvet Sky, etc), so maybe it'll be dropped in time anyway.


Russo came up with it and Nigel liked and agreed to it, they give the talent veto rights on the names. Hell Nigel McGunness isn't even his real name. They just mentioned it as a "shout out" to the indy fans, they won't be using it unless he agrees to give the intellectual rights to TNA.

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I'm thinking that it will be an all female one for two hours this week followed by two hours of a regular show.



My understanding is that it will be a two hour all Knockouts telecast, featuring a one night 8 knockout tournament, which will be followed by a two hour special showing the 5 best pay per view matches of the year.

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