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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Yeah, let's try to steer this back on topic...


I haven't seen the PPV, but I have been thoroughly unimpressed with Flair in TNA so far. He just seems like he's completely disinterested in everything that's going on, and if that holds true, I have major concerns about his apparent involvement with AJ.


While I'm at it: I know plenty have said it already, but Sean Morley beating Christopher Daniels is just an atrocious decision as far as I'm concerned.

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I haven't seen the PPV, but I have been thoroughly unimpressed with Flair in TNA so far. He just seems like he's completely disinterested in everything that's going on, and if that holds true, I have major concerns about his apparent involvement with AJ.



He was actually pretty good during the swerve.

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Glanced at the Impact spoilers. Saw there was no MCMG or Generation Me... or any relevant X-division stuff. Gave up on TNA. Maybe I'll give it another go in a few months time once the Hogan/Bischoff era has settled into it's stride.


EDIT: Apparently they're shooting 4 Impacts over 3 nights, so it's possible they'll tape some stuff I'll be interested in on the other nights. Also heard of a Generation Me & Amazing Red vs MCMG & Brian Kendrick match... which sounds like fun.

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I am going to watch impact but it may be the last one for a while. I was enjoying tna prior to hogan joining. I was looking forward to hogan not wrestling. I like watching MCMG, beer money, team 3d, I like matt morgan, hernandez, samoa joe, kurt angle. I can be entertained by a mick foley or kevin nash interview. I want more raven! I will probally watch the "Orlando Screwjob" 5 times on dvr in suspended belief, as nobody in TNA can be that stupid.
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Found this on YouTube if ya'll haven't seen it. I think it's at least a little interesting. Wrestling with a studio audience...




My apologies if this is old news...




Ok, I understand the no swearing, no gang signs etc. I said in a previous post that it's essential that they have control of their product and don't have 'smart' fans spoiling the flow of things intentionally. I still stand by that.


...BUT...after watching that video, it seems like they were trying to say that the fans had a specific role, that being to "help tell a story". This I don't agree with.


It's the performers job to get people to like/loath them. If people genuinly aren't doing it, then it's the performers who are to blame for not being good enough at what they do.


I can absolutly understand them not wanting fans to chant "You're on drugs" to Jeff Hardy, or make light of Scott Hall's problems etc. If it isn't part of the story, then it's irrelevent. However, from what that guy said (at least how it came across to me) was that they don't want the crowd chanting "boring" or "we want wrestling" etc during taping.


If that is the case, then whats the point? Isn't the yardstick for how good something is how well it goes over with the crowd? How are TNA supposed to know what is going down well if they are coercing the crowd into desired responses? I can only assume that they don't care.


TNA Staffer 1: Hmm, people keep chanting boring in this guy's matches. The crowd really doesn't like him and he sucks the atmosphere out of the building. We should probably think about taking him off TV for a while or dropping him altogether.


TNA Staffer 2: Nah, we'll just tell the fans not to chant boring during his matches and to cheer him instead. They have to help us tell the story and he *is* supposed to be the good guy after all. If they don't like it they can leave, it's not like they're paying.


It's certainly a novel way of getting a desired response out of a crowd.

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I am going to watch impact but it may be the last one for a while. I was enjoying tna prior to hogan joining. I was looking forward to hogan not wrestling. I like watching MCMG, beer money, team 3d, I like matt morgan, hernandez, samoa joe, kurt angle. I can be entertained by a mick foley or kevin nash interview. I want more raven! I will probally watch the "Orlando Screwjob" 5 times on dvr in suspended belief, as nobody in TNA can be that stupid.


On a side note it is funny that they are calling it that as TNA has already previously used that monniker for a Jarrett win in their early Orlando stages.

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This is the same thing that they used to do in WCW when it filmed at Disney. They told you who and when to cheer.


Thats the kind of thing that would make me just up and leave. Especially if I hadn't had to pay.


Maybe it's being blown out of proportion though. From the looks of things nobody actually left. The biggest complaints on that video seemed to be some whiny whispers from a couple of teenagers. "Why would you bring your kids!" "This is getting like the WWE!"


I guess you get what you pay for...at the same time I think it entirely removes the point of going to watch a live wrestling show. Maybe they'll get their way and the hardcore fans will stop attending, allowing them to fill the place with kids who'll cheer when they hold up a sign telling them to do so :-p

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WSX had completely fake crowds.


As for having a crowd full of kids - Kiwi Pro Wresling's current show has that - they invite Wellington schools to come along. No adults besides teachers and the occasional parent. Honestly everything sucks about the show except that the actual wrestling is okay. The crowd is definitely the second worst thing about it, the first being their pathetic commentary team.


