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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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What was with Hogans promos tonight?


He was in back all day yet being shown coming in his limo???


Telling JJ that workers can no longer rest on their name alone and have to earn their spot. An interesting choice to deliver that promo I thought.


I guess Im just trying to piece together what all of these additions(Hogan, Flair, Hall) that cant wrestle are going to do when TNA has a few workers already doing that exact same thing.


Kind of seems like something you might do on TEW when you have a lot of money to burn and want to rush into a National Promotion without having a well thought out plan.

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What was with Hogans promos tonight?


He was in back all day yet being shown coming in his limo???


Telling JJ that workers can no longer rest on their name alone and have to earn their spot. An interesting choice to deliver that promo I thought.


I guess Im just trying to piece together what all of these additions(Hogan, Flair, Hall) that cant wrestle are going to do when TNA has a few workers already doing that exact same thing.


Kind of seems like something you might do on TEW when you have a lot of money to burn and want to rush into a National Promotion without having a well thought out plan.


Yeah Hogan's promo kind of fell flat to me.


Why the hell would they bring in Scott Hall and the 1,2,3 Kid? Didn't Hall show up drunk at one of their PPV's last year with the ICP? And I would have been very happy to never see X-Pac on my televison again. I hate that dude with a passion (even though I don't know him).


I just want to see Sting vs. Flair one more time. I know both are old and broken down now and well past their respective primes. But you know what? I don't care because it is Sting and Ric Flair! If anybody should have a retirement match with Ric Flair, it should be Sting who he has had a long and great history with.


And what was up with the Raven and Stevie Richards match? Why did they have to be the jobbers of the night?

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Yeah Scott Hall and 123 Kid are pretty much worthless right now so who knows on them.


I wonder if TNA hasnt figured out that the problem with their show is not the roster its the booking.


They have plenty of great talent and they certainly dont need to flood it with worthless past their prime workers.


Having a guy like Hogan, Flair, Nash or Foley as a special attraction is nice to bring in some fans but having them as full time performers just takes away from the guys they need to build around.


It seems like TNA just got impatient and is throwing all of their chips in the middle right now.


I like the fact that they ended the show with a great match though. Having AJ win clean over Kurt is a promising sign of things to come.

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The purpose of Hall and Waltman was, so far as I can gather, so that Hogan could emphasize the "we're not doing WCW again". Honestly, if that was indeed the purpose, it felt pretty overt and heavy-handed. Unnecessary. You can get the same point across without getting your buddies one more payday, which really struck me as the purpose.


And I have to agree that Hogan's promos felt... off...

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Yeah Scott Hall and 123 Kid are pretty much worthless right now so who knows on them.


I wonder if TNA hasnt figured out that the problem with their show is not the roster its the booking.


They have plenty of great talent and they certainly dont need to flood it with worthless past their prime workers.


Having a guy like Hogan, Flair, Nash or Foley as a special attraction is nice to bring in some fans but having them as full time performers just takes away from the guys they need to build around.


It seems like TNA just got impatient and is throwing all of their chips in the middle right now.


I like the fact that they ended the show with a great match though. Having AJ win clean over Kurt is a promising sign of things to come.


Hall and Pac basically bring some name value. They will be gone within a few months I guarantee it. There is no way either one is motivated enough to do anything but screw up. Flair is a waste. He is the definition of a guy that can just not let it go. He should have a great thing gonig as a manager or GM in WWE but he refuses to let it go. Your 60! Your going to die in the ring...quit getting married and divorced...save some money and let you body have a rest.

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X-Pac is far from worthless. Next to Shawn, he is easily the best worker of the Kliq.


Scott Hall could be useful if used right. Midcarder-to-uppermidcarder that is used to put over new stars.


Ric Flair is useful just because he is f*cking Ric Flair.


Eric Bischoff played his role perfectly and will be a great addition to TNA.


Val Venis is worthless. Midcarder at best, that will be released within a year.


Orlando Jordan was a worthless signing as well.


Shannon Moore will be decent in the X-Division, once they refocus on it a bit.


Jeff Hardy is a much needed "Main Event Level" star that is still over and can still wrestle, plus can wrestle heavyweights and cruiserweights.


The Nasty Boyz should be used to feud with Team 3D then put over a young team on their way out.


The return of Sting was wrote pefectly.


The return of Double J was eh. Expected something more.


Bubba the Love Sponge was strictly to have somebody in the media that will be a TNA defender.

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Jeff Hardy and RIc Flair are the big signings, I think. And I think the Nasty Boys bit could wind up being funny if done right. I'm just worried they'll end up putting them over guys like the Machine Guns. Shannon Moore is always exciting too. Val Venis and Orlando Jordan though? What's the point? And yea, TNA seems full of non-wrestling personalities as it is. Adding the nWo guys seems a bit much.
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My Impact Review




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Steel Asylum


To me it looked to be a great match to get everyone hyped. Yeah it might have been better getting a less gimmicky match, but i was cool with it. As for the finnish. A line Hurricane might use... "what up wit dat!" i mean seriously. doesnt TNA have enough screwy finnishes? And Homicide's obvious botch at getting out had me on edge.



Jeff's Return


So he goes from WWE World Champ to attacking Homicide? a HUGE and young star like Hardy was wasted in my opinion



Shannon in TNA


I really hope he gets used properly, He's a good wrestler and has tons going for him. Lets hope TNA treats him better than WWE



Hogan Limo Arriving


Call me old school but i was genuinly impressed and excited at how he was hyped for comming to the arena, it took me back to the old WWE/WCW days at how it was put together.



Tara vs ODB for the Knockout Championship


Um i have mixed feelings on this. I love ODB and Tara but i dont think the title should have changed just yet. But it was the second best match on the cards (not that it had stiff competition except for the main event)



Ric Flair Shows Up


Did is shock me... sorta. Was it needed? Sorta, was it wasted? Hell Yeah



Mick Foley's constant attempts to get in


The guy gets banned by Hogan who doesnt own any shares, yet Foley is supose to be a share holder in TNA.



Lashleys Release


I actually quite liked this segment. It was relevent and crossed Kayfabe with reality. Also Krystal is pretty decent on the Mic. If Lashley does leave, she should stay as a manager for sure.



Beautiful People Segment


Are we not tierd of half naked women on wrestling? if we wanted that we would log onto the net. But in all fairness it was good to see them being used on such a big show. Shame no Angelina.



Hall and Waltman Show Up


Now i dont care what anyone says, Waltman is one of the best guys in wrestling and the best little dog in the fight. Im glad they were on the show but what was up with them being banned? At the time i felt it made them inferior for TNA.



Hogans Limo Swapper


Who was that person? did anybody actually realise if it was ment to be Bischoff? or someone to come in recent weeks?



Hogan arrives and is joined by the old NWO member and Bischoff


I had goosebumps when the NWO music Hit, absolutly awesome on behalf of TNA to get the rights to the music. I am a sucker for the old times and i just wanted to see them get into the Black and White, beat someone up and lable him with the NWO logo. oh well. Hogan slipped bigtime with the "ive been backstage all day", but i forgave him after he saved the show from being the biggest 55min bore in wrestling.



Knockout Tag Titles


Another womens title change? dont get me wrong, i Love Kong and Taylor and Sarita but couldnt they have put this next week? Why not have Beer Money vs British Invasion? or Eric Young vs Hernandez?. As for the title change WHY?



Val Venis shows up


Absolutly pointless. I am a huge fan of him but come on... How many old WWE guys need to be rammed into a show for no reason?



The Nastys roll up


I was never a fan of them in the 90's and im not a fan now. Hogan obviously forcing them down our necks because there mates.



Stevie and Raven vs Morgan and Hernandez


I honestly went to the toilet during this match. I think all the men are great, special Morgan, but come on TNA. Cant they have been a little more creative?



The Pope and Sister Mary Clarance OOOOPS!!!! i mean OJ


I am a HUGE and i mean HUGE fan of them both. I hope TNA brings in Jordan as he is wasted on the Indys. So what is he brought sum 1 with him on WWE shows. The guys is tallented.



Pope vs Wolfe


I wont event comment. Im sooo peeved with TNA for this match. They want new stars but give guys like the Nasty Boys, Flair and the Knockout's Pointless tag match more time. I was ready for a great match and i was totaly let down. I didnt even feel it was a teaser to build anything up.