I have no interest in watching any wrestling show that just has an audience of 5-10 year olds. It's really off-putting.

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Anyone know if Genesis is being screened in the UK? The TNA ppvs always got shown on Bravo 2 the wednesday night afterwards but I can't see anything in the listings for the rest of this week !?!?


I'm not from the UK so I may be wrong on this, but I read something about them being taken off Bravo and put on another station that has far less subscribers. I don't recall the name off the top of my head.

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As always I'm behind on my viewing, so I've just seen the 1/14 show.


Generation Me are really talented, but I agree that they look super plain. Not just their build and skin tone, but their faces just don't look like they belong on TV... it's hard to explain. Definitely want to see more matches from them, and the Guns are always awesome.


Daniels is really good on the mic. Very natural. Funny to see how much smaller than Morley he is though. Morley outright sucked in that promo - just had NO substance whatsoever. Without being able to mention specifically the type of movies he makes, not having any direction of actually recruiting any Knockouts to star in them... Just nothing at all. And the stupid sleazey laugh after every half sentence, combined with shots of women in the crowd looking indifferent or *slightly* put off.


Only one minor problem with Daniels delivery, is in his "movie pitch" he refers to Morley as a "fast-talking sleazebag"... Except Daniels talks *way* faster than Morley.


AJ vs Tomko wasn't exactly a good match, and then half of it they spent cutting away to other crap going on. They barely spent any time putting over the match in progess on commentary. Doesn't make much sense for how excited Bischoff was about "having a Main Event".


I really don't like how they have those feud summary packages that just exist outside of any live interviews. We should have had Tomko talking to Borash or Bubba the Lame-o Lovesponge and giving his reasons why he did it. All the Tara vs ODB comments should have had some live actions instead of these random soundbytes played over replay footage.



Tomorrow, on to watching Genesis!

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Yeah, it's a bit like BBC's iPlayer, but it's a pay service and is available online/through your telly. I wish they'd just kept it all on Virgin1 :(


Yeah, it's all sorts of stupid to have it solely on BT Vision. It's almost like paying someone NOT to show it :p


Hopefully further arrangements are still being considered.

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From the Observer website:


Keep in mind the history of Eric Bischoff and WCW when these stories break....


However, Awesome Kong allegedly attacked Bubba the Love Sponge over his remarks about Haiti last night in Orlando. Kong had done a fund raising effort over the weekend for earthquake victims.

Kong was then sent home by the promotion.


This morning on Bubba's show, Hulk Hogan was guest and Hogan brought up how Kong "beat the hell" out of Bubba last night. Bubba said he didn't want to talk about it, but then did talk about it, describing it as a "sucker punch."


I really hope this is true. That guy is in serious need of a good pounding. (and I'm not saying that because of his Haiti comments; we don't need to get back into that again. The guy is just annoying in general.)

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However, Awesome Kong allegedly attacked Bubba the Love Sponge over his remarks about Haiti last night in Orlando. Kong had done a fund raising effort over the weekend for earthquake victims.

Kong was then sent home by the promotion.


This morning on Bubba's show, Hulk Hogan was guest and Hogan brought up how Kong "beat the hell" out of Bubba last night. Bubba said he didn't want to talk about it, but then did talk about it, describing it as a "sucker punch."


There is somthing about knowing that Bubba got his clock cleaned by a 270lb woman which reassures me that there are some things that are still right with the world :)

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From the Observer website:




I really hope this is true. That guy is in serious need of a good pounding. (and I'm not saying that because of his Haiti comments; we don't need to get back into that again. The guy is just annoying in general.)


Ewwwwww....this has Russo-rific "work shoot" written all over it..


he takes a true life event and turns it into a storyline that onyl a small part of the viewing audience will understand.


The part that understands knows its fake so they dont care; that part that don't understand end up confused so it all falls flat.


Just like what he tried to do recently with JJ's return and apologizing to Kurt



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Something funny I just noticed...TNA are still advertising Bobby Lashley for the UK tour, including a Jan 30th event in Laaaandan, when Bobby will be busy grinding out some scrub at Strikeforce: Miami.


'Card Subject To Change' is all well and good, but knowingly advertising a fighter who won't be appearing is a bit of a stretch. If anyone wants a refund after the show, there's your reason! :D


From TNA's official website: http://www.tnawrestling.com/live-events/item/1478-1/30-london-uk



See TNA Wrestling live at the Wembley Arena in London, England, on Saturday, January 23 [TYPO], start time 7:30pm. Appearing live will be Bobby Lashley, Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle and members of the Main Event Mafia, “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, Team 3D, Suicide, The British Invasion, Awesome Kong, Beer Money, Inc., and more to be announced! Tickets are on sale now at http://www.gigsandtours.com

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