AJ and Bischoff


Great segment by TNA. Its a huge night for TNA and i would think its more important than a PPV. Totaly the right decision made by TNA, but why wait untill WWE Raw had started to announce it?



Jeff Jarretts Speech


Ok so we all know Hogan spoke a little truth about how Jarrett almost bankrupt TNA. But Jarrett gave a great promo and got the fans totaly hot. Hogan came off the heel which sorta shocked me. If TNA wants to keep him as a face, they should look over there scripts a little more and play it out in there heads.



Daniels cut and Foley enters


What a HUGE dissrespect for Daniels. Ive never been a fan of him, but i think he is an amazing wrestler. He got treated like a nobody. Then Foley gets in. Did we need to cut Daniels off for that? Nope, cut some of the actual crap on the show or run less comercials.



Abyss vs Joe


An ok match for TNA, i will call this a good point of the show, although normaly i wouldnt want to see it... It kept me going through a lackluster Impact.



Bischoff and Krystal


Again Krystal came across like a Pro. I really do think she was the star of this segment. It shocked me to say it as im a huge Bischoff fan.



The Attacks


MCMG's, Rhino, Beer Money all attacked, WHY? i failed to see any point to this. We dont really find out who the attacker is, unless u guess by the final scene... but was it them? Either way it seemed weird and put together all wrong. There was no guessing on suspect from the announcers. Just weird, specialy with the AJ Attacker. are they linked or do we have 2 attackers in TNA?



Hardy and Moore's Exit


Anyone feel that Shannon was living in the shaddow of Jeff too much? as for the screaming girls... good idea to have hardy as the teen idol and heart throb. But did we really need to see this? couldnt there have been a better angle? OH on a different note, does anyone know if thats Hardys actual car? my dreams a Yellow Lambo and i'l happy take a swanton for it lol



Nasty Boys invade 3D


Bubba Ray got punked, oh wait its Brother Ray, loved the slip up lol. Sets up a possible tag fued. If ur fans of them its great, if your username is Togg, its time to wish away the next few shows.



Angle vs Styles


The run in from the attacker aside... What a main event for Impact. if the rest of the show was 1/2 or even 1/4 of the quality of this, WWE would be seriously worried. I can rarly sit through a WWE championship match as weve seen it all before. Although we have seen Styles vs Angle countless times, i still find it as good as the first. Both men came across like iron men and true stars. Great ending for the match. BUT can someone tell me why Flair turned up and then left? What a waste of one of the best talkers in the business. not one single word or even a Woooooooooo.



The Foley Confrontation


Again it came across as vintage old school Attitude era. Loved it. Bischoff and Foley face off, The Outsiders and Waltman take out Foley, then Hogan walks in and says nothing. Does TNA have good cop/ bad cop with Bischoff and Hogan or will it be Hogan teasing a Heel turn? either way it got me hooked.






If the show was 30mins (the last 30) it would have been the best show in Impact history. Way to many throw away moments wasted on guys who didnt need it. The true stars are mostly over looked and waaaaaaaaaaay too many placed commercials. It seemd like they lost the plot with the show a few times. Just going to the Ad's because they had nothing else to do. With a 2 hour Live show, less pointless names and more thought for the match ending or run ins and the show would get alot higher praise.


WWE won this battle by a mile in my opinion, Ratings and Show Quality. Lets hope TNA steps up next time with a lesson learned:D

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Hall and Pac basically bring some name value. They will be gone within a few months I guarantee it. There is no way either one is motivated enough to do anything but screw up. Flair is a waste. He is the definition of a guy that can just not let it go. He should have a great thing gonig as a manager or GM in WWE but he refuses to let it go. Your 60! Your going to die in the ring...quit getting married and divorced...save some money and let you body have a rest.


Yeah but how many legends have stayed to long at the dance? Lou Thez, Buddy Rogers and Bobo Brazil all wrestled well into their late 50's-early 60's. So I really don't have all that much of a problem with Ric Flair being around still.


Scott Hall could be useful if used right. Midcarder-to-uppermidcarder that is used to put over new stars.


Val Venis is worthless. Midcarder at best, that will be released within a year.


Orlando Jordan was a worthless signing as well.


The Nasty Boyz should be used to feud with Team 3D then put over a young team on their way out.


Scott Hall just looked really bad. The fast life has really started to catch up to him. I think he has been gone far to long to have any name value.


Funny thing I forgot all about The Nasty Boys, Orlando Jordan and Val Venis even being on the show. That is how much of an impression they left on me.

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I enjoyed tonight's show. There were a lot of times where I was beginning to facepalm, mainly in the first hour, but the second and third hours were fine. The main event was fantastic and the women's tag match was terrific. They really should have put that tag match in the first hour though over ODB/Tara, which was way too short and awkward.


Cameos were a bit much, but I'll give my thoughts:


Nasty Boys - They won't last. The point in bringing them in is to just have them face off against the Dudleyz in a little novelty match. Now is it something TNA should make a priority? Absolutely not. It could be a fun match, but that spot could go to MCMG, or the Young Bucks, or Beer Money, or Morgan/Hernandez. Hopefully if it does happen, it's on iMPACT! and it doesn't take up space on a PPV.


Ric Flair - Great to have him on here. Everyone's complaining about the retirement angle, but really, is there anyone that retires the first time and stays retired in this business? It just doesn't happen. People need to get over it. Flair is great on the mic and could be excellent in a managerial role for someone. He doesn't have to wrestle, although I'm sure he'll have a few matches here or there.


Eric Bischoff - I've always loved Eric Bischoff's swarmy on-screen character and I'm thrilled TNA are using him in that light rather than just being Hulk Hogan's puppet.


Hall/Waltman - I've always loved Scott Hall, but eh. He's too old and out of shape at this point in his career to put on great matches. I still love his persona and hearing him on the mic. If he stays on that, kinda like Nash is more often than not, I won't mind. Waltman I don't really have much to comment on, he's always hit/miss for me.


Val Venis - Honestly don't expect this to be anything more than a cameo appearance. And I'll admit, I laughed when he showed up. Wasn't expecting it at all and it was great to see Val back in his ol' persona again since I always loved his character.


Orlando Jordan - I didn't really catch his & Pope's scuffle. Jordan seemed decent in the WWE, but enough to be a priority on TNA's radar? Don't think so.


Jeff Hardy - Well I'm personally not much of a Jeff Hardy fan, but he does fit TNA a lot more than WWE. I just really hope Hardy doesn't screw TNA over like he did last time and is actually motivated this time around.


Shannon Moore - I've always liked Shannon Moore. Him being associated with Hardy will likely get him a decent push right off the bat which is fine by me.

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looking at toggs breakdown of the show, wow is that all they came up with i was totaly expecting more out of impact and as expected aj/angle seemed to steal the show but other it was just things wcw did only this time filled with wwe stars.. and as togg said it jeff hardy went from a 3 time world champion in wwe to fueding with a midcard tna worker.
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looking at toggs breakdown of the show, wow is that all they came up with i was totaly expecting more out of impact and as expected aj/angle seemed to steal the show but other it was just things wcw did only this time filled with wwe stars.. and as togg said it jeff hardy went from a 3 time world champion in wwe to fueding with a midcard tna worker.


I don't know if he's going to be feuding with Homicide, as opposed to just making a 'impact' by beating up a Heel. Even so, I'd FAR prefer to see Jeff fighting X-Division guys, squashing all but the very top 2 or 3, than see Jeff getting mixed up in the Foley/Hulk/Sting/Jarrett cluster at the top. Jeff Hardy is an attraction, you give him 10 minutes on every episode to do his moves and his little dance, and in doing that you keep him strong for Title shots.


Unless he's going to be immediately feuding with AJ or Daniels or Joe or Angle, keep him with the Cruiserweights, biding his time.


Am I the only one who doesn't see Jeff Hardy as a "HUGE" star?


I think he was the number one "most googled" name of every wrestler, boxer or MMA guy in 2009. He's a big deal.

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I think it's funny that everyone is trashing Jeff on his desicions.. think about it.. Jeff is a high flying risk taking wrestler.. no one... NO ONE in WWE is that way. Jeff fits better with TNA. Who cares if he's a 3 time world champion...


And IMO Jeff isn't that big of a name.. he was the most googled search for a wrestler/mma guy probably because of his Police scandal as of late.


I loved that TNA show.. sure WWE maybe had Bret Hart but he was on very few times, the rest of the show was mediocre... the matches were better in my opinion, well besides the Kurt/AJ match.. that destroyed everything WWE did. But they brought entertainment like the people wanted.. what better way then having all these "bigger" names come in? People still love the nWo, people will still pay to see Hogan, Nash, Hall, Pac, Flair, Sting among many, many other previous people.. and with how well Hogan's tour was received it's only a matter of time before we see more people showing up... eg. Ken Anderson(Kennedy), RVD and many others.



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Ric Flair - Great to have him on here. Everyone's complaining about the retirement angle, but really, is there anyone that retires the first time and stays retired in this business?


It's hardly the first time Flair has "retired" and come back. He had a whole hour of Nitro dedicated to his return from retirement in 1998/99 leading into the formation of the Horsemen team with Benoit, Malenko and Steve McMichael.

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I think it's funny that everyone is trashing Jeff on his desicions.. think about it.. Jeff is a high flying risk taking wrestler.. no one... NO ONE in WWE is that way. Jeff fits better with TNA.


I've seen this argument numerous times and I really don't get it. All it means that he stands out far far less in TNA and is likely to get suckered into the midcard. He'll be destroying himself for no good reason.

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I've seen this argument numerous times and I really don't get it. All it means that he stands out far far less in TNA and is likely to get suckered into the midcard. He'll be destroying himself for no good reason.


True which sucks because the Hardy name itself is Main Event status. I just don't understand why people say he's gonna suck so much in TNA.. he was there before, he probably would've won the World Title if he hadn't gone back to WWE. I'm just happy he's back in TNA.. I didn't really watch the PG WWE that much when he was there.. couldn't fully utilize him IMO.


Sorry for the rant earlier, I'm tired.

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I think it's funny that everyone is trashing Jeff on his desicions.. think about it.. Jeff is a high flying risk taking wrestler.. no one... NO ONE in WWE is that way. Jeff fits better with TNA. Who cares if he's a 3 time world champion...


And IMO Jeff isn't that big of a name.. he was the most googled search for a wrestler/mma guy probably because of his Police scandal as of late.


I loved that TNA show.. sure WWE maybe had Bret Hart but he was on very few times, the rest of the show was mediocre... the matches were better in my opinion, well besides the Kurt/AJ match.. that destroyed everything WWE did. But they brought entertainment like the people wanted.. what better way then having all these "bigger" names come in? People still love the nWo, people will still pay to see Hogan, Nash, Hall, Pac, Flair, Sting among many, many other previous people.. and with how well Hogan's tour was received it's only a matter of time before we see more people showing up... eg. Ken Anderson(Kennedy), RVD and many others.




Jeff is a huge name, that's not being subjective, just throwing that out there as fact for you to consume.


I haven't seen the show, but sounds like it didn't live up to my expectations unfortunately. However, they are not "Geared" towards "Live" TV the way WWE has been (For years), so without seeing the show, my opinion is going to be that it was far less spectacular then they had planned for. Sounds like alot of mistakes were made by trying to throw surprise's in at the last second. A fast match that let everyone down might have been to give more time for the "Last Minute" calls they made.


Meaning, that although they just upped their roster considerably, they might have a great plan, and probably had a better show planned. Yet, excitement and lack of experience for "Live" broadcasting caused them to possibly make some bad calls, that on replay perhaps they will be able to avoid in the future. Overall, just trying to keep up with last minute decisions probably ruined alot of the show for them. I don't blame them, as quite a bit of the names that come up sounds like names that might not "always" show up when they need them, so they needed to get those names on the show to "Impress" people with ("Oh, so that's where he is now... TNA! I'm going to have to start watching them now!" Or at least that's the hope).


Just reading the various reviews, I was impressed with the Names that showed up on the show. I was thinking the whole time while reading this, that maybe people that don't watch, but just here about it like I did, might be more impressed, and more willing to watch their next episode. Hopefully, they take advantage of that.


I didn't watch WWE either. I was at work unfortunately. I am so glad I belong to a community that can give so many varied opinions on them both (read the other thread as well, much faster, lol). I had high hopes for Hogan to be honest. Perhaps too high.

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